Java Code Examples for org.dom4j.Element#elementText()
The following examples show how to use
org.dom4j.Element#elementText() .
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Example 1
Source File: From jfinal-weixin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 消息类型 * 1:text 文本消息 * 2:image 图片消息 * 3:voice 语音消息 * 4:video 视频消息 * shortvideo 小视频消息 * 5:location 地址位置消息 * 6:link 链接消息 * 7:event 事件 */ private static InMsg doParse(String xml) throws DocumentException { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); String toUserName = root.elementText("ToUserName"); String fromUserName = root.elementText("FromUserName"); Integer createTime = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("CreateTime")); String msgType = root.elementText("MsgType"); if ("text".equals(msgType)) return parseInTextMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); if ("image".equals(msgType)) return parseInImageMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); if ("voice".equals(msgType)) return parseInVoiceMsgAndInSpeechRecognitionResults(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); if ("video".equals(msgType)) return parseInVideoMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); if ("shortvideo".equals(msgType)) //支持小视频 return parseInShortVideoMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); if ("location".equals(msgType)) return parseInLocationMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); if ("link".equals(msgType)) return parseInLinkMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); if ("event".equals(msgType)) return parseInEvent(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); throw new RuntimeException("无法识别的消息类型 " + msgType + ",请查阅微信公众平台开发文档"); }
Example 2
Source File: From seed with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static QQInMsg doParse(String xml) throws DocumentException { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); String toUserName = root.elementText("ToUserName"); String fromUserName = root.elementText("FromUserName"); long createTime = Long.parseLong(root.elementText("CreateTime")); String msgType = root.elementText("MsgType"); if("text".equals(msgType)){ return parseInTextMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); } if("image".equals(msgType)){ return parseInImageMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); } if("location".equals(msgType)){ return parseInLocationMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); } if("event".equals(msgType)){ return parseInEventMsg(root, toUserName, fromUserName, createTime, msgType); } throw new RuntimeException("未知的消息类型" + msgType + ", 请查阅QQ公众平台开发者文档"); }
Example 3
Source File: From jeewx with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@RequestMapping(value = "{appid}/callback")
public void acceptMessageAndEvent(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, AesException, DocumentException {
String msgSignature = request.getParameter("msg_signature");
if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(msgSignature))
return;// 微信推送给第三方开放平台的消息一定是加过密的,无消息加密无法解密消息
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader in = request.getReader();
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
String xml = sb.toString();
Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml);
Element rootElt = doc.getRootElement();
String toUserName = rootElt.elementText("ToUserName");
// if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(toUserName, APPID)) {
//"全网发布接入检测消息反馈开始---------------APPID="+ APPID +"------------------------toUserName="+toUserName);
// }
Example 4
Source File: From unitime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void load(Element root) { int version = Integer.parseInt(root.attributeValue("version")); if (version==1) { iJenrl = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("jenrl")); iIsSatisfied = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("satisfied")).booleanValue(); iIsDistance = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("dist")).booleanValue(); iIsFixed = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("fixed")).booleanValue(); iIsHard = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("hard")).booleanValue(); iIsWorkDay = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("workday")).booleanValue(); if (root.elementText("distance")!=null) iDistance = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("distance")); if (root.elementText("commited")==null) { iIsCommited = false; } else { iIsCommited = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("commited")).booleanValue(); } if (root.elementText("important")==null) { iIsImportant = false; } else { iIsImportant = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("important")).booleanValue(); } if (root.elementText("instructor")==null) { iIsInstructor = false; } else { iIsInstructor = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("instructor")).booleanValue(); } } }
Example 5
Source File: From jeewx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* 获取授权的Appid
* @param xml
* @return
String getAuthorizerAppidFromXml(String xml) {
Document doc;
try {
doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml);
Element rootElt = doc.getRootElement();
String toUserName = rootElt.elementText("ToUserName");
return toUserName;
} catch (DocumentException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
Example 6
Source File: From cherry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Param parseInitParam(Element foo, Map<String, String> props){ Param param = new Param(); param.setName(foo.elementText("param-name")); String value = foo.elementText("param-value"); if(value!=null && value.startsWith(PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX) && value.endsWith(PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX)){ String key = value.substring(2, value.length()-1); if(!props.containsKey(key)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown param:"+param.getName()+" value:"+value); } value = props.get(key); } param.setValue(value); return param; }
Example 7
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void init() { private static final Logger log = LoggerHelper.getLogger(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("START: Loading remote portlets content."); } final File configurationFile = new File(WebappHelper.getContextRoot() + CONFIG_FILE); // this map contains the whole data final HashMap<String, PortletInstitution> portletMap = new HashMap<String, PortletInstitution>(); final SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); try { final Document doc =; final Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); final List<Element> lstInst = rootElement.elements(ELEM_INSTITUTION); for (final Element instElem : lstInst) { final String inst = instElem.attributeValue(ATTR_INSTITUTION_NAME); final List<Element> lstTmpLinks = instElem.elements(ELEM_LINK); final List<PortletLink> lstLinks = new ArrayList<PortletLink>(lstTmpLinks.size()); for (final Element linkElem : lstTmpLinks) { final String title = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_TITLE); final String url = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_URL); final String target = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_TARGET); final String lang = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_LANG); final String desc = linkElem.elementText(ELEM_LINK_DESC); lstLinks.add(new PortletLink(title, url, target, lang, desc)); } portletMap.put(inst, new PortletInstitution(inst, lstLinks)); } } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("Error reading configuration file", e); } finally { content = portletMap; } }
Example 8
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Start using compression but first check if the connection can and should use compression.
* The connection will be closed if the requested method is not supported, if the connection
* is already using compression or if client requested to use compression but this feature
* is disabled.
* @param doc the element sent by the client requesting compression. Compression method is
* included.
* @return true if it was possible to use compression.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while starting using compression.
protected boolean compressClient(Element doc) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
String error = null;
if (socketReader.connection.getCompressionPolicy() == Connection.CompressionPolicy.disabled) {
// Client requested compression but this feature is disabled
error = "<failure xmlns=''><setup-failed/></failure>";
// Log a warning so that admins can track this case from the server side
Log.warn("Client requested compression while compression is disabled. Closing " +
"connection : " + socketReader.connection);
else if (socketReader.connection.isCompressed()) {
// Client requested compression but connection is already compressed
error = "<failure xmlns=''><setup-failed/></failure>";
// Log a warning so that admins can track this case from the server side
Log.warn("Client requested compression and connection is already compressed. Closing " +
"connection : " + socketReader.connection);
else {
// Check that the requested method is supported
String method = doc.elementText("method");
if (!"zlib".equals(method)) {
error = "<failure xmlns=''><unsupported-method/></failure>";
// Log a warning so that admins can track this case from the server side
Log.warn("Requested compression method is not supported: " + method +
". Closing connection : " + socketReader.connection);
if (error != null) {
// Deliver stanza
return false;
else {
// Start using compression for incoming traffic
// Indicate client that he can proceed and compress the socket
socketReader.connection.deliverRawText("<compressed xmlns=''/>");
// Start using compression for outgoing traffic
return true;
Example 9
Source File: From jeewx-boot with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * 保存Ticket * @param xml */ void processAuthorizationEvent(String xml){ Document doc; try { doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); Element rootElt = doc.getRootElement(); String ticket = rootElt.elementText("ComponentVerifyTicket"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ticket)){ WeixinOpenAccount entity = getWeixinOpenAccount(CommonWeixinProperties.component_appid); if(entity==null){ entity=new WeixinOpenAccount(); entity.setTicket(ticket); entity.setAppid(CommonWeixinProperties.component_appid); entity.setGetTicketTime(new Date()); weixinOpenAccountService.doAdd(entity);"微信第三方添加TICKET成功!TICKET={}.",new Object[]{ticket}); }else{ entity.setTicket(ticket); entity.setAppid(CommonWeixinProperties.component_appid); entity.setGetTicketTime(new Date());"===================={}=======================",new Object[]{entity}); weixinOpenAccountService.doEdit(entity);"微信第三方重置TICKET成功!TICKET={}.",new Object[]{ticket}); } } //----------取消公众号授权事件接收处理-------------------------- if("unauthorized".equals(rootElt.elementText("InfoType"))){ String appid = rootElt.elementText("AuthorizerAppid"); MyJwWebJwid myJwWebJwid = myJwWebJwidService.queryByAppid(appid); if(myJwWebJwid != null){ //公众号取消授权,设置相应的状态标志 myJwWebJwid.setAuthorizationStatus("2"); myJwWebJwidService.doEdit(myJwWebJwid);"微信第三方接收公众号取消授权消息,更新公众号成功!名称={}.appid={}",new Object[]{myJwWebJwid.getName(),appid}); } } //----------取消公众号授权事件接收处理-------------------------- } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("微信第三方重置TICKET失败!"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
Example 10
Source File: From MesquiteCore with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
void readReceipts(String path){ String receiptsContents = null; try{ receiptsContents = MesquiteFile.getFileContentsAsString(path, 2000000, 100, false); } catch (Exception e) { return; } if (StringUtil.blank(receiptsContents)) return; Element root = XMLUtil.getRootXMLElementFromString("mesquite",receiptsContents); if (root==null) return; List receipts = root.elements("installationReceipt"); boolean stillInstalled = true; for (Iterator iter = receipts.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { // this is going through all of the notices Element messageElement = (Element); ListableVector v = new ListableVector(); v.addElement(new MesquiteString("identity", messageElement.elementText("identity")), false); v.addElement(new MesquiteString("updateVersion", messageElement.elementText("updateVersion")), false); List locs = messageElement.elements("location"); for (Iterator locsIter = locs.iterator(); locsIter.hasNext();) { // this is going through all of the notices Element locElement = (Element); String p = locElement.elementText("path"); if (!MesquiteFile.fileOrDirectoryExists(MesquiteTrunk.getRootPath() + p)) stillInstalled = false; v.addElement(new MesquiteString("location", locElement.elementText("path")), false); } v.addElement(new MesquiteString("explanation", messageElement.elementText("explanation")), false); v.addElement(new MesquiteString("packageName", messageElement.elementText("packageName")), false); v.addElement(new MesquiteString("uniqueLocation", messageElement.elementText("uniqueLocation")), false); Element elup = messageElement.element("updateXML"); if (elup != null) v.addElement(new MesquiteString("updateXML", clean(XMLUtil.getElementAsXMLString(elup, "UTF-8", true)) ), false); // v.addElement(new MesquiteString("updateXML", "<updateXML>\n" + XMLUtil.getElementAsXMLString(elup, "UTF-8", true) + "</updateXML>" ), false); if (!PhoneHomeUtil.alreadyInReceipts(v)){ if (stillInstalled) PhoneHomeUtil.installedReceipts.addElement(v); } } writeReceipts(); //rewrite into central }
Example 11
Source File: From AML-Project with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Vector<String> concepts = new Vector<String>(); MediatorLexicon med = new MediatorLexicon(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); File f = new File("store/knowledge/mesh.xml"); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Iterator<?> records = root.elementIterator("DescriptorRecord"); int index = 0; while(records.hasNext()) { Element concList = ((Element)"ConceptList"); Iterator<?> conc = concList.elementIterator("Concept"); while(conc.hasNext()) { Element c = (Element); String conceptName = c.element("ConceptName").elementText("String"); concepts.add(conceptName); med.add(index, conceptName, 0.90); String casN1Name = c.elementText("CASN1Name"); if(casN1Name != null) med.add(index, casN1Name, 0.85); Element termList = c.element("TermList"); Iterator<?> terms = termList.elementIterator("Term"); while(terms.hasNext()) { Element t = (Element); String termName = t.elementText("String"); if(!conceptName.equals(termName)) med.add(index, termName, 0.85); } index++; } }"store/knowledge/mesh.lexicon"); }
Example 12
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Start using compression but first check if the connection can and should use compression.
* The connection will be closed if the requested method is not supported, if the connection
* is already using compression or if client requested to use compression but this feature
* is disabled.
* @param doc the element sent by the client requesting compression. Compression method is
* included.
* @return true if it was possible to use compression.
private boolean compressClient(Element doc) {
String error = null;
if (connection.getCompressionPolicy() == Connection.CompressionPolicy.disabled) {
// Client requested compression but this feature is disabled
error = "<failure xmlns=''><setup-failed/></failure>";
// Log a warning so that admins can track this case from the server side
Log.warn("Client requested compression while compression is disabled. Closing " +
"connection : " + connection);
else if (connection.isCompressed()) {
// Client requested compression but connection is already compressed
error = "<failure xmlns=''><setup-failed/></failure>";
// Log a warning so that admins can track this case from the server side
Log.warn("Client requested compression and connection is already compressed. Closing " +
"connection : " + connection);
else {
// Check that the requested method is supported
String method = doc.elementText("method");
if (!"zlib".equals(method)) {
error = "<failure xmlns=''><unsupported-method/></failure>";
// Log a warning so that admins can track this case from the server side
Log.warn("Requested compression method is not supported: " + method +
". Closing connection : " + connection);
if (error != null) {
// Deliver stanza
return false;
else {
// Start using compression for incoming traffic
// Indicate client that he can proceed and compress the socket
connection.deliverRawText("<compressed xmlns=''/>");
// Start using compression for outgoing traffic
return true;
Example 13
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private GenericTreeNode buildNode(final Element item) {
final GenericTreeNode treeNode = new GenericTreeNode();
// extract title
String title = item.elementText("title");
if (title == null) {
title = item.attributeValue("identifier");
if (item.getName().equals("organization")) {
} else if (item.getName().equals("item")) {
scormIdToNode.put(new Integer(nodeId).toString(), treeNode);
nodeToId.put(treeNode, new Integer(nodeId));
// set node images according to scorm sco status
final String itemStatusDesc = (String) itemStatus.get(Integer.toString(nodeId));
if (itemStatusDesc != null) {
// add icon decorator for current status
treeNode.setIconDecorator1CssClass("o_scorm_" + itemStatusDesc);
// set resolved file path directly
final String identifierref = item.attributeValue("identifierref");
final XPath meta = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:resource[@identifier='" + identifierref + "']");
final String href = (String) resources.get(identifierref);
if (href != null) {
// allow lookup of a treenode given a href so we can quickly adjust the menu if the user clicks on hyperlinks within the text
hrefToTreeNode.put(href, treeNode);
} else {
final List chds = item.elements("item");
final int childcnt = chds.size();
for (int i = 0; i < childcnt; i++) {
final Element childitem = (Element) chds.get(i);
final GenericTreeNode gtnchild = buildNode(childitem);
return treeNode;
Example 14
Source File: From jfinal-weixin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static void testCreate() throws DocumentException { //商户相关资料 String openId = ""; String notify_url = ""; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("appid", appid); params.put("mch_id", partner); params.put("body", "JFinal2.0技术开发"); params.put("out_trade_no", "97777368"); params.put("total_fee", "1"); params.put("spbill_create_ip", ""); params.put("trade_type",; params.put("nonce_str", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + ""); params.put("notify_url", notify_url); params.put("openid", openId); String sign = PaymentKit.createSign(params, paternerKey); params.put("sign", sign); String xmlResult = PaymentApi.pushOrder(params); System.out.println(xmlResult); Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xmlResult); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); String return_code = root.elementText("return_code"); String result_code = root.elementText("result_code"); String return_msg = root.elementText("return_msg"); String prepay_id = root.elementText("prepay_id"); Map<String, String> packageParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); packageParams.put("appId", appid); packageParams.put("timeStamp", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + ""); packageParams.put("nonceStr", System.currentTimeMillis() + ""); packageParams.put("package", "prepay_id=" + prepay_id); packageParams.put("signType", "MD5"); String packageSign = PaymentKit.createSign(packageParams, paternerKey); packageParams.put("paySign", packageSign); String jsonStr = JsonUtils.toJson(packageParams); System.out.println(jsonStr); }
Example 15
Source File: From crawler4j with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Load and parse the crawler4j.xml to get all crawlers. * @return WebCrawler instance list; * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<WebCrawler> load() { List<WebCrawler> crawlers = new ArrayList<WebCrawler>(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); try { InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE); document =; Element root = document.getRootElement(); for (Iterator<Element> i = root.elementIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Element taskElement =; String name = taskElement.elementText("name"); long delay = Long.parseLong(taskElement.elementText("delay")); String url = taskElement.elementText("url"); String parserName = taskElement.elementText("parser").trim(); String defaultCharset = taskElement.elementText("charset"); String pageNoStr = taskElement.elementText("max_page"); String crawlerName = taskElement.elementText("crawler"); String nextPageRegex = taskElement.elementText("next_page_key"); String extractLinksElementId = taskElement.elementText("extract_links_elementId"); Class<Parser> c = (Class<Parser>)Class.forName(parserName); Parser parser = c.newInstance(); if (parser == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parser must not be null!"); } int maxPageNo = 1; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pageNoStr)) { maxPageNo = Integer.parseInt(pageNoStr); } CrawlerConfig config = new CrawlerConfig(name, defaultCharset, url, delay, maxPageNo, nextPageRegex, extractLinksElementId, parserName, crawlerName, parser); WebCrawler crawler = null; //get WebCrawler instance throw reflection if (StringUtils.isBlank(crawlerName)) { crawler = new DefaultWebCrawler(config); } else { crawler = (WebCrawler)Reflections.constructorNewInstance(crawlerName, new Class[] { CrawlerConfig.class }, new CrawlerConfig[] { config }); } crawlers.add(crawler); } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return crawlers; }
Example 16
Source File: From unitime with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void load(Element root) { int version = Integer.parseInt(root.attributeValue("version")); if (version==sVersion) { iNormalizedTimePreference = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("normTimePref")); iBestNormalizedTimePreference = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("bestNormTimePref")); iTimePreference = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("timePref")); for (Iterator i=root.elementIterator("roomPref");i.hasNext();) { Element e = (Element); iRoomPreference.put(Long.valueOf(e.attributeValue("id")),Integer.valueOf(e.getText())); } iBestRoomPreference = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("bestRoomPref")); iNrStudentConflicts = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrStudentConf")); iNrHardStudentConflicts = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrHardStudentConf")); iNrDistanceStudentConflicts = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrDistanceStudentConf")); iNrCommitedStudentConflicts = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrCommitedStudentConf")); iNrTimeLocations = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrTimeLoc")); iNrRoomLocations = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrRoomLoc")); iNrSameRoomPlacementsNoConf = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrSameRoomPlacNoConf")); iNrSameTimePlacementsNoConf = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrSameTimePlacNoConf")); iNrPlacementsNoConf = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("nrPlacNoConf")); iBtbInstructorPreference = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("btbInstrPref")); iIsInitial = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("isInitial")).booleanValue(); iInitialAssignment = root.elementText("iniAssign"); iHasInitialSameTime = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("hasIniSameTime")).booleanValue(); iHasInitialSameRoom = Boolean.valueOf(root.elementText("hasIniSameRoom")).booleanValue(); iPerturbationPenalty = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("pertPenalty")); iTooBigRoomPreference = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("tooBig")); iMinRoomSize = Long.parseLong(root.elementText("minSize")); iUselessHalfHours = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("uselessHalfHours")); iDeptBalancPenalty = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("deptBalanc")); iGroupConstraintPref = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("groupConstr")); if (root.elementText("spread")!=null) iSpreadPenalty = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("spread")); if (root.elementText("maxSpread")!=null) iMaxSpreadPenalty = Double.parseDouble(root.elementText("maxSpread")); else iMaxSpreadPenalty = iSpreadPenalty; if (root.elementText("maxDeptBalanc")!=null) iMaxDeptBalancPenalty = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("maxDeptBalanc")); else iMaxDeptBalancPenalty = (int)iDeptBalancPenalty; if (root.elementText("datePref") != null) iDatePatternPref = Integer.parseInt(root.elementText("datePref")); if (root.elementText("studentGroupPercent") != null) iStudentGroupPercent = Integer.valueOf(root.elementText("studentGroupPercent")); iStudentGroupComment = root.elementText("studentGroupComment"); } }
Example 17
Source File: From anyline with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * 解析sql.xml文件 * * @param file file * @return return */ private static Hashtable<String, SQL> parseSQLFile(File file) { Hashtable<String, SQL> result = new Hashtable<String, SQL>(); String fileName = file.getPath(); String dirName = ""; if (sqlDir.contains(ConfigTable.getWebRoot())) { dirName = sqlDir + FileUtil.getFileSeparator(); } else { dirName = new File(ConfigTable.getWebRoot(), sqlDir).getPath() + FileUtil.getFileSeparator(); } fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.indexOf("sql") + 4, fileName.indexOf(".xml")).replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".").replace("..", "."); Document document = createDocument(file); if (null == document) { return result; } Element root = document.getRootElement(); //全局条件分组 Map<String, List<Condition>> gloableConditions = new HashMap<String, List<Condition>>(); for (Iterator<?> itrCons = root.elementIterator("conditions"); itrCons.hasNext(); ) { Element conditionGroupElement = (Element); String groupId = conditionGroupElement.attributeValue("id"); List<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); gloableConditions.put(groupId, conditions); for (Iterator<?> itrParam = conditionGroupElement.elementIterator("condition"); itrParam.hasNext(); ) { conditions.add(parseCondition(null, null, (Element); } } for (Iterator<?> itrSql = root.elementIterator("sql"); itrSql.hasNext(); ) { Element sqlElement = (Element); String sqlId = fileName + ":" + sqlElement.attributeValue("id"); //SQL 主键 boolean strict = BasicUtil.parseBoolean(sqlElement.attributeValue("strict"), false); //是否严格格式 true:java中不允许添加XML定义之外的临时条件 String sqlText = sqlElement.elementText("text"); //SQL 文本 SQL sql = new XMLSQLImpl(); sql.setDataSource(fileName + ":" + sqlId); sql.setText(sqlText); sql.setStrict(strict); for (Iterator<?> itrParam = sqlElement.elementIterator("condition"); itrParam.hasNext(); ) { parseCondition(sql, gloableConditions, (Element); } String group = sqlElement.elementText("group"); String order = sqlElement.elementText("order");; sql.order(order); if (ConfigTable.isSQLDebug()) { log.warn("[解析SQL][id:{}]\n[text:{}]", sqlId, sqlText); } result.put(sqlId, sql); } return result; }
Example 18
Source File: From junit-plugin with MIT License | 4 votes |
private static String getError(Element testCase) { String msg = testCase.elementText("error"); if(msg!=null) return msg; return testCase.elementText("failure"); }
Example 19
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private GenericTreeNode buildNode(final Element item) {
final GenericTreeNode treeNode = new GenericTreeNode();
// extract title
String title = item.elementText("title");
if (title == null) {
title = item.attributeValue("identifier");
if (item.getName().equals("organization")) {
} else if (item.getName().equals("item")) {
scormIdToNode.put(new Integer(nodeId).toString(), treeNode);
nodeToId.put(treeNode, new Integer(nodeId));
// set node images according to scorm sco status
final String itemStatusDesc = (String) itemStatus.get(Integer.toString(nodeId));
if (itemStatusDesc != null) {
// add icon decorator for current status
treeNode.setIconDecorator1CssClass("o_scorm_" + itemStatusDesc);
// set resolved file path directly
final String identifierref = item.attributeValue("identifierref");
final XPath meta = rootElement.createXPath("//ns:resource[@identifier='" + identifierref + "']");
final String href = (String) resources.get(identifierref);
if (href != null) {
// allow lookup of a treenode given a href so we can quickly adjust the menu if the user clicks on hyperlinks within the text
hrefToTreeNode.put(href, treeNode);
} else {
final List chds = item.elements("item");
final int childcnt = chds.size();
for (int i = 0; i < childcnt; i++) {
final Element childitem = (Element) chds.get(i);
final GenericTreeNode gtnchild = buildNode(childitem);
return treeNode;
Example 20
Source File: From WeixinMultiPlatform with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * <code> * <xml><br /> * <ToUserName><![CDATA[toUser]]></ToUserName><br /> * <FromUserName><![CDATA[FromUser]]></FromUserName><br /> * <CreateTime>123456789</CreateTime><br /> * <MsgType><![CDATA[event]]></MsgType><br /> * <Event><![CDATA[EVENT]]></Event><br /> * <EventKey><![CDATA[EVENTKEY]]></EventKey><br /> * </xml> * </code> * * @param xmlstr * @return * @throws DocumentException */ public static WxMsgEventEntity getMsgEvent(Element ele) throws DocumentException { WxMsgEventEntity result = msgEntityFactory(WxMsgEventEntity.class, ele); result.setEvent(strVal(ele, "Event")); if (ele.elementText("EventKey") != null) { result.setEventKey(strVal(ele, "EventKey")); } if (ele.elementText("Ticket") != null) { result.setEventKey(strVal(ele, "Ticket")); } return result; }