Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Sets the text alignment for the given widget. * * @param widget widget to change text alignment for * @param align one of "0" for left, "1" for center or "2" for right */ static void setWidgetTextAlign(Widget widget, String align) { switch (Integer.parseInt(align)) { default: // This should never happen throw new IllegalArgumentException("align:" + align); case 0: align = "left"; break; case 1: align = "center"; break; case 2: align = "right"; break; } DOM.setStyleAttribute(widget.getElement(), "textAlign", align); }
Example 2
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Sets the font typeface for the given widget. * * @param widget widget to change font typeface for * @param typeface "0" for normal, "1" for sans serif, "2" for serif and * "3" for monospace */ static void setWidgetFontTypeface(Widget widget, String typeface) { switch (Integer.parseInt(typeface)) { default: // This should never happen throw new IllegalArgumentException("Typeface:" + typeface); case 0: case 1: typeface = "sans-serif"; break; case 2: typeface = "serif"; break; case 3: typeface = "monospace"; break; } DOM.setStyleAttribute(widget.getElement(), "fontFamily", typeface); }
Example 3
Source File: From SensorWebClient with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Viewport getMainChartViewport() { Image mainChartImage = new Image("img/blank.gif"); Viewport mainchart = new Viewport("100%", "100%"); mainchart.setEnableZoomWhenShiftkeyPressed(true); mainchart.add(mainChartImage); // as it is focusable, we do not want to see an outline DOM.setStyleAttribute(mainchart.getElement(), "outline", "none"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mainchart.getElement(), "overflow", "visible"); ImageViewImpl imageView = new ImageViewImpl(mainChartImage); new ImagePresenter(this.mainChartEventBus, imageView); new DragImageControl(this.mainChartEventBus); new MouseWheelControl(this.mainChartEventBus); return mainchart; }
Example 4
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Sets the canvas's BackgroundImage property to a new value. */ private void setBackgroundImageProperty(String text) { String url = convertImagePropertyValueToUrl(text); // We tell the layout (which is a MockCanvasLayout) that there is (or is not) a background // image so it can adjust the "layout width/height". The "layout width/height" is used when the // preferred width/height of a MockContainer is requested. See MockContainer.getPreferredWidth // and getPreferredHeight, as well as MockLayout.getPreferredWidth and getPreferredHeight. if (url == null) { // text was not recognized as an asset. ((MockCanvasLayout) layout).setBackgroundImageUrl(""); url = "static/images/canvas.png"; // We set the background image of the canvasWidget so it displays the image. We do it inside // the if because we need to override the background-size property only for this case MockComponentsUtil.setWidgetBackgroundImage(this, canvasWidget, url); DOM.setStyleAttribute(canvasWidget.getElement(), "backgroundSize", ""); } else { ((MockCanvasLayout) layout).setBackgroundImageUrl(url); // We set the background image of the canvasWidget so it displays the image. MockComponentsUtil.setWidgetBackgroundImage(this, canvasWidget, url); } }
Example 5
Source File: From sc2gears with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sets the label style of a label widget. * @param labelWidget label widget to style * @param label label whose style to set */ private void setLabelStyle( final Widget labelWidget, final int label ) { if ( label < userInfo.getLabelColors ().length ) DOM.setStyleAttribute( labelWidget.getElement(), "color" , '#' + userInfo.getLabelColors ()[ label ] ); if ( label < userInfo.getLabelBgColors().length ) DOM.setStyleAttribute( labelWidget.getElement(), "background", '#' + userInfo.getLabelBgColors()[ label ] ); }
Example 6
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static void restoreSizeStyle(Element element, String[] style) { if (style[0] != null) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "width", style[0]); } if (style[1] != null) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "height", style[1]); } if (style[2] != null) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "lineHeight", style[2]); } }
Example 7
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static String[] clearSizeStyle(Element element) { String widthStyle = DOM.getStyleAttribute(element, "width"); String heightStyle = DOM.getStyleAttribute(element, "height"); String lineHeightStyle = DOM.getStyleAttribute(element, "lineHeight"); if (widthStyle != null) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "width", null); } if (heightStyle != null) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "height", null); } if (lineHeightStyle != null) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "lineHeight", "initial"); } return new String[] { widthStyle, heightStyle, lineHeightStyle }; }
Example 8
Source File: From sc2gears with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void onModuleLoad() { mainPanel.setWidth( "100%" ); DOM.setStyleAttribute( mainPanel.getElement(), "marginBottom", "10px" ); mainPanel.setHorizontalAlignment( HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER ); mainPanel.add( ClientUtils.styledWidget( new Label( "Sc2gearsâ„¢ Database Admin Page" ), "h1" ) ); menuPanel.add( ClientUtils.createCheckingUserWidget() ); mainPanel.add( menuPanel ); RootPanel.get().add( mainPanel ); SERVICE_ASYNC.getUserInfo( new AsyncCallback< RpcResult< UserInfo > >() { @Override public void onSuccess( final RpcResult< UserInfo > rpcResult ) { Admin.userInfo = rpcResult.getValue(); menuPanel.clear(); if ( userInfo.getUserName() == null ) menuPanel.add( new HTML( "You are not logged in. You can login <a href=\"" + userInfo.getLoginUrl() + "\">here</a>." ) ); else if ( !userInfo.isAdmin() ) menuPanel.add( new HTML( "You are not authorized to view this page. You can logout <a href=\"" + userInfo.getLogoutUrl() + "\">here</a>." ) ); else { ClientUtils.createAndSetupLogoutLink( "Logout " + userInfo.getUserName(), userInfo.getLogoutUrl() ); final MenuItem[] MENU_ITEMS = MenuItem.values(); menu = new Menu( MENU_ITEMS, mainPanel ); // Too many menu items, menu is too big, make it smaller: for ( int i = 0; i < MENU_ITEMS.length; i++ ) menu.setTabHTML( i, "<span style='font-size:80%'>" + MENU_ITEMS[ i ].label + "</span>" ); menuPanel.add( menu ); // Go to home page menu.setPage( new HomePage() ); } } @Override public void onFailure( final Throwable caught ) { menuPanel.clear(); menuPanel.add( new Label( "Failed to reach the server. Try refreshing the page." ) ); } } ); }
Example 9
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void ensureDividerInited() { if (dividerElement == null) { dividerElement = DOM.createDiv(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(dividerElement, "backgroundColor", DIVIDER_COLOR); setDividerVisible(false); DOM.appendChild(container.getRootPanel().getElement(), dividerElement); } }
Example 10
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Create a progress bar within the given range starting at the specified * progress amount. * * @param minProgress the minimum progress * @param maxProgress the maximum progress * @param curProgress the current progress * @param textFormatter the text formatter */ public MiniProgressBar(double minProgress, double maxProgress, double curProgress, TextFormatter textFormatter) { this.minProgress = minProgress; this.maxProgress = maxProgress; this.curProgress = curProgress; setTextFormatter(textFormatter); // Create the outer shell setElement(DOM.createDiv()); DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "position", "relative"); setStyleName("gwt-ProgressBar-shell"); // Create the bar element barElement = DOM.createDiv(); DOM.appendChild(getElement(), barElement); DOM.setStyleAttribute(barElement, "height", "100%"); setBarStyleName("gwt-ProgressBar-bar"); // Create the text element textElement = DOM.createDiv(); DOM.appendChild(getElement(), textElement); DOM.setStyleAttribute(textElement, "position", "absolute"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(textElement, "top", "0px"); //Set the current progress setProgress(curProgress); }
Example 11
Source File: From incubator-retired-wave with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void setImageSize() { int width = isFullSize?attachmentWidth:thumbnailWidth; int height = isFullSize?attachmentHeight:thumbnailHeight; image.setPixelSize(width, height); //TODO(user,danilatos): Whinge about how declarative UI doesn't let us avoid this hack: Style pstyle = image.getElement().getParentElement().getParentElement().getStyle(); if (width == 0) { image.setWidth(""); pstyle.clearWidth(); } else { pstyle.setWidth(width, Unit.PX); } if (height == 0) { image.setHeight(""); pstyle.clearHeight(); } else { pstyle.setHeight(height, Unit.PX); } String url = isFullSize?attachmentUrl:thumbnailUrl; if (url != null) { if (doubleBufferLoader == null) { doubleBufferLoader = new DoubleBufferImage(spin, errorLabel, image); } doubleBufferLoader.loadImage(url); DOM.setStyleAttribute(image.getElement(), "visibility", ""); } // NOTE(user): IE requires that the imageCaptionContainer element has a width // in order to correctly center the caption. if (DO_FRAME_WIDTH_UPDATE) { captionPanel.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(width, Unit.PX); } }
Example 12
Source File: From SensorWebClient with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void onSetDomainBounds(SetDomainBoundsEvent event) { if ( !TimeseriesDataStore.getTimeSeriesDataStore().getDataItems().isEmpty()) { String[] widthHeight = getBoundValues(event); Element mousePointerElement = DiagramTab.this.getMousePointerLineElement(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mousePointerElement, "width", widthHeight[0]); DOM.setStyleAttribute(mousePointerElement, "height", widthHeight[1]); setTooltipsOnTop(event); } }
Example 13
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Set thumb color for switch in checked state * Thumb color is the color the color of the button that toggles back and forth * */ private void setThumbColorActiveProperty(String text) { thumbColorActive = MockComponentsUtil.getColor(text).toString(); if (checked) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(toggleWidget.getWidget(1).getElement().getFirstChildElement().getNextSiblingElement(), "fill", thumbColorActive); } }
Example 14
Source File: From sc2gears with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates and adds a logout link to the Root panel, at the top right absolute position. * @param text text of the logout link * @param logoutUrl logout URL * @return the logout link */ public static Anchor createAndSetupLogoutLink( final String text, final String logoutUrl ) { final Anchor logoutLink = new Anchor( text, logoutUrl ); // Absolute position to the top right DOM.setStyleAttribute( logoutLink.getElement(), "position", "absolute" ); DOM.setStyleAttribute( logoutLink.getElement(), "top" , "2px" ); DOM.setStyleAttribute( logoutLink.getElement(), "right" , "4px" ); RootPanel.get().add( logoutLink ); return logoutLink; }
Example 15
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Set thumb color for switch in UNhecked state * Thumb color is the color the color of the button that toggles back and forth * */ private void setThumbColorInactiveProperty(String text) { thumbColorInactive = MockComponentsUtil.getColor(text).toString(); if (!checked) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(toggleWidget.getWidget(1).getElement().getFirstChildElement().getNextSiblingElement(), "fill", thumbColorInactive); } }
Example 16
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Set the current progress. * * @param curProgress the current progress */ public void setProgress(double curProgress) { this.curProgress = Math.max(minProgress, Math.min(maxProgress, curProgress)); // Calculate percent complete int percent = (int) (100 * getPercent()); DOM.setStyleAttribute(barElement, "width", percent + "%"); DOM.setElementProperty(textElement, "innerHTML", generateText(curProgress)); updateTextStyle(percent); // Realign the text redraw(); }
Example 17
Source File: From appinventor-extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Set track color for switch in checked state * Track color is the color of the track that the toggle button slides back and forth along * */ private void setTrackColorActiveProperty(String text) { trackColorActive = MockComponentsUtil.getColor(text).toString(); if (checked) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(toggleWidget.getWidget(1).getElement().getFirstChildElement(), "fill", trackColorActive); } }
Example 18
Source File: From cuba with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Adds an iframe cover over an Embedded component * * @param iframe * The iframe element * @return The element which covers the iframe */ private static Element addIframeCover(Element iframe) { if (iframeCoverMap.containsKey(iframe)) { return iframeCoverMap.get(iframe); } // Get dimensions String iframeWidth = iframe.getAttribute("width"); String iframeHeight = iframe.getAttribute("height"); Style iframeStyle = iframe.getStyle(); if (!iframeWidth.equals("") && !iframeHeight.equals("")) { iframeStyle.setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); iframeStyle.setTop(0, Unit.PX); iframeStyle.setLeft(0, Unit.PX); } // Create the cover element Element coverContainer = DOM.createDiv(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(coverContainer, "width", iframeWidth); DOM.setStyleAttribute(coverContainer, "height", iframeHeight); coverContainer.setClassName("v-dragdrop-iframe-container"); coverContainer.getStyle().setPosition(Position.RELATIVE); iframe.getParentElement().appendChild(coverContainer); // Move iframe to cover container iframe.getParentElement().replaceChild(coverContainer, iframe); coverContainer.appendChild(iframe); // Style the cover Element cover = DOM.createDiv(); cover.setClassName(SHIM_STYLENAME); Style coverStyle = cover.getStyle(); coverStyle.setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); coverStyle.setWidth(100, Unit.PCT); coverStyle.setHeight(100, Unit.PCT); coverStyle.setTop(0, Unit.PX); coverStyle.setLeft(0, Unit.PX); coverContainer.appendChild(cover); iframeCoverMap.put(iframe, coverContainer); return coverContainer; }
Example 19
Source File: From sc2gears with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Sets the image of this image button. * @param imageName name of the button image file, relative to the <code>/images/fugue/</code> folder, example: <code>"arrow.png"</code> */ public void setImage( final String imageName ) { DOM.setStyleAttribute( getElement(), "background", "transparent url('/images/fugue/" + imageName + "')" ); }
Example 20
Source File: From sc2gears with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Sets common style for the specified button to be <i>small<i>. * @param button button to be styled */ public static void styleSmallButton( final Button button ) { DOM.setStyleAttribute( button.getElement(), "fontSize", "85%" ); }