Java Code Examples for java.util.regex.Matcher#hitEnd()
The following examples show how to use
java.util.regex.Matcher#hitEnd() .
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Example 1
Source File: From AliceBot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Turns the entry to UPPERCASE, takes sequences of non-alphanumeric * characters out of it (replacing them with a single whitespace) and sees * that the entry is trimmed off leading and trailing whitespaces. */ private String fit(String input, Mapper mapper) { input = input.toUpperCase(); Matcher matcher = fitting.matcher(input); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); while (!matcher.hitEnd() && matcher.find()) { mapper.prepare(input,, " "); mapper.update(matcher.start()); matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, " "); } matcher.appendTail(buffer); return buffer.toString(); }
Example 2
Source File: From AliceBot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private String substitute(String input, Mapper mapper) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (String find : correction.keySet()) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(find, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CASE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); String replace = correction.get(find); mapper.prepare(input, find, replace); while (!matcher.hitEnd() && matcher.find()) { mapper.update(matcher.start() + 1); matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, replace); } matcher.appendTail(buffer); input = buffer.toString(); buffer.delete(0, buffer.length()); } return input; }
Example 3
Source File: From doma-gen with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * エンティティプロパティのクラス名を解決します。 * * @param entityDesc エンティティ記述 * @param propertyName エンティティプロパティ名 * @param defaultPropertyClassName エンティティプロパティのデフォルトのクラス名 * @return エンティティプロパティのクラス名 */ public String resolve( EntityDesc entityDesc, String propertyName, String defaultPropertyClassName) { String qualifiedPropertyName = entityDesc.getQualifiedName() + "@" + propertyName; for (Map.Entry<Pattern, String> entry : patternMap.entrySet()) { Pattern pattern = entry.getKey(); String input = pattern.pattern().contains("@") ? qualifiedPropertyName : propertyName; Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); if (!matcher.matches()) { continue; } matcher.reset(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String replacement = entry.getValue(); for (; matcher.find(); ) { matcher.appendReplacement(buf, replacement); if (matcher.hitEnd()) { break; } } matcher.appendTail(buf); return buf.toString(); } return defaultPropertyClassName; }
Example 4
Source File: From AliceBot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private String substitute(String input, Mapper mapper) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (String find : correction.keySet()) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(find, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CASE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); String replace = correction.get(find); mapper.prepare(input, find, replace); while (!matcher.hitEnd() && matcher.find()) { mapper.update(matcher.start() + 1); matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, replace); } matcher.appendTail(buffer); input = buffer.toString(); buffer.delete(0, buffer.length()); } return input; }
Example 5
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Collection<Embedding> createEmbedding(Snapshot snapshot, int offset, int len) { Collection<Embedding> es = new ArrayList<>(); CharSequence text = snapshot.getText().subSequence(offset, offset + len); Matcher matcher = GENERIC_MARK_PATTERN.matcher(text); int tmpOffset = 0; while(matcher.find()) { int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); if(start != end) { //create embedding from the original es.add(snapshot.create(offset + tmpOffset, start - tmpOffset, JS_MIMETYPE)); tmpOffset = end; if(!matcher.hitEnd()) { //follows the delimiter - @@@ - convert it to the GENERATED_JS_IDENTIFIER es.add(snapshot.create(GENERATED_JS_IDENTIFIER, JS_MIMETYPE)); } } } es.add(snapshot.create(offset + tmpOffset, text.length() - tmpOffset, JS_MIMETYPE)); return es; }
Example 6
Source File: From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Map<String, String> parseParameters(final String parameters) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); String separator = ""; int start = 0; Matcher matcher = PARAMETER.matcher(parameters.trim()); while (matcher.find() && matcher.start() == start) { start = matcher.end(); if ( != null) { separator =; } else if (separator != null) { final String name =; // We have to keep already existing parameters. if (!result.containsKey(name)) { result.put(name, getValue(; } separator = null; } else { return null; } } return matcher.hitEnd() ? Collections.unmodifiableMap(result) : null; }
Example 7
Source File: From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void parse(final String value, final Map<String, Preference> result) { Map<String, Preference> partResult = new HashMap<>(); String separator = ""; int start = 0; Matcher matcher = PREFERENCE.matcher(value.trim()); while (matcher.find() && matcher.start() == start) { start = matcher.end(); if ( != null) { separator =; } else if (separator != null) { final String name =; // RFC 7240: // If any preference is specified more than once, only the first instance is to be // considered. All subsequent occurrences SHOULD be ignored without signaling // an error or otherwise altering the processing of the request. if (!partResult.containsKey(name)) { final String preferenceValue = getValue(; final Map<String, String> parameters = == null || ? null : parseParameters(; partResult.put(name, new Preference(preferenceValue, parameters)); } separator = null; } else { return; } } if (matcher.hitEnd()) { // Here we also have to keep already existing preferences. for (final Map.Entry<String, Preference> entry : partResult.entrySet()) { if (!result.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } }
Example 8
Source File: From j2objc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void hitEndTest(boolean callFind, String testNo, String regex, String input, boolean hit) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); if (callFind) { matcher.find(); } else { matcher.matches(); } boolean h = matcher.hitEnd(); assertTrue(testNo, h == hit); }
Example 9
Source File: From jackrabbit-filevault with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** Checks if the regex would at least have the chance to match if the matching path starts with root path. * * @param regex * @param rootPath * @return */ static boolean isRegexValidForRootPath(String regex, String rootPath) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(rootPath); if (matcher.matches()) { return true; } return matcher.hitEnd(); }
Example 10
Source File: From datakernel with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Parses value to Period. * 1 year 2 months 3 days == Period.of(1, 2, 3) * Every value can be negative, but you can't make all Period negative by negating year. * In ISO format you can write -P1Y2M, which means -1 years -2 months in this format * There can't be any spaces between '-' and DIGIT: * -1 - Right * - 2 - Wrong */ public static Period parsePeriod(String string) { string = string.trim(); if (string.startsWith("-P") || string.startsWith("P")) { return Period.parse(string); } int years = 0, months = 0, days = 0; Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); Matcher matcher = PERIOD_PATTERN.matcher(string.trim().toLowerCase()); int lastEnd = 0; while (!matcher.hitEnd()) { if (!matcher.find() || matcher.start() != lastEnd) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid period: " + string); } lastEnd = matcher.end(); String unit ="unit"); if (!unit.endsWith("s")) { unit += "s"; } if (!units.add(unit)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time unit: " + unit + " occurs more than once."); } int result = Integer.parseInt("time")); switch (unit) { case "years": years = result; break; case "months": months = result; break; case "days": days = result; break; } } return Period.of(years, months, days); }
Example 11
Source File: From trekarta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static int findMismatch(Matcher m, CharSequence s) { int i; for (i = 1; i < s.length(); ++i) { boolean matches = m.reset(s.subSequence(0, i)).matches(); if (!matches && !m.hitEnd()) { break; } } return i - 1; }
Example 12
Source File: From OpenEstate-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Helper function to replace line breaks in a string with a custom value * before printing. * <p> * This method may be used by inheriting classes, if the particular format * does not support line breaks. * * @param value value to replace * @param lineBreak value, that is used for replacement of line breaks - if null, <br/> * is used * @return value with replaced line breaks */ protected static String replaceLineBreaks(String value, String lineBreak) { value = StringUtils.trimToNull(value); if (value == null) return null; if (lineBreak == null) lineBreak = "<br/>"; Matcher m = LINES.matcher(value); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); while (m.find()) { out.append(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(; if (!m.hitEnd()) out.append(lineBreak); } return out.toString(); }
Example 13
Source File: From HolandaCatalinaFw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the place where the regex is no matching with the value. * @param matcher Matcher instance. * @param value Value to found. * @return Returns the index into the value where the regex is not matching. */ public static final int getNoMatchPlace(Matcher matcher, String value) { int result = 0; for (int i = value.length(); i > 0; --i) { Matcher region = matcher.region(0, i); if (region.matches() || region.hitEnd()) { result = i; break; } } return result; }
Example 14
Source File: From ForgeHax with MIT License | 5 votes |
private String makeLeet(String message) { char[] messageArray; message = message.replaceAll("(?i)dude", "d00d").replaceAll("(^|\\s)ph", "$1f"); messageArray = message.toCharArray(); // match and replace the last only S in a word Matcher zMatcher = Pattern.compile("(?<![sS])([sS])(?:[^\\w]|$)").matcher(message); while (!zMatcher.hitEnd()) { if (zMatcher.find()) { if ("s")) { messageArray[zMatcher.end(1) - 1] = 'z'; } else { messageArray[zMatcher.end(1) - 1] = 'Z'; } } } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Random random = new Random(); for (char c : messageArray) { int key = Character.toUpperCase(c); // half the probability for LEET if (random.nextInt(2) == 0 && LeetMap.get(key) != null && (LeetProbability.get(key) == null || LeetProbability.get(key) > random.nextInt(100))) { builder.append(LeetMap.get(key)); } else { builder.append(c); } } return builder.toString(); }
Example 15
Source File: From AliceBot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 开启大写, * Turns the entry to UPPERCASE, takes sequences of non-alphanumeric characters out of it (replacing them with a single whitespace) and sees that the entry is trimmed off leading and trailing whitespaces. */ private String fit(String input, Mapper mapper) { input = input.toUpperCase(); Matcher matcher = fitting.matcher(input); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); while (!matcher.hitEnd() && matcher.find()) { mapper.prepare(input,, " "); mapper.update(matcher.start()); matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, " "); } matcher.appendTail(buffer); return buffer.toString(); }
Example 16
Source File: From wandora with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private static SearchResult jsonSearch(JSONObject obj, String path) throws JSONException { Matcher m = objOrArray.matcher(path); SearchResult ret = new SearchResult(); //ret.type = curEnum.obj; //ret.obj = obj; while(m.find()) { if(ret.obj == null) { ret.obj = obj; } else { if(ret.type == curEnum.obj) ret.obj = ret.obj.getJSONObject(ret.subName); else ret.obj = ret.arr.getJSONObject(ret.subIdx); } ret.subName =; ret.type = curEnum.obj; if(m.hitEnd()) { break; } if(path.charAt(m.end()) == '.') { continue; } else { Matcher n = arrayIndex.matcher(path.subSequence(m.end() + 1, path.length())); if(!n.find()) throw new JSONException(path); if(ret.type == curEnum.obj) ret.arr = ret.obj.getJSONArray(ret.subName); else ret.arr = ret.arr.getJSONArray(ret.subIdx); ret.subIdx = Integer.parseInt(; ret.type = curEnum.arr; m.region(m.end() + 1 + n.end() + 1, path.length()); } } return ret; }
Example 17
Source File: From datakernel with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static Duration parseDuration(String string) { string = string.trim(); if (string.startsWith("-P") || string.startsWith("P")) { return Duration.parse(string); } Set<String> units = new HashSet<>(); int days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0; long seconds = 0, millis = 0, nanos = 0; double doubleSeconds = 0.0; long result; Matcher matcher = DURATION_PATTERN.matcher(string.trim().toLowerCase()); int lastEnd = 0; while (!matcher.hitEnd()) { if (!matcher.find() || matcher.start() != lastEnd) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid duration: " + string); } lastEnd = matcher.end(); String unit ="unit"); if (!unit.endsWith("s")) { unit += "s"; } if (!units.add(unit)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time unit " + unit + " occurs more than once in: " + string); } result = Long.parseLong("time")); int numerator = 0; int denominator = 1; String floatingPoint ="floating"); if (floatingPoint != null) { if (unit.equals("nanos")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time unit nanos cannot be fractional"); } numerator = Integer.parseInt(floatingPoint); for (int i = 0; i < floatingPoint.length(); i++) { denominator *= 10; } } double fractional = (double) numerator / denominator; switch (unit) { case "days": days = (int) result; doubleSeconds += SECONDS_PER_DAY * fractional; break; case "hours": hours += (int) result; doubleSeconds += SECONDS_PER_HOUR * fractional; break; case "minutes": minutes += (int) result; doubleSeconds += SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * fractional; break; case "seconds": seconds += (int) result; doubleSeconds += fractional; break; case "millis": millis += result; doubleSeconds += fractional / MILLIS_IN_SECOND; break; case "nanos": nanos += result; break; } } return Duration.ofDays(days) .plusHours(hours) .plusMinutes(minutes) .plusSeconds(seconds) .plusMillis(millis) .plusNanos(nanos) .plusSeconds(round(doubleSeconds)) .plusNanos(round((doubleSeconds - round(doubleSeconds)) * (NANOS_IN_MILLI * MILLIS_IN_SECOND))); }
Example 18
Source File: From mvn-golang with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private Package(@Nonnull String textLine) throws ParseException { textLine = removeComment(textLine, false); final Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(textLine); final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); while (matcher.find()) { final String unknown =; if (unknown != null) { throw new ParseException(textLine, matcher.start(3)); } final String name =; final String value =; if (!ALLOWED_KEYS.contains(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported key: " + name); } if (map.containsKey(name)) { throw new ParseException(textLine, matcher.start(1)); } map.put(name, value); } if (!matcher.hitEnd()) { throw new ParseException(textLine, 0); } if (!map.containsKey(TAG_PACKAGE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find package name : " + textLine); } this.pkg = map.get(TAG_PACKAGE); if (this.pkg.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty package name : " + textLine); } this.branch = map.get(TAG_BRANCH); this.tag = map.get(TAG_TAG); this.revision = map.get(TAG_REVISION); }
Example 19
Source File: From ASTRAL with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static List<String> generateAllBinaryTreeStrings(String[] leaves){ List<StringBuffer> alltrees = new ArrayList<StringBuffer>(); List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); System.err.print("Computing all possible resolutions "); int index = 0; //build a basic 3 leaf unrooted tree StringBuffer threeLeafTree = new StringBuffer(); threeLeafTree.append("("+leaves[index++]+",("+leaves[index++]+","+leaves[index++]+"));"); alltrees.add(threeLeafTree); for(;index<leaves.length; index++){ String leaf = leaves[index]; String insert = ","+leaf+")"; List<StringBuffer> temp = new ArrayList<StringBuffer>(); temp.addAll(alltrees); alltrees.clear(); Stack<Integer> stacks = new Stack<Integer>(); Stack<Integer> stacke = new Stack<Integer>(); for(StringBuffer preTree: temp){ Matcher pattern = Pattern.compile( "([(])|([)][^,:;)]*)|([;])|(:)|([^,);(:]*)").matcher(preTree); while(!pattern.hitEnd()){ pattern.find(); String token =; while ("".equals(token)) { pattern.find(); token =; } if (")".equals(token)) { Integer c1s = stacks.pop(); Integer c1e = stacke.pop(); Integer c2s = stacks.pop(); Integer c2e = stacke.pop(); stacks.push(c2s-1); stacke.push(c1e+1); StringBuffer newTree1 = new StringBuffer(preTree); newTree1.insert(c2e, insert); newTree1.insert(c2s, "("); if (index == leaves.length - 1) { results.add(newTree1.toString()); } else { alltrees.add(newTree1); } StringBuffer newTree2 = new StringBuffer(preTree); newTree2.insert(c1e, insert); newTree2.insert(c1s, "("); if (index == leaves.length - 1) { results.add(newTree2.toString()); } else { alltrees.add(newTree2); } } else if (";".equals(token)) { if (index == leaves.length - 1) { results.remove(results.size() - 1); } else { alltrees.remove(alltrees.size() - 1); } } else if (!"(".equals(token) && !",".equals(token)) { stacks.push(pattern.start()); stacke.push(pattern.end()); } } /*for (int i = preTree.indexOf(")", 0); i > 0; i = preTree.indexOf(")", i+1)) { }*/ } temp.clear(); System.err.print("."); System.err.flush(); } System.err.println(); /*List<Tree> temp = new ArrayList<Tree>(); temp.addAll(alltrees); alltrees.clear(); for(Tree unrootedTree: temp){ alltrees.addAll(((STITree)unrootedTree).getAllRootingTrees()); } temp.clear();*/ return results; }
Example 20
Source File: From groovy with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Given a matcher that matches a string against a pattern, returns true when * the string matches the pattern or if a longer string, could match the pattern. * * For example: * <pre class="groovyTestCase"> * def emailPattern = /\w+@\w+\.\w{2,}/ * * def matcher = "john@doe" =~ emailPattern * assert matcher.matchesPartially() * * matcher = "" =~ emailPattern * assert matcher.matchesPartially() * * matcher = "john@@" =~ emailPattern * assert !matcher.matchesPartially() * </pre> * * @param self the Matcher * @return true if more input to the String could make the matcher match the associated pattern, false otherwise. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static boolean matchesPartially(final Matcher self) { return self.matches() || self.hitEnd(); }