com.spotify.docker.client.messages.RegistryAuth Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From docker-registry-artifact-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
RegistryAuthSupplierChain(ArtifactStoreConfig artifactStoreConfig, AWSTokenRequestGenerator tokenRequestGenerator) { String username, password; if (artifactStoreConfig.isRegistryTypeEcr()) { String[] usernameAndPassword = tokenRequestGenerator.getUsernameAndPasswordFromECRToken(artifactStoreConfig); username = usernameAndPassword[0]; password = usernameAndPassword[1]; } else { username = artifactStoreConfig.getUsername(); password = artifactStoreConfig.getPassword(); } registryAuth = RegistryAuth.builder() .username(username) .serverAddress(artifactStoreConfig.getRegistryUrl()) .password(password).build(); }
Example #2
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testFromDockerConfig_AddressProtocol() throws IOException { final Path path = getTestFilePath("dockerConfig/protocolMissing.json"); // Server address matches exactly what's in the config file final RegistryAuth noProto = reader.authForRegistry(path, ""); assertThat(noProto.serverAddress(), equalTo("")); // Server address doesn't have a protocol but the entry in the config file does (https) final RegistryAuth httpsProto = reader.authForRegistry(path, ""); assertThat(httpsProto.serverAddress(), equalTo("")); // Server address doesn't have a protocol but the entry in the config file does (http) final RegistryAuth httpProto = reader.authForRegistry(path, ""); assertThat(httpProto.serverAddress(), equalTo("")); }
Example #3
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testConfigFromEnv() throws IOException { DockerHost.SystemDelegate systemDelegate = mock(DockerHost.SystemDelegate.class); when(systemDelegate.getenv("DOCKER_CONFIG")) .thenReturn("src/test/resources/dockerConfigFromEnv"); when(systemDelegate.getProperty("")).thenReturn(System.getProperty("")); DockerHost.setSystemDelegate(systemDelegate); try { DockerConfigReader dockerConfigReader = new DockerConfigReader(); Path path = dockerConfigReader.defaultConfigPath(); assertThat(path.toString().replace("\\", "/"), equalTo("src/test/resources/dockerConfigFromEnv/config.json")); final RegistryAuth registryAuth = dockerConfigReader.anyRegistryAuth(); assertThat(registryAuth, equalTo(DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG)); } finally { DockerHost.restoreSystemDelegate(); } }
Example #4
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public RegistryConfigs authForBuild() throws DockerException { final AccessToken accessToken; try { accessToken = getAccessToken(); } catch (IOException e) { // do not fail as the GCR access token may not be necessary for building the image currently // being built log.warn("unable to get access token for Google Container Registry, " + "configuration for building image will not contain RegistryAuth for GCR", e); return RegistryConfigs.empty(); } final Map<String, RegistryAuth> configs = new HashMap<>(GCR_REGISTRIES.size()); for (String serverName : GCR_REGISTRIES) { configs.put(serverName, authForAccessToken(accessToken)); } return RegistryConfigs.create(configs); }
Example #5
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public RegistryAuth authFor(final String imageName) throws DockerException { final String[] imageParts = imageName.split("/", 2); if (imageParts.length < 2 || !GCR_REGISTRIES.contains(imageParts[0])) { // not an image on GCR return null; } final AccessToken accessToken; try { accessToken = getAccessToken(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DockerException(e); } return authForAccessToken(accessToken); }
Example #6
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testAuthFor() throws Exception { final String image1 = "foobar:latest"; final RegistryAuth auth1 = RegistryAuth.builder().build(); when(supplier1.authFor(image1)).thenReturn(auth1); assertThat(multiSupplier.authFor(image1), is(auth1)); verify(supplier2, never()).authFor(image1); // test fallback final String image2 = "bizbat:1.2.3"; final RegistryAuth auth2 = RegistryAuth.builder() .email("") .build(); when(supplier1.authFor(image2)).thenReturn(null); when(supplier2.authFor(image2)).thenReturn(auth2); assertThat(multiSupplier.authFor(image2), is(auth2)); }
Example #7
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private RegistryAuth authForRegistry(final DockerConfig config, final String registry) throws IOException { // If the registry shows up in "auths", return it final Map<String, RegistryAuth> auths = config.auths(); if (auths != null && auths.get(registry) != null) { return auths.get(registry).toBuilder().serverAddress(registry).build(); } // Else, we use a credential helper. final String credsStore = getCredentialStore(config, registry); if (credsStore != null) { return authWithCredentialHelper(credsStore, registry); } return null; }
Example #8
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testAuthForSwarm() throws Exception { final RegistryAuth auth1 = RegistryAuth.builder() .email("") .build(); when(supplier1.authForSwarm()).thenReturn(auth1); assertThat(multiSupplier.authForSwarm(), is(auth1)); verify(supplier2, never()).authForSwarm(); // test fallback final RegistryAuth auth2 = RegistryAuth.builder() .email("") .build(); when(supplier1.authForSwarm()).thenReturn(null); when(supplier2.authForSwarm()).thenReturn(auth2); assertThat(multiSupplier.authForSwarm(), is(auth2)); }
Example #9
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test what happens if one of the Suppliers returns null for authForBuild(). */ @Test public void testAuthForBuild_ReturnsNull() throws Exception { when(supplier1.authForBuild()).thenReturn(null); final RegistryConfigs registryConfigs = RegistryConfigs.create(ImmutableMap.of( "a", RegistryAuth.builder() .username("1") .serverAddress("a") .build(), "b", RegistryAuth.builder() .username("2") .serverAddress("b") .build() )); when(supplier2.authForBuild()).thenReturn(registryConfigs); assertThat(multiSupplier.authForBuild(), is(registryConfigs)); }
Example #10
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@JsonCreator public static DockerConfig create( @JsonProperty("credHelpers") final Map<String, String> credHelpers, @JsonProperty("auths") final Map<String, RegistryAuth> auths, @JsonProperty("HttpHeaders") final Map<String, String> httpHeaders, @JsonProperty("credsStore") final String credsStore, @JsonProperty("detachKeys") final String detachKeys, @JsonProperty("stackOrchestrator") final String stackOrchestrator, @JsonProperty("psFormat") final String psFormat, @JsonProperty("imagesFormat") final String imagesFormat) { return new AutoValue_DockerConfig( credHelpers == null ? ImmutableMap.<String, String>of() : ImmutableMap.copyOf(credHelpers), auths == null ? ImmutableMap.<String, RegistryAuth>of() : ImmutableMap.copyOf(auths), httpHeaders == null ? ImmutableMap.<String, String>of() : ImmutableMap.copyOf(httpHeaders), credsStore, detachKeys, stackOrchestrator, psFormat, imagesFormat); }
Example #11
Source File: From docker-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testPushPrivateRepo() throws Exception { final File pom = getPom("/pom-push-private-repo.xml"); final PushMojo mojo = (PushMojo) lookupMojo("push", pom); assertNotNull(mojo); final RegistryAuth authConfig = mojo.registryAuth(); assertEquals("dxia3", authConfig.username()); assertEquals("SxpxdUQA2mvX7oj", authConfig.password()); // verify decryption assertEquals("",; final DockerClient docker = mock(DockerClient.class); mojo.execute(docker); verify(docker) .push(eq("dxia3/docker-maven-plugin-auth"), any(AnsiProgressHandler.class)); }
Example #12
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testPushImageToPrivateAuthedRegistryWithAuth() throws Exception { registryContainerId = startAuthedRegistry(client); // Push an image to the private registry and check it succeeds final String dockerDirectory = Resources.getResource("dockerDirectory").getPath();, LOCAL_IMAGE); client.tag(LOCAL_IMAGE, LOCAL_IMAGE_2); client.push(LOCAL_IMAGE); // Push the same image again under a different user final RegistryAuth registryAuth = RegistryAuth.builder() .username(LOCAL_AUTH_USERNAME_2) .password(LOCAL_AUTH_PASSWORD_2) .build(); client.push(LOCAL_IMAGE_2, registryAuth); // We should be able to pull it again client.pull(LOCAL_IMAGE); client.pull(LOCAL_IMAGE_2); }
Example #13
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testPushHubPublicImageWithAuth() throws Exception { // Push an image to a public repo on Docker Hub and check it succeeds final String dockerDirectory = Resources.getResource("dockerDirectory").getPath(); final RegistryAuth registryAuth = RegistryAuth.builder() .username(HUB_AUTH_USERNAME) .password(HUB_AUTH_PASSWORD) .build(); final DockerClient client = DefaultDockerClient .fromEnv() .registryAuthSupplier(new FixedRegistryAuthSupplier( registryAuth, RegistryConfigs.create(singletonMap(HUB_NAME, registryAuth)))) .build();, HUB_PUBLIC_IMAGE); client.push(HUB_PUBLIC_IMAGE); }
Example #14
Source File: From docker-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testAuthorizationConfigurationWithServerAddress() throws Exception { ReflectionTestUtils.setField(sut, "serverId", SERVER_ID); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(sut, "registryUrl", REGISTRY_URL); when(settings.getServer(SERVER_ID)).thenReturn(mockServer()); when(builder.registryAuthSupplier(authSupplierCaptor.capture())).thenReturn(builder); sut.execute(); final RegistryAuthSupplier supplier = authSupplierCaptor.getValue(); final String image = REGISTRY_URL + "/foo/bar:blah"; final RegistryAuth authConfig = supplier.authFor(image); assertThat(authConfig).isNotNull(); assertThat(; assertThat(authConfig.password()).isEqualTo(PASSWORD); assertThat(authConfig.username()).isEqualTo(USERNAME); assertThat(authConfig.serverAddress()).isEqualTo(REGISTRY_URL); }
Example #15
Source File: From docker-registry-artifact-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void shouldSetUsernameAndPasswordByMakingARequestToECRIfTypeIsEcr() { GetAuthorizationTokenResult mockAuthorizationTokenResult = mock(GetAuthorizationTokenResult.class); AuthorizationData mockAuthorization = mock(AuthorizationData.class); List<AuthorizationData> authorizationData = new ArrayList<>(); authorizationData.add(mockAuthorization); final ArtifactStoreConfig artifactStoreConfig = new ArtifactStoreConfig("", "ecr", "awsAccessKeyId", "awsSecretAccessKey", "awsRegion"); String usernameAndPassword="AWS:secretAuthorizationToken"; when(mockAmazonEcrClient.getAuthorizationToken(any(GetAuthorizationTokenRequest.class))).thenReturn(mockAuthorizationTokenResult); when(mockAuthorizationTokenResult.getAuthorizationData()).thenReturn(authorizationData); when(mockAuthorization.getAuthorizationToken()).thenReturn(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(usernameAndPassword.getBytes())); final RegistryAuthSupplierChain registryAuthSupplierChain = new RegistryAuthSupplierChain(artifactStoreConfig, new AWSTokenRequestGenerator(new MockAwsECRClientBuilder(new ClientConfigurationFactory()))); final RegistryAuth registryAuth = registryAuthSupplierChain.authFor("foo"); assertThat(registryAuth.serverAddress()).isEqualTo(artifactStoreConfig.getRegistryUrl()); assertThat(registryAuth.username()).isEqualTo("AWS"); assertThat(registryAuth.password()).isEqualTo("secretAuthorizationToken"); }
Example #16
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void push(final String image, final ProgressHandler handler, final RegistryAuth registryAuth) throws DockerException, InterruptedException { final ImageRef imageRef = new ImageRef(image); WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path(imageRef.getImage()).path("push"); if (imageRef.getTag() != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("tag", imageRef.getTag()); } try { requestAndTail(POST, handler, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(registryAuth))); } catch (DockerRequestException e) { switch (e.status()) { case 404: throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e); default: throw e; } } }
Example #17
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public ServiceCreateResponse createService(final ServiceSpec spec, final RegistryAuth config) throws DockerException, InterruptedException { assertApiVersionIsAbove("1.24"); final WebTarget resource = resource().path("services").path("create"); try { return request(POST, ServiceCreateResponse.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(config)), Entity.json(spec)); } catch (DockerRequestException e) { switch (e.status()) { case 406: throw new DockerException("Server error or node is not part of swarm.", e); case 409: throw new DockerException("Name conflicts with an existing object.", e); default: throw e; } } }
Example #18
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void updateService(final String serviceId, final Long version, final ServiceSpec spec, final RegistryAuth config) throws DockerException, InterruptedException { assertApiVersionIsAbove("1.24"); try { WebTarget resource = resource().path("services").path(serviceId).path("update"); resource = resource.queryParam("version", version); request(POST, String.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(config)), Entity.json(spec)); } catch (DockerRequestException e) { switch (e.status()) { case 404: throw new ServiceNotFoundException(serviceId); default: throw e; } } }
Example #19
Source File: From dockerfile-maven with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private RegistryAuth createRegistryAuth(Server server) throws DockerException { SettingsDecryptionRequest decryptionRequest = new DefaultSettingsDecryptionRequest(server); SettingsDecryptionResult decryptionResult = settingsDecrypter.decrypt(decryptionRequest); if (decryptionResult.getProblems().isEmpty()) { log.debug("Successfully decrypted Maven server password"); } else { for (SettingsProblem problem : decryptionResult.getProblems()) { log.error("Settings problem for server {}: {}", server.getId(), problem); } throw new DockerException("Failed to decrypt Maven server password"); } return RegistryAuth.builder() .username(server.getUsername()) .password(decryptionResult.getServer().getPassword()) .build(); }
Example #20
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testPushHubPrivateImageWithAuth() throws Exception { // Push an image to a private repo on Docker Hub and check it succeeds final String dockerDirectory = Resources.getResource("dockerDirectory").getPath(); final RegistryAuth registryAuth = RegistryAuth.builder() .username(HUB_AUTH_USERNAME) .password(HUB_AUTH_PASSWORD) .build(); final DockerClient client = DefaultDockerClient .fromEnv() .registryAuthSupplier(new FixedRegistryAuthSupplier( registryAuth, RegistryConfigs.create(singletonMap(HUB_NAME, registryAuth)))) .build();, HUB_PRIVATE_IMAGE); client.push(HUB_PRIVATE_IMAGE); }
Example #21
Source File: From docker-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testAuthorizationConfiguration() throws Exception { ReflectionTestUtils.setField(sut, "serverId", SERVER_ID); when(settings.getServer(SERVER_ID)).thenReturn(mockServer()); when(builder.registryAuthSupplier(authSupplierCaptor.capture())).thenReturn(builder); sut.execute(); final RegistryAuthSupplier supplier = authSupplierCaptor.getValue(); // we can't inspect the supplier details itself, but we can test that the instance passed // to the constructor returns our static RegistryAuth when asked for it final RegistryAuth authConfig = supplier.authForBuild().configs().get(SERVER_ID); assertThat(authConfig).isNotNull(); assertThat(; assertThat(authConfig.password()).isEqualTo(PASSWORD); assertThat(authConfig.username()).isEqualTo(USERNAME); assertThat(authConfig.serverAddress()).isEqualTo(SERVER_ID); }
Example #22
Source File: From docker-swarm-elastic-agent-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static DefaultDockerClient createClient(ClusterProfileProperties clusterProfileProperties) throws Exception { DefaultDockerClient.Builder builder = DefaultDockerClient.builder(); builder.uri(clusterProfileProperties.getDockerURI()); if (clusterProfileProperties.getDockerURI().startsWith("https://")) { setupCerts(clusterProfileProperties, builder); } if (clusterProfileProperties.useDockerAuthInfo()) { final RegistryAuth registryAuth = clusterProfileProperties.registryAuth();"Using private docker registry server `{0}`.", registryAuth.serverAddress())); builder.registryAuth(registryAuth); } DefaultDockerClient docker =; String ping =; if (!"OK".equals(ping)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not ping the docker server, the server said '" + ping + "' instead of 'OK'."); } return docker; }
Example #23
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testFromDockerConfig_WrongConfigs() throws Exception { final RegistryAuth registryAuth1 = reader.anyRegistryAuth(getTestFilePath("dockerConfig/wrongConfig1.json")); assertThat(registryAuth1, is(emptyRegistryAuth())); final RegistryAuth registryAuth2 = reader.anyRegistryAuth(getTestFilePath("dockerConfig/wrongConfig2.json")); assertThat(registryAuth2, is(emptyRegistryAuth())); }
Example #24
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testFromDockerConfig_IncompleteConfig() throws Exception { final RegistryAuth registryAuth = reader.anyRegistryAuth(getTestFilePath("dockerConfig/incompleteConfig.json")); final RegistryAuth expected = RegistryAuth.builder() .email("") .serverAddress("") .build(); assertThat(registryAuth, is(expected)); }
Example #25
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String authHeader(final RegistryAuth registryAuth) throws DockerException { // the docker daemon requires that the X-Registry-Auth header is specified // with a non-empty string even if your registry doesn't use authentication if (registryAuth == null) { return "null"; } try { return Base64.encodeBase64String(ObjectMapperProvider .objectMapper() .writeValueAsBytes(registryAuth)); } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) { throw new DockerException("Could not encode X-Registry-Auth header", ex); } }
Example #26
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Matcher<RegistryAuth> emptyRegistryAuth() { return new CustomTypeSafeMatcher<RegistryAuth>("an empty RegistryAuth") { @Override protected boolean matchesSafely(final RegistryAuth item) { return == null && item.identityToken() == null && item.password() == null && == null; } }; }
Example #27
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testFromDockerConfig_MultiConfig() throws Exception { final Path path = getTestFilePath("dockerConfig/multiConfig.json"); final RegistryAuth myDockParsed = reader.authForRegistry(path, ""); assertThat(myDockParsed, equalTo(MY_AUTH_CONFIG)); final RegistryAuth dockerIoParsed = reader.authForRegistry(path, ""); assertThat(dockerIoParsed, equalTo(DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG)); }
Example #28
Source File: From docker-maven-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String serverIdFor(RegistryAuth registryAuth) { if (serverId != null) { return serverId; } if (registryAuth.serverAddress() != null) { return registryAuth.serverAddress(); } return ""; }
Example #29
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void pull(final String image, final RegistryAuth registryAuth, final ProgressHandler handler) throws DockerException, InterruptedException { final ImageRef imageRef = new ImageRef(image); WebTarget resource = resource().path("images").path("create"); resource = resource.queryParam("fromImage", imageRef.getImage()); if (imageRef.getTag() != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("tag", imageRef.getTag()); } try { requestAndTail(POST, handler, resource, resource .request(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .header("X-Registry-Auth", authHeader(registryAuth))); } catch (DockerRequestException e) { switch (e.status()) { case 404: throw new ImageNotFoundException(image, e); default: throw e; } } }
Example #30
Source File: From docker-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testPullHubPrivateImageWithAuth() throws Exception { final RegistryAuth registryAuth = RegistryAuth.builder() .username(HUB_AUTH_USERNAME2) .password(HUB_AUTH_PASSWORD2) .build(); client.pull("dxia2/scratch-private:latest", registryAuth); }