Java Code Examples for org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper#convertToMap()
The following examples show how to use
org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper#convertToMap() .
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Example 1
Source File: From siren-join with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
protected Map<String, Object> parseQuery(BytesReference source) {
// nothing to parse...
if (source == null || source.length() == 0) {
return null;
try {
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> parsedSource = XContentHelper.convertToMap(source, false);
return parsedSource.v2();
catch (Throwable e) {
String sSource = "_na_";
try {
sSource = XContentHelper.convertToJson(source, false);
catch (Throwable e1) { /* ignore */ }
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("Failed to parse source [" + sSource + "]", e);
Example 2
Source File: From siren-join with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
protected Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> parseSource(BytesReference source) {
// nothing to parse...
if (source == null || source.length() == 0) {
return null;
try {
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> parsedSource = XContentHelper.convertToMap(source, false);
logger.debug("{}: Parsed source: {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), parsedSource);
return parsedSource;
catch (Throwable e) {
String sSource = "_na_";
try {
sSource = XContentHelper.convertToJson(source, false);
catch (Throwable e1) { /* ignore */ }
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("Failed to parse source [" + sSource + "]", e);
Example 3
Source File: From deprecated-security-advanced-modules with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void binaryField(final FieldInfo fieldInfo, final byte[] value) throws IOException {
if ("_source")) {
final BytesReference bytesRef = new BytesArray(value);
final Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> bytesRefTuple = XContentHelper.convertToMap(bytesRef, false, XContentType.JSON);
Map<String, Object> filteredSource = bytesRefTuple.v2();
MapUtils.deepTraverseMap(filteredSource, HASH_CB);
final XContentBuilder xBuilder = XContentBuilder.builder(bytesRefTuple.v1().xContent()).map(filteredSource);
delegate.binaryField(fieldInfo, BytesReference.toBytes(BytesReference.bytes(xBuilder)));
} else {
delegate.binaryField(fieldInfo, value);
Example 4
Source File: From openshift-elasticsearch-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void assertThatMessageEquals(String message) throws Exception {
Response response = (Response) testContext.get(RESPONSE);
Map<String, Object> source = XContentHelper.convertToMap(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, response.body().byteStream(),false);
Map<String, Object> doc = (Map<String, Object>) source.get("_source");
assertEquals("Exp. Message content to be equal", message, doc.get("msg"));
Example 5
Source File: From openshift-elasticsearch-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void assertThatDefaultIndexPatternIs(String indexPattern) throws Exception {
Response response = (Response) testContext.get(RESPONSE);
Map<String, Object> source = XContentHelper.convertToMap(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, response.body().byteStream(),false);
Map<String, Object> doc = (Map<String, Object>) source.get("_source");
assertEquals("Exp. default index to be equal", indexPattern, doc.get("defaultIndex"));
Example 6
Source File: From elasticsearch-plugin-bundle with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public void read(InputStream input) throws IOException {
Map<String, Object> map = XContentHelper.convertToMap(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, input, true);
freq = (Map<String, Integer>) map.get("freq");
name = (String) map.get("name");
nWords = (List<Integer>) map.get("n_words");
Example 7
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Allows to partially validate an alias, without knowing which index it'll get applied to.
* Useful with index templates containing aliases. Checks also that it is possible to parse
* the alias filter via {@link org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser},
* without validating it as a filter though.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the alias is not valid
public void validateAliasStandalone(Alias alias) {
validateAliasStandalone(, alias.indexRouting());
if (Strings.hasLength(alias.filter())) {
try {
XContentHelper.convertToMap(XContentFactory.xContent(alias.filter()), alias.filter(), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to parse filter for alias [" + + "]", e);
Example 8
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testStrictPartitionedTableInsert() throws Exception {
execute("create table numbers (" +
" num int, " +
" odd boolean," +
" prime boolean" +
") partitioned by (odd) with (column_policy='strict', number_of_replicas=0)");
GetIndexTemplatesResponse response = client().admin().indices()
.prepareGetTemplates(PartitionName.templateName(sqlExecutor.getCurrentSchema(), "numbers"))
assertThat(response.getIndexTemplates().size(), is(1));
IndexTemplateMetaData template = response.getIndexTemplates().get(0);
CompressedXContent mappingStr = template.mappings().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(mappingStr, is(notNullValue()));
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> typeAndMap =
XContentHelper.convertToMap(mappingStr.compressedReference(), false, XContentType.JSON);
Map<String, Object> mapping = (Map<String, Object>) typeAndMap.v2().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(mapping.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.STRICT));
execute("insert into numbers (num, odd, prime) values (?, ?, ?)",
new Object[]{6, true, false});
execute("refresh table numbers");
Map<String, Object> sourceMap = getSourceMap(
new PartitionName(new RelationName("doc", "numbers"), Arrays.asList("true")).asIndexName());
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(sourceMap.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.STRICT));
expectedException.expectMessage("Column perfect unknown");
execute("insert into numbers (num, odd, prime, perfect) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
new Object[]{28, true, false, true});
Example 9
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testStrictPartitionedTableUpdate() throws Exception {
execute("create table numbers (" +
" num int, " +
" odd boolean," +
" prime boolean" +
") partitioned by (odd) with (column_policy='strict', number_of_replicas=0)");
GetIndexTemplatesResponse response = client().admin().indices()
.prepareGetTemplates(PartitionName.templateName(sqlExecutor.getCurrentSchema(), "numbers"))
assertThat(response.getIndexTemplates().size(), is(1));
IndexTemplateMetaData template = response.getIndexTemplates().get(0);
CompressedXContent mappingStr = template.mappings().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(mappingStr, is(notNullValue()));
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> typeAndMap = XContentHelper.convertToMap(mappingStr.compressedReference(), false);
Map<String, Object> mapping = (Map<String, Object>) typeAndMap.v2().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(mapping.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.STRICT));
execute("insert into numbers (num, odd, prime) values (?, ?, ?)",
new Object[]{6, true, false});
execute("refresh table numbers");
Map<String, Object> sourceMap = getSourceMap(
new PartitionName(new RelationName("doc", "numbers"), Arrays.asList("true")).asIndexName());
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(sourceMap.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.STRICT));
expectedException.expectMessage("Column perfect unknown");
execute("update numbers set num=?, perfect=? where num=6",
new Object[]{28, true});
Example 10
Source File: From Elasticsearch with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Prepares an update request by converting it into an index request.
* <p/>
* TODO: detect a NOOP and return an update response if true
private SourceAndVersion prepareUpdate(DocTableInfo tableInfo,
ShardUpsertRequest request,
ShardUpsertRequest.Item item,
IndexShard indexShard) throws ElasticsearchException {
final GetResult getResult = indexShard.getService().get(request.type(),,
new String[]{RoutingFieldMapper.NAME, ParentFieldMapper.NAME, TTLFieldMapper.NAME},
true, Versions.MATCH_ANY, VersionType.INTERNAL, FetchSourceContext.FETCH_SOURCE, false);
if (!getResult.isExists()) {
throw new DocumentMissingException(new ShardId(request.index(), request.shardId().id()), request.type(),;
if (getResult.internalSourceRef() == null) {
// no source, we can't do nothing, through a failure...
throw new DocumentSourceMissingException(new ShardId(request.index(), request.shardId().id()), request.type(),;
if (item.version() != Versions.MATCH_ANY && item.version() != getResult.getVersion()) {
throw new VersionConflictEngineException(
indexShard.shardId(), Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE,, getResult.getVersion(), item.version());
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> sourceAndContent = XContentHelper.convertToMap(getResult.internalSourceRef(), true);
final Map<String, Object> updatedSourceAsMap;
final XContentType updateSourceContentType = sourceAndContent.v1();
updatedSourceAsMap = sourceAndContent.v2();
SymbolToFieldExtractorContext ctx = new SymbolToFieldExtractorContext(functions, item.insertValues());
Map<String, Object> pathsToUpdate = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> updatedGeneratedColumns = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < request.updateColumns().length; i++) {
* NOTE: mapping isn't applied. So if an Insert was done using the ES Rest Endpoint
* the data might be returned in the wrong format (date as string instead of long)
String columnPath = request.updateColumns()[i];
Object value = SYMBOL_TO_FIELD_EXTRACTOR.convert(item.updateAssignments()[i], ctx).apply(getResult);
ReferenceInfo referenceInfo = tableInfo.getReferenceInfo(ColumnIdent.fromPath(columnPath));
if (referenceInfo instanceof GeneratedReferenceInfo) {
updatedGeneratedColumns.put(columnPath, value);
} else {
pathsToUpdate.put(columnPath, value);
processGeneratedColumns(tableInfo, pathsToUpdate, updatedGeneratedColumns, request.validateGeneratedColumns(), getResult);
updateSourceByPaths(updatedSourceAsMap, pathsToUpdate);
try {
XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(updateSourceContentType);;
return new SourceAndVersion(builder.bytes(), getResult.getVersion());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ElasticsearchGenerationException("Failed to generate [" + updatedSourceAsMap + "]", e);
Example 11
Source File: From Elasticsearch with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> sourceAsMapAndType(BytesReference source) throws ElasticsearchParseException {
return XContentHelper.convertToMap(source, false);
Example 12
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Map<String, Object> mappingDeltaAsMap() {
if (mappingDelta == null) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
return XContentHelper.convertToMap(JsonXContent.JSON_XCONTENT, mappingDelta, false);
Example 13
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testDynamicPartitionedTable() throws Exception {
execute("create table numbers (" +
" num int, " +
" odd boolean," +
" prime boolean" +
") partitioned by (odd) with (column_policy='dynamic', number_of_replicas=0)");
GetIndexTemplatesResponse templateResponse = client().admin().indices()
.prepareGetTemplates(PartitionName.templateName(sqlExecutor.getCurrentSchema(), "numbers"))
assertThat(templateResponse.getIndexTemplates().size(), is(1));
IndexTemplateMetaData template = templateResponse.getIndexTemplates().get(0);
CompressedXContent mappingStr = template.mappings().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(mappingStr, is(notNullValue()));
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> typeAndMap = XContentHelper.convertToMap(mappingStr.compressedReference(), false);
Map<String, Object> mapping = (Map<String, Object>) typeAndMap.v2().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(String.valueOf(mapping.get("dynamic")), is("true"));
execute("insert into numbers (num, odd, prime) values (?, ?, ?)",
new Object[]{6, true, false});
execute("refresh table numbers");
Map<String, Object> sourceMap = getSourceMap(
new PartitionName(new RelationName("doc", "numbers"), Collections.singletonList("true")).asIndexName());
assertThat(String.valueOf(sourceMap.get("dynamic")), is("true"));
execute("insert into numbers (num, odd, prime, perfect) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
new Object[]{28, true, false, true});
execute("refresh table numbers");
waitForMappingUpdateOnAll("numbers", "perfect");
execute("select * from numbers order by num");
assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));
assertThat(response.cols(), arrayContaining("num", "odd", "prime", "perfect"));
assertThat(TestingHelpers.printedTable(response.rows()), is(
"6| true| false| NULL\n" +
"28| true| false| true\n"));
execute("update numbers set prime=true, changed='2014-10-23T10:20', author='troll' where num=28");
assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
waitForMappingUpdateOnAll("numbers", "changed");
Example 14
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testAlterColumnPolicyOnPartitionedTableWithExistingPartitions() throws Exception {
execute("create table dynamic_table (" +
" id integer, " +
" score double" +
") partitioned by (score) with (number_of_replicas=0, column_policy='strict')");
// create at least 2 partitions to test real multi partition logic (1 partition would behave similar to 1 normal table)
execute("insert into dynamic_table (id, score) values (1, 10)");
execute("insert into dynamic_table (id, score) values (1, 20)");
execute("refresh table dynamic_table");
execute("alter table dynamic_table set (column_policy = 'dynamic')");
// After changing the column_policy it's possible to add new columns to existing and new
// partitions
execute("insert into dynamic_table (id, score, comment) values (2, 10, 'this is a new column')");
execute("insert into dynamic_table (id, score, new_comment) values (2, 5, 'this is a new column on a new partition')");
execute("refresh table dynamic_table");
GetIndexTemplatesResponse response = client().admin().indices()
.prepareGetTemplates(PartitionName.templateName(sqlExecutor.getCurrentSchema(), "dynamic_table"))
assertThat(response.getIndexTemplates().size(), is(1));
IndexTemplateMetaData template = response.getIndexTemplates().get(0);
CompressedXContent mappingStr = template.mappings().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(mappingStr, is(notNullValue()));
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> typeAndMap =
XContentHelper.convertToMap(mappingStr.compressedReference(), false, XContentType.JSON);
Map<String, Object> mapping = (Map<String, Object>) typeAndMap.v2().get(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(mapping.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC));
execute("insert into dynamic_table (id, score, new_col) values (?, ?, ?)",
new Object[]{6, 3, "hello"});
execute("refresh table dynamic_table");
Map<String, Object> sourceMap = getSourceMap(
new PartitionName(new RelationName("doc", "dynamic_table"), Arrays.asList("10.0")).asIndexName());
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(sourceMap.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC));
sourceMap = getSourceMap(new PartitionName(
new RelationName("doc", "dynamic_table"), Arrays.asList("5.0")).asIndexName());
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(sourceMap.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC));
sourceMap = getSourceMap(new PartitionName(
new RelationName("doc", "dynamic_table"), Arrays.asList("3.0")).asIndexName());
assertThat(decodeMappingValue(sourceMap.get("dynamic")), is(ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC));