Java Code Examples for org.hibernate.mapping.Table#getName()
The following examples show how to use
org.hibernate.mapping.Table#getName() .
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Example 1
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public void addColumnNameBinding(Table table, Identifier logicalName, Column column) throws DuplicateMappingException {
TableColumnNameBinding binding = null;
if ( columnNameBindingByTableMap == null ) {
columnNameBindingByTableMap = new HashMap<>();
else {
binding = columnNameBindingByTableMap.get( table );
if ( binding == null ) {
binding = new TableColumnNameBinding( table.getName() );
columnNameBindingByTableMap.put( table, binding );
binding.addBinding( logicalName, column );
Example 2
Source File: From gorm-hibernate5 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void bindIndex(String columnName, Column column, ColumnConfig cc, Table table) {
if (cc == null) {
Object indexObj = cc.getIndex();
String indexDefinition = null;
if (indexObj instanceof Boolean) {
Boolean b = (Boolean) indexObj;
if (b) {
indexDefinition = table.getName() + '_' + columnName + "_idx";
else if (indexObj != null) {
indexDefinition = indexObj.toString();
if (indexDefinition == null) {
String[] tokens = indexDefinition.split(",");
for (String index : tokens) {
Example 3
Source File: From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
public String getPhysicalColumnName(String logicalName, Table table) { logicalName = logicalName.toLowerCase(); String finalName = null; Table currentTable = table; do { ColumnNames binding = (ColumnNames) columnNameBindingPerTable.get(currentTable); if (binding != null) { finalName = (String) binding.logicalToPhysical.get( logicalName ); } String key = buildTableNameKey( currentTable.getSchema(), currentTable.getCatalog(), currentTable.getName() ); TableDescription description = (TableDescription) tableNameBinding.get(key); if (description != null) currentTable = description.denormalizedSupertable; } while (finalName == null && currentTable != null); if (finalName == null) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find column with logical name " + logicalName + " in table " + table.getName() ); } return finalName; }
Example 4
Source File: From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
public String getLogicalColumnName(String physicalName, Table table) { String logical = null; Table currentTable = table; TableDescription description = null; do { ColumnNames binding = (ColumnNames) columnNameBindingPerTable.get(currentTable); if (binding != null) { logical = (String) binding.physicalToLogical.get( physicalName ); } String key = buildTableNameKey( currentTable.getSchema(), currentTable.getCatalog(), currentTable.getName() ); description = (TableDescription) tableNameBinding.get(key); if (description != null) currentTable = description.denormalizedSupertable; } while (logical == null && currentTable != null && description != null); if (logical == null) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find logical column name from physical name " + physicalName + " in table " + table.getName() ); } return logical; }
Example 5
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public String getLogicalTableName(Table ownerTable) {
final Identifier logicalName = physicalToLogicalTableNameMap.get( ownerTable.getNameIdentifier() );
if ( logicalName == null ) {
throw new MappingException( "Unable to find physical table: " + ownerTable.getName() );
return logicalName.render();
Example 6
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public String getPhysicalColumnName(Table table, Identifier logicalName) throws MappingException {
if ( logicalName == null ) {
throw new MappingException( "Logical column name cannot be null" );
Table currentTable = table;
String physicalName = null;
while ( currentTable != null ) {
final TableColumnNameBinding binding = columnNameBindingByTableMap.get( currentTable );
if ( binding != null ) {
physicalName = binding.logicalToPhysical.get( logicalName );
if ( physicalName != null ) {
if ( DenormalizedTable.class.isInstance( currentTable ) ) {
currentTable = ( (DenormalizedTable) currentTable ).getIncludedTable();
else {
currentTable = null;
if ( physicalName == null ) {
throw new MappingException(
"Unable to find column with logical name " + logicalName.render() + " in table " + table.getName()
return physicalName;
Example 7
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public String getLogicalColumnName(Table table, Identifier physicalName) throws MappingException {
final String physicalNameString = physicalName.render( getDatabase().getJdbcEnvironment().getDialect() );
Identifier logicalName = null;
Table currentTable = table;
while ( currentTable != null ) {
final TableColumnNameBinding binding = columnNameBindingByTableMap.get( currentTable );
if ( binding != null ) {
logicalName = binding.physicalToLogical.get( physicalNameString );
if ( logicalName != null ) {
if ( DenormalizedTable.class.isInstance( currentTable ) ) {
currentTable = ( (DenormalizedTable) currentTable ).getIncludedTable();
else {
currentTable = null;
if ( logicalName == null ) {
throw new MappingException(
"Unable to find column with physical name " + physicalNameString + " in table " + table.getName()
return logicalName.render();
Example 8
Source File: From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
public void validateSchema(Dialect dialect, DatabaseMetadata databaseMetadata) throws HibernateException { secondPassCompile(); String defaultCatalog = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG ); String defaultSchema = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA ); Iterator iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { TableMetadata tableInfo = databaseMetadata.getTableMetadata( table.getName(), ( table.getSchema() == null ) ? defaultSchema : table.getSchema(), ( table.getCatalog() == null ) ? defaultCatalog : table.getCatalog(), table.isQuoted()); if ( tableInfo == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "Missing table: " + table.getName() ); } else { table.validateColumns( dialect, mapping, tableInfo ); } } } iter = iterateGenerators( dialect ); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { PersistentIdentifierGenerator generator = (PersistentIdentifierGenerator); Object key = generator.generatorKey(); if ( !databaseMetadata.isSequence( key ) && !databaseMetadata.isTable( key ) ) { throw new HibernateException( "Missing sequence or table: " + key ); } } }
Example 9
Source File: From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
public void addColumnBinding(String logicalName, Column finalColumn, Table table) { ColumnNames binding = (ColumnNames) columnNameBindingPerTable.get(table); if (binding == null) { binding = new ColumnNames(); columnNameBindingPerTable.put(table, binding); } String oldFinalName = (String) binding.logicalToPhysical.put( logicalName.toLowerCase(), finalColumn.getQuotedName() ); if ( oldFinalName != null && ! ( finalColumn.isQuoted() ? oldFinalName.equals( finalColumn.getQuotedName() ) : oldFinalName.equalsIgnoreCase( finalColumn.getQuotedName() ) ) ) { //TODO possibly relax that throw new MappingException("Same logical column name referenced by different physical ones: " + table.getName() + "." + logicalName + " => '" + oldFinalName + "' and '" + finalColumn.getQuotedName() + "'" ); } String oldLogicalName = (String) binding.physicalToLogical.put( finalColumn.getQuotedName(), logicalName ); if ( oldLogicalName != null && ! oldLogicalName.equals( logicalName ) ) { //TODO possibly relax that throw new MappingException("Same physical column represented by different logical column names: " + table.getName() + "." + finalColumn.getQuotedName() + " => '" + oldLogicalName + "' and '" + logicalName + "'"); } }
Example 10
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenLegacyJpaImplNamingStrategy_whenCreateDatabase_thenGetStrategyNames() { Metadata metadata = MetadataExtractorIntegrator.INSTANCE.getMetadata(); String entity = Account.class.getCanonicalName(); PersistentClass persistentClass = metadata.getEntityBinding(entity); Table table = persistentClass.getTable(); String physicalNameExpected = "Secondary_Email"; String implicitNameExpected = "defaultEmail"; String tableNameExpected = "Account"; String tableNameCreated = table.getName(); boolean columnNameIsQuoted = table .getColumn(3) .isQuoted(); String physicalNameCreated = table .getColumn(3) .getName(); String implicitNameCreated = table .getColumn(2) .getName(); SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> { softly .assertThat(columnNameIsQuoted) .isTrue(); softly .assertThat(tableNameCreated) .isEqualTo(tableNameExpected); softly .assertThat(physicalNameCreated) .isEqualTo(physicalNameExpected); softly .assertThat(implicitNameCreated) .isEqualTo(implicitNameExpected); }); }
Example 11
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenDefaultBootNamingStrategy_whenCreateDatabase_thenGetStrategyNames() { Metadata metadata = MetadataExtractorIntegrator.INSTANCE.getMetadata(); String entity = Account.class.getCanonicalName(); PersistentClass persistentClass = metadata.getEntityBinding(entity); Table table = persistentClass.getTable(); String physicalNameExpected = "secondary_email"; String implicitNameExpected = "default_email"; String tableNameExpected = "account"; String tableNameCreated = table.getName(); String physicalNameCreated = table .getColumn(3) .getName(); String implicitNameCreated = table .getColumn(2) .getName(); SoftAssertions softly = new SoftAssertions(); softly .assertThat(tableNameCreated) .isEqualTo(tableNameExpected); softly .assertThat(physicalNameCreated) .isEqualTo(physicalNameExpected); softly .assertThat(implicitNameCreated) .isEqualTo(implicitNameExpected); softly.assertAll(); }
Example 12
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenLegacyHbmImplNamingNamingStrategy_whenCreateDatabase_thenGetStrategyNames() { Metadata metadata = MetadataExtractorIntegrator.INSTANCE.getMetadata(); String entity = Preference.class.getCanonicalName(); PersistentClass persistentClass = metadata.getEntityBinding(entity); Collection<Table> tables = metadata .getDatabase() .getDefaultNamespace() .getTables(); Table preferenceTable = persistentClass.getTable(); String tableNameExpected = "Account_preferences"; Table accountPreferencesTable = tables .stream() .filter(table -> table .getName() .equals(tableNameExpected)) .findFirst() .get(); String implicitNameExpected = "account"; String implicitNameCreated = preferenceTable .getColumn(3) .getName(); String tableNameCreated = accountPreferencesTable.getName(); SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> { softly .assertThat(implicitNameCreated) .isEqualTo(implicitNameExpected); softly .assertThat(tableNameCreated) .isEqualTo(tableNameExpected); }); }
Example 13
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public static int checkReferencedColumnsType(
Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns,
PersistentClass referencedEntity,
MetadataBuildingContext context) {
//convenient container to find whether a column is an id one or not
Set<Column> idColumns = new HashSet<Column>();
Iterator idColumnsIt = referencedEntity.getKey().getColumnIterator();
while ( idColumnsIt.hasNext() ) {
idColumns.add( (Column) );
boolean isFkReferencedColumnName = false;
boolean noReferencedColumn = true;
//build the list of potential tables
if ( columns.length == 0 ) return NO_REFERENCE; //shortcut
Object columnOwner = BinderHelper.findColumnOwner(
if ( columnOwner == null ) {
try {
throw new MappingException(
"Unable to find column with logical name: "
+ columns[0].getReferencedColumn() + " in " + referencedEntity.getTable() + " and its related "
+ "supertables and secondary tables"
catch (MappingException e) {
throw new RecoverableException( e.getMessage(), e );
Table matchingTable = columnOwner instanceof PersistentClass ?
( (PersistentClass) columnOwner ).getTable() :
( (Join) columnOwner ).getTable();
//check each referenced column
for (Ejb3JoinColumn ejb3Column : columns) {
String logicalReferencedColumnName = ejb3Column.getReferencedColumn();
if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( logicalReferencedColumnName ) ) {
String referencedColumnName;
try {
referencedColumnName = context.getMetadataCollector().getPhysicalColumnName(
catch (MappingException me) {
//rewrite the exception
throw new MappingException(
"Unable to find column with logical name: "
+ logicalReferencedColumnName + " in " + matchingTable.getName()
noReferencedColumn = false;
Column refCol = new Column( referencedColumnName );
boolean contains = idColumns.contains( refCol );
if ( !contains ) {
isFkReferencedColumnName = true;
break; //we know the state
if ( isFkReferencedColumnName ) {
else if ( noReferencedColumn ) {
else if ( idColumns.size() != columns.length ) {
//reference use PK but is a subset or a superset
else {
Example 14
Source File: From livingdoc-confluence with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
protected String getTableName(Class<?> peristentClass) {
Table table = getMapping(peristentClass).getTable();
return table.getName();