Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From EnderZoo with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 6 votes |
@Override public void setLivingAnimations(EntityLivingBase p_78086_1_, float p_78086_2_, float p_78086_3_, float p_78086_4_) { EntityMagmaCube entitymagmacube = (EntityMagmaCube) p_78086_1_; float f3 = entitymagmacube.prevSquishFactor + (entitymagmacube.squishFactor - entitymagmacube.prevSquishFactor) * p_78086_4_; int size = entitymagmacube.getSlimeSize(); if (f3 < 0.0F) { f3 = 0.0F; } if (size > 1) { int i = (p_78086_1_.ticksExisted >> 2) % 8; coreRenderer = coreRenderers[i]; } else { coreRenderer = coreRendererClay; } coreRenderer.rotationPointY = f3 * 1.7F; for (int i = 0; i < this.sliceRenderers.length; ++i) { this.sliceRenderers[i].rotationPointY = (-(4 - i)) * f3 * 1.7F; } }
Example #2
Source File: From mocreaturesdev with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static void ClearVanillaMobSpawns() { for (int i = 0; i < BiomeGenBase.biomeList.length; i++) { if (BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i] != null) { EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityCreeper.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntitySkeleton.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityZombie.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntitySpider.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityEnderman.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityCaveSpider.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntitySlime.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityGhast.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityPigZombie.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityMagmaCube.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityOcelot.class,, BiomeGenBase.biomeList[i]); } } }
Example #3
Source File: From ToroQuest with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private boolean isHostileMob(EntityLivingBase victim) { return victim instanceof EntityMob || victim instanceof EntitySlime || victim instanceof EntityMagmaCube || victim instanceof EntityGhast || victim instanceof EntityShulker; }
Example #4
Source File: From SkyblockAddons with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * The main timer for the magma boss checker. */ @SubscribeEvent() public void onClientTickMagma(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent e) { if (e.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.MAGMA_WARNING) && main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock()) { if (mc != null && mc.theWorld != null) { if (magmaTick % 5 == 0) { boolean foundBoss = false; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Entity entity : mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) { // Loop through all the entities. if (entity instanceof EntityMagmaCube) { EntitySlime magma = (EntitySlime) entity; if (magma.getSlimeSize() > 10) { // Find a big magma boss foundBoss = true; if ((lastBoss == -1 || System.currentTimeMillis() - lastBoss > 1800000)) { lastBoss = System.currentTimeMillis(); main.getRenderListener().setTitleFeature(Feature.MAGMA_WARNING); // Enable warning and disable again in four seconds. magmaTick = 16; // so the sound plays instantly main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_TITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds()); // logServer(mc); } magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.SPAWNED; if (currentTime - lastBossSpawnPost > 300000) { lastBossSpawnPost = currentTime; main.getUtils().sendInventiveTalentPingRequest(EnumUtils.MagmaEvent.BOSS_SPAWN); } } } } if (!foundBoss && main.getRenderListener().getTitleFeature() == Feature.MAGMA_WARNING) { main.getRenderListener().setTitleFeature(null); } if (!foundBoss && magmaAccuracy == EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.SPAWNED) { magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.ABOUT; magmaTime = 7200; if (currentTime - lastBossDeathPost > 300000) { lastBossDeathPost = currentTime; main.getUtils().sendInventiveTalentPingRequest(EnumUtils.MagmaEvent.BOSS_DEATH); } } } if (main.getRenderListener().getTitleFeature() == Feature.MAGMA_WARNING && magmaTick % 4 == 0) { // Play sound every 4 ticks or 1/5 second. main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 0.5); } } } magmaTick++; if (magmaTick > 20) { if ((magmaAccuracy == EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY || magmaAccuracy == EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.ABOUT) && magmaTime == 0) { magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.SPAWNED_PREDICTION; main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_MAGMA_PREDICTION, 20); } magmaTime--; magmaTick = 1; } } }
Example #5
Source File: From SkyblockAddons with MIT License | 4 votes |
@SubscribeEvent() public void onTickMagmaBossChecker(EntityEvent.EnteringChunk e) { Entity entity = e.entity; if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.ZEALOT_COUNTER_EXPLOSIVE_BOW_SUPPORT) && entity instanceof EntityArrow) { EntityArrow arrow = (EntityArrow)entity; EntityPlayerSP p = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; ItemStack heldItem = p.getHeldItem(); if (heldItem != null && "EXPLOSIVE_BOW".equals(ItemUtils.getSkyBlockItemID(heldItem))) { AxisAlignedBB playerRadius = new AxisAlignedBB(p.posX - 3, p.posY - 3, p.posZ - 3, p.posX + 3, p.posY + 3, p.posZ + 3); if (playerRadius.isVecInside(arrow.getPositionVector())) { // System.out.println("Spawned explosive arrow!"); main.getNewScheduler().scheduleRepeatingTask(new SkyblockRunnable() { @Override public void run() { if (arrow.isDead || arrow.isCollided || arrow.inGround) { cancel(); // System.out.println("Arrow is done, added an explosion!"); Vec3 explosionLocation = new Vec3(arrow.posX, arrow.posY, arrow.posZ); explosiveBowExplosions.put(System.currentTimeMillis(), explosionLocation); recentlyKilledZealots.keySet().removeIf((killedTime) -> System.currentTimeMillis() - killedTime > 150); Set<Vec3> filteredRecentlyKilledZealots = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<Vec3>> recentlyKilledZealotEntry : recentlyKilledZealots.entrySet()) { filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.addAll(recentlyKilledZealotEntry.getValue()); } if (filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.isEmpty()) return; // int possibleZealotsKilled = filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.size(); // System.out.println("This means "+possibleZealotsKilled+" may have been killed..."); // int originalPossibleZealotsKilled = possibleZealotsKilled; for (Vec3 zealotDeathLocation : filteredRecentlyKilledZealots) { double distance = explosionLocation.distanceTo(zealotDeathLocation); System.out.println("Distance was "+distance+"!"); if (distance < 4.6) { // possibleZealotsKilled--; main.getPersistentValues().addKill(); EndstoneProtectorManager.onKill(); } } // System.out.println((originalPossibleZealotsKilled-possibleZealotsKilled)+" zealots were actually killed..."); } } }, 0, 1); } } } if (main.getUtils().getLocation() == Location.BLAZING_FORTRESS) { if (magmaBossSpawnArea.isVecInside(new Vec3(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ))) { // timers will trigger if 15 magmas/8 blazes spawn in the box within a 4 second time period long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e.entity instanceof EntityMagmaCube) { if (!recentlyLoadedChunks.contains(new IntPair(e.newChunkX, e.newChunkZ)) && entity.ticksExisted == 0) { recentMagmaCubes++; main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.SUBTRACT_MAGMA_COUNT, 4); if (recentMagmaCubes >= 17) { magmaTime = 600; magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY; if (currentTime - lastMagmaWavePost > 300000) { lastMagmaWavePost = currentTime; main.getUtils().sendInventiveTalentPingRequest(EnumUtils.MagmaEvent.MAGMA_WAVE); } } } } else if (e.entity instanceof EntityBlaze) { if (!recentlyLoadedChunks.contains(new IntPair(e.newChunkX, e.newChunkZ)) && entity.ticksExisted == 0) { recentBlazes++; main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.SUBTRACT_BLAZE_COUNT, 4); if (recentBlazes >= 10) { magmaTime = 1200; magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY; if (currentTime - lastBlazeWavePost > 300000) { lastBlazeWavePost = currentTime; main.getUtils().sendInventiveTalentPingRequest(EnumUtils.MagmaEvent.BLAZE_WAVE); } } } } } } }
Example #6
Source File: From Kettle with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public CraftMagmaCube(CraftServer server, EntityMagmaCube entity) { super(server, entity); }
Example #7
Source File: From Kettle with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public EntityMagmaCube getHandle() { return (EntityMagmaCube) entity; }