Java Code Examples for javax.jws.WebParam#header()
The following examples show how to use
javax.jws.WebParam#header() .
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Example 1
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected int getModeParameterCount(ExecutableElement method, WebParam.Mode mode) {
WebParam webParam;
int cnt = 0;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
webParam = param.getAnnotation(WebParam.class);
if (webParam != null) {
if (webParam.header())
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, webParam.mode()))
} else {
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
return cnt;
Example 2
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected int getModeParameterCount(ExecutableElement method, WebParam.Mode mode) {
WebParam webParam;
int cnt = 0;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
webParam = param.getAnnotation(WebParam.class);
if (webParam != null) {
if (webParam.header())
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, webParam.mode()))
} else {
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
return cnt;
Example 3
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected int getModeParameterCount(ExecutableElement method, WebParam.Mode mode) {
WebParam webParam;
int cnt = 0;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
webParam = param.getAnnotation(WebParam.class);
if (webParam != null) {
if (webParam.header())
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, webParam.mode()))
} else {
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
return cnt;
Example 4
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected int getModeParameterCount(ExecutableElement method, WebParam.Mode mode) {
WebParam webParam;
int cnt = 0;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
webParam = param.getAnnotation(WebParam.class);
if (webParam != null) {
if (webParam.header())
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, webParam.mode()))
} else {
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
return cnt;
Example 5
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected int getModeParameterCount(ExecutableElement method, WebParam.Mode mode) {
WebParam webParam;
int cnt = 0;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
webParam = param.getAnnotation(WebParam.class);
if (webParam != null) {
if (webParam.header())
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, webParam.mode()))
} else {
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
return cnt;
Example 6
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected int getModeParameterCount(ExecutableElement method, WebParam.Mode mode) {
WebParam webParam;
int cnt = 0;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
webParam = param.getAnnotation(WebParam.class);
if (webParam != null) {
if (webParam.header())
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, webParam.mode()))
} else {
if (isEquivalentModes(mode, WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
return cnt;
Example 7
Source File: From cxf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private QName getPartName(OperationInfo op, Method method,
int paramNumber, MessageInfo mi, String prefix, boolean isIn) {
int partIndex = getPartIndex(method, paramNumber, isIn);
method = getDeclaredMethod(method);
WebParam param = getWebParam(method, paramNumber);
String tns = mi.getName().getNamespaceURI();
String local = null;
if (param != null) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isRPC(method))
|| isDocumentBare(method)
|| param.header()) {
local = param.partName();
if (local == null || local.length() == 0) {
local =;
if (local == null || local.length() == 0) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isRPC(method)) || !Boolean.FALSE.equals(isWrapped(method))) {
local = getDefaultLocalName(op, method, paramNumber, partIndex, prefix);
} else {
local = getOperationName(op.getInterface(), method).getLocalPart();
return new QName(tns, local);
Example 8
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Computes request bean members for a method. Collects all IN and INOUT
* parameters as request bean fields. In this process, if a parameter
* has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well.
* Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done.
* @param method SEI method for which request bean members are computed
* @return List of request bean members
public List<A> collectRequestBeanMembers(M method) {
List<A> requestMembers = new ArrayList<A>();
int paramIndex = -1;
for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) {
WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null);
if (webParam != null && (webParam.header() || webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.OUT))) {
T holderType = getHolderValueType(param);
// if (holderType != null && webParam != null && webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
// // Should we flag an error - holder cannot be IN part ??
// continue;
// }
T paramType = (holderType != null) ? holderType : getSafeType(param);
String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0)
? : "arg"+paramIndex;
String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0)
? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID;
// Collect JAXB annotations on a parameter
List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex);
// If a parameter contains @XmlElement, process it.
processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType);
A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType,
getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation);
return requestMembers;
Example 9
Source File: From cxf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Boolean isHeader(Method method, int j) { method = getDeclaredMethod(method); if (j >= 0) { WebParam webParam = getWebParam(method, j); return webParam != null && webParam.header(); } WebResult webResult = getWebResult(method); return webResult != null && webResult.header(); }
Example 10
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Computes request bean members for a method. Collects all IN and INOUT
* parameters as request bean fields. In this process, if a parameter
* has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well.
* Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done.
* @param method SEI method for which request bean members are computed
* @return List of request bean members
public List<A> collectRequestBeanMembers(M method) {
List<A> requestMembers = new ArrayList<A>();
int paramIndex = -1;
for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) {
WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null);
if (webParam != null && (webParam.header() || webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.OUT))) {
T holderType = getHolderValueType(param);
// if (holderType != null && webParam != null && webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
// // Should we flag an error - holder cannot be IN part ??
// continue;
// }
T paramType = (holderType != null) ? holderType : getSafeType(param);
String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0)
? : "arg"+paramIndex;
String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0)
? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID;
// Collect JAXB annotations on a parameter
List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex);
// If a parameter contains @XmlElement, process it.
processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType);
A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType,
getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation);
return requestMembers;
Example 11
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Computes request bean members for a method. Collects all IN and INOUT
* parameters as request bean fields. In this process, if a parameter
* has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well.
* Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done.
* @param method SEI method for which request bean members are computed
* @return List of request bean members
public List<A> collectRequestBeanMembers(M method) {
List<A> requestMembers = new ArrayList<A>();
int paramIndex = -1;
for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) {
WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null);
if (webParam != null && (webParam.header() || webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.OUT))) {
T holderType = getHolderValueType(param);
// if (holderType != null && webParam != null && webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
// // Should we flag an error - holder cannot be IN part ??
// continue;
// }
T paramType = (holderType != null) ? holderType : getSafeType(param);
String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0)
? : "arg"+paramIndex;
String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0)
? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID;
// Collect JAXB annotations on a parameter
List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex);
// If a parameter contains @XmlElement, process it.
processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType);
A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType,
getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation);
return requestMembers;
Example 12
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Computes request bean members for a method. Collects all IN and INOUT
* parameters as request bean fields. In this process, if a parameter
* has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well.
* Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done.
* @param method SEI method for which request bean members are computed
* @return List of request bean members
public List<A> collectRequestBeanMembers(M method) {
List<A> requestMembers = new ArrayList<A>();
int paramIndex = -1;
for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) {
WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null);
if (webParam != null && (webParam.header() || webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.OUT))) {
T holderType = getHolderValueType(param);
// if (holderType != null && webParam != null && webParam.mode().equals(WebParam.Mode.IN)) {
// // Should we flag an error - holder cannot be IN part ??
// continue;
// }
T paramType = (holderType != null) ? holderType : getSafeType(param);
String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0)
? : "arg"+paramIndex;
String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0)
? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID;
// Collect JAXB annotations on a parameter
List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex);
// If a parameter contains @XmlElement, process it.
processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType);
A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType,
getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation);
return requestMembers;
Example 13
Source File: From cxf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public String getResponseWrapperPartName(OperationInfo op, Method method) { method = getDeclaredMethod(method); WebResult webResult = getWebResult(method); ResponseWrapper rw = method.getAnnotation(ResponseWrapper.class); if (rw != null) { String pn = getWithReflection(ResponseWrapper.class, rw, "partName"); if (pn != null) { return pn; } } int countOut = 0; int countHeaders = 0; if (webResult != null && webResult.header()) { countHeaders++; } else if (method.getReturnType() != Void.TYPE) { countOut++; } for (int x = 0; x < method.getParameterTypes().length; x++) { WebParam parm = getWebParam(method, x); if (parm != null) { if (parm.header()) { countHeaders++; } if (parm.mode() != WebParam.Mode.IN) { countOut++; } } } if (countHeaders > 0 && countOut == 0) { //all outs are headers, thus it's an empty body part //thus return the default for an empty part of "result" return "result"; } return null; }
Example 14
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Computes response bean members for a method. Collects all OUT and INOUT * parameters as response bean fields. In this process, if a parameter * has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well. * Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done. * * @param method SEI method for which response bean members are computed * @return List of response bean members */ public List<A> collectResponseBeanMembers(M method) { List<A> responseMembers = new ArrayList<A>(); // return that need to be part response wrapper bean String responseElementName = RETURN; String responseNamespace = EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; boolean isResultHeader = false; WebResult webResult = annReader.getMethodAnnotation(WebResult.class, method ,null); if (webResult != null) { if ( > 0) { responseElementName =; } if (webResult.targetNamespace().length() > 0) { responseNamespace = webResult.targetNamespace(); } isResultHeader = webResult.header(); } T returnType = getSafeType(nav.getReturnType(method)); if (!isVoidType(returnType) && !isResultHeader) { List<Annotation> jaxbRespAnnotations = collectJAXBAnnotations(method); processXmlElement(jaxbRespAnnotations, responseElementName, responseNamespace, returnType); responseMembers.add(factory.createWrapperBeanMember(returnType, getPropertyName(responseElementName), jaxbRespAnnotations)); } // Now parameters that need to be part response wrapper bean int paramIndex = -1; for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) { paramIndex++; T paramType = getHolderValueType(param); WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null); if (paramType == null || (webParam != null && webParam.header())) { continue; // not a holder or a header - so don't add it } String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0) ? : "arg"+paramIndex; String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0) ? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex); processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType); A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType, getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation); responseMembers.add(member); } return responseMembers; }
Example 15
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Computes response bean members for a method. Collects all OUT and INOUT * parameters as response bean fields. In this process, if a parameter * has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well. * Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done. * * @param method SEI method for which response bean members are computed * @return List of response bean members */ public List<A> collectResponseBeanMembers(M method) { List<A> responseMembers = new ArrayList<A>(); // return that need to be part response wrapper bean String responseElementName = RETURN; String responseNamespace = EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; boolean isResultHeader = false; WebResult webResult = annReader.getMethodAnnotation(WebResult.class, method ,null); if (webResult != null) { if ( > 0) { responseElementName =; } if (webResult.targetNamespace().length() > 0) { responseNamespace = webResult.targetNamespace(); } isResultHeader = webResult.header(); } T returnType = getSafeType(nav.getReturnType(method)); if (!isVoidType(returnType) && !isResultHeader) { List<Annotation> jaxbRespAnnotations = collectJAXBAnnotations(method); processXmlElement(jaxbRespAnnotations, responseElementName, responseNamespace, returnType); responseMembers.add(factory.createWrapperBeanMember(returnType, getPropertyName(responseElementName), jaxbRespAnnotations)); } // Now parameters that need to be part response wrapper bean int paramIndex = -1; for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) { paramIndex++; T paramType = getHolderValueType(param); WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null); if (paramType == null || (webParam != null && webParam.header())) { continue; // not a holder or a header - so don't add it } String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0) ? : "arg"+paramIndex; String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0) ? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex); processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType); A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType, getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation); responseMembers.add(member); } return responseMembers; }
Example 16
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Computes response bean members for a method. Collects all OUT and INOUT * parameters as response bean fields. In this process, if a parameter * has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well. * Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done. * * @param method SEI method for which response bean members are computed * @return List of response bean members */ public List<A> collectResponseBeanMembers(M method) { List<A> responseMembers = new ArrayList<A>(); // return that need to be part response wrapper bean String responseElementName = RETURN; String responseNamespace = EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; boolean isResultHeader = false; WebResult webResult = annReader.getMethodAnnotation(WebResult.class, method ,null); if (webResult != null) { if ( > 0) { responseElementName =; } if (webResult.targetNamespace().length() > 0) { responseNamespace = webResult.targetNamespace(); } isResultHeader = webResult.header(); } T returnType = getSafeType(nav.getReturnType(method)); if (!isVoidType(returnType) && !isResultHeader) { List<Annotation> jaxbRespAnnotations = collectJAXBAnnotations(method); processXmlElement(jaxbRespAnnotations, responseElementName, responseNamespace, returnType); responseMembers.add(factory.createWrapperBeanMember(returnType, getPropertyName(responseElementName), jaxbRespAnnotations)); } // Now parameters that need to be part response wrapper bean int paramIndex = -1; for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) { paramIndex++; T paramType = getHolderValueType(param); WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null); if (paramType == null || (webParam != null && webParam.header())) { continue; // not a holder or a header - so don't add it } String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0) ? : "arg"+paramIndex; String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0) ? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex); processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType); A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType, getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation); responseMembers.add(member); } return responseMembers; }
Example 17
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Computes response bean members for a method. Collects all OUT and INOUT * parameters as response bean fields. In this process, if a parameter * has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well. * Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done. * * @param method SEI method for which response bean members are computed * @return List of response bean members */ public List<A> collectResponseBeanMembers(M method) { List<A> responseMembers = new ArrayList<A>(); // return that need to be part response wrapper bean String responseElementName = RETURN; String responseNamespace = EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; boolean isResultHeader = false; WebResult webResult = annReader.getMethodAnnotation(WebResult.class, method ,null); if (webResult != null) { if ( > 0) { responseElementName =; } if (webResult.targetNamespace().length() > 0) { responseNamespace = webResult.targetNamespace(); } isResultHeader = webResult.header(); } T returnType = getSafeType(nav.getReturnType(method)); if (!isVoidType(returnType) && !isResultHeader) { List<Annotation> jaxbRespAnnotations = collectJAXBAnnotations(method); processXmlElement(jaxbRespAnnotations, responseElementName, responseNamespace, returnType); responseMembers.add(factory.createWrapperBeanMember(returnType, getPropertyName(responseElementName), jaxbRespAnnotations)); } // Now parameters that need to be part response wrapper bean int paramIndex = -1; for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) { paramIndex++; T paramType = getHolderValueType(param); WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null); if (paramType == null || (webParam != null && webParam.header())) { continue; // not a holder or a header - so don't add it } String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0) ? : "arg"+paramIndex; String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0) ? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex); processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType); A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType, getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation); responseMembers.add(member); } return responseMembers; }
Example 18
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Computes response bean members for a method. Collects all OUT and INOUT * parameters as response bean fields. In this process, if a parameter * has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well. * Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done. * * @param method SEI method for which response bean members are computed * @return List of response bean members */ public List<A> collectResponseBeanMembers(M method) { List<A> responseMembers = new ArrayList<A>(); // return that need to be part response wrapper bean String responseElementName = RETURN; String responseNamespace = EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; boolean isResultHeader = false; WebResult webResult = annReader.getMethodAnnotation(WebResult.class, method ,null); if (webResult != null) { if ( > 0) { responseElementName =; } if (webResult.targetNamespace().length() > 0) { responseNamespace = webResult.targetNamespace(); } isResultHeader = webResult.header(); } T returnType = getSafeType(nav.getReturnType(method)); if (!isVoidType(returnType) && !isResultHeader) { List<Annotation> jaxbRespAnnotations = collectJAXBAnnotations(method); processXmlElement(jaxbRespAnnotations, responseElementName, responseNamespace, returnType); responseMembers.add(factory.createWrapperBeanMember(returnType, getPropertyName(responseElementName), jaxbRespAnnotations)); } // Now parameters that need to be part response wrapper bean int paramIndex = -1; for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) { paramIndex++; T paramType = getHolderValueType(param); WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null); if (paramType == null || (webParam != null && webParam.header())) { continue; // not a holder or a header - so don't add it } String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0) ? : "arg"+paramIndex; String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0) ? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex); processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType); A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType, getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation); responseMembers.add(member); } return responseMembers; }
Example 19
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Computes response bean members for a method. Collects all OUT and INOUT * parameters as response bean fields. In this process, if a parameter * has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well. * Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done. * * @param method SEI method for which response bean members are computed * @return List of response bean members */ public List<A> collectResponseBeanMembers(M method) { List<A> responseMembers = new ArrayList<A>(); // return that need to be part response wrapper bean String responseElementName = RETURN; String responseNamespace = EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; boolean isResultHeader = false; WebResult webResult = annReader.getMethodAnnotation(WebResult.class, method ,null); if (webResult != null) { if ( > 0) { responseElementName =; } if (webResult.targetNamespace().length() > 0) { responseNamespace = webResult.targetNamespace(); } isResultHeader = webResult.header(); } T returnType = getSafeType(nav.getReturnType(method)); if (!isVoidType(returnType) && !isResultHeader) { List<Annotation> jaxbRespAnnotations = collectJAXBAnnotations(method); processXmlElement(jaxbRespAnnotations, responseElementName, responseNamespace, returnType); responseMembers.add(factory.createWrapperBeanMember(returnType, getPropertyName(responseElementName), jaxbRespAnnotations)); } // Now parameters that need to be part response wrapper bean int paramIndex = -1; for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) { paramIndex++; T paramType = getHolderValueType(param); WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null); if (paramType == null || (webParam != null && webParam.header())) { continue; // not a holder or a header - so don't add it } String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0) ? : "arg"+paramIndex; String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0) ? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex); processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType); A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType, getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation); responseMembers.add(member); } return responseMembers; }
Example 20
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Computes response bean members for a method. Collects all OUT and INOUT * parameters as response bean fields. In this process, if a parameter * has any known JAXB annotations they are collected as well. * Special processing for @XmlElement annotation is done. * * @param method SEI method for which response bean members are computed * @return List of response bean members */ public List<A> collectResponseBeanMembers(M method) { List<A> responseMembers = new ArrayList<A>(); // return that need to be part response wrapper bean String responseElementName = RETURN; String responseNamespace = EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; boolean isResultHeader = false; WebResult webResult = annReader.getMethodAnnotation(WebResult.class, method ,null); if (webResult != null) { if ( > 0) { responseElementName =; } if (webResult.targetNamespace().length() > 0) { responseNamespace = webResult.targetNamespace(); } isResultHeader = webResult.header(); } T returnType = getSafeType(nav.getReturnType(method)); if (!isVoidType(returnType) && !isResultHeader) { List<Annotation> jaxbRespAnnotations = collectJAXBAnnotations(method); processXmlElement(jaxbRespAnnotations, responseElementName, responseNamespace, returnType); responseMembers.add(factory.createWrapperBeanMember(returnType, getPropertyName(responseElementName), jaxbRespAnnotations)); } // Now parameters that need to be part response wrapper bean int paramIndex = -1; for (T param : nav.getMethodParameters(method)) { paramIndex++; T paramType = getHolderValueType(param); WebParam webParam = annReader.getMethodParameterAnnotation(WebParam.class, method, paramIndex, null); if (paramType == null || (webParam != null && webParam.header())) { continue; // not a holder or a header - so don't add it } String paramName = (webParam != null && > 0) ? : "arg"+paramIndex; String paramNamespace = (webParam != null && webParam.targetNamespace().length() > 0) ? webParam.targetNamespace() : EMTPY_NAMESPACE_ID; List<Annotation> jaxbAnnotation = collectJAXBAnnotations(method, paramIndex); processXmlElement(jaxbAnnotation, paramName, paramNamespace, paramType); A member = factory.createWrapperBeanMember(paramType, getPropertyName(paramName), jaxbAnnotation); responseMembers.add(member); } return responseMembers; }