Java Code Examples for java.util.function.Supplier#get()
The following examples show how to use
java.util.function.Supplier#get() .
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Example 1
Source File: From buck with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private ProjectBuildFileParser newPythonParser(
Cell cell,
TypeCoercerFactory typeCoercerFactory,
Console console,
BuckEventBus eventBus,
ProjectBuildFileParserOptions buildFileParserOptions,
boolean threadSafe,
Optional<UserDefinedRuleLoader> udrLoader) {
Supplier<ProjectBuildFileParser> parserSupplier =
() ->
new PythonDslProjectBuildFileParser(
new DefaultProcessExecutor(console),
if (!threadSafe) {
return parserSupplier.get();
return new ConcurrentProjectBuildFileParser(parserSupplier);
Example 2
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static <K, V> ConcurrentMap<K, V> create(@Nonnull Function<? super K, ? extends V> computeValue, @Nonnull Supplier<? extends ConcurrentMap<K, V>> mapCreator) {
return new ConcurrentFactoryMap<K, V>() {
protected V create(K key) {
protected ConcurrentMap<K, V> createMap() {
return mapCreator.get();
Example 3
Source File: From centraldogma with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
DiffProcessor(ReplaceMode replaceMode, final Supplier<Map<JsonPointer, JsonNode>> unchangedValuesSupplier) { this.replaceMode = replaceMode; this.unchangedValuesSupplier = new Supplier<Map<JsonPointer, JsonNode>>() { @Nullable private Map<JsonPointer, JsonNode> unchangedValues; @Override public Map<JsonPointer, JsonNode> get() { if (unchangedValues == null) { unchangedValues = unchangedValuesSupplier.get(); } return unchangedValues; } }; }
Example 4
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private static <T, S extends Spliterator<T>> void testSplitSixDeep( Collection<T> exp, Supplier<S> supplier, UnaryOperator<Consumer<T>> boxingAdapter) { S spliterator = supplier.get(); boolean isOrdered = spliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.ORDERED); for (int depth=0; depth < 6; depth++) { List<T> dest = new ArrayList<>(); spliterator = supplier.get(); assertRootSpliterator(spliterator); // verify splitting with forEach visit(depth, 0, dest, spliterator, boxingAdapter, spliterator.characteristics(), false); assertContents(dest, exp, isOrdered); // verify splitting with tryAdvance dest.clear(); spliterator = supplier.get(); visit(depth, 0, dest, spliterator, boxingAdapter, spliterator.characteristics(), true); assertContents(dest, exp, isOrdered); } }
Example 5
Source File: From semantic-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static SemanticMetricBuilder<Timer> timerWithReservoir(
final Supplier<Reservoir> reservoirSupplier) {
return new SemanticMetricBuilder<Timer>() {
public Timer newMetric() {
return new Timer(reservoirSupplier.get());
public boolean isInstance(final Metric metric) {
return Timer.class.isInstance(metric);
Example 6
Source File: From reactor-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void fill(Supplier<E> eventFactory)
for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
entries[BUFFER_PAD + i] = eventFactory.get();
Example 7
Source File: From qpid-broker-j with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private boolean isReferred(final ConfiguredObject<?> referee, final Class<?> attributeValueType, final Type attributeGenericType, final Supplier<?> attributeValue) { final Class<? extends ConfiguredObject> referrerCategory = referee.getCategoryClass(); if (referrerCategory.isAssignableFrom(attributeValueType)) { return attributeValue.get() == referee; } else if (hasParameterOfType(attributeGenericType, referrerCategory)) { Object value = attributeValue.get(); if (value instanceof Collection) { return ((Collection<?>) value).stream().anyMatch(m -> m == referee); } else if (value instanceof Object[]) { return[]) value).anyMatch(m -> m == referee); } else if (value instanceof Map) { return ((Map<?, ?>) value).entrySet() .stream() .anyMatch(e -> e.getKey() == referee || e.getValue() == referee); } } return false; }
Example 8
Source File: From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void startSeveralTimes() throws Exception { // This test simulates the situation where the root actor of a Ditto service restarts several times. // GIVEN: Many blocked-namespaces objects were obtained in the same actor system. final Supplier<BlockedNamespaces> blockedNamespacesSupplier = () -> BlockedNamespaces.of(actorSystem); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { blockedNamespacesSupplier.get(); } // WHEN: Another blocked-namespaces object is obtained. // THEN: It fulfills its function. testCRUD(blockedNamespacesSupplier.get(), actorSystem); }
Example 9
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void aliasesAreRespected(Class<?> testClass, Supplier<TestBean> testBeanSupplier, String beanName) {
TestBean testBean = testBeanSupplier.get();
BeanFactory factory = initBeanFactory(testClass);
assertSame(testBean, factory.getBean(beanName)); -> assertSame(testBean, alias));
// method name should not be registered
assertThatExceptionOfType(NoSuchBeanDefinitionException.class).isThrownBy(() ->
Example 10
Source File: From swage with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the data stored for the given key, or if not present the value from the supplier. * @param key the key to retrive data for * @param supplier a supplier for the default value * @param <T> the data type * @return the data stored for the key, or the default value from the supplier */ default <T> T getOrElseGet(Key<T> key, Supplier<T> supplier) { T value = get(key); if (value == null) { return supplier.get(); } else { return value; } }
Example 11
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * helper to get a random value in a certain range that's different from the input */ public static <T> T randomValueOtherThanMany(Predicate<T> input, Supplier<T> randomSupplier) { T randomValue = null; do { randomValue = randomSupplier.get(); } while (input.test(randomValue)); return randomValue; }
Example 12
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
private <T> void assertSupplierGetExecutionResultAndDuration(Supplier<T> supplier,
T expectedValue,
double expectedDurationInMs) {
Instant start =;
T value = supplier.get();
Long durationInMs = Duration.between(start,;
double marginOfErrorInMs = 100D;
assertThat(value, is(equalTo(expectedValue)));
assertThat(durationInMs.doubleValue(), is(closeTo(expectedDurationInMs, marginOfErrorInMs)));
Example 13
Source File: From presto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void decode(SearchHit hit, Supplier<Object> getter, BlockBuilder output)
Object value = getter.get();
if (value == null) {
else if (value instanceof String) {
VARBINARY.writeSlice(output, Slices.wrappedBuffer(Base64.getDecoder().decode(value.toString())));
else {
throw new PrestoException(TYPE_MISMATCH, format("Expected a string value for field '%s' of type VARBINARY: %s [%s]", path, value, value.getClass().getSimpleName()));
Example 14
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(dataProvider = "Source")
public <T> void lateBindingTestWithTryAdvance(String description, Supplier<Source<T>> ss) {
Source<T> source = ss.get();
Collection<T> c = source.asCollection();
Spliterator<T> s = c.spliterator();
Set<T> r = new HashSet<>();
while (s.tryAdvance(r::add)) { }
assertEquals(r, new HashSet<>(c));
Example 15
Source File: From resilience4j with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void shouldRethrowException2() {
Supplier<String> supplier = () -> {
throw new RuntimeException("BAM!");
Supplier<String> supplierWithRecovery = SupplierUtils.recover(supplier, IllegalArgumentException.class, (ex) -> "Bla");
Example 16
Source File: From INFDEV02-4 with MIT License | 4 votes |
public <U> U visit(Supplier<U> onNone, Function<T, U> onSome) {
return onNone.get();
Example 17
Source File: From ProjectAres with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public void testWidenReturnType() throws Exception {
class C { String woot() { return null; } }
final Supplier<Object> lambda = Methods.lambda(new TypeToken<Supplier<Object>>(){}, C.class.getDeclaredMethod("woot"), new C());
Example 18
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private void checkSorting(
Supplier<List<Pair<String, String>>> expectedFun,
CheckedBiFunction<PublicApiClient.Paging, Map<String, String>, ListResponse<ActionDefinition>, PublicApiException> actionsFun,
String sortField)
throws PublicApiException
// Retrieve all the actions directly using the ActionService and sorted appropriately.
List<Pair<String, String>> expectedActions = expectedFun.get();
// Retrieve all action defs using the REST API - then check that they match
// the list retrieved directly from the ActionService.
PublicApiClient.Paging paging = getPaging(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Retrieve all the results, sorted, on one page
Map<String, String> orderBy = Collections.singletonMap("orderBy", sortField);
ListResponse<ActionDefinition> actionDefs = actionsFun.apply(paging, orderBy);
List<Pair<String, String>> retrievedActions = actionDefs.getList().stream().
map(act -> new Pair<>(act.getName(), act.getTitle())).
// Check the whole lists match
assertEquals(expectedActions, retrievedActions);
// Again, by sortField, but with explicit ascending sort order
orderBy = Collections.singletonMap("orderBy", sortField + " asc");
actionDefs = actionsFun.apply(paging, orderBy);
retrievedActions = actionDefs.getList().stream().
map(act -> new Pair<>(act.getName(), act.getTitle())).
// Check the whole lists match
assertEquals(expectedActions, retrievedActions);
// Descending sort order
orderBy = Collections.singletonMap("orderBy", sortField + " desc");
actionDefs = actionsFun.apply(paging, orderBy);
retrievedActions = actionDefs.getList().stream().
map(act -> new Pair<>(act.getName(), act.getTitle())).
// Check the whole lists match
assertEquals(expectedActions, retrievedActions);
// Combine paging with sorting by sortField, descending.
final int pageSize = 2;
paging = getPaging(pageSize, pageSize);
actionDefs = actionsFun.apply(paging, orderBy);
retrievedActions = actionDefs.getList().stream().
map(act -> new Pair<>(act.getName(), act.getTitle())).
assertEquals(expectedActions.subList(pageSize, pageSize*2), retrievedActions);
Example 19
Source File: From ocraft-s2client with MIT License | 4 votes |
public static <T> T without(Supplier<T> supplier, Consumer<T>... clear) {
T builder = supplier.get();
stream(clear).forEach(c -> c.accept(builder));
return builder;
Example 20
Source File: From future with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
* Applies the provided supplier and flattens the result. This method is useful
* to apply a supplier safely without having to catch possible synchronous exceptions
* that the supplier may throw.
* @param s a supplier that may throw an exception
* @return the future produced by the supplier or a failed future if the supplier
* throws a synchronous exception (not a failed Future)
public static <T> Future<T> flatApply(final Supplier<Future<T>> s) {
try {
return s.get();
} catch (final Throwable ex) {
return new ExceptionFuture<>(ex);