Java Code Examples for org.xmpp.packet.IQ#setType()
The following examples show how to use
org.xmpp.packet.IQ#setType() .
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Example 1
Source File: From openfireLBS with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private IQ updateLocation(IQ packet) {
IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
Element iq = packet.getChildElement();
JID from = packet.getFrom();
String username = from.getNode();
Element item = iq.element("item");
Double myLon = Double.parseDouble(item.attributeValue("lon"));
Double myLat = Double.parseDouble(item.attributeValue("lat"));
boolean f = insertLocation(myLon,myLat,username);
if (f){
// reply.setChildElement(iq);
return reply;
Example 2
Source File: From openfireLBS with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public IQ handleIQ(IQ packet) throws UnauthorizedException {
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>> RECV IQ: " + packet.toXML()); // XXX
// get users near me(from JID)
if (IQ.Type.get.equals(packet.getType())) {
return getUsersNearme(packet);
// set from JID's location to ...
} else if (IQ.Type.set.equals(packet.getType())) {
JID to = packet.getTo();
// send from JID's location to to JID
if (to.getNode() != null && !to.getNode().equals("")){
XMPPServer.getInstance().getIQRouter().route(packet); // route to another user
return IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
// send from JID's location to server , and update ofLocation
return updateLocation(packet);
} else {
IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
return reply;
Example 3
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* The packet is a typical 'set' or 'get' update targeted at the server.
* Notice that the set could be a roster removal in which case we have to
* generate a local roster removal update as well as a new roster removal
* to send to the the roster item's owner.
* @param packet The packet that triggered this update
* @return Either a response to the roster update or null if the packet is corrupt and the session was closed down
private IQ manageRoster(org.xmpp.packet.Roster packet) throws UnauthorizedException,
UserAlreadyExistsException, SharedGroupException {
IQ returnPacket = null;
JID sender = packet.getFrom();
IQ.Type type = packet.getType();
try {
if ((sender.getNode() == null || !RosterManager.isRosterServiceEnabled() ||
!userManager.isRegisteredUser(sender.getNode())) &&
IQ.Type.get == type) {
// If anonymous user asks for his roster or roster service is disabled then
// return an empty roster
IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
reply.setChildElement("query", "jabber:iq:roster");
return reply;
if (!localServer.isLocal(sender)) {
// Sender belongs to a remote server so discard this IQ request
Log.warn("Discarding IQ roster packet of remote user: " + packet);
return null;
Roster cachedRoster = userManager.getUser(sender.getNode()).getRoster();
if (IQ.Type.get == type) {
if (RosterManager.isRosterVersioningEnabled()) {
String clientVersion = packet.getChildElement().attributeValue("ver");
String latestVersion = String.valueOf( cachedRoster.hashCode() );
// Whether or not the roster has been modified since the version ID enumerated by the client, ...
if (!latestVersion.equals(clientVersion)) {
// ... the server MUST either return the complete roster
// (including a 'ver' attribute that signals the latest version)
returnPacket = cachedRoster.getReset();
returnPacket.getChildElement().addAttribute("ver", latestVersion );
} else {
// ... or return an empty IQ-result
returnPacket = new org.xmpp.packet.IQ();
} else {
returnPacket = cachedRoster.getReset();
// Force delivery of the response because we need to trigger
// a presence probe from all contacts
returnPacket = null;
else if (IQ.Type.set == type) {
returnPacket = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
// RFC 6121 2.3.3. Error Cases:
// The server MUST return a <bad-request/> stanza error to the client if the roster set contains any of the following violations:
// The <query/> element contains more than one <item/> child element.
if (packet.getItems().size() > 1) {
returnPacket.setError(new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request, PacketError.Type.modify, "Query contains more than one item"));
} else {
for (org.xmpp.packet.Roster.Item item : packet.getItems()) {
if (item.getSubscription() == org.xmpp.packet.Roster.Subscription.remove) {
if (removeItem(cachedRoster, packet.getFrom(), item) == null) {
// RFC 6121 2.5.3. Error Cases: If the value of the 'jid' attribute specifies an item that is not in the roster, then the server MUST return an <item-not-found/> stanza error.
} else {
PacketError error = checkGroups(item.getGroups());
if (error != null) {
} else {
if (cachedRoster.isRosterItem(item.getJID())) {
// existing item
RosterItem cachedItem = cachedRoster.getRosterItem(item.getJID());
} else {
// new item
catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
throw new UnauthorizedException(e);
return returnPacket;
Example 4
Source File: From openfireLBS with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* @param packet
* @return
private IQ getUsersNearme(IQ packet) {
IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
JID from = packet.getFrom();
Element iq = packet.getChildElement();
Element item = iq.element("item");
Double myLon = Double.parseDouble(item.attributeValue("lon"));
Double myLat = Double.parseDouble(item.attributeValue("lat"));
// XXX: update user location firstly
// find users near me
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
pstmt = openfireConn.prepareStatement(SQL_USERS_NEARME);
pstmt.setDouble(1, myLon);
pstmt.setDouble(2, myLon);
pstmt.setDouble(3, myLat);
pstmt.setDouble(4, myLat);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
String username = null;
double nearLon = 0;
double nearLat = 0;
while ( {
username = rs.getString("username");
nearLon = rs.getDouble("lon");
nearLat = rs.getDouble("lat");
Element e = iq.addElement("item");
e.addAttribute("user", username);
e.addAttribute("lon", Double.toString(nearLon));
e.addAttribute("lat", Double.toString(nearLat));
} catch (SQLException e1) {
return reply;