Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.runtime.instance.ActorGateway#ask()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.flink.runtime.instance.ActorGateway#ask() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Requests the {@link JobStatus} of the job with the given {@link JobID}.
public CompletableFuture<JobStatus> getJobStatus(JobID jobId) {
final ActorGateway jobManager;
try {
jobManager = getJobManagerGateway();
} catch (FlinkException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not retrieve JobManage gateway.", e);
Future<Object> response = jobManager.ask(JobManagerMessages.getRequestJobStatus(jobId), timeout);
CompletableFuture<Object> javaFuture = FutureUtils.toJava(response);
return javaFuture.thenApply((responseMessage) -> {
if (responseMessage instanceof JobManagerMessages.CurrentJobStatus) {
return ((JobManagerMessages.CurrentJobStatus) responseMessage).status();
} else if (responseMessage instanceof JobManagerMessages.JobNotFound) {
throw new CompletionException(
new IllegalStateException("Could not find job with JobId " + jobId));
} else {
throw new CompletionException(
new IllegalStateException("Unknown JobManager response of type " + responseMessage.getClass()));
Example 2
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Cancels a job identified by the job id.
* @param jobId the job id
* @throws Exception In case an error occurred.
public void cancel(JobID jobId) throws Exception {
final ActorGateway jobManager = getJobManagerGateway();
Object cancelMsg = new JobManagerMessages.CancelJob(jobId);
Future<Object> response = jobManager.ask(cancelMsg, timeout);
final Object rc = Await.result(response, timeout);
if (rc instanceof JobManagerMessages.CancellationSuccess) {
// no further action required
} else if (rc instanceof JobManagerMessages.CancellationFailure) {
throw new Exception("Canceling the job with ID " + jobId + " failed.",
((JobManagerMessages.CancellationFailure) rc).cause());
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected response: " + rc);
Example 3
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Cancels a job identified by the job id and triggers a savepoint.
* @param jobId the job id
* @param savepointDirectory directory the savepoint should be written to
* @return path where the savepoint is located
* @throws Exception In case an error occurred.
public String cancelWithSavepoint(JobID jobId, @Nullable String savepointDirectory) throws Exception {
final ActorGateway jobManager = getJobManagerGateway();
Object cancelMsg = new JobManagerMessages.CancelJobWithSavepoint(jobId, savepointDirectory);
Future<Object> response = jobManager.ask(cancelMsg, timeout);
final Object rc = Await.result(response, timeout);
if (rc instanceof JobManagerMessages.CancellationSuccess) {
JobManagerMessages.CancellationSuccess success = (JobManagerMessages.CancellationSuccess) rc;
return success.savepointPath();
} else if (rc instanceof JobManagerMessages.CancellationFailure) {
throw new Exception("Cancel & savepoint for the job with ID " + jobId + " failed.",
((JobManagerMessages.CancellationFailure) rc).cause());
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected response: " + rc);
Example 4
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Stops a program on Flink cluster whose job-manager is configured in this client's configuration.
* Stopping works only for streaming programs. Be aware, that the program might continue to run for
* a while after sending the stop command, because after sources stopped to emit data all operators
* need to finish processing.
* @param jobId
* the job ID of the streaming program to stop
* @throws Exception
* If the job ID is invalid (ie, is unknown or refers to a batch job) or if sending the stop signal
* failed. That might be due to an I/O problem, ie, the job-manager is unreachable.
public void stop(final JobID jobId) throws Exception {
final ActorGateway jobManager = getJobManagerGateway();
Future<Object> response = jobManager.ask(new JobManagerMessages.StopJob(jobId), timeout);
final Object rc = Await.result(response, timeout);
if (rc instanceof JobManagerMessages.StoppingSuccess) {
// no further action required
} else if (rc instanceof JobManagerMessages.StoppingFailure) {
throw new Exception("Stopping the job with ID " + jobId + " failed.",
((JobManagerMessages.StoppingFailure) rc).cause());
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected response: " + rc);
Example 5
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Triggers a savepoint for the job identified by the job id. The savepoint will be written to the given savepoint
* directory, or {@link org.apache.flink.configuration.CheckpointingOptions#SAVEPOINT_DIRECTORY} if it is null.
* @param jobId job id
* @param savepointDirectory directory the savepoint should be written to
* @return path future where the savepoint is located
* @throws FlinkException if no connection to the cluster could be established
public CompletableFuture<String> triggerSavepoint(JobID jobId, @Nullable String savepointDirectory) throws FlinkException {
final ActorGateway jobManager = getJobManagerGateway();
Future<Object> response = jobManager.ask(new JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepoint(jobId, Option.<String>apply(savepointDirectory)),
new FiniteDuration(1, TimeUnit.HOURS));
CompletableFuture<Object> responseFuture = FutureUtils.toJava(response);
return responseFuture.thenApply((responseMessage) -> {
if (responseMessage instanceof JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointSuccess) {
JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointSuccess success = (JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointSuccess) responseMessage;
return success.savepointPath();
} else if (responseMessage instanceof JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointFailure) {
JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointFailure failure = (JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointFailure) responseMessage;
throw new CompletionException(failure.cause());
} else {
throw new CompletionException(
new IllegalStateException("Unknown JobManager response of type " + responseMessage.getClass()));
Example 6
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Lists the currently running and finished jobs on the cluster.
* @return future collection of running and finished jobs
* @throws Exception if no connection to the cluster could be established
public CompletableFuture<Collection<JobStatusMessage>> listJobs() throws Exception {
final ActorGateway jobManager = getJobManagerGateway();
Future<Object> response = jobManager.ask(new RequestJobDetails(true, false), timeout);
CompletableFuture<Object> responseFuture = FutureUtils.toJava(response);
return responseFuture.thenApply((responseMessage) -> {
if (responseMessage instanceof MultipleJobsDetails) {
MultipleJobsDetails details = (MultipleJobsDetails) responseMessage;
final Collection<JobDetails> jobDetails = details.getJobs();
Collection<JobStatusMessage> flattenedDetails = new ArrayList<>(jobDetails.size());
jobDetails.forEach(detail -> flattenedDetails.add(new JobStatusMessage(detail.getJobId(), detail.getJobName(), detail.getStatus(), detail.getStartTime())));
return flattenedDetails;
} else {
throw new CompletionException(
new IllegalStateException("Unknown JobManager response of type " + responseMessage.getClass()));
Example 7
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Requests and returns the accumulators for the given job identifier. Accumulators can be
* requested while a is running or after it has finished.
* @param jobID The job identifier of a job.
* @param loader The class loader for deserializing the accumulator results.
* @return A Map containing the accumulator's name and its value.
public Map<String, OptionalFailure<Object>> getAccumulators(JobID jobID, ClassLoader loader) throws Exception {
ActorGateway jobManagerGateway = getJobManagerGateway();
Future<Object> response;
try {
response = jobManagerGateway.ask(new RequestAccumulatorResults(jobID), timeout);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Failed to query the job manager gateway for accumulators.", e);
Object result = Await.result(response, timeout);
if (result instanceof AccumulatorResultsFound) {
Map<String, SerializedValue<OptionalFailure<Object>>> serializedAccumulators =
((AccumulatorResultsFound) result).result();
return AccumulatorHelper.deserializeAccumulators(serializedAccumulators, loader);
} else if (result instanceof AccumulatorResultsErroneous) {
throw ((AccumulatorResultsErroneous) result).cause();
} else {
throw new Exception("Failed to fetch accumulators for the job " + jobID + ".");
Example 8
Source File: From flink-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Stop the <jobID> job. This should be called even if isRunning() returns false, so that the LocalFlinkMiniCluster
* will be terminated.
* @param jobID
* @throws Exception
public void stop(JobID jobID) throws Exception {
// Try to cancel the job.
ActorGateway leader = _exec.getLeaderGateway(_exec.timeout());
Future<Object> response = leader.ask(new JobManagerMessages.CancelJob(jobID),
Object result = Await.result(response, _exec.timeout());
if (result instanceof CancellationSuccess) {
// All good.
} else if (result instanceof CancellationFailure) {
CancellationFailure failure = (CancellationFailure) result;
throw new RuntimeException("Failure cancelling job", failure.cause());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected result of cancelling job: " + result);
Example 9
Source File: From df_data_service with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public GetClusterStatusResponse getClusterStatus() {
ActorGateway jmGateway;
try {
jmGateway = getJobManagerGateway();
Future<Object> future = jmGateway.ask(GetClusterStatus.getInstance(), timeout);
Object result = Await.result(future, timeout);
if (result instanceof GetClusterStatusResponse) {
return (GetClusterStatusResponse) result;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Received the wrong reply " + result + " from cluster.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't retrieve the Cluster status.", e);
Example 10
Source File: From flink-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Return whether <jobID> is currently running.
* @param jobID
* @return true if running.
* @throws Exception
public boolean isRunning(JobID jobID) throws Exception {
ActorGateway leader = _exec.getLeaderGateway(_exec.timeout());
Future<Object> response = leader.ask(new JobManagerMessages.RequestJobStatus(jobID),
Object result = Await.result(response, _exec.timeout());
if (result instanceof CurrentJobStatus) {
JobStatus jobStatus = ((CurrentJobStatus) result).status();
return !jobStatus.isGloballyTerminalState();
} else if (response instanceof JobNotFound) {
return false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected response to job status: " + result);
Example 11
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testLogNotFoundHandling() throws Exception {
new JavaTestKit(system){{
// we require a JobManager so that the BlobService is also started
ActorGateway jobManager = null;
ActorGateway taskManager = null;
try {
// Create the JM
ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(
new SimplePartitionStateLookupJobManagerCreator(LEADER_SESSION_ID, getTestActor())));
jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, LEADER_SESSION_ID);
final int dataPort = NetUtils.getAvailablePort();
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setInteger(TaskManagerOptions.DATA_PORT, dataPort);
config.setInteger(TaskManagerOptions.NETWORK_REQUEST_BACKOFF_INITIAL, 100);
config.setInteger(TaskManagerOptions.NETWORK_REQUEST_BACKOFF_MAX, 200);
config.setString(ConfigConstants.TASK_MANAGER_LOG_PATH_KEY, "/i/dont/exist");
new StandaloneLeaderRetrievalService(jobManager.path(), jobManager.leaderSessionID()));
taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
final ActorGateway tm = taskManager;
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
Future<Object> logFuture = tm.ask(TaskManagerMessages.getRequestTaskManagerLog(), timeout);
try {
Await.result(logFuture, timeout);;
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("TaskManager log files are unavailable. Log file could not be found at"));
} finally {
Example 12
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Test that a failing schedule or update consumers call leads to the failing of the respective
* task.
* <p>IMPORTANT: We have to make sure that the invokable's cancel method is called, because only
* then the future is completed. We do this by not eagerly deploy consumer tasks and requiring
* the invokable to fill one memory segment. The completed memory segment will trigger the
* scheduling of the downstream operator since it is in pipeline mode. After we've filled the
* memory segment, we'll block the invokable and wait for the task failure due to the failed
* schedule or update consumers call.
@Test(timeout = 10000L)
public void testFailingScheduleOrUpdateConsumersMessage() throws Exception {
new JavaTestKit(system) {{
final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
// set the memory segment to the smallest size possible, because we have to fill one
// memory buffer to trigger the schedule or update consumers message to the downstream
// operators
configuration.setString(TaskManagerOptions.MEMORY_SEGMENT_SIZE, "4096");
final JobID jid = new JobID();
final JobVertexID vid = new JobVertexID();
final ExecutionAttemptID eid = new ExecutionAttemptID();
final SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> executionConfig = new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig());
final ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor resultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor = new ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor(
new IntermediateDataSetID(),
new IntermediateResultPartitionID(),
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jid, "TestJob", vid, eid, executionConfig,
"TestTask", 1, 0, 1, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(),
new ArrayList<>(), Collections.emptyList(), 0);
ActorRef jmActorRef = system.actorOf(Props.create(FailingScheduleOrUpdateConsumersJobManager.class, LEADER_SESSION_ID), "jobmanager");
ActorGateway jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jmActorRef, LEADER_SESSION_ID);
new StandaloneLeaderRetrievalService(jobManager.path(), jobManager.leaderSessionID()));
final ActorGateway taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(
try {
Future<Object> result = taskManager.ask(new SubmitTask(tdd), timeout);
Await.result(result, timeout);
CompletableFuture<Boolean> cancelFuture = TestInvokableRecordCancel.gotCanceled();
assertEquals(true, cancelFuture.get());
} finally {
Example 13
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Tests that the TaskManager sends a proper exception back to the sender if the submit task
* message fails.
public void testSubmitTaskFailure() throws Exception {
ActorGateway jobManager = null;
ActorGateway taskManager = null;
try {
ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(SimpleJobManager.class, LEADER_SESSION_ID));
jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, LEADER_SESSION_ID);
new StandaloneLeaderRetrievalService(jobManager.path(), jobManager.leaderSessionID()));
taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(
new Configuration(),
TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(
new JobID(),
"test job",
new JobVertexID(),
new ExecutionAttemptID(),
new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()),
"test task",
0, // this will make the submission fail because the number of key groups must be >= 1
new Configuration(),
new Configuration(),
Future<Object> submitResponse = taskManager.ask(new SubmitTask(tdd), timeout);
try {
Await.result(submitResponse, timeout);
fail("The submit task message should have failed.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
} finally {
Example 14
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Tests that the TaskManager sends a proper exception back to the sender if the stop task * message fails. */ @Test public void testStopTaskFailure() throws Exception { ActorGateway jobManager = null; ActorGateway taskManager = null; try { final ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptId = new ExecutionAttemptID(); ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(SimpleJobManager.class, LEADER_SESSION_ID)); jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, LEADER_SESSION_ID); highAvailabilityServices.setJobMasterLeaderRetriever( HighAvailabilityServices.DEFAULT_JOB_ID, new StandaloneLeaderRetrievalService(jobManager.path(), jobManager.leaderSessionID())); taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager( system, highAvailabilityServices, new Configuration(), true, true); TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor( new JobID(), "test job", new JobVertexID(), executionAttemptId, new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "test task", 1, 0, 1, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), BlockingNoOpInvokable.class.getName(), Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), 0); Future<Object> submitResponse = taskManager.ask(new SubmitTask(tdd), timeout); Await.result(submitResponse, timeout); final Future<Object> taskRunning = taskManager.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskIsRunning(executionAttemptId), timeout); Await.result(taskRunning, timeout); Future<Object> stopResponse = taskManager.ask(new StopTask(executionAttemptId), timeout); try { Await.result(stopResponse, timeout); fail("The stop task message should have failed."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected } } finally { TestingUtils.stopActor(jobManager); TestingUtils.stopActor(taskManager); } }
Example 15
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Tests that the TaskManager sends a proper exception back to the sender if the trigger stack
* trace message fails.
public void testStackTraceSampleFailure() throws Exception {
ActorGateway jobManager = null;
ActorGateway taskManager = null;
try {
ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(SimpleJobManager.class, LEADER_SESSION_ID));
jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, LEADER_SESSION_ID);
new StandaloneLeaderRetrievalService(jobManager.path(), jobManager.leaderSessionID()));
taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(
new Configuration(),
Future<Object> stackTraceResponse = taskManager.ask(
new TriggerStackTraceSample(
new ExecutionAttemptID(),
try {
Await.result(stackTraceResponse, timeout);
fail("The trigger stack trace message should have failed.");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// expected
} finally {
Example 16
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Tests that the TaskManager sends a proper exception back to the sender if the trigger stack * trace message fails. */ @Test public void testUpdateTaskInputPartitionsFailure() throws Exception { ActorGateway jobManager = null; ActorGateway taskManager = null; try { final ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptId = new ExecutionAttemptID(); ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(SimpleJobManager.class, LEADER_SESSION_ID)); jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, LEADER_SESSION_ID); highAvailabilityServices.setJobMasterLeaderRetriever( HighAvailabilityServices.DEFAULT_JOB_ID, new StandaloneLeaderRetrievalService(jobManager.path(), jobManager.leaderSessionID())); taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager( system, highAvailabilityServices, new Configuration(), true, true); TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor( new JobID(), "test job", new JobVertexID(), executionAttemptId, new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "test task", 1, 0, 1, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), BlockingNoOpInvokable.class.getName(), Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), 0); Future<Object> submitResponse = taskManager.ask(new SubmitTask(tdd), timeout); Await.result(submitResponse, timeout); Future<Object> partitionUpdateResponse = taskManager.ask( new TaskMessages.UpdateTaskSinglePartitionInfo( executionAttemptId, new IntermediateDataSetID(), new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(new ResultPartitionID(), ResultPartitionLocation.createLocal())), timeout); try { Await.result(partitionUpdateResponse, timeout); fail("The update task input partitions message should have failed."); } catch (Exception e) { // expected } } finally { TestingUtils.stopActor(jobManager); TestingUtils.stopActor(taskManager); } }