Java Code Examples for javax.swing.JMenuItem#setEnabled()
The following examples show how to use
javax.swing.JMenuItem#setEnabled() .
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Example 1
Source File: From openAGV with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void createDriverMenu() {
// Collect all available comm adapters/factories
Set<VehicleCommAdapterDescription> availableDescriptions = new HashSet<>();
vehicleEntryPool.getEntries().forEach((vehicleName, entry) -> {
for (VehicleCommAdapterDescription description : availableDescriptions) {
// If there's one vehicle not supported by this factory the selection can't be attached to it
boolean factorySupportsSelectedVehicles = getSelectedVehicleEntries().stream()
.map(entry -> entry.getAttachmentInformation().getAvailableCommAdapters())
.allMatch(descriptions -> !Collections.disjoint(descriptions, availableDescriptions));
List<String> vehiclesToAttach = new ArrayList<>();
if (factorySupportsSelectedVehicles) {
vehiclesToAttach = getSelectedVehicleNames();
Action action = new AttachCommAdapterAction(vehiclesToAttach, description);
JMenuItem menuItem = driverMenu.add(action);
Example 2
Source File: From javamelody with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected JPopupMenu createPopupMenu() {
final JPopupMenu menu = super.createPopupMenu();
final CloseMenuSelectionHandler closeMenuSelectionHandler = new CloseMenuSelectionHandler();
final JMenuItem closeMenuItem = new JMenuItem(I18N.getString("Fermer"));
final JMenuItem closeOthersMenuItem = new JMenuItem(I18N.getString("Fermer_les_autres"));
final JMenuItem closeAllMenuItem = new JMenuItem(I18N.getString("Fermer_tout"));
menu.add(new JSeparator(), 0);
menu.add(closeAllMenuItem, 0);
menu.add(closeOthersMenuItem, 0);
menu.add(closeMenuItem, 0);
if (getTabComponentAt(getSelectedIndex()) == null) {
return menu;
Example 3
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void createBindingsSubmenu(JMenu menu) {
if (menu.getMenuComponentCount() > 0)
Node[] nodes = getActivatedNodes();
if (nodes.length != 1)
RADComponentCookie radCookie = nodes[0].getCookie(RADComponentCookie.class);
if (radCookie == null)
BindingProperty[][] bindingProps = radCookie.getRADComponent().getBindingProperties();
BindingProperty[] props = bindingProps[(bindingProps[0].length==0) ? 1 : 0];
if (props.length > 0) {
for (BindingProperty prop : props) {
BindingMenuItem mi = new BindingMenuItem(prop);
} else {
JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(NbBundle.getMessage(BindAction.class, "MSG_NoBinding")); // NOI18N
Example 4
Source File: From javamelody with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected JPopupMenu createPopupMenu() {
final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
final MenuSelectionHandler menuSelectionHandler = new MenuSelectionHandler();
final int tabCount = getTabCount();
final int selectedIndex = getSelectedIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
final JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem(getTitleAt(i), getIconAt(i));
if (i == selectedIndex) {
if (!isEnabledAt(i)) {
return menu;
Example 5
Source File: From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected JMenu buildViewsMenu() {
JMenu views = new JMenu("Views");
JMenuItem inBox = new JMenuItem("Open In-Box");
JMenuItem outBox = new JMenuItem("Open Out-Box");
inBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
return views;
Example 6
Source File: From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Construct a new JMenuItem then add it to an existing JMenu. * * @param parent - the JMenu to add this JMenuItem into (or null if you don't * want to add it to any JMenu yet) * @param label - the text to show on the menu * @param attrs - a list of attributes to apply onto the new JMenuItem * <p> * If one positive number a is supplied, we call setMnemonic(a) * <p> * If two positive numbers a and b are supplied, and a!=VK_ALT, and * a!=VK_SHIFT, we call setMnemoic(a) and setAccelerator(b) * <p> * If two positive numbers a and b are supplied, and a==VK_ALT or * a==VK_SHIFT, we call setAccelerator(a | b) * <p> * If an ActionListener is supplied, we call addActionListener(x) * <p> * If an Boolean x is supplied, we call setEnabled(x) * <p> * If an Icon x is supplied, we call setIcon(x) */ public static JMenuItem menuItem(JMenu parent, String label, Object... attrs) { JMenuItem m = new JMenuItem(label, null); int accelMask = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask(); boolean hasMnemonic = false; for (Object x : attrs) { if (x instanceof Character || x instanceof Integer) { int k = (x instanceof Character) ? ((int) ((Character) x)) : ((Integer) x).intValue(); if (k < 0) continue; if (k == KeyEvent.VK_ALT) { hasMnemonic = true; accelMask = accelMask | InputEvent.ALT_MASK; continue; } if (k == KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT) { hasMnemonic = true; accelMask = accelMask | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK; continue; } if (!hasMnemonic) { m.setMnemonic(k); hasMnemonic = true; } else m.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(k, accelMask)); } if (x instanceof ActionListener) m.addActionListener((ActionListener) x); if (x instanceof Icon) m.setIcon((Icon) x); if (x instanceof Boolean) m.setEnabled((Boolean) x); } if (parent != null) parent.add(m); return m; }
Example 7
Source File: From Logisim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private boolean add(LogisimMenuItem item, String display) {
if (shouldShow(item)) {
JMenuItem menu = new JMenuItem(display);
items.put(item, menu);
return true;
} else {
return false;
Example 8
Source File: From wpcleaner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Construct and show popup menu.
* @param component Component.
* @param link Selected page.
* @param x Position.
* @param y Position.
private void showPopup(Component component, Page link, int x, int y) {
// Menu name
JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu();
JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem(link.getTitle());
// Create sub menus
createPopup(popup, link);, x, y);
Example 9
Source File: From nmonvisualizer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void dataAdded(DataSet data) {
// File -> Remove All
JMenuItem item = this.getMenu(0).getItem(2);
Example 10
Source File: From nmonvisualizer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void dataCleared() {
// File -> Remove All
JMenuItem item = this.getMenu(0).getItem(2);
Example 11
Source File: From arcusplatform with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void addActions(ServiceDefinition definition) {
List<Action> actions = getActionsFromDefinition(definition);
if(actions.isEmpty()) {
JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("No custom commands supported");
else {
for(Action action: actions) {
add(new JMenuItem(action));
Example 12
Source File: From FCMFrame with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public JMenuItem createMenuItem(JMenu menu, String label, String mnemonic, String accessibleDescription, Action action) {
JMenuItem mi = (JMenuItem) menu.add(new JMenuItem(label));
if(action == null) {
return mi;
Example 13
Source File: From binnavi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public JPopupMenu getRegisterMenu(final int registerNumber) {
final IDebugger debugger = m_debugPerspectiveModel.getCurrentSelectedDebugger();
if (debugger == null) {
return null;
final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
final BigInteger value = m_dataProvider.getRegisterInformation(registerNumber).getValue();
menu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CCopyRegisterValueAction(value.toString(16).toUpperCase())));
final MemorySection section = ProcessHelpers.getSectionWith(
debugger.getProcessManager().getMemoryMap(), new CAddress(value));
final JMenuItem gotoAddress = menu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(
new CGotoOffsetAction(m_debugPerspectiveModel, new CAddress(value))));
gotoAddress.setEnabled(section != null);
if (containsAddress(
m_debugPerspectiveModel.getGraphModel().getGraph().getRawView(), value.longValue())) {
menu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CZoomToAddressAction(
m_debugPerspectiveModel.getGraphModel().getGraph(), new CAddress(value),
debugger.getModule(new RelocatedAddress(new CAddress(value))))));
} else {
final IViewContainer container = m_debugPerspectiveModel.getGraphModel().getViewContainer();
menu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CSearchAction(
m_debugPerspectiveModel.getGraphModel().getParent(), container, new CAddress(value))));
return menu;
Example 14
Source File: From WorldGrower with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private JMenuItem createBestowCurseMenu(WorldObject target) {
JMenuItem bestowCurseMenuItem = MenuFactory.createJMenuItem(new ChooseCurseAction(playerCharacter, imageInfoReader, soundIdReader, world, (WorldPanel)container, dungeonMaster, parentFrame, target), soundIdReader);
bestowCurseMenuItem.setEnabled(Game.canActionExecute(playerCharacter, Actions.BESTOW_CURSE_ACTION, Args.EMPTY, world, target));
addToolTips(Actions.BESTOW_CURSE_ACTION, bestowCurseMenuItem);
setMenuIcon(bestowCurseMenuItem, Actions.BESTOW_CURSE_ACTION.getImageIds(playerCharacter));
return bestowCurseMenuItem;
Example 15
Source File: From binnavi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a new proximity node menu. * * @param parent Parent window used for dialogs. * @param graph Graph the proximity belong to. * @param node Clicked proximity node. */ public CProximityNodeMenu( final JFrame parent, final ZyGraph graph, final ZyProximityNode<INaviViewNode> node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(parent, "IE02150: Parent argument can not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph, "IE00972: Graph argument can't be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "IE00973: Node argument can't be null"); add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CUnhideNodesAction(parent, graph, node))); addSeparator(); final JMenuItem unhideParentItem = new JMenuItem(CActionProxy.proxy( new CUnhideParentsAction(parent, graph, node))); unhideParentItem.setEnabled(!node.isIncoming()); add(unhideParentItem); final JMenuItem unhideChildrenItem = new JMenuItem(CActionProxy.proxy( new CUnhideChildrenAction(parent, graph, node))); unhideChildrenItem.setEnabled(node.isIncoming()); add(unhideChildrenItem); addSeparator(); add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CUnhideAndSelectAction(graph, node))); add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CUnhideAndAddToSelectionAction(graph, node))); }
Example 16
Source File: From audiveris with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Insert a pseudo-item, to be used as a menu title.
* @param menu the containing menu
* @param text the title text
public static void insertTitle (JMenu menu,
String text)
JMenuItem title = new JMenuItem(text);
Example 17
Source File: From quickfix-messenger with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
private void initFileMenu() { fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); fileMenu.setMnemonic('F'); JMenuItem newProjectMenuItem = new JMenuItem("New Project"); newProjectMenuItem.setIcon( getMessenger().getConfig(), IconBuilder.NEW_ICON)); newProjectMenuItem.setMnemonic('N'); newProjectMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N, InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); newProjectMenuItem .addActionListener(new NewProjectActionListener(this)); saveProjectMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Save Project"); saveProjectMenuItem.setIcon( .getConfig(), IconBuilder.SAVE_ICON)); saveProjectMenuItem.setMnemonic('S'); saveProjectMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_S, InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); saveProjectMenuItem.addActionListener(new SaveProjectActionListener( this)); saveProjectMenuItem.setEnabled(false); JMenuItem openProjectMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Open Project"); openProjectMenuItem.setIcon( .getConfig(), IconBuilder.OPEN_ICON)); openProjectMenuItem.setMnemonic('O'); openProjectMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_O, InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); openProjectMenuItem.addActionListener(new OpenProjectActionListener( this)); closeProjectMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Close Project"); closeProjectMenuItem.setIcon( .getConfig(), IconBuilder.CLOSE_ICON)); closeProjectMenuItem.setMnemonic('C'); closeProjectMenuItem.addActionListener(new CloseProjectActionListener( this)); closeProjectMenuItem.setEnabled(false); JMenuItem importMessageMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Import Message"); importMessageMenuItem.setIcon( .getConfig(), IconBuilder.IMPORT_ICON)); importMessageMenuItem.setMnemonic('I'); importMessageMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_I, InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); importMessageMenuItem .addActionListener(new ImportMessageActionListener(this)); JMenuItem exportMessageMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Export Message"); exportMessageMenuItem.setIcon( .getConfig(), IconBuilder.EXPORT_ICON)); exportMessageMenuItem .addActionListener(new ExportMessageActionListener(this)); exportMessageMenuItem.setMnemonic('X'); exportMessageMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_E, InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); JMenuItem exitMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit"); exitMenuItem.setIcon(, IconBuilder.EXIT_ICON)); exitMenuItem.setMnemonic('x'); exitMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_X, InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK)); exitMenuItem.addActionListener(new FrameExitActionListener(this)); fileMenu.add(newProjectMenuItem); fileMenu.add(saveProjectMenuItem); fileMenu.add(openProjectMenuItem); fileMenu.add(closeProjectMenuItem); fileMenu.addSeparator(); fileMenu.add(importMessageMenuItem); fileMenu.add(exportMessageMenuItem); fileMenu.addSeparator(); fileMenu.add(exitMenuItem); }
Example 18
Source File: From freecol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
* Add menu items for role manipulation for a unit.
* Note "clear speciality" is here too to keep it well separated from
* other items.
* @param unitLabel The {@code UnitLabel} specifying the unit.
* @return True if menu items were added and a separator is now needed.
private boolean addRoleItems(final UnitLabel unitLabel) {
final Unit unit = unitLabel.getUnit();
final Role role = unit.getRole();
final int roleCount = unit.getRoleCount();
boolean separatorNeeded = false;
UnitLocation uloc = (unit.isInEurope()) ? unit.getOwner().getEurope()
: unit.getSettlement();
if (uloc == null) return false;
for (Role r : transform(unit.getAvailableRoles(null),
r2 -> r2 != role)) {
JMenuItem newItem;
if (r.isDefaultRole()) { // Always valid
newItem = createRoleItem(unitLabel, role, roleCount, r, 0, 0);
} else {
newItem = null;
for (int count = r.getMaximumCount(); count > 0; count--) {
List<AbstractGoods> req = unit.getGoodsDifference(r, count);
try {
int price = uloc.priceGoods(req);
if (unit.getOwner().checkGold(price)) {
newItem = createRoleItem(unitLabel, role, roleCount,
r, count, price);
} catch (FreeColException fce) {
if (newItem != null) {
separatorNeeded = true;
UnitTypeChange uc = unit.getUnitChange(UnitChangeType.CLEAR_SKILL);
if (uc != null) {
if (separatorNeeded) this.addSeparator();
JMenuItem menuItem = Utility.localizedMenuItem("quickActionMenu.clearSpeciality",
new ImageIcon(gui.getImageLibrary().getTinyUnitTypeImage(;
if (unit.getLocation() instanceof Building
&& !((Building)unit.getLocation()).canAddType( {
separatorNeeded = true;
return separatorNeeded;
Example 19
Source File: From scifio with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
/** Constructs an image viewer. */ public ImageViewer(final Context context) { super(TITLE); context.inject(this); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); addWindowListener(this); // content pane pane = new JPanel(); pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setContentPane(pane); setSize(350, 350); // default size // navigation sliders sliderPanel = new JPanel(); sliderPanel.setVisible(false); sliderPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 3, 5, 3)); sliderPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(sliderPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); pane.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, sliderPanel); final JPanel nPanel = new JPanel(); nPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(nPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); sliderPanel.add(nPanel); sliderPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(2)); nSlider = new JSlider(1, 1); nSlider.setEnabled(false); nSlider.addChangeListener(this); nPanel.add(new JLabel("N")); nPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(3)); nPanel.add(nSlider); final JPanel ztcPanel = new JPanel(); ztcPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(ztcPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); sliderPanel.add(ztcPanel); // image icon final BufferedImage dummy = AWTImageTools.makeImage(new byte[1][1], 1, 1, false); icon = new ImageIcon(dummy); iconLabel = new JLabel(icon, SwingConstants.LEFT); iconLabel.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP); pane.add(new JScrollPane(iconLabel)); // cursor probe probeLabel = new JLabel(" "); probeLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); probeLabel.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED)); pane.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, probeLabel); iconLabel.addMouseMotionListener(this); // menu bar final JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar(); // FIXME: currently the menu bar is disabled to restrict the use of // ImageViewer to the Show command. We could attempt to get this // implementation working nicely, or just convert to an IJ2 // implementation. // setJMenuBar(menubar); final JMenu file = new JMenu("File"); file.setMnemonic('f'); menubar.add(file); final JMenuItem fileOpen = new JMenuItem("Open..."); fileOpen.setMnemonic('o'); fileOpen.setActionCommand("open"); fileOpen.addActionListener(this); file.add(fileOpen); fileSave = new JMenuItem("Save..."); fileSave.setMnemonic('s'); fileSave.setEnabled(false); fileSave.setActionCommand("save"); fileSave.addActionListener(this); file.add(fileSave); fileView = new JMenuItem("View Metadata..."); final JMenuItem fileExit = new JMenuItem("Exit"); fileExit.setMnemonic('x'); fileExit.setActionCommand("exit"); fileExit.addActionListener(this); file.add(fileExit); final JMenu options = new JMenu("Options"); options.setMnemonic('p'); menubar.add(options); final JMenuItem optionsFPS = new JMenuItem("Frames per Second..."); optionsFPS.setMnemonic('f'); optionsFPS.setActionCommand("fps"); optionsFPS.addActionListener(this); options.add(optionsFPS); final JMenu help = new JMenu("Help"); help.setMnemonic('h'); menubar.add(help); final JMenuItem helpAbout = new JMenuItem("About..."); helpAbout.setMnemonic('a'); helpAbout.setActionCommand("about"); helpAbout.addActionListener(this); help.add(helpAbout); // add key listener to focusable components nSlider.addKeyListener(this); }
Example 20
Source File: From Logisim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private JMenuItem createItem(boolean enabled, String label) {
JMenuItem ret = new JMenuItem(label);
return ret;