Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.optimizer.dataproperties.RequestedLocalProperties#isMetBy()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.flink.optimizer.dataproperties.RequestedLocalProperties#isMetBy() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps,
List<PlanNode> target, CostEstimator estimator)
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp : this.inConn.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) {
final Channel in = template.clone();
// instantiate a candidate, if the instantiated local properties meet one possible local property set
for (OperatorDescriptorSingle dps: getPossibleProperties()) {
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilps : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) {
if (ilps.isMetBy(in.getLocalProperties())) {
instantiateCandidate(dps, in, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps, ilp);
break outer;
Example 2
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps,
List<PlanNode> target, CostEstimator estimator)
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp : this.inConn.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) {
final Channel in = template.clone();
// instantiate a candidate, if the instantiated local properties meet one possible local property set
for (OperatorDescriptorSingle dps: getPossibleProperties()) {
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilps : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) {
if (ilps.isMetBy(in.getLocalProperties())) {
instantiateCandidate(dps, in, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps, ilp);
break outer;
Example 3
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps,
List<PlanNode> target, CostEstimator estimator)
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp : this.inConn.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) {
final Channel in = template.clone();
// instantiate a candidate, if the instantiated local properties meet one possible local property set
for (OperatorDescriptorSingle dps: getPossibleProperties()) {
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilps : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) {
if (ilps.isMetBy(in.getLocalProperties())) {
instantiateCandidate(dps, in, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps, ilp);
break outer;