Java Code Examples for javafx.scene.text.Text#prefHeight()
The following examples show how to use
javafx.scene.text.Text#prefHeight() .
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Example 1
Source File: From chart-fx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Computes the preferred height of this axis for the given width. If axis orientation is horizontal, it takes into
* account the tick mark length, tick label gap and label height.
* @return the computed preferred width for this axis
protected double computePrefHeight(final double width) {
final Side side = getSide();
if ((side == null) || (side == Side.CENTER_HOR) || side.isVertical()) {
// default axis size for uninitalised axis
return 150;
if (getTickMarks().isEmpty()) {
final AxisRange range = autoRange(width);
computeTickMarks(range, true);
// we need to first auto range as this may/will effect tick marks
// final AxisRange range = autoRange(width);
// calculate max tick label height
// calculate the new tick mark label height
final double maxLabelHeightLocal = isTickLabelsVisible() ? maxLabelHeight : 0.0;
// if (isTickLabelsVisible()) {
// // final List<TickMark> tempMajorTickMarks = computeTickMarks(range,
// // true);
// final List<TickMark> tempMajorTickMarks = this.getTickMarks();
// maxLabelHeight = getMaxTickLabelHeight(tempMajorTickMarks) +
// getTickLabelGap();
// }
// calculate tick mark length
final double tickMarkLength = isTickMarkVisible() && (getTickLength() > 0) ? getTickLength() : 0;
// calculate label height
final Text axisLabel = getAxisLabel();
final String axisLabelText = axisLabel.getText();
final double labelHeight = (axisLabelText == null) || axisLabelText.isEmpty() ? 0 : axisLabel.prefHeight(-1) + (2 * getAxisLabelGap());
final double shiftedLabels = ((getOverlapPolicy() == AxisLabelOverlapPolicy.SHIFT_ALT) && isLabelOverlapping())
|| (getOverlapPolicy() == AxisLabelOverlapPolicy.FORCED_SHIFT_ALT)
? labelHeight
: 0.0;
return tickMarkLength + maxLabelHeightLocal + labelHeight + shiftedLabels;
Example 2
Source File: From chart-fx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Computes the preferred width of this axis for the given height. If axis orientation is vertical, it takes into
* account the tick mark length, tick label gap and label height.
* @return the computed preferred width for this axis
protected double computePrefWidth(final double height) {
final Side side = getSide();
if ((side == null) || (side == Side.CENTER_VER) || side.isHorizontal()) {
// default axis size for uninitalised axis
return 150;
if (getTickMarks().isEmpty()) {
final AxisRange range = autoRange(height);
computeTickMarks(range, true);
// we need to first auto range as this may/will effect tick marks
// final AxisRange range = autoRange(height);
// calculate max tick label width
final double maxLabelWidthLocal = isTickLabelsVisible() ? maxLabelWidth : 0.0;
// calculate the new tick mark label width
// if (isTickLabelsVisible()) {
// // final List<TickMark> tempMajorTickMarks = computeTickMarks(range,
// // true);
// final List<TickMark> tempMajorTickMarks = this.getTickMarks();
// maxLabelWidth = getMaxTickLabelWidth(tempMajorTickMarks) +
// getTickLabelGap();
// }
// calculate tick mark length
final double tickMarkLength = isTickMarkVisible() && (getTickLength() > 0) ? getTickLength() : 0;
// calculate label height
final Text axisLabel = getAxisLabel();
final String axisLabelText = axisLabel.getText();
final double labelHeight = (axisLabelText == null) || axisLabelText.isEmpty() ? 0 : axisLabel.prefHeight(-1) + (2 * getAxisLabelGap());
final double shiftedLabels = ((getOverlapPolicy() == AxisLabelOverlapPolicy.SHIFT_ALT) && isLabelOverlapping())
|| (getOverlapPolicy() == AxisLabelOverlapPolicy.FORCED_SHIFT_ALT)
? labelHeight
: 0.0;
return maxLabelWidthLocal + tickMarkLength + labelHeight + shiftedLabels;
Example 3
Source File: From NLIDB with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
stage = primaryStage;
stage.setTitle("Window for NLIDB");
Label label1 = new Label("Welcome to Natural Language Interface to DataBase!");
Label lblInput = new Label("Natural Language Input:");
TextArea fieldIn = new TextArea();
btnTranslate = new Button("translate");
// Define action of the translate button.
btnTranslate.setOnAction(e -> {
display = new Text();
display.setText("Default display text");
// choices and button for nodes mapping
choiceBox = new ComboBox<NodeInfo>();
btnConfirmChoice = new Button("confirm choice");
btnConfirmChoice.setOnAction(e -> {
// choices and button for tree selection
treeChoice = new ComboBox<Integer>(); // ! only show 3 choices now
treeChoice.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener((ov, oldV, newV) -> {
ctrl.showTree(treeChoice.getItems().get((Integer) newV));
btnTreeConfirm = new Button("confirm tree choice");
btnTreeConfirm.setOnAction(e -> {
vb1 = new VBox();
vb2 = new VBox();
hb = new HBox();
hb.setPadding(new Insets(15, 12, 15, 12));
hb.getChildren().addAll(vb1, vb2);
scene = new Scene(hb, 800, 450);
ctrl = new Controller(this);;