Java Code Examples for org.dom4j.Element#attributeValue()
The following examples show how to use
org.dom4j.Element#attributeValue() .
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Example 1
Source File: From atlas with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static void singleProcess(Document document, String applicationId) {
List<Node> nodes = document.getRootElement().selectNodes("//provider");
for (Node node : nodes) {
Element element = (Element)node;
String value = element.attributeValue("name");
Attribute attribute = element.attribute("multiprocess");
if (attribute!= null) {
Example 2
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void init() {
private static final Logger log = LoggerHelper.getLogger();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("START: Loading remote portlets content.");
final File configurationFile = new File(WebappHelper.getContextRoot() + CONFIG_FILE);
// this map contains the whole data
final HashMap<String, PortletInstitution> portletMap = new HashMap<String, PortletInstitution>();
final SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
try {
final Document doc =;
final Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement();
final List<Element> lstInst = rootElement.elements(ELEM_INSTITUTION);
for (final Element instElem : lstInst) {
final String inst = instElem.attributeValue(ATTR_INSTITUTION_NAME);
final List<Element> lstTmpLinks = instElem.elements(ELEM_LINK);
final List<PortletLink> lstLinks = new ArrayList<PortletLink>(lstTmpLinks.size());
for (final Element linkElem : lstTmpLinks) {
final String title = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_TITLE);
final String url = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_URL);
final String target = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_TARGET);
final String lang = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_LANG);
final String desc = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_DESC);
lstLinks.add(new PortletLink(title, url, target, lang, desc));
portletMap.put(inst, new PortletInstitution(inst, lstLinks));
} catch (final Exception e) {
log.error("Error reading configuration file", e);
} finally {
content = portletMap;
Example 3
Source File: From mts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void parseCommand(Element root) throws Exception { int code = -1 ; try { if(null!=root.attribute("code")) code = Integer.parseInt(root.attributeValue("code")); else { Dictionary.traceWarning("No commands.code, skipping"); return ; } } catch(Exception e) { Dictionary.traceWarning("Invalid command.code, skipping"); return ; } VendorDef vendor_id = null ; if(null != root.attributeValue("vendor-id")) Dictionary.getInstance().getVendorDefByName(root.attributeValue("vendor-id"), _name); String name = null ; if( null != root.attributeValue("name")) name = root.attributeValue("name"); else { Dictionary.traceWarning("Invalid, skipping"); return; } CommandDef commandDef = new CommandDef(code, name, vendor_id); if(null != getCommandDefByCode(code)) Dictionary.traceWarning("CommandDef of code " + code + " already exists, overwriting"); if(null != getCommandDefByName(name)) Dictionary.traceWarning("CommandDef of name " + name + " already exists, overwriting"); commandDefByName.put(name, commandDef); commandDefByCode.put(Integer.toString(code), commandDef); }
Example 4
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void loadAction(ActionOwner component, Element element) {
String actionId = element.attributeValue("action");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(actionId)) {
ComponentContext componentContext = getComponentContext();
new ActionOwnerAssignActionPostInitTask(component, actionId, componentContext.getFrame())
Example 5
Source File: From githubOfflineInstaller with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 获取当前的版本号 * @return * @throws DocumentException */ private void fetchVersion(InputStream in){ try { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document =; in.close(); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); List<Element> assemblyElements = rootElement.elements("assemblyIdentity"); if (assemblyElements.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get the github version from Github.application"); } for (Element element : assemblyElements) { if ("GitHub.application".equals(element.attributeValue("name"))) { String version = element.attributeValue("version"); if (version != null) { this.version = version.replaceAll("\\.", "_");//将版本号变成下划线连接,如3.1.1.4-->3_1_1_4 return; } } } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get the github version from Github.application"); } }
Example 6
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected MetaClass loadMetaClass(Element element) {
final String className = element.attributeValue("class");
if (className == null)
return null;
final Class<?> aClass = ReflectionHelper.getClass(className);
final MetaClass metaClass = metadata.getSession().getClass(aClass);
if (metaClass == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Can't find metaClass '%s'", className));
return metaClass;
Example 7
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected Optional<CollectionContainer> loadOptionsContainer(Element element) {
String containerId = element.attributeValue("optionsContainer");
if (containerId != null) {
FrameOwner frameOwner = getComponentContext().getFrame().getFrameOwner();
ScreenData screenData = UiControllerUtils.getScreenData(frameOwner);
InstanceContainer container = screenData.getContainer(containerId);
if (!(container instanceof CollectionContainer)) {
throw new GuiDevelopmentException("Not a CollectionContainer: " + containerId, context);
return Optional.of((CollectionContainer) container);
return Optional.empty();
Example 8
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void loadDatatype(HasDatatype component, Element element) {
String datatypeAttribute = element.attributeValue("datatype");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(datatypeAttribute)) {
//noinspection unchecked
Example 9
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Verifies the key sent by a Receiving Server. This server will be acting as the * Authoritative Server when executing this method. The remote server may have established * a new connection to the Authoritative Server (i.e. this server) for verifying the key * or it may be reusing an existing incoming connection. * * @param doc the Element that contains the key to verify. * @param connection the connection to use for sending the verification result * @return true if the key was verified. */ public static boolean verifyReceivedKey(Element doc, Connection connection) { String verifyFROM = doc.attributeValue("from"); String verifyTO = doc.attributeValue("to"); String key = doc.getTextTrim(); StreamID streamID = BasicStreamIDFactory.createStreamID( doc.attributeValue("id") ); final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Log.getName() + "[Acting as Authoritative Server: Verify key sent by RS: " + verifyFROM + " (id " + streamID+ ")]" ); log.debug( "Verifying key... "); // TODO If the value of the 'to' address does not match a recognized hostname, // then generate a <host-unknown/> stream error condition // TODO If the value of the 'from' address does not match the hostname // represented by the Receiving Server when opening the TCP connection, then // generate an <invalid-from/> stream error condition // Verify the received key // Created the expected key based on the received ID value and the shared secret String expectedKey = AuthFactory.createDigest(streamID.getID(), getSecretkey()); boolean verified = expectedKey.equals(key); // Send the result of the key verification StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<db:verify"); sb.append(" from=\"").append(verifyTO).append("\""); sb.append(" to=\"").append(verifyFROM).append("\""); sb.append(" type=\""); sb.append(verified ? "valid" : "invalid"); sb.append("\" id=\"").append(streamID.getID()).append("\"/>"); connection.deliverRawText(sb.toString()); log.debug("Verification successful! Key was: " + (verified ? "VALID" : "INVALID")); return verified; }
Example 10
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void loadPosition(NotificationFacet facet, Element element) {
String position = element.attributeValue("position");
if (isNotEmpty(position)) {
Example 11
Source File: From cpsolver with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Load data from the given XML root * @param root document root * @throws DocumentException */ protected void load(Element root) throws DocumentException { sLogger.debug("Root element: " + root.getName()); if (!"sectioning".equals(root.getName())) { sLogger.error("Given XML file is not student sectioning problem."); return; } if (iLoadOfferings && getModel().getDistanceConflict() != null && root.element("travel-times") != null) loadTravelTimes(root.element("travel-times"), getModel().getDistanceConflict().getDistanceMetric()); Map<Long, Placement> timetable = null; if (iTimetableFile != null) {"Reading timetable from " + iTimetableFile + " ..."); Document timetableDocument = (new SAXReader()).read(iTimetableFile); Element timetableRoot = timetableDocument.getRootElement(); if (!"timetable".equals(timetableRoot.getName())) { sLogger.error("Given XML file is not course timetabling problem."); return; } timetable = loadTimetable(timetableRoot); } Progress.getInstance(getModel()).load(root, true); Progress.getInstance(getModel()).message(Progress.MSGLEVEL_STAGE, "Restoring from backup ..."); if (root.attributeValue("term") != null) getModel().getProperties().setProperty("Data.Term", root.attributeValue("term")); if (root.attributeValue("year") != null) getModel().getProperties().setProperty("Data.Year", root.attributeValue("year")); if (root.attributeValue("initiative") != null) getModel().getProperties().setProperty("Data.Initiative", root.attributeValue("initiative")); Map<Long, Offering> offeringTable = new HashMap<Long, Offering>(); Map<Long, Course> courseTable = new HashMap<Long, Course>(); if (iLoadOfferings && root.element("offerings") != null) { loadOfferings(root.element("offerings"), offeringTable, courseTable, timetable); } else { for (Offering offering : getModel().getOfferings()) { offeringTable.put(new Long(offering.getId()), offering); for (Course course : offering.getCourses()) { courseTable.put(new Long(course.getId()), course); } } } List<Enrollment> bestEnrollments = new ArrayList<Enrollment>(); List<Enrollment> currentEnrollments = new ArrayList<Enrollment>(); if (iLoadStudents && root.element("students") != null) { loadStudents(root.element("students"), offeringTable, courseTable, bestEnrollments, currentEnrollments); } if (iLoadOfferings && root.element("constraints") != null) loadLinkedSections(root.element("constraints"), offeringTable); if (!bestEnrollments.isEmpty()) assignBest(bestEnrollments); if (!currentEnrollments.isEmpty()) assignCurrent(currentEnrollments); if (iMoveCriticalUp) moveCriticalRequestsUp(); sLogger.debug("Model successfully loaded."); }
Example 12
Source File: From ureport with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public CellDefinition parse(Element element) { CellDefinition cell=new CellDefinition(); cell.setName(element.attributeValue("name")); cell.setColumnNumber(Integer.valueOf(element.attributeValue("col"))); cell.setRowNumber(Integer.valueOf(element.attributeValue("row"))); cell.setLeftParentCellName(element.attributeValue("left-cell")); cell.setTopParentCellName(element.attributeValue("top-cell")); String rowSpan=element.attributeValue("row-span"); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(rowSpan)){ cell.setRowSpan(Integer.valueOf(rowSpan)); } String colSpan=element.attributeValue("col-span"); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(colSpan)){ cell.setColSpan(Integer.valueOf(colSpan)); } String expand=element.attributeValue("expand"); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(expand)){ cell.setExpand(Expand.valueOf(expand)); } String fillBlankRows=element.attributeValue("fill-blank-rows"); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(fillBlankRows)){ cell.setFillBlankRows(Boolean.valueOf(fillBlankRows)); String multiple=element.attributeValue("multiple"); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(multiple)){ cell.setMultiple(Integer.valueOf(multiple)); } } cell.setLinkTargetWindow(element.attributeValue("link-target-window")); String linkUrl=element.attributeValue("link-url"); cell.setLinkUrl(linkUrl); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(linkUrl)){ if(linkUrl.startsWith(ExpressionUtils.EXPR_PREFIX) && linkUrl.endsWith(ExpressionUtils.EXPR_SUFFIX)){ String expr=linkUrl.substring(2,linkUrl.length()-1); Expression urlExpression=ExpressionUtils.parseExpression(expr); cell.setLinkUrlExpression(urlExpression); } } List<LinkParameter> linkParameters=null; List<ConditionPropertyItem> conditionPropertyItems=null; for(Object obj:element.elements()){ if(!(obj instanceof Element)){ continue; } Element ele=(Element)obj; Object parseData=parseValue(ele); if(parseData instanceof Value){ Value value=(Value)parseData; cell.setValue(value); }else if(parseData instanceof CellStyle){ CellStyle cellStyle=(CellStyle)parseData; cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); }else if(parseData instanceof LinkParameter){ if(linkParameters==null){ linkParameters=new ArrayList<LinkParameter>(); } linkParameters.add((LinkParameter)parseData); }else if(parseData instanceof ConditionPropertyItem){ if(conditionPropertyItems==null){ conditionPropertyItems=new ArrayList<ConditionPropertyItem>(); } conditionPropertyItems.add((ConditionPropertyItem)parseData); } } if(linkParameters!=null){ cell.setLinkParameters(linkParameters); } cell.setConditionPropertyItems(conditionPropertyItems); if(cell.getValue()==null){ throw new ReportException("Cell ["+cell.getName()+"] value not define."); } return cell; }
Example 13
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected NumberDatatype(Element element) { formatPattern = element.attributeValue("format"); decimalSeparator = element.attributeValue("decimalSeparator"); groupingSeparator = element.attributeValue("groupingSeparator"); }
Example 14
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Check for title and at least one resource. * * @param unzippedDir * @return True if is of type. */ public static boolean validate(final File unzippedDir) throws AddingResourceException { final File fManifest = new File(unzippedDir, "imsmanifest.xml"); final Document doc = IMSLoader.loadIMSDocument(fManifest); // do not throw exception already here, as it might be only a generic zip file if (doc == null) { return false; } // get all organization elements. need to set namespace final Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); final String nsuri = rootElement.getNamespace().getURI(); final Map nsuris = new HashMap(1); nsuris.put("ns", nsuri); // Check for organiztaion element. Must provide at least one... title gets ectracted from either // the (optional) <title> element or the mandatory identifier attribute. // This makes sure, at least a root node gets created in CPManifestTreeModel. final XPath meta = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:organization"); meta.setNamespaceURIs(nsuris); final Element orgaEl = (Element) meta.selectSingleNode(rootElement); // TODO: accept several organizations? if (orgaEl == null) { throw new AddingResourceException(""); } // Check for at least one <item> element referencing a <resource>, which will serve as an entry point. // This is mandatory, as we need an entry point as the user has the option of setting // CPDisplayController to not display a menu at all, in which case the first <item>/<resource> // element pair gets displayed. final XPath resourcesXPath = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:resources"); resourcesXPath.setNamespaceURIs(nsuris); final Element elResources = (Element) resourcesXPath.selectSingleNode(rootElement); if (elResources == null) { throw new AddingResourceException(""); // no <resources> element. } final XPath itemsXPath = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:item"); itemsXPath.setNamespaceURIs(nsuris); final List items = itemsXPath.selectNodes(rootElement); if (items.size() == 0) { throw new AddingResourceException(""); // no <item> element. } for (final Iterator iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final Element item = (Element); final String identifierref = item.attributeValue("identifierref"); if (identifierref == null) { continue; } final XPath resourceXPath = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:resource[@identifier='" + identifierref + "']"); resourceXPath.setNamespaceURIs(nsuris); final Element elResource = (Element) resourceXPath.selectSingleNode(elResources); if (elResource == null) { throw new AddingResourceException(""); } if (elResource.attribute("scormtype") != null) { return false; } if (elResource.attribute("scormType") != null) { return false; } if (elResource.attribute("SCORMTYPE") != null) { return false; } if (elResource.attributeValue("href") != null) { return true; // success. } } return false; // throw new AddingResourceException("resource.general.error"); }
Example 15
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean saveSettings(Element element) { if (!isSettingsEnabled()) { return false; } Element columnsElem = element.element("columns"); String sortColumnId = null; String sortDirection = null; if (columnsElem != null) { sortColumnId = columnsElem.attributeValue("sortColumnId"); sortDirection = columnsElem.attributeValue("sortDirection"); } boolean commonSettingsChanged = isCommonDataGridSettingsChanged(columnsElem); boolean sortChanged = isSortPropertySettingsChanged(sortColumnId, sortDirection); boolean settingsChanged = commonSettingsChanged || sortChanged; if (settingsChanged) { if (columnsElem != null) { element.remove(columnsElem); } columnsElem = element.addElement("columns"); List<Column<E>> visibleColumns = getVisibleColumns(); for (Column<E> column : visibleColumns) { Element colElem = columnsElem.addElement("columns"); colElem.addAttribute("id", column.toString()); double width = column.getWidth(); if (width > -1) { colElem.addAttribute("width", String.valueOf(width)); } colElem.addAttribute("collapsed", Boolean.toString(column.isCollapsed())); } List<GridSortOrder<E>> sortOrders = component.getSortOrder(); if (!sortOrders.isEmpty()) { GridSortOrder<E> sortOrder = sortOrders.get(0); columnsElem.addAttribute("sortColumnId", sortOrder.getSorted().getId()); columnsElem.addAttribute("sortDirection", sortOrder.getDirection().toString()); } } return settingsChanged; }
Example 16
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void loadPrimary(Button resultComponent, Element element) {
String primary = element.attributeValue("primary");
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(primary)) {
Example 17
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Processes a stanza that is received from another node in the FMUC set, by translating it into 'regular' MUC data.
* The provided input is expected to be a stanza received from another node in the FMUC set. It is stripped from
* FMUC data, after which it is distributed to the local users.
* Additionally, it is sent out to all (other) FMUC nodes that are known.
* @param stanza The data to be processed.
private void processRegularMUCStanza( @Nonnull final Packet stanza )
final Element fmuc = stanza.getElement().element(FMUC);
if (fmuc == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Provided stanza must have an 'fmuc' child element (but does not).");
final JID remoteMUC = stanza.getFrom().asBareJID();
final JID author = new JID( fmuc.attributeValue("from") ); // TODO input validation.
final MUCRole senderRole = room.getOccupantByFullJID( author );
Log.trace("(room: '{}'): Processing stanza from remote FMUC peer '{}' as regular room traffic. Sender of stanza: {}", room.getJID(), remoteMUC, author );
// Distribute. Note that this will distribute both to the local node, as well as to all FMUC nodes in the the FMUC set.
if ( stanza instanceof Presence ) {
RemoteFMUCNode remoteFMUCNode = inboundJoins.get(remoteMUC);
if ( remoteFMUCNode == null && outboundJoin != null && remoteMUC.equals(outboundJoin.getPeer())) {
remoteFMUCNode = outboundJoin;
if ( remoteFMUCNode != null )
final boolean isLeave = ((Presence) stanza).getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable;
final boolean isJoin = ((Presence) stanza).isAvailable();
if ( isLeave )
Log.trace("(room: '{}'): Occupant '{}' left room on remote FMUC peer '{}'", room.getJID(), author, remoteMUC );
makeRemoteOccupantLeaveRoom( (Presence) stanza );
remoteFMUCNode.removeOccupant(author); // Remove occupant only after the leave stanzas have been sent, otherwise the author is (no longer) recognized as an occupant of the particular node when the leave is being processed.
// The joined room confirms that the joining room has left the set by sending a presence stanza from the bare JID
// of the joined room to the bare JID of the joining room with an FMUC payload containing an element 'left'.
if ( remoteFMUCNode instanceof InboundJoin && remoteFMUCNode.occupants.isEmpty() ) {
Log.trace("(room: '{}'): Last occupant that joined on remote FMUC peer '{}' has now left the room. The peer has left the FMUC node set.", room.getJID(), remoteMUC );
final Presence leaveFMUCSet = new Presence();
leaveFMUCSet.setTo( remoteMUC );
leaveFMUCSet.setFrom( room.getJID() );
leaveFMUCSet.getElement().addElement( FMUC ).addElement( "left" );
router.route( leaveFMUCSet );
} else if ( isJoin ) {
Log.trace("(room: '{}'): Occupant '{}' joined room on remote FMUC peer '{}'", room.getJID(), author, remoteMUC );
makeRemoteOccupantJoinRoom( (Presence) stanza );
} else {
// FIXME implement sharing of presence.
Log.error("Processing of presence stanzas received from other FMUC nodes is pending implementation! Ignored stanza: {}", stanza.toXML(), new UnsupportedOperationException());
Log.warn( "Unable to process stanza: {}", stanza.toXML() );
} else {
// Strip all FMUC data.
final Packet stripped = createCopyWithoutFMUC( stanza );
// The 'stripped' stanza is going to be distributed locally. Act as if it originates from a local user, instead of the remote FMUC one.
final JID from;
if ( author != null ) {
from = senderRole.getRoleAddress();
} else {
Log.trace("(room: '{}'): FMUC stanza did not have 'from' value. Using room JID instead.", room.getJID() );
from = room.getJID();
stripped.setFrom( from );
stripped.setTo( room.getJID() );
room.send( stripped, senderRole );
Example 18
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public DoubleValidator(Element element, String messagesPack) { message = element.attributeValue("message"); onlyPositive = element.attributeValue("onlyPositive"); this.messagesPack = messagesPack; }
Example 19
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void loadTextSelectionEnabled(Table table, Element element) {
String textSelectionEnabled = element.attributeValue("textSelectionEnabled");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(textSelectionEnabled)) {
Example 20
Source File: From ats-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * @param xpath XPath , pointing to a XML element * @param name the name of the attribute * @return the value of the attribute * @throws XMLException */ @PublicAtsApi public String getAttribute( String xpath, String name ) throws XMLException { if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(xpath)) { throw new XMLException("Null/empty xpath is not allowed."); } if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new XMLException("Null/empty attribute name is not allowed."); } Element element = findElement(xpath); if (element == null) { throw new XMLException("'" + xpath + "' is not a valid path"); } String attributeValue = element.attributeValue(name); if (attributeValue == null) { throw new XMLException("'" + name + "' attribute is not found for XML element with xpath '" + xpath + "'."); } return attributeValue; }