Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.runtime.state.CheckpointStorage#initializeLocationForSavepoint()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.flink.runtime.state.CheckpointStorage#initializeLocationForSavepoint() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private URI createTestingSavepoint() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
final StateBackend stateBackend = Checkpoints.loadStateBackend(configuration, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), log);
final CheckpointStorage checkpointStorage = stateBackend.createCheckpointStorage(jobGraph.getJobID());
final File savepointFile = temporaryFolder.newFolder();
final long checkpointId = 1L;
final CheckpointStorageLocation checkpointStorageLocation = checkpointStorage.initializeLocationForSavepoint(checkpointId, savepointFile.getAbsolutePath());
final CheckpointMetadataOutputStream metadataOutputStream = checkpointStorageLocation.createMetadataOutputStream();
Checkpoints.storeCheckpointMetadata(new SavepointV2(checkpointId, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()), metadataOutputStream);
final CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation completedCheckpointStorageLocation = metadataOutputStream.closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint();
return new URI(completedCheckpointStorageLocation.getExternalPointer());
Example 2
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testNoSavepointPathConfiguredNoTarget() throws Exception {
final CheckpointStorage storage = createCheckpointStorage(randomTempPath());
try {
storage.initializeLocationForSavepoint(1337, null);
fail("this should fail with an exception");
catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {}
Example 3
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void testSavepoint(
@Nullable Path savepointDir,
@Nullable Path customDir,
Path expectedParent) throws Exception {
final CheckpointStorage storage = savepointDir == null ?
createCheckpointStorage(randomTempPath()) :
createCheckpointStorageWithSavepointDir(randomTempPath(), savepointDir);
final String customLocation = customDir == null ? null : customDir.toString();
final CheckpointStorageLocation savepointLocation =
storage.initializeLocationForSavepoint(52452L, customLocation);
final byte[] data = {77, 66, 55, 99, 88};
final CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation completed;
try (CheckpointMetadataOutputStream out = savepointLocation.createMetadataOutputStream()) {
completed = out.closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint();
// we need to do this step to make sure we have a slash (or not) in the same way as the
// expected path has it
final Path normalizedWithSlash = Path.fromLocalFile(new File(new Path(completed.getExternalPointer()).getParent().getPath()));
assertEquals(expectedParent, normalizedWithSlash);
validateContents(completed.getMetadataHandle(), data);
// validate that the correct directory was used
FileStateHandle fileStateHandle = (FileStateHandle) completed.getMetadataHandle();
// we need to recreate that path in the same way as the "expected path" (via File and URI) to make
// sure the either both use '/' suffixes, or neither uses them (a bit of an annoying ambiguity)
Path usedSavepointDir = new Path(new File(fileStateHandle.getFilePath().getParent().getParent().getPath()).toURI());
assertEquals(expectedParent, usedSavepointDir);
Example 4
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testNoSavepointPathConfiguredNoTarget() throws Exception {
final CheckpointStorage storage = createCheckpointStorage(randomTempPath());
try {
storage.initializeLocationForSavepoint(1337, null);
fail("this should fail with an exception");
catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {}
Example 5
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void testSavepoint(
@Nullable Path savepointDir,
@Nullable Path customDir,
Path expectedParent) throws Exception {
final CheckpointStorage storage = savepointDir == null ?
createCheckpointStorage(randomTempPath()) :
createCheckpointStorageWithSavepointDir(randomTempPath(), savepointDir);
final String customLocation = customDir == null ? null : customDir.toString();
final CheckpointStorageLocation savepointLocation =
storage.initializeLocationForSavepoint(52452L, customLocation);
final byte[] data = {77, 66, 55, 99, 88};
final CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation completed;
try (CheckpointMetadataOutputStream out = savepointLocation.createMetadataOutputStream()) {
completed = out.closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint();
// we need to do this step to make sure we have a slash (or not) in the same way as the
// expected path has it
final Path normalizedWithSlash = Path.fromLocalFile(new File(new Path(completed.getExternalPointer()).getParent().getPath()));
assertEquals(expectedParent, normalizedWithSlash);
validateContents(completed.getMetadataHandle(), data);
// validate that the correct directory was used
FileStateHandle fileStateHandle = (FileStateHandle) completed.getMetadataHandle();
// we need to recreate that path in the same way as the "expected path" (via File and URI) to make
// sure the either both use '/' suffixes, or neither uses them (a bit of an annoying ambiguity)
Path usedSavepointDir = new Path(new File(fileStateHandle.getFilePath().getParent().getParent().getPath()).toURI());
assertEquals(expectedParent, usedSavepointDir);
Example 6
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testNoSavepointPathConfiguredNoTarget() throws Exception {
final CheckpointStorage storage = createCheckpointStorage(randomTempPath());
try {
storage.initializeLocationForSavepoint(1337, null);
fail("this should fail with an exception");
catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {}
Example 7
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void testSavepoint(
@Nullable Path savepointDir,
@Nullable Path customDir,
Path expectedParent) throws Exception {
final CheckpointStorage storage = savepointDir == null ?
createCheckpointStorage(randomTempPath()) :
createCheckpointStorageWithSavepointDir(randomTempPath(), savepointDir);
final String customLocation = customDir == null ? null : customDir.toString();
final CheckpointStorageLocation savepointLocation =
storage.initializeLocationForSavepoint(52452L, customLocation);
final byte[] data = {77, 66, 55, 99, 88};
final CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation completed;
try (CheckpointMetadataOutputStream out = savepointLocation.createMetadataOutputStream()) {
completed = out.closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint();
// we need to do this step to make sure we have a slash (or not) in the same way as the
// expected path has it
final Path normalizedWithSlash = Path.fromLocalFile(new File(new Path(completed.getExternalPointer()).getParent().getPath()));
assertEquals(expectedParent, normalizedWithSlash);
validateContents(completed.getMetadataHandle(), data);
// validate that the correct directory was used
FileStateHandle fileStateHandle = (FileStateHandle) completed.getMetadataHandle();
// we need to recreate that path in the same way as the "expected path" (via File and URI) to make
// sure the either both use '/' suffixes, or neither uses them (a bit of an annoying ambiguity)
Path usedSavepointDir = new Path(new File(fileStateHandle.getFilePath().getParent().getParent().getPath()).toURI());
assertEquals(expectedParent, usedSavepointDir);