org.apache.atlas.v1.model.instance.Referenceable Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.atlas.v1.model.instance.Referenceable. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
Id loadProcess(String name, String description, String user, List<Id> inputTables, List<Id> outputTables,
               String queryText, String queryPlan, String queryId, String queryGraph, String... traitNames)
        throws AtlasBaseException {
    try {
        Referenceable referenceable = new Referenceable(LOAD_PROCESS_TYPE, traitNames);
        // super type attributes
        referenceable.set(AtlasClient.NAME, name);
        referenceable.set(AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, name);
        referenceable.set("description", description);
        referenceable.set(INPUTS_ATTRIBUTE, inputTables);
        referenceable.set(OUTPUTS_ATTRIBUTE, outputTables);

        referenceable.set("user", user);
        referenceable.set("startTime", System.currentTimeMillis());
        referenceable.set("endTime", System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000);

        referenceable.set("queryText", queryText);
        referenceable.set("queryPlan", queryPlan);
        referenceable.set("queryId", queryId);
        referenceable.set("queryGraph", queryGraph);

        return createInstance(referenceable);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.QUICK_START, e, String.format("%s process entity creation failed", name));
Example #2
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void verifyFeedLineage(String feedName, String clusterName, String feedId, String dbName, String tableName)
        throws Exception{
    //verify that lineage from hive table to falcon feed is created
    String processId = assertEntityIsRegistered(FalconDataTypes.FALCON_FEED_CREATION.getName(),
            FalconBridge.getFeedQualifiedName(feedName, clusterName));
    Referenceable processEntity = atlasClient.getEntity(processId);
    assertEquals(((List<Id>)processEntity.get("outputs")).get(0).getId(), feedId);

    String inputId = ((List<Id>) processEntity.get("inputs")).get(0).getId();
    Referenceable tableEntity = atlasClient.getEntity(inputId);
    assertEquals(tableEntity.getTypeName(), HiveDataTypes.HIVE_TABLE.getName());
            HiveMetaStoreBridge.getTableQualifiedName(clusterName, dbName, tableName));

Example #3
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Get an entity given the entity id
 * @param entityType entity type name
 * @param attribute qualified name of the entity
 * @param value
 * @return result object
 * @throws AtlasServiceException
public Referenceable getEntity(final String entityType, final String attribute, final String value)
        throws AtlasServiceException {
    final API api = API_V1.GET_ENTITY;
    ObjectNode jsonResponse = callAPIWithRetries(api, null, new ResourceCreator() {
        public WebResource createResource() {
            WebResource resource = getResource(api);
            resource = resource.queryParam(TYPE, entityType);
            resource = resource.queryParam(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, attribute);
            resource = resource.queryParam(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, value);
            return resource;
    String entityInstanceDefinition =  AtlasType.toJson(jsonResponse.get(AtlasClient.DEFINITION));
    return AtlasType.fromV1Json(entityInstanceDefinition, Referenceable.class);
Example #4
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteByQualifiedName() throws Exception {
    final Referenceable entity        = new Referenceable(DATABASE_TYPE_BUILTIN);
    final String        dbName        = "db" + randomString();
    final String        clusterName   = randomString();
    final String        qualifiedName = dbName + "@" + clusterName;

    entity.set(NAME, dbName);
    entity.set(DESCRIPTION, randomString());
    entity.set(QUALIFIED_NAME, qualifiedName);
    entity.set(CLUSTER_NAME, clusterName);

    final String dbId = atlasClientV1.createEntity(entity).get(0);

    sendHookMessage(new EntityDeleteRequest(TEST_USER, DATABASE_TYPE_BUILTIN, QUALIFIED_NAME, qualifiedName));

    waitFor(MAX_WAIT_TIME, new Predicate() {
        public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
            Referenceable getEntity = atlasClientV1.getEntity(dbId);

            return getEntity.getId().getState() == Id.EntityState.DELETED;
Example #5
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testSubmitEntity() throws Exception {
    String dbName = "db" + randomString();
    String tableName = "table" + randomString();
    Referenceable hiveDBInstance = createHiveDBInstanceBuiltIn(dbName);
    Id dbId = createInstance(hiveDBInstance);
    Referenceable referenceable = createHiveTableInstanceBuiltIn(dbName, tableName, dbId);
    Id id = createInstance(referenceable);

    final String guid = id._getId();
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Response is not a guid, " + guid);
Example #6
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public DataSetRefs analyze(AnalysisContext context, ProvenanceEventRecord event) {
    if (event.getTransitUri() == null) {
        return null;

    final URI uri = parseUri(event.getTransitUri());
    final String namespace = context.getNamespaceResolver().fromHostNames(uri.getHost());
    final Set<Tuple<String, String>> outputTables = parseTableNames(null, event.getAttribute(ATTR_OUTPUT_TABLES));
    if (outputTables.isEmpty()) {
        return null;

    final DataSetRefs refs = new DataSetRefs(event.getComponentId());
    outputTables.forEach(tableName -> {
        final Referenceable ref = createTableRef(namespace, tableName);
    return refs;
Example #7
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * For the given type, finds an unique attribute and checks if there is an existing instance with the same
 * unique value
 * @param classType
 * @param instance
 * @return
 * @throws AtlasException
public AtlasVertex getVertexForInstanceByUniqueAttribute(AtlasEntityType classType, Referenceable instance)
    throws AtlasException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Checking if there is an instance with the same unique attributes for instance {}", instance.toShortString());

    AtlasVertex result = null;
    for (AtlasAttribute attributeInfo : classType.getUniqAttributes().values()) {
        String propertyKey = attributeInfo.getQualifiedName();
        try {
            result = findVertex(propertyKey, instance.get(attributeInfo.getName()),
                    ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY, classType.getTypeName(),
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Found vertex by unique attribute : {}={}", propertyKey, instance.get(attributeInfo.getName()));
        } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
            //Its ok if there is no entity with the same unique value

    return result;
Example #8
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static Referenceable createFeedEntity(Feed feed, Referenceable clusterReferenceable) {"Creating feed dataset: {}", feed.getName());

    Referenceable feedEntity = new Referenceable(FalconDataTypes.FALCON_FEED.getName());
    feedEntity.set(AtlasClient.NAME, feed.getName());
    feedEntity.set(AtlasClient.DESCRIPTION, feed.getDescription());
    String feedQualifiedName =
            getFeedQualifiedName(feed.getName(), (String) clusterReferenceable.get(AtlasClient.NAME));
    feedEntity.set(AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, feedQualifiedName);
    feedEntity.set(FalconBridge.FREQUENCY, feed.getFrequency().toString());
    feedEntity.set(FalconBridge.STOREDIN, clusterReferenceable);
    if (feed.getACL() != null) {
        feedEntity.set(AtlasClient.OWNER, feed.getACL().getOwner());

    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(feed.getTags())) {

    if (feed.getGroups() != null) {
        feedEntity.set(FalconBridge.GROUPS, feed.getGroups());

    return feedEntity;
Example #9
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void assertUpdateFlowPathMessage(Notifier notifier, int notificationIndex, Referenceable ... expects) {
    assertTrue(notifier.notifications.size() > notificationIndex);
    final List<HookNotification> messages = notifier.notifications.get(notificationIndex);
    assertEquals(expects.length, messages.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < expects.length; i++) {
        final Referenceable expect = expects[i];
        final HookNotificationV1.EntityPartialUpdateRequest actual = (HookNotificationV1.EntityPartialUpdateRequest) messages.get(i);
        assertEquals(expect.getTypeName(), actual.getTypeName());
        assertEquals(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, actual.getAttribute());
        assertEquals(expect.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME), actual.getAttributeValue());

        final Collection expIn = (Collection) expect.get(ATTR_INPUTS);
        final Collection expOut = (Collection) expect.get(ATTR_OUTPUTS);
        assertTrue(expIn.containsAll((Collection) actual.getEntity().get(ATTR_INPUTS)));
        assertTrue(expOut.containsAll((Collection) actual.getEntity().get(ATTR_OUTPUTS)));
Example #10
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetTraitNames() throws Exception {
    String dbName = "db" + randomString();
    String tableName = "table" + randomString();
    Referenceable hiveDBInstance = createHiveDBInstanceBuiltIn(dbName);
    Id dbId = createInstance(hiveDBInstance);
    Referenceable hiveTableInstance = createHiveTableInstanceBuiltIn(dbName, tableName, dbId);
    Id id = createInstance(hiveTableInstance);

    final String guid = id._getId();
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Response is not a guid, " + guid);

    List<String> traits = atlasClientV1.listTraits(guid);
    Assert.assertEquals(traits.size(), 7);
Example #11
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testPublishKafka() {
    final String processorName = "PublishKafka";
    final String transitUri = "PLAINTEXT://";
    final ProvenanceEventRecord record = Mockito.mock(ProvenanceEventRecord.class);

    final NamespaceResolvers namespaceResolvers = Mockito.mock(NamespaceResolvers.class);

    final AnalysisContext context = Mockito.mock(AnalysisContext.class);

    final NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzer analyzer = NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzerFactory.getAnalyzer(processorName, transitUri, record.getEventType());

    final DataSetRefs refs = analyzer.analyze(context, record);
    assertEquals(0, refs.getInputs().size());
    assertEquals(1, refs.getOutputs().size());
    Referenceable ref = refs.getOutputs().iterator().next();
    assertEquals("topicA", ref.get(ATTR_NAME));
    assertEquals("topicA", ref.get("topic"));
    assertEquals("topicA@namespace1", ref.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME));
Example #12
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private boolean hasAnyAssignedAttribute(org.apache.atlas.v1.model.instance.Referenceable rInstance) {
    boolean ret = false;

    Map<String, Object> attributes = rInstance.getValues();

    if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(attributes)) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> attribute : attributes.entrySet()) {
            if (attribute.getValue() != null) {
                ret = true;

    return ret;
Example #13
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testUTF8() throws Exception {
    String              attrName            = randomUTF8();
    String              attrValue           = randomUTF8();
    String              classType           = randomString(); //Type names cannot be arbitrary UTF8 characters. See org.apache.atlas.type.AtlasTypeUtil#validateType()
    ClassTypeDefinition classTypeDefinition = TypesUtil.createClassTypeDef(classType, null, Collections.<String>emptySet(), TypesUtil.createUniqueRequiredAttrDef(attrName, AtlasBaseTypeDef.ATLAS_TYPE_STRING));
    TypesDef            typesDef            = new TypesDef(Collections.<EnumTypeDefinition>emptyList(), Collections.<StructTypeDefinition>emptyList(), Collections.<TraitTypeDefinition>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(classTypeDefinition));


    Referenceable entityToCreate  = new Referenceable(classType, Collections.singletonMap(attrName, attrValue));
    Id            guid            = createInstance(entityToCreate);
    ObjectNode    response        = atlasClientV1.callAPIWithBodyAndParams(AtlasClient.API_V1.GET_ENTITY, null, guid._getId());
    Object        objResponse     = response.get(AtlasClient.DEFINITION);
    String        jsonResponse    = AtlasType.toJson(objResponse);
    Referenceable createdEntity   = AtlasType.fromV1Json(jsonResponse, Referenceable.class);
    Object        entityAttrValue = createdEntity.get(attrName);

    Assert.assertEquals(entityAttrValue, attrValue,
                        "attrName=" + attrName + "; attrValue=" + attrValue + "; entityToCreate=" + entityToCreate + "; entityId=" + guid + "; getEntityResponse_Obj=" + objResponse + "; getEntityResponse_Json=" + jsonResponse + "; getEntityResponse_Entity=" + createdEntity);
Example #14
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetEntityDefinition() throws Exception {
    String dbName = "db" + randomString();
    String tableName = "table" + randomString();
    Referenceable hiveDBInstance = createHiveDBInstanceBuiltIn(dbName);
    Id dbId = createInstance(hiveDBInstance);
    Referenceable hiveTableInstance = createHiveTableInstanceBuiltIn(dbName, tableName, dbId);
    Id id = createInstance(hiveTableInstance);

    final String guid = id._getId();
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Response is not a guid, " + guid);

    Referenceable entity = atlasClientV1.getEntity(guid);
Example #15
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Predicate<Referenceable> distinctReferenceable() {
    final Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>();
    return r -> {
        final String key = AtlasUtils.toTypedQualifiedName(r.getTypeName(), (String) r.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME));
        return keys.add(key);
Example #16
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Referenceable createBucketRef(URI uri, String namespace) {
    final Referenceable ref = new Referenceable(TYPE_BUCKET);

    ref.set(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, toQualifiedName(namespace, String.format("%s://%s", uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority())));
    ref.set(ATTR_NAME, uri.getAuthority());

    return ref;
Example #17
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static Referenceable getClusterEntityReference(final String clusterName,
                                                       final String colo) {"Getting reference for entity {}", clusterName);
    Referenceable clusterRef = new Referenceable(FalconDataTypes.FALCON_CLUSTER.getName());
    clusterRef.set(AtlasClient.NAME, String.format("%s", clusterName));
    clusterRef.set(AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, clusterName);
    clusterRef.set(FalconBridge.COLO, colo);
    return clusterRef;
Example #18
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testRemoteInputPortHTTP() {
    final String componentType = "Remote Input Port";
    final String transitUri = "";
    final ProvenanceEventRecord sendEvent = Mockito.mock(ProvenanceEventRecord.class);

    final NamespaceResolvers namespaceResolvers = Mockito.mock(NamespaceResolvers.class);

    final List<ConnectionStatus> connections = new ArrayList<>();
    final ConnectionStatus connection = new ConnectionStatus();

    final AnalysisContext context = Mockito.mock(AnalysisContext.class);

    final NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzer analyzer = NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzerFactory.getAnalyzer(componentType, transitUri, sendEvent.getEventType());

    final DataSetRefs refs = analyzer.analyze(context, sendEvent);
    assertEquals(0, refs.getInputs().size());
    assertEquals(1, refs.getOutputs().size());
    assertEquals(1, refs.getComponentIds().size());
    // Should report connected componentId.

    Referenceable ref = refs.getOutputs().iterator().next();
    assertEquals(TYPE_NIFI_INPUT_PORT, ref.getTypeName());
    assertEquals("inputPortA", ref.get(ATTR_NAME));
    assertEquals("port-guid@namespace1", ref.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME));
Example #19
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void restoreAttributes(Map<String, Object> prunedAttributes, Referenceable attributeEntity) throws AtlasException {
    Object                      obj          = prunedAttributes.get(attributeEntity.getId()._getId());

    if (obj instanceof Map) {
        restoreEntityAttributes(attributeEntity, (Map) obj);
Example #20
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Referenceable getReferenceable(List<Referenceable> refs, String name) {
    Referenceable ret = null;

    for (Referenceable ref : refs) {
        Map<String, Object> values     = ref.getValuesMap();
        String              entityName = (String) values.get("name");

        if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(name, entityName)) {
            ret = ref;

    return ret;
Example #21
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Referenceable createDatabaseRef(String namespace, String databaseName) {
    final Referenceable ref = new Referenceable(TYPE_DATABASE);
    ref.set(ATTR_NAME, databaseName);
    // The attribute 'clusterName' is in the 'hive_db' Atlas entity so it cannot be changed.
    //  Using 'namespace' as value for lack of better solution.
    ref.set(ATTR_CLUSTER_NAME, namespace);
    ref.set(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, toQualifiedName(namespace, databaseName));
    return ref;
Example #22
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testViewIsAdded() throws AtlasServiceException {

    Referenceable view = atlasClientV1.getEntity(QuickStart.VIEW_TYPE, AtlasClient.REFERENCEABLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, QuickStart.PRODUCT_DIM_VIEW);

    assertEquals(QuickStart.PRODUCT_DIM_VIEW, view.get(AtlasClient.NAME));

    Id productDimId = getTable(QuickStart.PRODUCT_DIM_TABLE).getId();
    Id inputTableId = ((List<Id>) view.get(QuickStart.INPUT_TABLES_ATTRIBUTE)).get(0);
    assertEquals(productDimId, inputTableId);
Example #23
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void assertCreateMessage(Notifier notifier, int notificationIndex, Referenceable ... expects) {
    assertTrue(notifier.notifications.size() > notificationIndex);
    final List<HookNotification> messages = notifier.notifications.get(notificationIndex);
    assertEquals(1, messages.size());
    final HookNotificationV1.EntityCreateRequest message = (HookNotificationV1.EntityCreateRequest) messages.get(0);
    assertEquals(expects.length, message.getEntities().size());

    // The use of 'flatMap' at NotificationSender does not preserve actual entities order.
    // Use typed qname map to assert regardless of ordering.
    final Map<String, Referenceable> entities = message.getEntities().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
            ref -> AtlasUtils.toTypedQualifiedName(ref.getTypeName(), (String) ref.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME)), ref -> ref));

    boolean hasFlowPathSeen = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < expects.length; i++) {
        final Referenceable expect = expects[i];
        final String typeName = expect.getTypeName();
        final Referenceable actual = entities.get(AtlasUtils.toTypedQualifiedName(typeName, (String) expect.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME)));
        assertEquals(typeName, actual.getTypeName());
        assertEquals(expect.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME), actual.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME));

        if (TYPE_NIFI_FLOW_PATH.equals(typeName)) {
            assertIOReferences(expect, actual, ATTR_INPUTS);
            assertIOReferences(expect, actual, ATTR_OUTPUTS);
            hasFlowPathSeen = true;
        } else {
            assertFalse("Types other than nifi_flow_path should be created before any nifi_flow_path entity.", hasFlowPathSeen);
Example #24
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Referenceable column(String name, String type, String comment, String... traitNames) throws Exception {
    Referenceable referenceable = new Referenceable(COLUMN_TYPE, traitNames);
    referenceable.set(NAME, name);
    referenceable.set(QUALIFIED_NAME, name);
    referenceable.set("type", type);
    referenceable.set("comment", comment);

    return referenceable;
Example #25
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static void populateColumnReferenceableMap(Map<String, Referenceable> m,
                                           Referenceable r) {
    if (r.getTypeName().equals(HiveDataTypes.HIVE_TABLE.getName())) {
        String qName = (String) r.get(ATTRIBUTE_QUALIFIED_NAME);
        String[] qNameComps = extractComponents(qName);
        for (Referenceable col : (List<Referenceable>) r.get(ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS)) {
            String cName = (String) col.get(ATTRIBUTE_QUALIFIED_NAME);
            String[] colQNameComps = extractComponents(cName);
            String colQName = colQNameComps[0] + "." + colQNameComps[1] + "." + colQNameComps[2];
            m.put(colQName, col);
        String tableQName = qNameComps[0] + "." + qNameComps[1];
        m.put(tableQName, r);
Example #26
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
  public void testNextVersionMismatch() throws Exception {
      Referenceable                        entity  = getEntity(TRAIT_NAME);
      EntityUpdateRequest                  message = new EntityUpdateRequest("user1", entity);
      String                               json    = AtlasType.toV1Json(new AtlasNotificationMessage<>(new MessageVersion("2.0.0"), message));
      TopicPartition                       tp      = new TopicPartition(ATLAS_HOOK_TOPIC,0);
      List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> klist   = Collections.singletonList(new ConsumerRecord<>(ATLAS_HOOK_TOPIC, 0, 0L, "mykey", json));
      Map                                  mp      = Collections.singletonMap(tp,klist);
      ConsumerRecords                      records = new ConsumerRecords(mp);



      AtlasKafkaConsumer consumer =new AtlasKafkaConsumer(NotificationType.HOOK, kafkaConsumer ,false, 100L);

      try {
          List<AtlasKafkaMessage<HookNotification>> messageList = consumer.receive();

          assertTrue(messageList.size() > 0);

          HookNotification consumedMessage  = messageList.get(0).getMessage();

          fail("Expected VersionMismatchException!");
      } catch (IncompatibleVersionException e) {
Example #27
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetTraitDefinitionForEntity() throws Exception{
    String dbName = "db" + randomString();
    String tableName = "table" + randomString();
    Referenceable hiveDBInstance = createHiveDBInstanceBuiltIn(dbName);
    Id dbId = createInstance(hiveDBInstance);
    Referenceable hiveTableInstance = createHiveTableInstanceBuiltIn(dbName, tableName, dbId);
    Id id = createInstance(hiveTableInstance);

    final String guid = id._getId();
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Response is not a guid, " + guid);

    String traitName = "PII_Trait" + randomString();
    TraitTypeDefinition piiTrait = TypesUtil.createTraitTypeDef(traitName, null, Collections.<String>emptySet());

    TypesDef typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(piiTrait), Collections.emptyList());
    String traitDefinitionAsJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(typesDef);
    LOG.debug("traitDefinitionAsJSON = {}", traitDefinitionAsJSON);

    Struct traitInstance = new Struct(traitName);
    atlasClientV1.addTrait(guid, traitInstance);
    Struct traitDef = atlasClientV1.getTraitDefinition(guid, traitName);
    Assert.assertEquals(traitDef.getTypeName(), traitName);

    List<Struct> allTraitDefs = atlasClientV1.listTraitDefinitions(guid);
    Assert.assertEquals(allTraitDefs.size(), 8);
Example #28
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testAddTrait() throws Exception {
    String dbName = "db" + randomString();
    String tableName = "table" + randomString();
    Referenceable hiveDBInstance = createHiveDBInstanceBuiltIn(dbName);
    Id dbId = createInstance(hiveDBInstance);
    Referenceable hiveTableInstance = createHiveTableInstanceBuiltIn(dbName, tableName, dbId);
    Id id = createInstance(hiveTableInstance);

    final String guid = id._getId();
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Response is not a guid, " + guid);

    String traitName = "PII_Trait" + randomString();
    TraitTypeDefinition piiTrait =
            TypesUtil.createTraitTypeDef(traitName, null, Collections.<String>emptySet());
    String traitDefinitionAsJSON = AtlasType.toV1Json(piiTrait);
    LOG.debug("traitDefinitionAsJSON = {}", traitDefinitionAsJSON);

    TypesDef typesDef = new TypesDef(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(piiTrait), Collections.emptyList());


    Struct traitInstance = new Struct(traitName);

    atlasClientV1.addTrait(guid, traitInstance);
    assertEntityAudit(guid, EntityAuditEvent.EntityAuditAction.TAG_ADD);
Example #29
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGenerateFlowFile() {
    final String processorName = "GenerateFlowFile";
    final String processorId = "processor-1234";
    final ProvenanceEventRecord record = Mockito.mock(ProvenanceEventRecord.class);

    final NamespaceResolvers namespaceResolvers = Mockito.mock(NamespaceResolvers.class);

    final List<ConnectionStatus> connections = new ArrayList<>();

    final AnalysisContext context = Mockito.mock(AnalysisContext.class);

    final NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzer analyzer = NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzerFactory.getAnalyzer(processorName, null, record.getEventType());

    final DataSetRefs refs = analyzer.analyze(context, record);
    assertEquals(1, refs.getInputs().size());
    assertEquals(0, refs.getOutputs().size());
    Referenceable ref = refs.getInputs().iterator().next();
    assertEquals("nifi_data", ref.getTypeName());
    assertEquals("GenerateFlowFile", ref.get(ATTR_NAME));
    assertEquals("processor-1234@test_namespace", ref.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME));
Example #30
Source File:    From atlas with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void put(Object value, Referenceable instance, int index) {
    IndexedInstance wrapper = new IndexedInstance(instance, index);
    Collection<IndexedInstance> existingValues = valueMap_.get(value);
    if(existingValues == null) {
        //only expect 1 value
        existingValues = new HashSet<>(1);
        valueMap_.put(value, existingValues);