Java Code Examples for org.xmpp.packet.JID#getResource()
The following examples show how to use
org.xmpp.packet.JID#getResource() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns the session responsible for this JID data. The returned Session may have never sent * an available presence (thus not have a route) or could be a Session that hasn't * authenticated yet (i.e. preAuthenticatedSessions). * * @param from the sender of the packet. * @return the <code>Session</code> associated with the JID. */ public ClientSession getSession(JID from) { // Return null if the JID is null or belongs to a foreign server. If the server is // shutting down then serverName will be null so answer null too in this case. if (from == null || serverName == null || !serverName.equals(from.getDomain())) { return null; } // Initially Check preAuthenticated Sessions if (from.getResource() != null) { ClientSession session = localSessionManager.getPreAuthenticatedSessions().get(from.getResource()); if (session != null) { return session; } } if (from.getResource() == null || from.getNode() == null) { return null; } return routingTable.getClientRoute(from); }
Example 2
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Returns true if the specified packet must only be route to available client sessions.
* @param packet the packet to route.
* @param fromServer true if the packet was created by the server.
* @return true if the specified packet must only be route to available client sessions.
private boolean routeOnlyAvailable(Packet packet, boolean fromServer) {
if (fromServer) {
// Packets created by the server (no matter their FROM value) must always be delivered no
// matter the available presence of the user
return false;
boolean onlyAvailable = true;
JID from = packet.getFrom();
boolean hasSender = from != null;
if (packet instanceof IQ) {
onlyAvailable = hasSender && !(serverName.equals(from.getDomain()) && from.getResource() == null) &&
else if (packet instanceof Message || packet instanceof Presence) {
onlyAvailable = !hasSender ||
(!serverName.equals(from.toString()) && !componentsCache.containsKey(from.getDomain()));
return onlyAvailable;
Example 3
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Returns true if the specified user is allowed to administer the node. Node
* administrator are allowed to retrieve the node configuration, change the node
* configuration, purge the node, delete the node and get the node affiliations and
* subscriptions.
* @param user the user to check if he is an admin.
* @return true if the specified user is allowed to administer the node.
public boolean isAdmin(JID user) {
if (getOwners().contains(user) || getService().isServiceAdmin(user)) {
return true;
// Check if we should try again but using the bare JID
if (user.getResource() != null) {
user = user.asBareJID();
return isAdmin(user);
return false;
Example 4
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Sends an event notification to the specified subscriber. The event notification may
* include information about the affected subscriptions.
* @param subscriberJID the subscriber JID that will get the notification.
* @param notification the message to send to the subscriber.
* @param subIDs the list of affected subscription IDs or null when node does not
* allow multiple subscriptions.
protected void sendEventNotification(JID subscriberJID, Message notification,
Collection<String> subIDs) {
Element headers = null;
if (subIDs != null) {
// Notate the event notification with the ID of the affected subscriptions
headers = notification.addChildElement("headers", "");
for (String subID : subIDs) {
Element header = headers.addElement("header");
header.addAttribute("name", "SubID");
// Verify that the subscriber JID is currently available to receive notification
// messages. This is required because the message router will deliver packets via
// the bare JID if a session for the full JID is not available. The "isActiveRoute"
// condition below will prevent inadvertent delivery of multiple copies of each
// event notification to the user, possibly multiple times (e.g. route.all-resources).
// (Refer to for more info.)
// This approach is informed by the following XEP-0060 implementation guidelines:
// 12.2 "Intended Recipients for Notifications" - only deliver to subscriber JID
// 12.4 "Not Routing Events to Offline Storage" - no offline storage for notifications
// Note however that this may be somewhat in conflict with the following:
// 12.3 "Presence-Based Delivery of Events" - automatically detect user's presence
if (subscriberJID.getResource() == null ||
SessionManager.getInstance().getSession(subscriberJID) != null) {
getService().sendNotification(this, notification, subscriberJID);
if (headers != null) {
// Remove the added child element that includes subscription IDs information
Example 5
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sends a message with a given subject and body to one or more user sessions related to the * specified address. If address is null or the address's node is null then the message will be * sent to all the user sessions. But if the address includes a node but no resource then * the message will be sent to all the user sessions of the requeted user (defined by the node). * Finally, if the address is a full JID then the message will be sent to the session associated * to the full JID. If no session is found then the message is not sent. * * @param address the address that defines the sessions that will receive the message. * @param subject the subject to broadcast. * @param body the body to broadcast. */ public void sendServerMessage(JID address, String subject, String body) { Message packet = createServerMessage(subject, body); if (address == null || address.getNode() == null || !userManager.isRegisteredUser(address)) { broadcast(packet); } else if (address.getResource() == null || address.getResource().length() < 1) { userBroadcast(address.getNode(), packet); } else { routingTable.routePacket(address, packet, true); } }
Example 6
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Returns true if the provided JID belongs to a user that is part of the group.
* @param user the JID address of the user to check.
* @return true if the specified user is a group user.
public boolean isUser(JID user) {
// Make sure that we are always checking bare JIDs
if (user != null && user.getResource() != null) {
user = user.asBareJID();
return user != null && (members.contains(user) || administrators.contains(user));
Example 7
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public int compareTo(JID jid) {
// Comparison order is domain, node, resource.
int compare = getDomain().compareTo(jid.getDomain());
if (compare == 0) {
String otherNode = jid.getNode();
compare = otherNode == null ? 1 : getGroupName().compareTo(otherNode);
if (compare == 0) {
compare = jid.getResource() == null ? 0 : -1;
return compare;
Example 8
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Returns a JID from the given JID. If the JID represents a group,
* returns an instance of this class. Otherwise returns the given JID.
* @param jid A JID, possibly representing a group
* @return A new GroupJID if the given JID represents a group, or the given JID
public static JID fromJID(JID jid) {
if (jid instanceof GroupJID || jid.getResource() == null || jid.getNode() == null) {
return jid;
} else {
return (isGroup(jid)) ? new GroupJID(jid) : jid;
Example 9
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean isAnonymousRoute(JID jid) {
if ( jid.getResource() != null ) {
// Check if there's a anonymous route for the JID.
return anonymousUsersCache.containsKey( jid.toString() );
} else {
// Anonymous routes are mapped by full JID. if there's no full JID, check for any route for the node-part.
return anonymousUsersCache.keySet().stream().anyMatch( key -> key.startsWith( jid.toString() ) );
Example 10
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void process(Packet packet) throws UnauthorizedException, PacketException { try { JID recipient = packet.getTo(); // Check if the target domain belongs to a remote server or a component if (server.matchesComponent(recipient) || server.isRemote(recipient)) { routingTable.routePacket(recipient, packet, false); } // The target domain belongs to the local server else if (recipient == null || (recipient.getNode() == null && recipient.getResource() == null)) { // no TO was found so send back the packet to the sender routingTable.routePacket(packet.getFrom(), packet, false); } else if (recipient.getResource() != null || !(packet instanceof Presence)) { // JID is of the form <user@domain/resource> routingTable.routePacket(recipient, packet, false); } else { // JID is of the form <user@domain> for (JID route : routingTable.getRoutes(recipient, null)) { routingTable.routePacket(route, packet, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error.deliver") + "\n" + packet.toString(), e); } }
Example 11
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Returns true if a component is associated to the specified address. Components
* registered with this JVM or other cluster nodes are going to be considered.
* @param componentJID the address of the component. This is the complete domain.
* @return true if a component is associated to the specified address.
public boolean hasComponent(JID componentJID) {
synchronized (routables) {
if (componentJID.getNode() != null || componentJID.getResource() != null) {
return false;
// if (componentJID.getDomain().lastIndexOf("." + serverDomain) == -1) {
// componentJID = new JID(componentJID.getDomain() + "." + serverDomain);
// }
return routingTable.hasComponentRoute(componentJID);
Example 12
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Notification message indicating that a packet has failed to be routed to the recipient. * * @param recipient address of the entity that failed to receive the packet. * @param packet Message packet that failed to be sent to the recipient. */ public void routingFailed( JID recipient, Packet packet ) { log.debug( "Message sent to unreachable address: " + packet.toXML() ); final Message msg = (Message) packet; if ( msg.getType().equals( ) && serverName.equals( recipient.getDomain() ) && recipient.getResource() != null ) { // Find an existing AVAILABLE session with non-negative priority. for (JID address : routingTable.getRoutes(recipient.asBareJID(), packet.getFrom())) { ClientSession session = routingTable.getClientRoute(address); if (session != null && session.isInitialized()) { if (session.getPresence().getPriority() >= 0) { // If message was sent to an unavailable full JID of a user then retry using the bare JID. routingTable.routePacket( recipient.asBareJID(), packet, false ); return; } } } } if ( serverName.equals( recipient.getDomain() ) ) { // Delegate to offline message strategy, which will either bounce or ignore the message depending on user settings. log.trace( "Delegating to offline message strategy." ); messageStrategy.storeOffline( (Message) packet ); } else { // Recipient is not a local user. Bounce the message. // Note: this is similar, but not equal, to handling of message handling to local users in OfflineMessageStrategy. // 8.5.2. localpart@domainpart // No Available or Connected Resources if (recipient.getResource() == null) { if (msg.getType() == Message.Type.headline || msg.getType() == Message.Type.error) { // For a message stanza of type "headline" or "error", the server MUST silently ignore the message. log.trace( "Not bouncing a message stanza to a bare JID of non-local user, of type {}", msg.getType() ); return; } } else { // 8.5.3. localpart@domainpart/resourcepart // Message // For a message stanza of type "error", the server MUST silently ignore the stanza. if (msg.getType() == Message.Type.error) { log.trace( "Not bouncing a message stanza to a full JID of non-local user, of type {}", msg.getType() ); return; } } bounce( msg ); } }
Example 13
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Routes packets that are sent to the XMPP domain itself (excluding subdomains).
* @param jid
* the recipient of the packet to route.
* @param packet
* the packet to route.
* @param fromServer
* true if the packet was created by the server. This packets
* should always be delivered
* @throws PacketException
* thrown if the packet is malformed (results in the sender's
* session being shutdown).
* @return {@code true} if the packet was routed successfully,
* {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean routeToLocalDomain(JID jid, Packet packet,
boolean fromServer) {
boolean routed = false;
Element privateElement = packet.getElement().element(QName.get("private", Received.NAMESPACE));
boolean isPrivate = privateElement != null;
// The receiving server and SHOULD remove the <private/> element before delivering to the recipient.
if (jid.getResource() == null) {
// Packet sent to a bare JID of a user
if (packet instanceof Message) {
// Find best route of local user
routed = routeToBareJID(jid, (Message) packet, isPrivate);
else {
throw new PacketException("Cannot route packet of type IQ or Presence to bare JID: " + packet.toXML());
else {
// Packet sent to local user (full JID)
ClientRoute clientRoute = getClientRouteForLocalUser(jid);
if (clientRoute != null) {
if (!clientRoute.isAvailable() && routeOnlyAvailable(packet, fromServer) &&
!presenceUpdateHandler.hasDirectPresence(packet.getTo(), packet.getFrom())
&& !PresenceUpdateHandler.isPresenceUpdateReflection( packet )) {
Log.debug("Unable to route packet. Packet should only be sent to available sessions and the route is not available. {} ", packet.toXML());
routed = false;
} else {
if (localRoutingTable.isLocalRoute(jid)) {
if (!isPrivate && packet instanceof Message) {
ccMessage(jid, (Message) packet);
// This is a route to a local user hosted in this node
try {
routed = true;
} catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
Log.error("Unable to route packet " + packet.toXML(), e);
else {
// This is a route to a local user hosted in other node
if (remotePacketRouter != null) {
routed = remotePacketRouter
.routePacket(clientRoute.getNodeID().toByteArray(), jid, packet);
if (!routed) {
removeClientRoute(jid); // drop invalid client route
return routed;
Example 14
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void storeOffline(Message message) {
if (message != null) {
// Do nothing if the message was sent to the server itself, an anonymous user or a non-existent user
// Also ignore message carbons
JID recipientJID = message.getTo();
if (recipientJID == null || serverAddress.equals(recipientJID) ||
recipientJID.getNode() == null ||
message.getExtension("received", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2") != null ||
!UserManager.getInstance().isRegisteredUser(recipientJID.getNode())) {
// Do not store messages if communication is blocked
PrivacyList list =
if (list != null && list.shouldBlockPacket(message)) {
Message result = message.createCopy();
XMPPServer.getInstance().getRoutingTable().routePacket(message.getFrom(), result, true);
// 8.5.2. localpart@domainpart
// No Available or Connected Resources
if (recipientJID.getResource() == null) {
if (message.getType() == Message.Type.headline || message.getType() == Message.Type.error) {
// For a message stanza of type "headline" or "error", the server MUST silently ignore the message.
// // For a message stanza of type "groupchat", the server MUST return an error to the sender, which SHOULD be <service-unavailable/>.
else if (message.getType() == Message.Type.groupchat) {
} else {
// 8.5.3. localpart@domainpart/resourcepart
// Message
// For a message stanza of type "normal", "groupchat", or "headline", the server MUST either (a) silently ignore the stanza
// or (b) return an error stanza to the sender, which SHOULD be <service-unavailable/>.
if (message.getType() == Message.Type.normal || message.getType() == Message.Type.groupchat || message.getType() == Message.Type.headline) {
// Depending on the OfflineMessageStragey, we may silently ignore or bounce
if (type == Type.bounce) {
// Either bounce or silently ignore, never store such messages
// For a message stanza of type "error", the server MUST silently ignore the stanza.
else if (message.getType() == Message.Type.error) {
switch (type) {
case bounce:
case store:
case store_and_bounce:
if (underQuota(message)) {
else {
Log.debug( "Unable to store, as user is over storage quota. Bouncing message instead: " + message.toXML() );
case store_and_drop:
if (underQuota(message)) {
} else {
Log.debug( "Unable to store, as user is over storage quota. Silently dropping message: " + message.toXML() );
case drop:
// Drop essentially means silently ignore/do nothing
Example 15
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
* Construct a JID representing a Group from a regular JID. This constructor is
* private because it is used only from within this class after the source JID
* has been validated.
* @param source A full JID representing a group
* @see GroupJID#fromString
private GroupJID(JID source) {
// skip stringprep for the new group JID, since it has already been parsed
super(source.getNode(), source.getDomain(), source.getResource(), true);