Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.graph.Graph#joinWithEdgesOnSource()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.flink.graph.Graph#joinWithEdgesOnSource() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithCustom() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with a DataSet containing custom parametrised type input values */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(TestGraphUtils.getLongCustomTuple2SourceData(env), new CustomValueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,10\n" + "1,3,10\n" + "2,3,30\n" + "3,4,40\n" + "3,5,40\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 2
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithCustom() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with a DataSet containing custom parametrised type input values */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(TestGraphUtils.getLongCustomTuple2SourceData(env), new CustomValueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,10\n" + "1,3,10\n" + "2,3,30\n" + "3,4,40\n" + "3,5,40\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 3
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithLessElements() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet passed as a parameter containing * less elements than the edge DataSet, but of the same type */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges().first(3) .map(new ProjectSourceAndValueMapper()), new AddValuesMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,25\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,34\n" + "3,5,35\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 4
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithNoCommonKeys() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet containing different keys than the edge DataSet * - the iterator becomes empty. */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongTuple2SourceData(env), new DoubleValueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,20\n" + "1,3,20\n" + "2,3,60\n" + "3,4,80\n" + "3,5,80\n" + "4,5,120\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 5
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithDifferentType() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet passed as a parameter containing * less elements than the edge DataSet and of a different type(Boolean) */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges().first(3) .map(new ProjectSourceWithTrueMapper()), new DoubleIfTrueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,26\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,34\n" + "3,5,35\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 6
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithLessElements() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet passed as a parameter containing * less elements than the edge DataSet, but of the same type */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges().first(3) .map(new ProjectSourceAndValueMapper()), new AddValuesMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,25\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,34\n" + "3,5,35\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 7
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testWithEdgesOnSource() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet parameter identical * to the edge DataSet */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges() .map(new ProjectSourceAndValueMapper()), new AddValuesMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,25\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,68\n" + "3,5,69\n" + "4,5,90\n" + "5,1,102\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 8
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public DataSet<Vertex<K, Double>> run(Graph<K, Double, Double> network) throws Exception {
DataSet<Tuple2<K, LongValue>> vertexOutDegrees = network.outDegrees();
Graph<K, Double, Double> networkWithWeights = network
.joinWithEdgesOnSource(vertexOutDegrees, new InitWeights());
ScatterGatherConfiguration parameters = new ScatterGatherConfiguration();
return networkWithWeights.runScatterGatherIteration(new RankMessenger<>(),
new VertexRankUpdater<>(beta), maxIterations, parameters)
Example 9
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public DataSet<Vertex<K, Double>> run(Graph<K, Double, Double> network) throws Exception {
DataSet<Tuple2<K, LongValue>> vertexOutDegrees = network.outDegrees();
Graph<K, Double, Double> networkWithWeights = network
.joinWithEdgesOnSource(vertexOutDegrees, new InitWeights());
GSAConfiguration parameters = new GSAConfiguration();
return networkWithWeights.runGatherSumApplyIteration(new GatherRanks(), new SumRanks(),
new UpdateRanks<>(beta), maxIterations, parameters)
Example 10
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithNoCommonKeys() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet containing different keys than the edge DataSet * - the iterator becomes empty. */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongTuple2SourceData(env), new DoubleValueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,20\n" + "1,3,20\n" + "2,3,60\n" + "3,4,80\n" + "3,5,80\n" + "4,5,120\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 11
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithDifferentType() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet passed as a parameter containing * less elements than the edge DataSet and of a different type(Boolean) */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges().first(3) .map(new ProjectSourceWithTrueMapper()), new DoubleIfTrueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,26\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,34\n" + "3,5,35\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 12
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public DataSet<Vertex<K, Double>> run(Graph<K, Double, Double> network) throws Exception {
DataSet<Tuple2<K, LongValue>> vertexOutDegrees = network.outDegrees();
Graph<K, Double, Double> networkWithWeights = network
.joinWithEdgesOnSource(vertexOutDegrees, new InitWeights());
GSAConfiguration parameters = new GSAConfiguration();
return networkWithWeights.runGatherSumApplyIteration(new GatherRanks(), new SumRanks(),
new UpdateRanks<>(beta), maxIterations, parameters)
Example 13
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testWithEdgesOnSource() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet parameter identical * to the edge DataSet */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges() .map(new ProjectSourceAndValueMapper()), new AddValuesMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,25\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,68\n" + "3,5,69\n" + "4,5,90\n" + "5,1,102\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 14
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public DataSet<Vertex<K, Double>> run(Graph<K, Double, Double> network) throws Exception {
DataSet<Tuple2<K, LongValue>> vertexOutDegrees = network.outDegrees();
Graph<K, Double, Double> networkWithWeights = network
.joinWithEdgesOnSource(vertexOutDegrees, new InitWeights());
ScatterGatherConfiguration parameters = new ScatterGatherConfiguration();
return networkWithWeights.runScatterGatherIteration(new RankMessenger<>(),
new VertexRankUpdater<>(beta), maxIterations, parameters)
Example 15
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public DataSet<Vertex<K, Double>> run(Graph<K, Double, Double> network) throws Exception {
DataSet<Tuple2<K, LongValue>> vertexOutDegrees = network.outDegrees();
Graph<K, Double, Double> networkWithWeights = network
.joinWithEdgesOnSource(vertexOutDegrees, new InitWeights());
GSAConfiguration parameters = new GSAConfiguration();
return networkWithWeights.runGatherSumApplyIteration(new GatherRanks(), new SumRanks(),
new UpdateRanks<>(beta), maxIterations, parameters)
Example 16
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithNoCommonKeys() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet containing different keys than the edge DataSet * - the iterator becomes empty. */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongTuple2SourceData(env), new DoubleValueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,20\n" + "1,3,20\n" + "2,3,60\n" + "3,4,80\n" + "3,5,80\n" + "4,5,120\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 17
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithDifferentType() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet passed as a parameter containing * less elements than the edge DataSet and of a different type(Boolean) */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges().first(3) .map(new ProjectSourceWithTrueMapper()), new DoubleIfTrueMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,26\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,34\n" + "3,5,35\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 18
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testOnSourceWithLessElements() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet passed as a parameter containing * less elements than the edge DataSet, but of the same type */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges().first(3) .map(new ProjectSourceAndValueMapper()), new AddValuesMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,25\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,34\n" + "3,5,35\n" + "4,5,45\n" + "5,1,51\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 19
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testWithEdgesOnSource() throws Exception { /* * Test joinWithEdgesOnSource with the input DataSet parameter identical * to the edge DataSet */ final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); Graph<Long, Long, Long> graph = Graph.fromDataSet(TestGraphUtils.getLongLongVertexData(env), TestGraphUtils.getLongLongEdgeData(env), env); Graph<Long, Long, Long> res = graph.joinWithEdgesOnSource(graph.getEdges() .map(new ProjectSourceAndValueMapper()), new AddValuesMapper()); DataSet<Edge<Long, Long>> data = res.getEdges(); List<Edge<Long, Long>> result = data.collect(); expectedResult = "1,2,24\n" + "1,3,25\n" + "2,3,46\n" + "3,4,68\n" + "3,5,69\n" + "4,5,90\n" + "5,1,102\n"; compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult); }
Example 20
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public DataSet<Vertex<K, Double>> run(Graph<K, Double, Double> network) throws Exception {
DataSet<Tuple2<K, LongValue>> vertexOutDegrees = network.outDegrees();
Graph<K, Double, Double> networkWithWeights = network
.joinWithEdgesOnSource(vertexOutDegrees, new InitWeights());
ScatterGatherConfiguration parameters = new ScatterGatherConfiguration();
return networkWithWeights.runScatterGatherIteration(new RankMessenger<>(),
new VertexRankUpdater<>(beta), maxIterations, parameters)