Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From Personal-Chef with MIT License | 6 votes |
void sendFeedback() { String feedback; String subject = "Feedback"; feedback=fftext.getText().toString(); if(!feedback.trim().isEmpty()) { Log.i("Send email", ""); String TO = ""; Intent send = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO); String uriText = "mailto:" + Uri.encode(TO) + "?subject=" + Uri.encode(subject) + "&body=" + Uri.encode(feedback); Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriText); send.setData(uri); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(send, "Send mail...")); } else { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Please Enter Text in Feedback Details", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }
Example 2
Source File: From PkRSS with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public String toUrl(Request request) { // Copy base url String url = request.url; if (request.individual) { // Handle individual urls differently url += "feed/?withoutcomments=1"; } else { if ( != null) url += "?s=" + Uri.encode(; if ( > 1) url += ( == null ? "?paged=" : "&paged=") + String.valueOf(; } // Return safe url return url; }
Example 3
Source File: From VoIpUSSD with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void dialUp(String ussdPhoneNumber, int simSlot) { if (map == null || (!map.containsKey(KEY_ERROR) || !map.containsKey(KEY_LOGIN))) { this.callbackInvoke.over("Bad Mapping structure"); return; } if (ussdPhoneNumber.isEmpty()) { this.callbackInvoke.over("Bad ussd number"); return; } String uri = Uri.encode("#"); if (uri != null) ussdPhoneNumber = ussdPhoneNumber.replace("#", uri); Uri uriPhone = Uri.parse("tel:" + ussdPhoneNumber); if (uriPhone != null) isRunning = true; this.context.startActivity(getActionCallIntent(uriPhone, simSlot)); }
Example 4
Source File: From ucar-weex-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public String getUrlParam() { String tempUrl; if (param != null) { if (url.contains("?")) { tempUrl = url + "¶ms=" + Uri.encode(JSON.toJSONString(param)); } else { tempUrl = url + "?params=" + Uri.encode(JSON.toJSONString(param)); } } else { tempUrl = url; } return tempUrl; }
Example 5
Source File: From EmailIntentBuilder with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@NotNull static String encodeRecipient(String recipient) { int index = recipient.lastIndexOf('@'); String localPart = recipient.substring(0, index); String host = recipient.substring(index + 1); return Uri.encode(localPart) + "@" + Uri.encode(host); }
Example 6
Source File: From NominatimGeocoderBackend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected List<Address> getFromLocationName(String locationName, int maxResults, double lowerLeftLatitude, double lowerLeftLongitude, double upperRightLatitude, double upperRightLongitude, String locale) { String query = Uri.encode(locationName); String url; if (lowerLeftLatitude == 0 && lowerLeftLongitude == 0 && upperRightLatitude == 0 && upperRightLongitude == 0) { url = String.format(Locale.US, SEARCH_GEOCODE_URL, mApiUrl, mAPIKey, locale.split("_")[0], query, maxResults); } else { url = String.format(Locale.US, SEARCH_GEOCODE_WITH_BOX_URL, mApiUrl, mAPIKey, locale.split("_")[0], query, maxResults, lowerLeftLongitude, upperRightLatitude, upperRightLongitude, lowerLeftLatitude); } try { JSONArray result = new JSONArray(new AsyncGetRequest(this, url).asyncStart().retrieveString()); List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) { Address address = parseResponse(localeFromLocaleString(locale), result.getJSONObject(i)); if (address != null) addresses.add(address); } if (!addresses.isEmpty()) return addresses; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } return null; }
Example 7
Source File: From Akoi-Translator with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override protected TranslateResult doTranslateBackground(final TranslateRequest request) { String query = Uri.encode(request.mQuery); String fromLan = obtainFromLanguage(request); String toLan = obtainToLanguage(request); String encryptedSign = API_KEY + request.mQuery + SALT + API_SECRET; String sign = AppUtils.getMD5(encryptedSign.getBytes()); String url = REQUEST_URL.replace("%api_key%", API_KEY).replace("%query%", query) .replace("%from%", fromLan).replace("%to%", toLan) .replace("%salt%", SALT).replace("%sign%", sign); String rawResponse = HttpUtils.doGet(url); AppLog.i(LOGTAG, "rawResponse=" + rawResponse + "; url=" + url); return parseTranslateResult(rawResponse); }
Example 8
Source File: From CSCI4669-Fall15-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void onClick(View v) { // get query string and create a URL representing the search String tag = ((TextView) v.findViewById(; String urlString = getString(R.string.searchURL) + Uri.encode(savedSearches.getString(tag, ""), "UTF-8"); // create an Intent to launch a web browser Intent webIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(urlString)); startActivity(webIntent); // launches web browser to view results }
Example 9
Source File: From GotoSleep with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private String sendFeedback(){ String subject = "Go to Sleep Feedback"; String bodyText = getString(R.string.feedbackBodyText); String mailto = "" + "?subject=" + Uri.encode(subject) + "&body=" + Uri.encode(bodyText); return mailto; }
Example 10
Source File: From Contacts with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static void display(ImageView imageView, String uri, boolean fadeIn, int stubImage, ImageLoaderListener listener) { if (uri == null || uri.length() == 0) uri = FAKE_URI; uri = Uri.encode(uri, ALLOWED_URI_CHARS); Picasso picasso = Picasso.with(imageView.getContext()); RequestCreator requestCreator = picasso.load(uri); if (stubImage != 0) { requestCreator.placeholder(stubImage); requestCreator.error(stubImage); } if (!(fadeIn && FADE_ENABLED)) requestCreator.noFade(); LayoutParams params = imageView.getLayoutParams(); if (params.width > 0 && params.height > 0) { requestCreator.resize(params.width, params.height, true); } requestCreator.inSampleSize(true); requestCreator.into(imageView, listener); }
Example 11
Source File: From DoraemonKit with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static String encodeUrl(String url) { return Uri.encode(url, "-![.:/,%?&=]"); }
Example 12
Source File: From zen4android with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * When a particular suggestion has been selected, perform the various lookups required * to use the suggestion. This includes checking the cursor for suggestion-specific data, * and/or falling back to the XML for defaults; It also creates REST style Uri data when * the suggestion includes a data id. * * @param c The suggestions cursor, moved to the row of the user's selection * @param actionKey The key code of the action key that was pressed, * or {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_UNKNOWN} if none. * @param actionMsg The message for the action key that was pressed, * or <code>null</code> if none. * @return An intent for the suggestion at the cursor's position. */ private Intent createIntentFromSuggestion(Cursor c, int actionKey, String actionMsg) { try { // use specific action if supplied, or default action if supplied, or fixed default String action = getColumnString(c, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_ACTION); if (action == null) { action = mSearchable.getSuggestIntentAction(); } if (action == null) { action = Intent.ACTION_SEARCH; } // use specific data if supplied, or default data if supplied String data = getColumnString(c, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA); if (data == null) { data = mSearchable.getSuggestIntentData(); } // then, if an ID was provided, append it. if (data != null) { String id = getColumnString(c, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA_ID); if (id != null) { data = data + "/" + Uri.encode(id); } } Uri dataUri = (data == null) ? null : Uri.parse(data); String query = getColumnString(c, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_QUERY); String extraData = getColumnString(c, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_EXTRA_DATA); return createIntent(action, dataUri, extraData, query, actionKey, actionMsg); } catch (RuntimeException e ) { int rowNum; try { // be really paranoid now rowNum = c.getPosition(); } catch (RuntimeException e2 ) { rowNum = -1; } Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Search suggestions cursor at row " + rowNum + " returned exception.", e); return null; } }
Example 13
Source File: From emerald with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public static File getCustomIconFile(Context c, String component) { return new File(c.getFilesDir(), Uri.encode(component)+".png"); }
Example 14
Source File: From HomeGenie-Android with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public void UpdateCurrentGroupMenu() { StartActivity rootActivity = (StartActivity) getActivity(); if (rootActivity == null) return; Menu menu = rootActivity.getActionMenu(); if (menu != null) { MenuItem automation = menu.findItem(; if (automation != null) { automation.setEnabled(false); Menu submenu = automation.getSubMenu(); if (submenu == null) return; // submenu.removeGroup(Menu.NONE); if (mGroupPrograms.size() > 0) { for (Module program : mGroupPrograms) { MenuItem prg = submenu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, program.getDisplayName()); prg.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_flash_on); MenuCompat.setShowAsAction(prg, SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM | SHOW_AS_ACTION_WITH_TEXT); final String address = program.Address; String groupName = ""; try { groupName = Uri.encode(mAdapter.getGroup(mCurrentGroup).Name, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { } final String group = groupName; prg.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem menuItem) { String apiCall = "HomeAutomation.HomeGenie/Automation/Programs.Run/" + address + "/" + group + "/" + new Date().getTime(); Control.apiRequest(apiCall, null); return true; } }); } automation.setEnabled(true); } } // // MenuItem recordMacro = submenu.add(1, Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, "Record macro"); // recordMacro.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { // @Override // public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem menuItem) { // StartActivity sa = (StartActivity)getActivity(); // sa.openMacroRecordMenu(); // return true; // } // }); // rootactivity.supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); } }
Example 15
Source File: From BotLibre with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
public void map() { String query = ((String) jsonObject.opt("query")); String dirFrom = (String) jsonObject.opt("directions-from"); String dirTo = (String) jsonObject.opt("directions-to"); String mode = (String) jsonObject.opt("mode"); String avoid = (String) jsonObject.opt("avoid"); Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("geo:0,0")); mapIntent.setPackage(""); if (query != null) { query = Uri.encode(query); mapIntent.setData(Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q="+query)); } if (dirTo != null && dirFrom == null) { String directions = "google.navigation:q="+Uri.encode(dirTo); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(directions); if (mode != null) { if (mode.contains("driv")) sb.append("&mode=d"); else if (mode.contains("walk")) sb.append("&mode=w"); else if (mode.contains("bic") || mode.contains("bik")) sb.append("&mode=b"); } else if (avoid != null) { sb.append("&avoid="); if (avoid.contains("toll")) sb.append("t"); if (avoid.contains("high")) sb.append("h"); if (avoid.contains("ferr")) sb.append("f"); } directions = sb.toString(); mapIntent.setData(Uri.parse(directions)); } else if (dirTo != null && dirFrom != null) { mapIntent.setData(Uri.parse(""+Uri.encode(dirFrom)+"&daddr="+Uri.encode(dirTo))); } if (mapIntent.resolveActivity(manager) != null) { context.startActivity(mapIntent); } else { MainActivity.showMessage("Google maps not available on your device", (Activity)context); } }
Example 16
Source File: From fdroidclient with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void bindModel() { itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { boolean shouldBeVisible = contentView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE; contentView.setVisibility(shouldBeVisible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); updateExpandableItem(shouldBeVisible); if (shouldBeVisible && recyclerView != null) { ((LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView.getLayoutManager()).scrollToPositionWithOffset(items.indexOf(VIEWTYPE_LINKS), 0); } } }); headerView.setText(R.string.links); updateExpandableItem(false); contentView.removeAllViews(); // License link if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(app.license)) { String firstLicense = app.license.split(",")[0]; String url = "" + firstLicense + ".html"; if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened(url)) { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_license, R.drawable.ic_license, url, app.license); } } // Video link if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened( { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_video, R.drawable.ic_video,; } // Source button if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened(app.sourceCode)) { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_source, R.drawable.ic_source_code, app.sourceCode); } // Issues button if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened(app.issueTracker)) { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_issues, R.drawable.ic_issues, app.issueTracker); } // Translation button if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened(app.translation)) { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_translation, R.drawable.ic_translation, app.translation); } // Changelog button if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened(app.changelog)) { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_changelog, R.drawable.ic_changelog, app.changelog); } // Website button if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened(app.webSite)) { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_website, R.drawable.ic_website, app.webSite); } // Email button final String subject = Uri.encode(context.getString(R.string.app_details_subject,; String emailUrl = app.authorEmail == null ? null : ("mailto:" + app.authorEmail + "?subject=" + subject); if (uriIsSetAndCanBeOpened(emailUrl)) { addLinkItemView(contentView, R.string.menu_email, R.drawable.ic_email, emailUrl); } }
Example 17
Source File: From azure-mobile-apps-android-client with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testRegister() throws Throwable { final Container container = new Container(); MobileServiceClient client = null; final String handle = "handle"; String installationId = MobileServiceApplication.getInstallationId(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext()); final String expectedUrl = appUrl + pnsApiUrl + "/installations/" + Uri.encode(installationId); final String expectedContent = "{\"pushChannel\":\"handle\",\"platform\":\""+pnsApiPlatform+"\"}"; try { client = new MobileServiceClient(appUrl, getInstrumentation().getTargetContext()); client = client.withFilter(new ServiceFilter() { @Override public ListenableFuture<ServiceFilterResponse> handleRequest(ServiceFilterRequest request, NextServiceFilterCallback nextServiceFilterCallback) { container.requestUrl = request.getUrl(); container.requestContent = request.getContent(); container.requestMethod = request.getMethod(); ServiceFilterResponseMock mockResponse = new ServiceFilterResponseMock(); mockResponse.setStatus(new StatusLine(Protocol.HTTP_2, 204, "")); ServiceFilterRequestMock mockRequest = new ServiceFilterRequestMock(mockResponse); return nextServiceFilterCallback.onNext(mockRequest); } }); final MobileServicePush push = client.getPush(); push.register(handle).get(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception instanceof ExecutionException) { container.exception = (Exception) exception.getCause(); } else { container.exception = exception; } fail(container.exception.getMessage()); } // Asserts Assert.assertEquals(expectedUrl, container.requestUrl); Assert.assertEquals(expectedContent, container.requestContent); Assert.assertEquals(HttpConstants.PutMethod, container.requestMethod); }
Example 18
Source File: From BotLibre with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
public void map() { String query = ((String) jsonObject.opt("query")); String dirFrom = (String) jsonObject.opt("directions-from"); String dirTo = (String) jsonObject.opt("directions-to"); String mode = (String) jsonObject.opt("mode"); String avoid = (String) jsonObject.opt("avoid"); Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("geo:0,0")); mapIntent.setPackage(""); if (query != null) { query = Uri.encode(query); mapIntent.setData(Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q="+query)); } if (dirTo != null && dirFrom == null) { String directions = "google.navigation:q="+Uri.encode(dirTo); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(directions); if (mode != null) { if (mode.contains("driv")) sb.append("&mode=d"); else if (mode.contains("walk")) sb.append("&mode=w"); else if (mode.contains("bic") || mode.contains("bik")) sb.append("&mode=b"); } else if (avoid != null) { sb.append("&avoid="); if (avoid.contains("toll")) sb.append("t"); if (avoid.contains("high")) sb.append("h"); if (avoid.contains("ferr")) sb.append("f"); } directions = sb.toString(); mapIntent.setData(Uri.parse(directions)); } else if (dirTo != null && dirFrom != null) { mapIntent.setData(Uri.parse(""+Uri.encode(dirFrom)+"&daddr="+Uri.encode(dirTo))); } if (mapIntent.resolveActivity(manager) != null) { context.startActivity(mapIntent); } else { MainActivity.showMessage("Google maps not available on your device", (Activity)context); } }
Example 19
Source File: From android-project-wo2b with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Create {@linkplain HttpURLConnection HTTP connection} for incoming URL * * @param url URL to connect to * @param extra Auxiliary object which was passed to {@link DisplayImageOptions.Builder#extraForDownloader(Object) * DisplayImageOptions.extraForDownloader(Object)}; can be null * @return {@linkplain HttpURLConnection Connection} for incoming URL. Connection isn't established so it still configurable. * @throws IOException if some I/O error occurs during network request or if no InputStream could be created for * URL. */ protected HttpURLConnection createConnection(String url, Object extra) throws IOException { String encodedUrl = Uri.encode(url, ALLOWED_URI_CHARS); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(encodedUrl).openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(connectTimeout); conn.setReadTimeout(readTimeout); return conn; }
Example 20
Source File: From Roid-Library with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Create {@linkplain HttpURLConnection HTTP connection} for incoming URL * * @param url URL to connect to * @param extra Auxiliary object which was passed to * {@link DisplayImageOptions.Builder#extraForDownloader(Object) * DisplayImageOptions.extraForDownloader(Object)}; can be null * @return {@linkplain HttpURLConnection Connection} for incoming URL. * Connection isn't established so it still configurable. * @throws IOException if some I/O error occurs during network request or * if no InputStream could be created for URL. */ protected HttpURLConnection createConnection(String url, Object extra) throws IOException { String encodedUrl = Uri.encode(url, ALLOWED_URI_CHARS); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(encodedUrl).openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(connectTimeout); conn.setReadTimeout(readTimeout); return conn; }