Java Code Examples for org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues#removePropertyValue()
The following examples show how to use
org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues#removePropertyValue() .
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Example 1
Source File: From AlgoTrader with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* This overrides the method from WebDataBinder to allow for nested checkbox handling, so property paths such as
* a._b will result in the boolean b on object a getting set to false.
protected void checkFieldMarkers(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
if (getFieldMarkerPrefix() == null) {
String fieldMarkerPrefix = getFieldMarkerPrefix();
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
// start of variation from superclass method
if (propertyStartsWithFieldMarkerPrefix(pv, fieldMarkerPrefix)) {
String field = stripFieldMarkerPrefix(pv.getName(), fieldMarkerPrefix);
// end of variation from superclass method
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
Class<?> fieldType = getPropertyAccessor().getPropertyType(field);
mpvs.add(field, getEmptyValue(field, fieldType));
Example 2
Source File: From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Create the job instance, populating it with property values taken
* from the scheduler context, job data map and trigger data map.
protected Object createJobInstance(TriggerFiredBundle bundle) throws Exception {
Object job = super.createJobInstance(bundle);
BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(job);
if (isEligibleForPropertyPopulation(bw.getWrappedInstance())) {
MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
if (this.schedulerContext != null) {
if (this.ignoredUnknownProperties != null) {
for (String propName : this.ignoredUnknownProperties) {
if (pvs.contains(propName) && !bw.isWritableProperty(propName)) {
else {
bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, true);
return job;
Example 3
Source File: From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Check the given property values for field markers,
* i.e. for fields that start with the field marker prefix.
* <p>The existence of a field marker indicates that the specified
* field existed in the form. If the property values do not contain
* a corresponding field value, the field will be considered as empty
* and will be reset appropriately.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getFieldMarkerPrefix
* @see #getEmptyValue(String, Class)
protected void checkFieldMarkers(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
if (getFieldMarkerPrefix() != null) {
String fieldMarkerPrefix = getFieldMarkerPrefix();
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
if (pv.getName().startsWith(fieldMarkerPrefix)) {
String field = pv.getName().substring(fieldMarkerPrefix.length());
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
Class<?> fieldType = getPropertyAccessor().getPropertyType(field);
mpvs.add(field, getEmptyValue(field, fieldType));
Example 4
Source File: From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Check the given property values for field defaults,
* i.e. for fields that start with the field default prefix.
* <p>The existence of a field defaults indicates that the specified
* value should be used if the field is otherwise not present.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getFieldDefaultPrefix
protected void checkFieldDefaults(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
if (getFieldDefaultPrefix() != null) {
String fieldDefaultPrefix = getFieldDefaultPrefix();
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
if (pv.getName().startsWith(fieldDefaultPrefix)) {
String field = pv.getName().substring(fieldDefaultPrefix.length());
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
mpvs.add(field, pv.getValue());
Example 5
Source File: From rice with Educational Community License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Iterates through the properties defined for the bean definition and invokes helper methods to process
* the property value
* @param beanDefinition bean definition whose properties will be processed
* @param nestedBeanStack stack of beans which contain the given bean
protected void processBeanProperties(BeanDefinition beanDefinition, Stack<BeanDefinitionHolder> nestedBeanStack) {
// iterate through properties and check for any configured message keys within the value
MutablePropertyValues pvs = beanDefinition.getPropertyValues();
PropertyValue[] pvArray = pvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
Object newPropertyValue = null;
if (isStringValue(pv.getValue())) {
newPropertyValue = processStringPropertyValue(pv.getName(), getString(pv.getValue()), nestedBeanStack);
} else {
newPropertyValue = visitPropertyValue(pv.getName(), pv.getValue(), nestedBeanStack);
pvs.addPropertyValue(pv.getName(), newPropertyValue);
Example 6
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Check the given property values for field markers,
* i.e. for fields that start with the field marker prefix.
* <p>The existence of a field marker indicates that the specified
* field existed in the form. If the property values do not contain
* a corresponding field value, the field will be considered as empty
* and will be reset appropriately.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getFieldMarkerPrefix
* @see #getEmptyValue(String, Class)
protected void checkFieldMarkers(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
String fieldMarkerPrefix = getFieldMarkerPrefix();
if (fieldMarkerPrefix != null) {
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
if (pv.getName().startsWith(fieldMarkerPrefix)) {
String field = pv.getName().substring(fieldMarkerPrefix.length());
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
Class<?> fieldType = getPropertyAccessor().getPropertyType(field);
mpvs.add(field, getEmptyValue(field, fieldType));
Example 7
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Check the given property values for field defaults,
* i.e. for fields that start with the field default prefix.
* <p>The existence of a field defaults indicates that the specified
* value should be used if the field is otherwise not present.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getFieldDefaultPrefix
protected void checkFieldDefaults(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
String fieldDefaultPrefix = getFieldDefaultPrefix();
if (fieldDefaultPrefix != null) {
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
if (pv.getName().startsWith(fieldDefaultPrefix)) {
String field = pv.getName().substring(fieldDefaultPrefix.length());
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
mpvs.add(field, pv.getValue());
Example 8
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Create the job instance, populating it with property values taken
* from the scheduler context, job data map and trigger data map.
protected Object createJobInstance(TriggerFiredBundle bundle) throws Exception {
Object job = super.createJobInstance(bundle);
if (isEligibleForPropertyPopulation(job)) {
BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(job);
MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
if (this.schedulerContext != null) {
if (this.ignoredUnknownProperties != null) {
for (String propName : this.ignoredUnknownProperties) {
if (pvs.contains(propName) && !bw.isWritableProperty(propName)) {
else {
bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, true);
return job;
Example 9
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 6 votes |
* Check the given property values for field markers,
* i.e. for fields that start with the field marker prefix.
* <p>The existence of a field marker indicates that the specified
* field existed in the form. If the property values do not contain
* a corresponding field value, the field will be considered as empty
* and will be reset appropriately.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getFieldMarkerPrefix
* @see #getEmptyValue(String, Class)
protected void checkFieldMarkers(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
String fieldMarkerPrefix = getFieldMarkerPrefix();
if (fieldMarkerPrefix != null) {
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
if (pv.getName().startsWith(fieldMarkerPrefix)) {
String field = pv.getName().substring(fieldMarkerPrefix.length());
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
Class<?> fieldType = getPropertyAccessor().getPropertyType(field);
mpvs.add(field, getEmptyValue(field, fieldType));
Example 10
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 6 votes |
* Check the given property values for field defaults,
* i.e. for fields that start with the field default prefix.
* <p>The existence of a field defaults indicates that the specified
* value should be used if the field is otherwise not present.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getFieldDefaultPrefix
protected void checkFieldDefaults(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
String fieldDefaultPrefix = getFieldDefaultPrefix();
if (fieldDefaultPrefix != null) {
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
if (pv.getName().startsWith(fieldDefaultPrefix)) {
String field = pv.getName().substring(fieldDefaultPrefix.length());
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
mpvs.add(field, pv.getValue());
Example 11
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 6 votes |
* Check the given property values for field markers,
* i.e. for fields that start with the field marker prefix.
* <p>The existence of a field marker indicates that the specified
* field existed in the form. If the property values do not contain
* a corresponding field value, the field will be considered as empty
* and will be reset appropriately.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getFieldMarkerPrefix
* @see #getEmptyValue(String, Class)
protected void checkFieldMarkers(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
String fieldMarkerPrefix = getFieldMarkerPrefix();
if (fieldMarkerPrefix != null) {
PropertyValue[] pvArray = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) {
if (pv.getName().startsWith(fieldMarkerPrefix)) {
String field = pv.getName().substring(fieldMarkerPrefix.length());
if (getPropertyAccessor().isWritableProperty(field) && !mpvs.contains(field)) {
Class<?> fieldType = getPropertyAccessor().getPropertyType(field);
mpvs.add(field, getEmptyValue(field, fieldType));
Example 12
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
* Create the job instance, populating it with property values taken
* from the scheduler context, job data map and trigger data map.
protected Object createJobInstance(TriggerFiredBundle bundle) throws Exception {
Object job = (this.applicationContext != null ?
bundle.getJobDetail().getJobClass(), AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR, false) :
if (isEligibleForPropertyPopulation(job)) {
BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(job);
MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
if (this.schedulerContext != null) {
if (this.ignoredUnknownProperties != null) {
for (String propName : this.ignoredUnknownProperties) {
if (pvs.contains(propName) && !bw.isWritableProperty(propName)) {
else {
bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, true);
return job;
Example 13
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Check the given property values against the allowed fields,
* removing values for fields that are not allowed.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getAllowedFields
* @see #isAllowed(String)
protected void checkAllowedFields(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
PropertyValue[] pvs = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvs) {
String field = PropertyAccessorUtils.canonicalPropertyName(pv.getName());
if (!isAllowed(field)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Field [" + field + "] has been removed from PropertyValues " +
"and will not be bound, because it has not been found in the list of allowed fields");
Example 14
Source File: From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
* Check the given property values against the allowed fields,
* removing values for fields that are not allowed.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getAllowedFields
* @see #isAllowed(String)
protected void checkAllowedFields(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
PropertyValue[] pvs = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvs) {
String field = PropertyAccessorUtils.canonicalPropertyName(pv.getName());
if (!isAllowed(field)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Field [" + field + "] has been removed from PropertyValues " +
"and will not be bound, because it has not been found in the list of allowed fields");
Example 15
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
* Create the job instance, populating it with property values taken
* from the scheduler context, job data map and trigger data map.
protected Object createJobInstance(TriggerFiredBundle bundle) throws Exception {
Object job = (this.applicationContext != null ?
bundle.getJobDetail().getJobClass(), AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR, false) :
if (isEligibleForPropertyPopulation(job)) {
BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(job);
MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
if (this.schedulerContext != null) {
if (this.ignoredUnknownProperties != null) {
for (String propName : this.ignoredUnknownProperties) {
if (pvs.contains(propName) && !bw.isWritableProperty(propName)) {
else {
bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, true);
return job;
Example 16
Source File: From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
* Check the given property values against the allowed fields,
* removing values for fields that are not allowed.
* @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
* @see #getAllowedFields
* @see #isAllowed(String)
protected void checkAllowedFields(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
PropertyValue[] pvs = mpvs.getPropertyValues();
for (PropertyValue pv : pvs) {
String field = PropertyAccessorUtils.canonicalPropertyName(pv.getName());
if (!isAllowed(field)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Field [" + field + "] has been removed from PropertyValues " +
"and will not be bound, because it has not been found in the list of allowed fields");
Example 17
Source File: From AlgoTrader with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private void filterNestedParameterMaps(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
for (PropertyValue pv : mpvs.getPropertyValues()) {
final Object value = pv.getValue();
if (isNotCandidateForBinding(value)) {
Example 18
Source File: From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
* Given a bean name (assumed to implement {@link})
* checks whether it already references the <code>global-properties</code> bean. If not, 'upgrades' the bean by
* appending all additional resources it mentions in its <code>locations</code> property to
* <code>globalPropertyLocations</code>, except for those resources mentioned in <code>newLocations</code>. A
* reference to <code>global-properties</code> will then be added and the resource list in
* <code>newLocations<code> will then become the new <code>locations</code> list for the bean.
* @param beanFactory
* the bean factory
* @param globalPropertyLocations
* the list of global property locations to be appended to
* @param beanName
* the bean name
* @param newLocations
* the new locations to be set on the bean
* @return the mutable property values
private MutablePropertyValues processLocations(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory,
Collection<Object> globalPropertyLocations, String beanName, String[] newLocations)
// Get the bean an check its existing properties value
MutablePropertyValues beanProperties = beanFactory.getBeanDefinition(beanName).getPropertyValues();
PropertyValue pv = beanProperties.getPropertyValue(LegacyConfigPostProcessor.PROPERTY_PROPERTIES);
Object value;
// If the properties value already references the global-properties bean, we have nothing else to do. Otherwise,
// we have to 'upgrade' the bean definition.
if (pv == null || (value = pv.getValue()) == null || !(value instanceof BeanReference)
|| ((BeanReference) value).getBeanName().equals(LegacyConfigPostProcessor.BEAN_NAME_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES))
// Convert the array of new locations to a managed list of type string values, so that it is
// compatible with a bean definition
Collection<Object> newLocationList = new ManagedList(newLocations.length);
if (newLocations != null && newLocations.length > 0)
for (String preserveLocation : newLocations)
newLocationList.add(new TypedStringValue(preserveLocation));
// If there is currently a locations list, process it
pv = beanProperties.getPropertyValue(LegacyConfigPostProcessor.PROPERTY_LOCATIONS);
if (pv != null && (value = pv.getValue()) != null && value instanceof Collection)
Collection<Object> locations = (Collection<Object>) value;
// Compute the set of locations that need to be added to globalPropertyLocations (preserving order) and
// warn about each
Set<Object> addedLocations = new LinkedHashSet<Object>(locations);
for (Object location : addedLocations)
LegacyConfigPostProcessor.logger.warn("Legacy configuration detected: adding "
+ (location instanceof TypedStringValue ? ((TypedStringValue) location).getValue()
: location.toString()) + " to global-properties definition");
// Ensure the bean now references global-properties
beanProperties.addPropertyValue(LegacyConfigPostProcessor.PROPERTY_PROPERTIES, new RuntimeBeanReference(
// Ensure the new location list is now set on the bean
if (newLocationList.size() > 0)
beanProperties.addPropertyValue(LegacyConfigPostProcessor.PROPERTY_LOCATIONS, newLocationList);
return beanProperties;
Example 19
Source File: From rice with Educational Community License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * If the bean class is type UifDictionaryBean, iterate through configured property values * and check for expressions. * * @param beanName name of the bean in the factory (only set for top level beans, not nested) * @param beanDefinition bean definition to process for expressions * @param nestedPropertyName * @param expressionGraph * @param beanFactory bean factory being processed * @param processedBeanNames */ protected void processNestedBeanDefinition(String beanName, BeanDefinition beanDefinition, String nestedPropertyName, Map<String, String> expressionGraph, ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, Set<String> processedBeanNames) { Class<?> beanClass = getBeanClass(beanDefinition, beanFactory); if ((beanClass == null) || !UifDictionaryBean.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass) || processedBeanNames.contains( beanName)) { return; } LOG.debug("Processing bean name '" + beanName + "'"); Map<String, String> parentExpressionGraph = getExpressionGraphFromParent(beanDefinition.getParentName(), beanFactory, processedBeanNames); // process expressions on property values MutablePropertyValues pvs = beanDefinition.getPropertyValues(); PropertyValue[] pvArray = pvs.getPropertyValues(); for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) { if (pv.getName().equals(UifPropertyPaths.EXPRESSION_GRAPH)) { continue; } String propertyPath = pv.getName(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nestedPropertyName)) { propertyPath = nestedPropertyName + "." + propertyPath; } // for reloading, need to remove the property from the previously loaded bean definition if (expressionGraph.containsKey(propertyPath)) { expressionGraph.remove(propertyPath); } if (hasExpression(pv.getValue())) { // process expression String strValue = getStringValue(pv.getValue()); expressionGraph.put(propertyPath, strValue); // remove property value so expression will not cause binding exception pvs.removePropertyValue(pv.getName()); } else { // process nested objects Object newValue = processPropertyValue(propertyPath, pv.getName(), pv.getValue(), beanDefinition, parentExpressionGraph, expressionGraph, beanFactory, processedBeanNames); pvs.removePropertyValue(pv.getName()); pvs.addPropertyValue(pv.getName(), newValue); } // removed expression (if exists) from parent map since the property was set on child if (parentExpressionGraph.containsKey(pv.getName())) { parentExpressionGraph.remove(pv.getName()); } } // if nested bean set expression graph to null so it is not inherited from parent definition if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nestedPropertyName)) { pvs.addPropertyValue(UifPropertyPaths.EXPRESSION_GRAPH, null); } // add remaining expressions from parent to expression graph for (Map.Entry<String, String> parentExpression : parentExpressionGraph.entrySet()) { String expressionPath = parentExpression.getKey(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nestedPropertyName)) { expressionPath = nestedPropertyName + "." + expressionPath; } if (!expressionGraph.containsKey(expressionPath)) { expressionGraph.put(expressionPath, parentExpression.getValue()); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(beanName)) { processedBeanNames.add(beanName); } }
Example 20
Source File: From AlgoTrader with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void bindCollectionAssociation(MutablePropertyValues mpvs, PropertyValue pv) { Object v = pv.getValue(); Collection collection = (Collection) this.bean.getPropertyValue(pv.getName()); collection.clear(); final Class associatedType = getReferencedTypeForCollection(pv.getName(), getTarget()); final boolean isArray = v != null && v.getClass().isArray(); final PropertyEditor propertyEditor = findCustomEditor(collection.getClass(), pv.getName()); if (propertyEditor == null) { if (isDomainAssociation(associatedType)) { if (isArray) { Object[] identifiers = (Object[]) v; for (Object id : identifiers) { if (id != null) { associateObjectForId(pv, id, associatedType); } } mpvs.removePropertyValue(pv); } else if (v != null && (v instanceof String)) { associateObjectForId(pv, v, associatedType); mpvs.removePropertyValue(pv); } } else if (GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil.isBasicType(associatedType)) { if (isArray) { Object[] values = (Object[]) v; List list = collection instanceof List ? (List) collection : null; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Object value = values[i]; try { Object newValue = getTypeConverter().convertIfNecessary(value, associatedType); if (list != null) { if (i > list.size() - 1) { list.add(i, newValue); } else { list.set(i, newValue); } } else { collection.add(newValue); } } catch (TypeMismatchException e) { // ignore } } } } } }