Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
* Output the supported lock types XML element
* @param xml XMLWriter
protected void writeLockTypes(XMLWriter xml)
AttributesImpl nullAttr = getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes();
// Output exclusive lock
// Shared locks are not supported, as they cannot be supported by the LockService (relevant to ALF-16449).
writeLock(xml, WebDAV.XML_NS_EXCLUSIVE);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("XML write error", ex);
Example 2
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
* Generates the error tag
* @param xml XMLWriter
protected void generateError(XMLWriter xml)
// Output the start of the error element
Attributes nullAttr = getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes();
xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_ERROR, WebDAV.XML_NS_ERROR, nullAttr);
// Output error
catch (Exception ex)
// Convert to a runtime exception
throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("XML processing error", ex);
Example 3
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Generates the required response XML for the current node * * @param xml XMLWriter * @param nodeInfo FileInfo * @param path String */ protected void generateResponseForNode(XMLWriter xml, FileInfo nodeInfo, String path) throws Exception { boolean isFolder = nodeInfo.isFolder(); // Output the response block for the current node xml.startElement( WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_RESPONSE, WebDAV.XML_NS_RESPONSE, getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes()); // Build the href string for the current node String strHRef = getURLForPath(m_request, path, isFolder); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_HREF, WebDAV.XML_NS_HREF, getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes()); xml.write(strHRef); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_HREF, WebDAV.XML_NS_HREF); switch (m_mode) { case GET_NAMED_PROPS: generateNamedPropertiesResponse(xml, nodeInfo, isFolder); break; case GET_ALL_PROPS: generateAllPropertiesResponse(xml, nodeInfo, isFolder); break; case FIND_PROPS: generateFindPropertiesResponse(xml, nodeInfo, isFolder); break; } // Close off the response element xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_RESPONSE, WebDAV.XML_NS_RESPONSE); }
Example 4
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Output the lockentry element of the specified type * @param xml XMLWriter * @param lockType lock type containing namespace. Can be WebDAV.XML_NS_EXCLUSIVE or WebDAV.XML_NS_SHARED * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ private void writeLock(XMLWriter xml, String lockType) throws SAXException, IOException { AttributesImpl nullAttr = getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes(); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_ENTRY, WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_ENTRY, nullAttr); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_SCOPE, WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_SCOPE, nullAttr); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(lockType)); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_SCOPE, WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_SCOPE); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TYPE, WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_TYPE, nullAttr); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_WRITE)); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TYPE, WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_TYPE); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_ENTRY, WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_ENTRY); }
Example 5
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Generates the XML response for a PROPFIND request that asks for a list of * all known properties * * @param xml XMLWriter * @param property WebDAVProperty * @param status int * @param description String */ protected void generatePropertyResponse(XMLWriter xml, WebDAVProperty property, int status, String description) { try { // Output the start of the properties element Attributes nullAttr = getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes(); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROPSTAT, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROPSTAT, nullAttr); // Output property name xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROP, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROP, nullAttr); if (property.hasNamespaceName()) { xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(property.getNamespaceName() + WebDAV.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR + property.getName())); } else { xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(property.getName())); } xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROP, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROP); // Output action result status xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_STATUS, WebDAV.XML_NS_STATUS, nullAttr); xml.write(WebDAV.HTTP1_1 + " " + status + " " + description); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_STATUS, WebDAV.XML_NS_STATUS); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROPSTAT, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROPSTAT); } catch (Exception ex) { // Convert to a runtime exception throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("XML processing error", ex); } }
Example 6
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
* Generates the XML lock discovery response body
protected void generateResponse(FileInfo lockNodeInfo, String userName) throws Exception
String scope;
String lt;
String owner;
Date expiry;
if (lockToken != null)
// In case of lock creation take the scope from request header
scope = this.createExclusive ? WebDAV.XML_EXCLUSIVE : WebDAV.XML_SHARED;
// Output created lock
lt = lockToken;
// In case of lock refreshing take the scope from previously stored lock
scope = this.lockInfo.getScope();
// Output refreshed lock
lt = this.lockInfo.getExclusiveLockToken();
owner = lockInfo.getOwner();
expiry = lockInfo.getExpires();
XMLWriter xml = createXMLWriter();
String nsdec = generateNamespaceDeclarations(null);
xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROP + nsdec, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROP + nsdec, getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes());
// Output the lock details
generateLockDiscoveryXML(xml, lockNodeInfo, false, scope, WebDAV.getDepthName(m_depth), lt, owner, expiry);
// Close off the XML
// Send remaining data
Example 7
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Generates the XML response for a PROPFIND request that asks for a list of * all known properties * * @param xml XMLWriter * @param nodeInfo FileInfo * @param isDir boolean */ protected void generateFindPropertiesResponse(XMLWriter xml, FileInfo nodeInfo, boolean isDir) { try { // Output the start of the properties element Attributes nullAttr = getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes(); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROPSTAT, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROPSTAT, nullAttr); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROP, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROP, nullAttr); // Output the well-known properties xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_DISCOVERY)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_SUPPORTED_LOCK)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_RESOURCE_TYPE)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_DISPLAYNAME)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_GET_LAST_MODIFIED)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_GET_CONTENT_LENGTH)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_CREATION_DATE)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_GET_ETAG)); if (isDir) { xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_GET_CONTENT_LANGUAGE)); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_GET_CONTENT_TYPE)); } // Output the custom properties xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(WebDAV.XML_NS_ALF_AUTHTICKET)); // Close off the response xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROP, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROP); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_STATUS, WebDAV.XML_NS_STATUS, nullAttr); xml.write(WebDAV.HTTP1_1 + " " + HttpServletResponse.SC_OK + " " + WebDAV.SC_OK_DESC); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_STATUS, WebDAV.XML_NS_STATUS); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_PROPSTAT, WebDAV.XML_NS_PROPSTAT); } catch (Exception ex) { // Convert to a runtime exception throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("XML processing error", ex); } }
Example 8
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override protected void generateResponseImpl() throws Exception { m_response.setStatus(WebDAV.WEBDAV_SC_MULTI_STATUS); // Set the response content type m_response.setContentType(WebDAV.XML_CONTENT_TYPE); // Create multistatus response XMLWriter xml = createXMLWriter(); xml.startDocument(); String nsdec = generateNamespaceDeclarations(m_namespaces); xml.startElement( WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_MULTI_STATUS + nsdec, WebDAV.XML_NS_MULTI_STATUS + nsdec, getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes()); // Output the response block for the current node xml.startElement( WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_RESPONSE, WebDAV.XML_NS_RESPONSE, getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes()); xml.startElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_HREF, WebDAV.XML_NS_HREF, getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes()); xml.write(strHRef); xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_HREF, WebDAV.XML_NS_HREF); if (failedProperty != null) { generateError(xml); } for (PropertyAction propertyAction : m_propertyActions) { WebDAVProperty property = propertyAction.getProperty(); int statusCode = propertyAction.getStatusCode(); String statusCodeDescription = propertyAction.getStatusCodeDescription(); generatePropertyResponse(xml, property, statusCode, statusCodeDescription); } // Close off the response element xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_RESPONSE, WebDAV.XML_NS_RESPONSE); // Close the outer XML element xml.endElement(WebDAV.DAV_NS, WebDAV.XML_MULTI_STATUS, WebDAV.XML_NS_MULTI_STATUS); // Send remaining data flushXML(xml); }
Example 9
Source File: From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Generates the lock discovery XML response * * @param xml XMLWriter * @param lockNodeInfo FileInfo * @param emptyNamespace boolean True if namespace should be empty. Used to avoid bugs in WebDAV clients. * @param scope String lock scope * @param depth String lock depth * @param lToken String locktoken * @param owner String lock owner * @param expiryDate the date/time the lock should expire */ protected void generateLockDiscoveryXML(XMLWriter xml, FileInfo lockNodeInfo, boolean emptyNamespace, String scope, String depth, String lToken, String owner, Date expiryDate) throws Exception { Attributes nullAttr= getDAVHelper().getNullAttributes(); String ns = emptyNamespace ? "" : WebDAV.DAV_NS; if (lockNodeInfo != null) { // Output the XML response xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_DISCOVERY, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_DISCOVERY : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_DISCOVERY, nullAttr); xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_ACTIVE_LOCK, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_ACTIVE_LOCK : WebDAV.XML_NS_ACTIVE_LOCK, nullAttr); xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TYPE, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TYPE : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_TYPE, nullAttr); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_WRITE : WebDAV.XML_NS_WRITE)); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TYPE, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TYPE : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_TYPE); xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_SCOPE, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_SCOPE : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_SCOPE, nullAttr); xml.write(DocumentHelper.createElement(emptyNamespace ? scope : WebDAV.DAV_NS_PREFIX + scope)); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_SCOPE, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_SCOPE : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_SCOPE); // NOTE: We only support one level of lock at the moment xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_DEPTH, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_DEPTH : WebDAV.XML_NS_DEPTH, nullAttr); xml.write(depth); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_DEPTH, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_DEPTH : WebDAV.XML_NS_DEPTH); xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_OWNER, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_OWNER : WebDAV.XML_NS_OWNER, nullAttr); xml.write(owner); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_OWNER, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_OWNER : WebDAV.XML_NS_OWNER); xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_TIMEOUT, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_TIMEOUT : WebDAV.XML_NS_TIMEOUT, nullAttr); // Output the expiry time String strTimeout = WebDAV.INFINITE; if (expiryDate != null) { long timeoutRemaining = (expiryDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis())/1000L; strTimeout = WebDAV.SECOND + timeoutRemaining; } xml.write(strTimeout); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_TIMEOUT, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_TIMEOUT : WebDAV.XML_NS_TIMEOUT); xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TOKEN, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TOKEN : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_TOKEN, nullAttr); xml.startElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_HREF, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_HREF : WebDAV.XML_NS_HREF, nullAttr); xml.write(lToken); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_HREF, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_HREF : WebDAV.XML_NS_HREF); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TOKEN, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_TOKEN : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_TOKEN); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_ACTIVE_LOCK, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_ACTIVE_LOCK : WebDAV.XML_NS_ACTIVE_LOCK); xml.endElement(ns, WebDAV.XML_LOCK_DISCOVERY, emptyNamespace ? WebDAV.XML_LOCK_DISCOVERY : WebDAV.XML_NS_LOCK_DISCOVERY); } }