Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.optimizer.dataproperties.RequestedLocalProperties#parameterizeChannel()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.flink.optimizer.dataproperties.RequestedLocalProperties#parameterizeChannel() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps,
List<PlanNode> target, CostEstimator estimator)
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp : this.inConn.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) {
final Channel in = template.clone();
// instantiate a candidate, if the instantiated local properties meet one possible local property set
for (OperatorDescriptorSingle dps: getPossibleProperties()) {
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilps : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) {
if (ilps.isMetBy(in.getLocalProperties())) {
instantiateCandidate(dps, in, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps, ilp);
break outer;
Example 2
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps,
List<PlanNode> target, CostEstimator estimator)
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp : this.inConn.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) {
final Channel in = template.clone();
// instantiate a candidate, if the instantiated local properties meet one possible local property set
for (OperatorDescriptorSingle dps: getPossibleProperties()) {
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilps : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) {
if (ilps.isMetBy(in.getLocalProperties())) {
instantiateCandidate(dps, in, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps, ilp);
break outer;
Example 3
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps,
List<PlanNode> target, CostEstimator estimator)
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp : this.inConn.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) {
final Channel in = template.clone();
// instantiate a candidate, if the instantiated local properties meet one possible local property set
for (OperatorDescriptorSingle dps: getPossibleProperties()) {
for (RequestedLocalProperties ilps : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) {
if (ilps.isMetBy(in.getLocalProperties())) {
instantiateCandidate(dps, in, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps, ilp);
break outer;
Example 4
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public List<PlanNode> getAlternativePlans(CostEstimator estimator) { // check if we have a cached version if (this.cachedPlans != null) { return this.cachedPlans; } // calculate alternative sub-plans for predecessor List<? extends PlanNode> subPlans = getPredecessorNode().getAlternativePlans(estimator); List<PlanNode> outputPlans = new ArrayList<PlanNode>(); final int parallelism = getParallelism(); final int inDop = getPredecessorNode().getParallelism(); final ExecutionMode executionMode = this.input.getDataExchangeMode(); final boolean dopChange = parallelism != inDop; final boolean breakPipeline = this.input.isBreakingPipeline(); InterestingProperties ips = this.input.getInterestingProperties(); for (PlanNode p : subPlans) { for (RequestedGlobalProperties gp : ips.getGlobalProperties()) { for (RequestedLocalProperties lp : ips.getLocalProperties()) { Channel c = new Channel(p); gp.parameterizeChannel(c, dopChange, executionMode, breakPipeline); lp.parameterizeChannel(c); c.setRequiredLocalProps(lp); c.setRequiredGlobalProps(gp); // no need to check whether the created properties meet what we need in case // of ordering or global ordering, because the only interesting properties we have // are what we require outputPlans.add(new SinkPlanNode(this, "DataSink ("+this.getOperator().getName()+")" ,c)); } } } // cost and prune the plans for (PlanNode node : outputPlans) { estimator.costOperator(node); } prunePlanAlternatives(outputPlans); this.cachedPlans = outputPlans; return outputPlans; }
Example 5
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template1, Channel template2, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps1, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps2, List<PlanNode> target, LocalPropertiesPair[] validLocalCombinations, CostEstimator estimator) { for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp1 : this.input1.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) { final Channel in1 = template1.clone(); ilp1.parameterizeChannel(in1); for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp2 : this.input2.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) { final Channel in2 = template2.clone(); ilp2.parameterizeChannel(in2); for (OperatorDescriptorDual dps: getProperties()) { for (LocalPropertiesPair lpp : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) { if (lpp.getProperties1().isMetBy(in1.getLocalProperties()) && lpp.getProperties2().isMetBy(in2.getLocalProperties()) ) { // valid combination // for non trivial local properties, we need to check that they are co compatible // (such as when some sort order is requested, that both are the same sort order if (dps.areCoFulfilled(lpp.getProperties1(), lpp.getProperties2(), in1.getLocalProperties(), in2.getLocalProperties())) { // copy, because setting required properties and instantiation may // change the channels and should not affect prior candidates Channel in1Copy = in1.clone(); in1Copy.setRequiredLocalProps(lpp.getProperties1()); Channel in2Copy = in2.clone(); in2Copy.setRequiredLocalProps(lpp.getProperties2()); // all right, co compatible instantiate(dps, in1Copy, in2Copy, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps1, rgps2, ilp1, ilp2); break; } // else cannot use this pair, fall through the loop and try the next one } } } } } }
Example 6
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public List<PlanNode> getAlternativePlans(CostEstimator estimator) { // check if we have a cached version if (this.cachedPlans != null) { return this.cachedPlans; } // calculate alternative sub-plans for predecessor List<? extends PlanNode> subPlans = getPredecessorNode().getAlternativePlans(estimator); List<PlanNode> outputPlans = new ArrayList<PlanNode>(); final int parallelism = getParallelism(); final int inDop = getPredecessorNode().getParallelism(); final ExecutionMode executionMode = this.input.getDataExchangeMode(); final boolean dopChange = parallelism != inDop; final boolean breakPipeline = this.input.isBreakingPipeline(); InterestingProperties ips = this.input.getInterestingProperties(); for (PlanNode p : subPlans) { for (RequestedGlobalProperties gp : ips.getGlobalProperties()) { for (RequestedLocalProperties lp : ips.getLocalProperties()) { Channel c = new Channel(p); gp.parameterizeChannel(c, dopChange, executionMode, breakPipeline); lp.parameterizeChannel(c); c.setRequiredLocalProps(lp); c.setRequiredGlobalProps(gp); // no need to check whether the created properties meet what we need in case // of ordering or global ordering, because the only interesting properties we have // are what we require outputPlans.add(new SinkPlanNode(this, "DataSink ("+this.getOperator().getName()+")" ,c)); } } } // cost and prune the plans for (PlanNode node : outputPlans) { estimator.costOperator(node); } prunePlanAlternatives(outputPlans); this.cachedPlans = outputPlans; return outputPlans; }
Example 7
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template1, Channel template2, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps1, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps2, List<PlanNode> target, LocalPropertiesPair[] validLocalCombinations, CostEstimator estimator) { for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp1 : this.input1.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) { final Channel in1 = template1.clone(); ilp1.parameterizeChannel(in1); for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp2 : this.input2.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) { final Channel in2 = template2.clone(); ilp2.parameterizeChannel(in2); for (OperatorDescriptorDual dps: getProperties()) { for (LocalPropertiesPair lpp : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) { if (lpp.getProperties1().isMetBy(in1.getLocalProperties()) && lpp.getProperties2().isMetBy(in2.getLocalProperties()) ) { // valid combination // for non trivial local properties, we need to check that they are co compatible // (such as when some sort order is requested, that both are the same sort order if (dps.areCoFulfilled(lpp.getProperties1(), lpp.getProperties2(), in1.getLocalProperties(), in2.getLocalProperties())) { // copy, because setting required properties and instantiation may // change the channels and should not affect prior candidates Channel in1Copy = in1.clone(); in1Copy.setRequiredLocalProps(lpp.getProperties1()); Channel in2Copy = in2.clone(); in2Copy.setRequiredLocalProps(lpp.getProperties2()); // all right, co compatible instantiate(dps, in1Copy, in2Copy, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps1, rgps2, ilp1, ilp2); break; } // else cannot use this pair, fall through the loop and try the next one } } } } } }
Example 8
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public List<PlanNode> getAlternativePlans(CostEstimator estimator) { // check if we have a cached version if (this.cachedPlans != null) { return this.cachedPlans; } // calculate alternative sub-plans for predecessor List<? extends PlanNode> subPlans = getPredecessorNode().getAlternativePlans(estimator); List<PlanNode> outputPlans = new ArrayList<PlanNode>(); final int parallelism = getParallelism(); final int inDop = getPredecessorNode().getParallelism(); final ExecutionMode executionMode = this.input.getDataExchangeMode(); final boolean dopChange = parallelism != inDop; final boolean breakPipeline = this.input.isBreakingPipeline(); InterestingProperties ips = this.input.getInterestingProperties(); for (PlanNode p : subPlans) { for (RequestedGlobalProperties gp : ips.getGlobalProperties()) { for (RequestedLocalProperties lp : ips.getLocalProperties()) { Channel c = new Channel(p); gp.parameterizeChannel(c, dopChange, executionMode, breakPipeline); lp.parameterizeChannel(c); c.setRequiredLocalProps(lp); c.setRequiredGlobalProps(gp); // no need to check whether the created properties meet what we need in case // of ordering or global ordering, because the only interesting properties we have // are what we require outputPlans.add(new SinkPlanNode(this, "DataSink ("+this.getOperator().getName()+")" ,c)); } } } // cost and prune the plans for (PlanNode node : outputPlans) { estimator.costOperator(node); } prunePlanAlternatives(outputPlans); this.cachedPlans = outputPlans; return outputPlans; }
Example 9
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void addLocalCandidates(Channel template1, Channel template2, List<Set<? extends NamedChannel>> broadcastPlanChannels, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps1, RequestedGlobalProperties rgps2, List<PlanNode> target, LocalPropertiesPair[] validLocalCombinations, CostEstimator estimator) { for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp1 : this.input1.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) { final Channel in1 = template1.clone(); ilp1.parameterizeChannel(in1); for (RequestedLocalProperties ilp2 : this.input2.getInterestingProperties().getLocalProperties()) { final Channel in2 = template2.clone(); ilp2.parameterizeChannel(in2); for (OperatorDescriptorDual dps: getProperties()) { for (LocalPropertiesPair lpp : dps.getPossibleLocalProperties()) { if (lpp.getProperties1().isMetBy(in1.getLocalProperties()) && lpp.getProperties2().isMetBy(in2.getLocalProperties()) ) { // valid combination // for non trivial local properties, we need to check that they are co compatible // (such as when some sort order is requested, that both are the same sort order if (dps.areCoFulfilled(lpp.getProperties1(), lpp.getProperties2(), in1.getLocalProperties(), in2.getLocalProperties())) { // copy, because setting required properties and instantiation may // change the channels and should not affect prior candidates Channel in1Copy = in1.clone(); in1Copy.setRequiredLocalProps(lpp.getProperties1()); Channel in2Copy = in2.clone(); in2Copy.setRequiredLocalProps(lpp.getProperties2()); // all right, co compatible instantiate(dps, in1Copy, in2Copy, broadcastPlanChannels, target, estimator, rgps1, rgps2, ilp1, ilp2); break; } // else cannot use this pair, fall through the loop and try the next one } } } } } }