Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction#join()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction#join() .
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Example 1
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Crosses a single value from the second side with N values, all sharing a common key. * Effectively realizes a <i>N:1</i> join. * * @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side. * @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side. * @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values. * @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub. */ private void crossSecond1withNValues(T2 val1, T1 firstValN, Iterator<T1> valsN, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { T2 copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, val1, this.copy2); joinFunction.join(firstValN, copy2, collector); // set copy and join first element boolean more = true; do { final T1 nRec =; if (valsN.hasNext()) { copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, val1, this.copy2); joinFunction.join(nRec, copy2, collector); } else { joinFunction.join(nRec, val1, collector); more = false; } } while (more); }
Example 2
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Crosses a single value from the first input with N values, all sharing a common key. * Effectively realizes a <i>1:N</i> join. * * @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side. * @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side. * @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values. * @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub. */ private void crossFirst1withNValues(final T1 val1, final T2 firstValN, final Iterator<T2> valsN, final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, final Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { T1 copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, val1, this.copy1); joinFunction.join(copy1, firstValN, collector); // set copy and join first element boolean more = true; do { final T2 nRec =; if (valsN.hasNext()) { copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, val1, this.copy1); joinFunction.join(copy1, nRec, collector); } else { joinFunction.join(val1, nRec, collector); more = false; } } while (more); }
Example 3
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Crosses a single value from the first input with N values, all sharing a common key. * Effectively realizes a <i>1:N</i> join. * * @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side. * @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side. * @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values. * @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub. */ private void crossFirst1withNValues(final T1 val1, final T2 firstValN, final Iterator<T2> valsN, final FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, final Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { T1 copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, val1, this.copy1); joinFunction.join(copy1, firstValN, collector); // set copy and join first element boolean more = true; do { final T2 nRec =; if (valsN.hasNext()) { copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, val1, this.copy1); joinFunction.join(copy1, nRec, collector); } else { joinFunction.join(val1, nRec, collector); more = false; } } while (more); }
Example 4
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Crosses a single value from the second side with N values, all sharing a common key. * Effectively realizes a <i>N:1</i> join. * * @param val1 The value form the <i>1</i> side. * @param firstValN The first of the values from the <i>N</i> side. * @param valsN Iterator over remaining <i>N</i> side values. * @throws Exception Forwards all exceptions thrown by the stub. */ private void crossSecond1withNValues(T2 val1, T1 firstValN, Iterator<T1> valsN, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { T2 copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, val1, this.copy2); joinFunction.join(firstValN, copy2, collector); // set copy and join first element boolean more = true; do { final T1 nRec =; if (valsN.hasNext()) { copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, val1, this.copy2); joinFunction.join(nRec, copy2, collector); } else { joinFunction.join(nRec, val1, collector); more = false; } } while (more); }
Example 5
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected List<OUT> executeOnCollections(List<IN1> leftInput, List<IN2> rightInput, RuntimeContext runtimeContext, ExecutionConfig executionConfig) throws Exception {
TypeInformation<IN1> leftInformation = getOperatorInfo().getFirstInputType();
TypeInformation<IN2> rightInformation = getOperatorInfo().getSecondInputType();
TypeInformation<OUT> outInformation = getOperatorInfo().getOutputType();
TypeComparator<IN1> leftComparator = buildComparatorFor(0, executionConfig, leftInformation);
TypeComparator<IN2> rightComparator = buildComparatorFor(1, executionConfig, rightInformation);
TypeSerializer<IN1> leftSerializer = leftInformation.createSerializer(executionConfig);
TypeSerializer<IN2> rightSerializer = rightInformation.createSerializer(executionConfig);
OuterJoinListIterator<IN1, IN2> outerJoinIterator =
new OuterJoinListIterator<>(leftInput, leftSerializer, leftComparator,
rightInput, rightSerializer, rightComparator, outerJoinType);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run UDF
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
FlatJoinFunction<IN1, IN2, OUT> function = userFunction.getUserCodeObject();
FunctionUtils.setFunctionRuntimeContext(function, runtimeContext);
FunctionUtils.openFunction(function, this.parameters);
List<OUT> result = new ArrayList<>();
Collector<OUT> collector = new CopyingListCollector<>(result, outInformation.createSerializer(executionConfig));
while ( {
IN1 left = outerJoinIterator.getLeft();
IN2 right = outerJoinIterator.getRight();
function.join(left == null ? null : leftSerializer.copy(left), right == null ? null : rightSerializer.copy(right), collector);
return result;
Example 6
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void crossMatchingGroup(Iterator<T1> values1, Iterator<T2> values2, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
final T1 firstV1 =;
final T2 firstV2 =;
final boolean v1HasNext = values1.hasNext();
final boolean v2HasNext = values2.hasNext();
// check if one side is already empty
// this check could be omitted if we put this in MatchTask.
// then we can derive the local strategy (with build side).
if (v1HasNext) {
if (v2HasNext) {
// both sides contain more than one value
// TODO: Decide which side to spill and which to block!
crossMwithNValues(firstV1, values1, firstV2, values2, joinFunction, collector);
} else {
crossSecond1withNValues(firstV2, firstV1, values1, joinFunction, collector);
} else {
if (v2HasNext) {
crossFirst1withNValues(firstV1, firstV2, values2, joinFunction, collector);
} else {
// both sides contain only one value
joinFunction.join(firstV1, firstV2, collector);
Example 7
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void joinRightKeyValuesWithNull(Iterator<T2> values, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
while (values.hasNext()) {
T2 next =;
this.copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, next, copy2);
joinFunction.join(null, copy2, collector);
Example 8
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void joinLeftKeyValuesWithNull(Iterator<T1> values, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
while (values.hasNext()) {
T1 next =;
this.copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, next, copy1);
joinFunction.join(copy1, null, collector);
Example 9
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V2> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V1 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V2 nextBuildSideRecord =; if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } else { if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, null, collector); } if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
Example 10
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected List<OUT> executeOnCollections(List<IN1> leftInput, List<IN2> rightInput, RuntimeContext runtimeContext, ExecutionConfig executionConfig) throws Exception {
TypeInformation<IN1> leftInformation = getOperatorInfo().getFirstInputType();
TypeInformation<IN2> rightInformation = getOperatorInfo().getSecondInputType();
TypeInformation<OUT> outInformation = getOperatorInfo().getOutputType();
TypeComparator<IN1> leftComparator = buildComparatorFor(0, executionConfig, leftInformation);
TypeComparator<IN2> rightComparator = buildComparatorFor(1, executionConfig, rightInformation);
TypeSerializer<IN1> leftSerializer = leftInformation.createSerializer(executionConfig);
TypeSerializer<IN2> rightSerializer = rightInformation.createSerializer(executionConfig);
OuterJoinListIterator<IN1, IN2> outerJoinIterator =
new OuterJoinListIterator<>(leftInput, leftSerializer, leftComparator,
rightInput, rightSerializer, rightComparator, outerJoinType);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run UDF
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
FlatJoinFunction<IN1, IN2, OUT> function = userFunction.getUserCodeObject();
FunctionUtils.setFunctionRuntimeContext(function, runtimeContext);
FunctionUtils.openFunction(function, this.parameters);
List<OUT> result = new ArrayList<>();
Collector<OUT> collector = new CopyingListCollector<>(result, outInformation.createSerializer(executionConfig));
while ( {
IN1 left = outerJoinIterator.getLeft();
IN2 right = outerJoinIterator.getRight();
function.join(left == null ? null : leftSerializer.copy(left), right == null ? null : rightSerializer.copy(right), collector);
return result;
Example 11
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void crossMatchingGroup(Iterator<T1> values1, Iterator<T2> values2, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
final T1 firstV1 =;
final T2 firstV2 =;
final boolean v1HasNext = values1.hasNext();
final boolean v2HasNext = values2.hasNext();
// check if one side is already empty
// this check could be omitted if we put this in MatchTask.
// then we can derive the local strategy (with build side).
if (v1HasNext) {
if (v2HasNext) {
// both sides contain more than one value
// TODO: Decide which side to spill and which to block!
crossMwithNValues(firstV1, values1, firstV2, values2, joinFunction, collector);
} else {
crossSecond1withNValues(firstV2, firstV1, values1, joinFunction, collector);
} else {
if (v2HasNext) {
crossFirst1withNValues(firstV1, firstV2, values2, joinFunction, collector);
} else {
// both sides contain only one value
joinFunction.join(firstV1, firstV2, collector);
Example 12
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void joinRightKeyValuesWithNull(Iterator<T2> values, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
while (values.hasNext()) {
T2 next =;
this.copy2 = createCopy(serializer2, next, copy2);
joinFunction.join(null, copy2, collector);
Example 13
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void joinLeftKeyValuesWithNull(Iterator<T1> values, FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, O> joinFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception {
while (values.hasNext()) {
T1 next =;
this.copy1 = createCopy(serializer1, next, copy1);
joinFunction.join(copy1, null, collector);
Example 14
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V2> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V1 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V2 nextBuildSideRecord =; if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } else { if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, null, collector); } if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
Example 15
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V2> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V1 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V2 nextBuildSideRecord =; if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { V2 tmpRec; // check if there is another build-side value if ((tmpRec = != null) { // more than one build-side value --> copy the probe side V1 probeCopy; probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); // call match on the first pair matchFunction.join(probeCopy, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); // call match on the second pair probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(probeCopy, tmpRec, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { // call match on the next pair // make sure we restore the value of the probe side record probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(probeCopy, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } else { // only single pair matches matchFunction.join(probeRecord, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } else { // while probe side outer join, join current probe record with null. if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, null, collector); } // while build side outer join, iterate all build records which have not been probed before, // and join with null. if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
Example 16
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public final boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V1> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V2 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V1 nextBuildSideRecord =; // get the first build side value if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { V1 tmpRec; // check if there is another build-side value if ((tmpRec = != null) { // more than one build-side value --> copy the probe side V2 probeCopy; probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); // call match on the first pair matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeCopy, collector); // call match on the second pair probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(tmpRec, probeCopy, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { // call match on the next pair // make sure we restore the value of the probe side record probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeCopy, collector); } } else { // only single pair matches matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeRecord, collector); } } else { // while probe side outer join, join current probe record with null. if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(null, probeRecord, collector); } // while build side outer join, iterate all build records which have not been probed before, // and join with null. if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
Example 17
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public final boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V1> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V2 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V1 nextBuildSideRecord =; if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeRecord, collector); } } else { if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(null, probeRecord, collector); } if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { // call match on the first pair matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { // call match on the next pair // make sure we restore the value of the probe side record matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
Example 18
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public final boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V1> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V2 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V1 nextBuildSideRecord =; if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeRecord, collector); } } else { if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(null, probeRecord, collector); } if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { // call match on the first pair matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { // call match on the next pair // make sure we restore the value of the probe side record matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
Example 19
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public final boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V1> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V2 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V1 nextBuildSideRecord =; // get the first build side value if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { V1 tmpRec; // check if there is another build-side value if ((tmpRec = != null) { // more than one build-side value --> copy the probe side V2 probeCopy; probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); // call match on the first pair matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeCopy, collector); // call match on the second pair probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(tmpRec, probeCopy, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { // call match on the next pair // make sure we restore the value of the probe side record probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeCopy, collector); } } else { // only single pair matches matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, probeRecord, collector); } } else { // while probe side outer join, join current probe record with null. if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(null, probeRecord, collector); } // while build side outer join, iterate all build records which have not been probed before, // and join with null. if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(nextBuildSideRecord, null, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
Example 20
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean callWithNextKey(FlatJoinFunction<V1, V2, O> matchFunction, Collector<O> collector) throws Exception { if (this.hashJoin.nextRecord()) { // we have a next record, get the iterators to the probe and build side values final MutableObjectIterator<V2> buildSideIterator = this.hashJoin.getBuildSideIterator(); final V1 probeRecord = this.hashJoin.getCurrentProbeRecord(); V2 nextBuildSideRecord =; if (probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { V2 tmpRec; // check if there is another build-side value if ((tmpRec = != null) { // more than one build-side value --> copy the probe side V1 probeCopy; probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); // call match on the first pair matchFunction.join(probeCopy, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); // call match on the second pair probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(probeCopy, tmpRec, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { // call match on the next pair // make sure we restore the value of the probe side record probeCopy = this.probeSideSerializer.copy(probeRecord); matchFunction.join(probeCopy, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } else { // only single pair matches matchFunction.join(probeRecord, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } else { // while probe side outer join, join current probe record with null. if (probeSideOuterJoin && probeRecord != null && nextBuildSideRecord == null) { matchFunction.join(probeRecord, null, collector); } // while build side outer join, iterate all build records which have not been probed before, // and join with null. if (buildSideOuterJoin && probeRecord == null && nextBuildSideRecord != null) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); while (this.running && ((nextBuildSideRecord = != null)) { matchFunction.join(null, nextBuildSideRecord, collector); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }