Java Code Examples for org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Strings#repeat()
The following examples show how to use
org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Strings#repeat() .
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Example 1
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void test_writeString_formattable_excessive_string() {
final int maxStringLength = WRITER.getMaxStringLength();
final String excessiveString = Strings.repeat("x", maxStringLength) + 'y';
final String expectedJson = '"' +
excessiveString.substring(0, maxStringLength) +
WRITER.getTruncatedStringSuffix() +
final String actualJson = WRITER.use(() ->
WRITER.writeString(new StringBuilderFormattable() {
public void formatTo(StringBuilder stringBuilder) {
Example 2
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void test_writeString_emitter_excessive_string() {
final int maxStringLength = WRITER.getMaxStringLength();
final String excessiveString = Strings.repeat("x", maxStringLength) + 'y';
final String expectedJson = '"' +
excessiveString.substring(0, maxStringLength) +
WRITER.getTruncatedStringSuffix() +
final BiConsumer<StringBuilder, String> emitter = StringBuilder::append;
final String actualJson =
WRITER.use(() -> WRITER.writeString(emitter, excessiveString));
Example 3
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void test_writeString_excessive_seq() { final CharSequence seq = Strings.repeat("x", WRITER.getMaxStringLength()) + 'y'; final String expectedJson = "\"" + Strings.repeat("x", WRITER.getMaxStringLength()) + WRITER.getTruncatedStringSuffix() + '"'; final String actualJson = WRITER.use(() -> WRITER.writeString(seq)); Assertions.assertThat(actualJson).isEqualTo(expectedJson); }
Example 4
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void test_writeString_excessive_buffer() { final char[] buffer = (Strings.repeat("x", WRITER.getMaxStringLength()) + 'y') .toCharArray(); final String expectedJson = "\"" + Strings.repeat("x", WRITER.getMaxStringLength()) + WRITER.getTruncatedStringSuffix() + '"'; final String actualJson = WRITER.use(() -> WRITER.writeString(buffer)); Assertions.assertThat(actualJson).isEqualTo(expectedJson); }
Example 5
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void test_maxStringLength() { // Create the log event. final int maxStringLength = 30; final String excessiveMessageString = Strings.repeat("m", maxStringLength) + 'M'; final SimpleMessage message = new SimpleMessage(excessiveMessageString); final Throwable thrown = new RuntimeException(); final LogEvent logEvent = Log4jLogEvent .newBuilder() .setLoggerName(LOGGER_NAME) .setLevel(Level.INFO) .setMessage(message) .setThrown(thrown) .build(); // Create the event template node with map values. final String messageKey = "message"; final String excessiveKey = Strings.repeat("k", maxStringLength) + 'K'; final String excessiveValue = Strings.repeat("v", maxStringLength) + 'V'; final String nullValueKey = "nullValueKey"; final String eventTemplate = writeJson(Map( messageKey, Map("$resolver", "message"), excessiveKey, excessiveValue, nullValueKey, Map( "$resolver", "exception", "field", "message"))); // Create the layout. final JsonTemplateLayout layout = JsonTemplateLayout .newBuilder() .setConfiguration(CONFIGURATION) .setEventTemplate(eventTemplate) .setMaxStringLength(maxStringLength) .build(); // Check serialized event. usingSerializedLogEventAccessor(layout, logEvent, accessor -> { final String truncatedStringSuffix = JsonTemplateLayoutDefaults.getTruncatedStringSuffix(); final String truncatedMessageString = excessiveMessageString.substring(0, maxStringLength) + truncatedStringSuffix; assertThat(accessor.getString(messageKey)).isEqualTo(truncatedMessageString); final String truncatedKey = excessiveKey.substring(0, maxStringLength) + truncatedStringSuffix; final String truncatedValue = excessiveValue.substring(0, maxStringLength) + truncatedStringSuffix; assertThat(accessor.getString(truncatedKey)).isEqualTo(truncatedValue); assertThat(accessor.getString(nullValueKey)).isNull(); }); }