Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.optimizer.dataproperties.GlobalProperties#getPartitioning()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.flink.optimizer.dataproperties.GlobalProperties#getPartitioning() .
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Example 1
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED) {
return gProps;
Example 2
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gProps;
Example 3
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gProps;
Example 4
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties in1, GlobalProperties in2) {
GlobalProperties gp = GlobalProperties.combine(in1, in2);
if (gp.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gp.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gp.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gp;
Example 5
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties in1, GlobalProperties in2) {
GlobalProperties gp = GlobalProperties.combine(in1, in2);
if (gp.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gp.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0
&& gp.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED) {
return gp;
Example 6
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gProps;
Example 7
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gProps;
Example 8
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED) {
return gProps;
Example 9
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties in1, GlobalProperties in2) {
GlobalProperties gp = GlobalProperties.combine(in1, in2);
if (gp.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gp.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gp.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gp;
Example 10
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gProps;
Example 11
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gProps;
Example 12
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties gProps) {
if (gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination() != null && gProps.getUniqueFieldCombination().size() > 0 &&
gProps.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED)
return gProps;
Example 13
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties in1, GlobalProperties in2) { GlobalProperties newProps = new GlobalProperties(); if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && in1.getPartitioningFields().equals(in2.getPartitioningFields())) { newProps.setHashPartitioned(in1.getPartitioningFields()); } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANGE_PARTITIONED && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANGE_PARTITIONED && in1.getPartitioningOrdering().equals(in2.getPartitioningOrdering()) && ( in1.getDataDistribution() == null && in2.getDataDistribution() == null || in1.getDataDistribution() != null && in1.getDataDistribution().equals(in2.getDataDistribution()) ) ) { if (in1.getDataDistribution() == null) { newProps.setRangePartitioned(in1.getPartitioningOrdering()); } else { newProps.setRangePartitioned(in1.getPartitioningOrdering(), in1.getDataDistribution()); } } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.CUSTOM_PARTITIONING && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.CUSTOM_PARTITIONING && in1.getPartitioningFields().equals(in2.getPartitioningFields()) && in1.getCustomPartitioner().equals(in2.getCustomPartitioner())) { newProps.setCustomPartitioned(in1.getPartitioningFields(), in1.getCustomPartitioner()); } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FORCED_REBALANCED && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FORCED_REBALANCED) { newProps.setForcedRebalanced(); } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION) { newProps.setFullyReplicated(); } return newProps; }
Example 14
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public GlobalProperties computeGlobalProperties(GlobalProperties in1, GlobalProperties in2) { GlobalProperties newProps = new GlobalProperties(); if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && in1.getPartitioningFields().equals(in2.getPartitioningFields())) { newProps.setHashPartitioned(in1.getPartitioningFields()); } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANGE_PARTITIONED && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANGE_PARTITIONED && in1.getPartitioningOrdering().equals(in2.getPartitioningOrdering()) && ( in1.getDataDistribution() == null && in2.getDataDistribution() == null || in1.getDataDistribution() != null && in1.getDataDistribution().equals(in2.getDataDistribution()) ) ) { if (in1.getDataDistribution() == null) { newProps.setRangePartitioned(in1.getPartitioningOrdering()); } else { newProps.setRangePartitioned(in1.getPartitioningOrdering(), in1.getDataDistribution()); } } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.CUSTOM_PARTITIONING && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.CUSTOM_PARTITIONING && in1.getPartitioningFields().equals(in2.getPartitioningFields()) && in1.getCustomPartitioner().equals(in2.getCustomPartitioner())) { newProps.setCustomPartitioned(in1.getPartitioningFields(), in1.getCustomPartitioner()); } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FORCED_REBALANCED && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FORCED_REBALANCED) { newProps.setForcedRebalanced(); } else if (in1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION && in2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION) { newProps.setFullyReplicated(); } return newProps; }
Example 15
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void checkValidJoinInputProperties(DualInputPlanNode join) { GlobalProperties inProps1 = join.getInput1().getGlobalProperties(); GlobalProperties inProps2 = join.getInput2().getGlobalProperties(); if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED) { // check that both inputs are hash partitioned on the same fields FieldList pFields1 = inProps1.getPartitioningFields(); FieldList pFields2 = inProps2.getPartitioningFields(); assertTrue("Inputs are not the same number of fields. Input 1: "+pFields1+", Input 2: "+pFields2, pFields1.size() == pFields2.size()); FieldList reqPFields1 = join.getKeysForInput1(); FieldList reqPFields2 = join.getKeysForInput2(); for(int i=0; i<pFields1.size(); i++) { // get fields int f1 = pFields1.get(i); int f2 = pFields2.get(i); // check that field positions in original key field list are identical int pos1 = getPosInFieldList(f1, reqPFields1); int pos2 = getPosInFieldList(f2, reqPFields2); if(pos1 < 0) { fail("Input 1 is partitioned on field "+f1+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields1); } if(pos2 < 0) { fail("Input 2 is partitioned on field "+f2+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields2); } if(pos1 != pos2) { fail("Inputs are not partitioned on the same key fields"); } } } else if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED) { // we are good. No need to check for fields } else if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION) { // we are good. No need to check for fields } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method has only been implemented to check for hash partitioned coGroupinputs"); } }
Example 16
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void checkValidJoinInputProperties(DualInputPlanNode join) { GlobalProperties inProps1 = join.getInput1().getGlobalProperties(); GlobalProperties inProps2 = join.getInput2().getGlobalProperties(); if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED) { // check that both inputs are hash partitioned on the same fields FieldList pFields1 = inProps1.getPartitioningFields(); FieldList pFields2 = inProps2.getPartitioningFields(); assertTrue("Inputs are not the same number of fields. Input 1: "+pFields1+", Input 2: "+pFields2, pFields1.size() == pFields2.size()); FieldList reqPFields1 = join.getKeysForInput1(); FieldList reqPFields2 = join.getKeysForInput2(); for(int i=0; i<pFields1.size(); i++) { // get fields int f1 = pFields1.get(i); int f2 = pFields2.get(i); // check that field positions in original key field list are identical int pos1 = getPosInFieldList(f1, reqPFields1); int pos2 = getPosInFieldList(f2, reqPFields2); if(pos1 < 0) { fail("Input 1 is partitioned on field "+f1+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields1); } if(pos2 < 0) { fail("Input 2 is partitioned on field "+f2+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields2); } if(pos1 != pos2) { fail("Inputs are not partitioned on the same key fields"); } } } else if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED) { // we are good. No need to check for fields } else if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION) { // we are good. No need to check for fields } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method has only been implemented to check for hash partitioned coGroupinputs"); } }
Example 17
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void checkValidCoGroupInputProperties(DualInputPlanNode coGroup) { GlobalProperties inProps1 = coGroup.getInput1().getGlobalProperties(); GlobalProperties inProps2 = coGroup.getInput2().getGlobalProperties(); if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED) { // check that both inputs are hash partitioned on the same fields FieldList pFields1 = inProps1.getPartitioningFields(); FieldList pFields2 = inProps2.getPartitioningFields(); assertTrue("Inputs are not the same number of fields. Input 1: "+pFields1+", Input 2: "+pFields2, pFields1.size() == pFields2.size()); FieldList reqPFields1 = coGroup.getKeysForInput1(); FieldList reqPFields2 = coGroup.getKeysForInput2(); for(int i=0; i<pFields1.size(); i++) { // get fields int f1 = pFields1.get(i); int f2 = pFields2.get(i); // check that field positions in original key field list are identical int pos1 = getPosInFieldList(f1, reqPFields1); int pos2 = getPosInFieldList(f2, reqPFields2); if(pos1 < 0) { fail("Input 1 is partitioned on field "+f1+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields1); } if(pos2 < 0) { fail("Input 2 is partitioned on field "+f2+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields2); } if(pos1 != pos2) { fail("Inputs are not partitioned on the same key fields"); } } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method has only been implemented to check for hash partitioned coGroup inputs"); } }
Example 18
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void checkValidJoinInputProperties(DualInputPlanNode join) { GlobalProperties inProps1 = join.getInput1().getGlobalProperties(); GlobalProperties inProps2 = join.getInput2().getGlobalProperties(); if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED) { // check that both inputs are hash partitioned on the same fields FieldList pFields1 = inProps1.getPartitioningFields(); FieldList pFields2 = inProps2.getPartitioningFields(); assertTrue("Inputs are not the same number of fields. Input 1: "+pFields1+", Input 2: "+pFields2, pFields1.size() == pFields2.size()); FieldList reqPFields1 = join.getKeysForInput1(); FieldList reqPFields2 = join.getKeysForInput2(); for(int i=0; i<pFields1.size(); i++) { // get fields int f1 = pFields1.get(i); int f2 = pFields2.get(i); // check that field positions in original key field list are identical int pos1 = getPosInFieldList(f1, reqPFields1); int pos2 = getPosInFieldList(f2, reqPFields2); if(pos1 < 0) { fail("Input 1 is partitioned on field "+f1+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields1); } if(pos2 < 0) { fail("Input 2 is partitioned on field "+f2+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields2); } if(pos1 != pos2) { fail("Inputs are not partitioned on the same key fields"); } } } else if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED) { // we are good. No need to check for fields } else if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANDOM_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.FULL_REPLICATION) { // we are good. No need to check for fields } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method has only been implemented to check for hash partitioned coGroupinputs"); } }
Example 19
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void checkValidCoGroupInputProperties(DualInputPlanNode coGroup) { GlobalProperties inProps1 = coGroup.getInput1().getGlobalProperties(); GlobalProperties inProps2 = coGroup.getInput2().getGlobalProperties(); if(inProps1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && inProps2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED) { // check that both inputs are hash partitioned on the same fields FieldList pFields1 = inProps1.getPartitioningFields(); FieldList pFields2 = inProps2.getPartitioningFields(); assertTrue("Inputs are not the same number of fields. Input 1: "+pFields1+", Input 2: "+pFields2, pFields1.size() == pFields2.size()); FieldList reqPFields1 = coGroup.getKeysForInput1(); FieldList reqPFields2 = coGroup.getKeysForInput2(); for(int i=0; i<pFields1.size(); i++) { // get fields int f1 = pFields1.get(i); int f2 = pFields2.get(i); // check that field positions in original key field list are identical int pos1 = getPosInFieldList(f1, reqPFields1); int pos2 = getPosInFieldList(f2, reqPFields2); if(pos1 < 0) { fail("Input 1 is partitioned on field "+f1+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields1); } if(pos2 < 0) { fail("Input 2 is partitioned on field "+f2+" which is not contained in the key set "+reqPFields2); } if(pos1 != pos2) { fail("Inputs are not partitioned on the same key fields"); } } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method has only been implemented to check for hash partitioned coGroup inputs"); } }
Example 20
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean areCompatible(RequestedGlobalProperties requested1, RequestedGlobalProperties requested2, GlobalProperties produced1, GlobalProperties produced2) { if (requested1.getPartitioning().isPartitionedOnKey() && requested2.getPartitioning().isPartitionedOnKey()) { if(produced1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED && produced2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.HASH_PARTITIONED) { // both are hash partitioned, check that partitioning fields are equivalently chosen return checkEquivalentFieldPositionsInKeyFields( produced1.getPartitioningFields(), produced2.getPartitioningFields()); } else if(produced1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANGE_PARTITIONED && produced2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.RANGE_PARTITIONED && produced1.getDataDistribution() != null && produced2.getDataDistribution() != null) { return produced1.getPartitioningFields().size() == produced2.getPartitioningFields().size() && checkSameOrdering(produced1, produced2, produced1.getPartitioningFields().size()) && produced1.getDataDistribution().equals(produced2.getDataDistribution()); } else if(produced1.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.CUSTOM_PARTITIONING && produced2.getPartitioning() == PartitioningProperty.CUSTOM_PARTITIONING) { // both use a custom partitioner. Check that both keys are exactly as specified and that both the same partitioner return produced1.getPartitioningFields().isExactMatch(this.keys1) && produced2.getPartitioningFields().isExactMatch(this.keys2) && produced1.getCustomPartitioner() != null && produced2.getCustomPartitioner() != null && produced1.getCustomPartitioner().equals(produced2.getCustomPartitioner()); } else { // no other partitioning valid, incl. ANY_PARTITIONING. // For joins we must ensure that both sides are exactly identically partitioned, ANY is not good enough. return false; } } else { return true; } }