Java Code Examples for org.apache.jena.query.Dataset#begin()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.jena.query.Dataset#begin() .
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Example 1
Source File: From rdf2neo with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
* Loads the test TDB used in this class with a bounch of RDF data.
public static void initData ()
{ ( TDB_PATH );
Dataset ds = rdfMgr.getDataSet ();
Model m = ds.getDefaultModel ();
ds.begin ( ReadWrite.WRITE );
//if ( m.size () > 0 ) return; ( IOUtils.openResourceReader ( "test_data.ttl" ), null, "TURTLE" );
ds.commit ();
catch ( Exception ex ) {
ds.abort ();
throw new RuntimeException ( "Test error: " + ex.getMessage (), ex );
finally {
ds.end ();
Example 2
Source File: From rdf2neo with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Take an existing {@link CypherEntity} and adds the properties that can be mapped from the underlining TDB by means
* of a property query, like {@link CyNodeLoadingHandler#getNodePropsSparql()}, or
* {@link CyRelationLoadingHandler#getRelationPropsSparql()}.
* It doesn't do anything if the query is null.
protected void addCypherProps ( CypherEntity cyEnt, String propsSparql )
ensureOpen ();
Dataset dataSet = this.getDataSet ();
QuerySolutionMap params = new QuerySolutionMap ();
params.add ( "iri", dataSet.getUnionModel().getResource ( cyEnt.getIri () ) );
// It may be omitted, if you don't have any property except the IRI.
if ( propsSparql == null ) return;
Query qry = SparqlUtils.getCachedQuery ( propsSparql );
Function<String, String> propIdConverter = this.getCyPropertyIdConverter ();
boolean wasInTnx = dataSet.isInTransaction ();
if ( !wasInTnx ) dataSet.begin ( ReadWrite.READ );
QueryExecution qx = QueryExecutionFactory.create ( qry, dataSet, params );
qx.execSelect ().forEachRemaining ( row ->
String propName = this.getCypherId ( row.get ( "name" ), propIdConverter );
if ( propName == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException (
"Null property name for " + cyEnt.getIri ()
String propValue = JENAUTILS.literal2Value ( row.getLiteral ( "value" ) ).get ();
cyEnt.addPropValue ( propName, propValue );
finally {
if ( !wasInTnx && dataSet.isInTransaction () ) dataSet.end ();
Example 3
Source File: From robot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
* Given a path to an RDF/XML or TTL file and a RDF language, load the file as the default model
* of a TDB dataset backed by a directory to improve processing time. Return the new dataset.
* <p>WARNING - this creates a directory at given tdbDir location!
* @param inputPath input path of RDF/XML or TTL file
* @param tdbDir location to put TDB mappings
* @return Dataset instantiated with triples
* @throws JenaException if TDB directory can't be written to
public static Dataset loadToTDBDataset(String inputPath, String tdbDir) throws JenaException {
Dataset dataset;
if (new File(tdbDir).isDirectory()) {
dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(tdbDir);
if (!dataset.isEmpty()) {
return dataset;
dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(tdbDir);
logger.debug(String.format("Parsing input '%s' to dataset", inputPath));
// Track parsing time
long start = System.nanoTime();
Model m;
try {
m = dataset.getDefaultModel();
FileManager.get().readModel(m, inputPath);
} catch (JenaException e) {
throw new JenaException(String.format(syntaxError, inputPath));
} finally {
long time = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000;
logger.debug(String.format("Parsing complete - took %s seconds", String.valueOf(time)));
return dataset;
Example 4
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void main(String... argv) { String directory = "MyDatabases/DB1" ; Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory) ; // Start WRITE transaction. // It's possible to read from the datet inside the write transaction. // An application can have other Datasets, in the same JVM, // tied to the same TDB database performing read // transactions concurrently. If another write transaction // starts, the call of dataset.begin(WRITE) blocks until // existing writer finishes. dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ; try { GraphStore graphStore = GraphStoreFactory.create(dataset) ; // Do a SPARQL Update. String sparqlUpdateString = StrUtils.strjoinNL( "PREFIX . <http://example/>", "INSERT { :s :p ?now } WHERE { BIND(now() AS ?now) }" ) ; execUpdate(sparqlUpdateString, graphStore) ; dataset.commit() ; // Or call .abort() } finally { // Notify the end of the transaction. // The transaction was finished at the point .commit or .abort was called. // .end will force an abort() if no previous call to .commit() or .abort() // has occurred, so .end() help manage track the state of the transaction. // .end() can be called multiple times for the same .begin(WRITE) dataset.end() ; } }
Example 5
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void main(String... argv) { String directory = "MyDatabases/DB1" ; Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory) ; // Start READ transaction. // No updates or changes to the dataset are possible while this // dataset is used for a read transaction. // An application can have other Datasets, in the same JVM, // tied to the same TDB database performing read or write // transactions concurrently. dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ; try { // Do some queries String sparqlQueryString1 = "SELECT (count(*) AS ?count) { ?s ?p ?o }" ; execQuery(sparqlQueryString1, dataset) ; String sparqlQueryString2 = "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }" ; execQuery(sparqlQueryString2, dataset) ; // Can also call dataset.abort() or dataset.commit() here } finally { // Notify the end of the READ transaction. // Any use of dataset.abort() or dataset.commit() or dataset.end() // .end() can be called multiple times for the same .begin(READ) dataset.end() ; } }