org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDFS Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private static Model createModel() { Model classModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Resource A = classModel.createResource(""); Resource B = classModel.createResource(""); Resource C = classModel.createResource(""); Resource C2 = classModel.createResource(""); Resource C3 = classModel.createResource(""); Resource D2 = classModel.createResource(""); Resource D3 = classModel.createResource(""); classModel.add(A, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); classModel.add(B, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); classModel.add(C, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); classModel.add(C2, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); classModel.add(C3, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); classModel.add(D2, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); classModel.add(D3, RDF.type, RDFS.Class); classModel.add(B, RDFS.subClassOf, A); classModel.add(C, RDFS.subClassOf, B); classModel.add(C, OWL.sameAs, C2); classModel.add(C3, OWL.equivalentClass, C); classModel.add(D2, RDFS.subClassOf, C2); classModel.add(D3, RDFS.subClassOf, C3); return classModel; }
Example #2
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static boolean hasSuperClass(Resource subClass, Resource superClass, Set<Resource> reached) { StmtIterator it = subClass.listProperties(RDFS.subClassOf); while(it.hasNext()) { Statement s =; if(superClass.equals(s.getObject())) { it.close(); return true; } else if(!reached.contains(s.getResource())) { reached.add(s.getResource()); if(hasSuperClass(s.getResource(), superClass, reached)) { it.close(); return true; } } } return false; }
Example #3
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
protected Set<Resource> getClasses(Model readModel) { ResIterator iterator = readModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, RDFS.Class); Resource r; Set<Resource> classes = new HashSet<Resource>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { r =; if (!r.isAnon()) { classes.add(r); } } iterator = readModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, OWL.Class); while (iterator.hasNext()) { r =; if (!r.isAnon()) { classes.add(r); } } return classes; }
Example #4
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static <T> T getNearest(Resource cls, java.util.function.Function<Resource,T> function, Set<Resource> reached) { reached.add(cls); StmtIterator it = cls.listProperties(RDFS.subClassOf); while(it.hasNext()) { Statement s =; if(s.getObject().isResource() && !reached.contains(s.getResource())) { T result = function.apply(s.getResource()); if(result == null) { result = getNearest(s.getResource(), function, reached); } if(result != null) { it.close(); return result; } } } return null; }
Example #5
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Resource getFirstRange(Resource property, Set<Resource> reached) { Resource directRange = getFirstDirectRange(property); if(directRange != null) { return directRange; } StmtIterator it = property.listProperties(RDFS.subPropertyOf); while (it.hasNext()) { Statement ss =; if (ss.getObject().isURIResource()) { Resource superProperty = ss.getResource(); if (!reached.contains(superProperty)) { reached.add(superProperty); Resource r = getFirstRange(superProperty, reached); if (r != null) { it.close(); return r; } } } } return null; }
Example #6
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void inferSubClasses(String classURI, ClassSet hierarchy, ClassNodeFactory<? extends ClassNode> factory) { Resource classResource = new ResourceImpl(classURI); Set<String> alreadySeenUris = new HashSet<String>(); addOrUpdateUri(classResource, hierarchy, factory, alreadySeenUris); if (!classModel.containsResource(classResource)) { return; } StmtIterator iterator = classModel.listStatements(null, RDFS.subClassOf, classResource); Statement stmt; Resource resource; while (iterator.hasNext()) { stmt =; resource = stmt.getSubject(); if (!alreadySeenUris.contains(resource.getURI())) { addOrUpdateUri(resource, hierarchy, factory, alreadySeenUris); } } }
Example #7
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public String toString() { String label = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, RDFS.label); if(label != null) { return label; } String comment = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, RDFS.comment); if(comment != null) { return comment; } String message = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, SH.message); if(message != null) { return message; } String sparql = getSPARQL(); if(sparql != null) { return sparql; } return "(Incomplete SPARQL Constraint)"; }
Example #8
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public String toString() { String label = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, RDFS.label); if(label != null) { return label; } String comment = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, RDFS.comment); if(comment != null) { return comment; } String message = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, SH.message); if(message != null) { return message; } String script = getFunctionName(); if(script != null) { return script; } return "(Incomplete JavaScript Constraint)"; }
Example #9
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Resource getClassOrDatatype() { Resource cls = getPropertyResourceValue(SH.class_); if(cls != null) { return cls; } else { Resource datatype = getPropertyResourceValue(SH.datatype); if(datatype != null) { return datatype; } else { Resource kind = getPropertyResourceValue(SH.nodeKind); if(SH.IRI.equals(kind) || SH.BlankNode.equals(kind)) { return RDFS.Resource.inModel(getModel()); } else if(SH.Literal.equals(kind)) { return RDFS.Literal.inModel(getModel()); } else { return null; } } } }
Example #10
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private QueryIterator buildSyntax(QueryIterator input, Node nodeVar, String pattern, ExecutionContext execCxt) { Var var2 = createNewVar() ; // Triple patterns for ?x rdfs:label ?hiddenVar ElementTriplesBlock elementBGP = new ElementTriplesBlock(); Triple t = new Triple(nodeVar, RDFS.label.asNode(), var2) ; elementBGP.addTriple(t) ; // Regular expression for regex(?hiddenVar, "pattern", "i") Expr regex = new E_Regex(new ExprVar(var2.getName()), pattern, "i") ; ElementGroup elementGroup = new ElementGroup() ; elementGroup.addElement(elementBGP) ; elementGroup.addElement(new ElementFilter(regex)) ; // Compile it. // The better design is to build the Op structure programmatically, Op op = Algebra.compile(elementGroup) ; op = Algebra.optimize(op, execCxt.getContext()) ; return QC.execute(op, input, execCxt) ; }
Example #11
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public String toString() { String label = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, RDFS.label); if(label != null) { return label; } String comment = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(this, RDFS.comment); if(comment != null) { return comment; } String sparql = getSPARQL(); if(sparql != null) { return sparql; } return "(Incomplete SPARQL Target)"; }
Example #12
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void run() { OntModel m = getModel(); loadData( m ); String prefix = "prefix pizza: <" + PIZZA_NS + ">\n" + "prefix rdfs: <" + RDFS.getURI() + ">\n" + "prefix owl: <" + OWL.getURI() + ">\n"; showQuery( m, prefix + "select ?pizza where {?pizza a owl:Class ; " + " rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction.\n" + " ?restriction owl:onProperty pizza:hasTopping ;" + " owl:someValuesFrom pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping" + "}" ); }
Example #13
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public String toString() { String label = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(getResource(), RDFS.label); if(label == null) { Statement s = getResource().getProperty(SH.jsFunctionName); if(s != null && s.getObject().isLiteral()) { label = s.getString(); } else { label = "(Missing JavaScript function name)"; } } return getLabelStart("JavaScript") + label; }
Example #14
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(expected = OntologyException.class) public void testTemplateWithNumericalPath() { Ontology invalidOntology = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().createOntology("http://test/invalid-ontology"); Template invalidTemplate = invalidOntology.getOntModel().createIndividual("http://test/invalid-ontology/invalid-template", LDT.Template). as(Template.class); invalidTemplate.addLiteral(LDT.match, 123). addProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy, invalidOntology); matcher.match(invalidOntology, "other/something"); }
Example #15
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(expected = OntologyException.class) public void testBuild_Resource_OntClassInvalidPath() { Ontology invalidOntology = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().createOntology("http://test/invalid"); OntClass invalidPathClass = invalidOntology.getOntModel().createClass("http://test/invalid/path-class"); invalidPathClass.addLiteral(LDT.path, 123). addProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy, invalidOntology); Resource invalid = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().createResource(); URI invalidResult =, invalidPathClass); URI invalidExp = absolutePathBuilder.clone().path(thingTitle).fragment(thingFragment).build(); assertEquals(invalidExp, invalidResult); }
Example #16
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public Model generateDataIDModel() { // create an empty JENA Model Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); // setting namespaces model.setNsPrefix("gerbil", GERBIL.getURI()); model.setNsPrefix("rdf", RDF.getURI()); model.setNsPrefix("rdfs", RDFS.getURI()); model.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()); model.setNsPrefix("qb", CUBE.getURI()); return model; }
Example #17
Source File: From Processor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(expected = OntologyException.class) public void testTemplateWithNoPath() { Ontology invalidOntology = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().createOntology("http://test/invalid-ontology"); Template invalidTemplate = invalidOntology.getOntModel().createIndividual("http://test/invalid-ontology/no-path-template", LDT.Template). as(Template.class); invalidTemplate.addProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy, invalidOntology); matcher.match(invalidOntology, "other/something"); }
Example #18
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public String toString() { String label = JenaUtil.getStringProperty(getResource(), RDFS.label); if(label == null) { label = subject.getFunctionalSyntax() + " - " + predicate.getFunctionalSyntax() + " - " + object.getFunctionalSyntax(); } return getLabelStart("Triple") + label; }
Example #19
Source File: From shacl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void init(ClassPropertyMetadata cpm, Node classNode, Graph graph) { ExtendedIterator<Triple> it = graph.find(classNode, RDFS.subClassOf.asNode(), Node.ANY); while(it.hasNext()) { Node superClass =; if(superClass.isBlank() && graph.contains(superClass, OWL.onProperty.asNode(), cpm.getPredicate())) { if(cpm.getLocalRange() == null) { Node localRange = JenaNodeUtil.getObject(superClass, OWL.allValuesFrom.asNode(), graph); if(localRange != null) { cpm.setLocalRange(localRange); it.close(); break; } } if(cpm.getMaxCount() == null) { Node maxCountNode = JenaNodeUtil.getObject(superClass, OWL.maxCardinality.asNode(), graph); if(maxCountNode == null) { maxCountNode = JenaNodeUtil.getObject(superClass, OWL.cardinality.asNode(), graph); } if(maxCountNode != null && maxCountNode.isLiteral()) { Object value = maxCountNode.getLiteralValue(); if(value instanceof Number) { cpm.setMaxCount(((Number) value).intValue()); } } } } } }
Example #20
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public Resource createExperimentResource(Model model, String eID) { // create experiment resource Resource experiment = model.createResource(gerbilURL + EXPERIMENT_PREFIX + eID); experiment.addProperty(RDF.type, CUBE.Dataset); experiment.addProperty(RDF.type, GERBIL.Experiment); model.add(experiment, RDFS.label, "Experiment " + eID); model.add(experiment, CUBE.structure, GERBIL.DSD); return experiment; }
Example #21
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static Document reduceToTextAndEntities(Document document) { MarkingFilter<TypedNamedEntity> filter = new TypeBasedMarkingFilter<TypedNamedEntity>(false, RDFS.Class.getURI(), OWL.Class.getURI()); List<TypedNamedEntity> namedEntities = document.getMarkings(TypedNamedEntity.class); List<Marking> markings = new ArrayList<Marking>(namedEntities.size()); for (TypedNamedEntity tne : namedEntities) { if (filter.isMarkingGood(tne)) { markings.add(new NamedEntity(tne.getStartPosition(), tne.getLength(), tne.getUris())); } } return new DocumentImpl(document.getText(), document.getDocumentURI(), markings); }
Example #22
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static Document reduceToTextAndTypedEntities(Document document) { MarkingFilter<TypedNamedEntity> filter = new TypeBasedMarkingFilter<TypedNamedEntity>(false, RDFS.Class.getURI(), OWL.Class.getURI()); List<TypedNamedEntity> namedEntities = document.getMarkings(TypedNamedEntity.class); List<Marking> markings = new ArrayList<Marking>(namedEntities.size()); for (TypedNamedEntity tne : namedEntities) { if (filter.isMarkingGood(tne)) { markings.add(new TypedNamedEntity(tne.getStartPosition(), tne.getLength(), tne.getUris(), tne.getTypes())); } } return new DocumentImpl(document.getText(), document.getDocumentURI(), markings); }
Example #23
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static Resource[] createResources(int numberOfResources, Model classModel) { Resource resources[] = new Resource[numberOfResources]; int startChar = (int) 'A'; for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) { resources[i] = classModel.createResource(KNOWN_KB_URIS[0] + ((char) (startChar + i))); classModel.add(resources[i], RDF.type, RDFS.Class); } return resources; }
Example #24
Source File: From gerbil with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static SubClassInferencer createSubClassInferencer() { /** * Creates the model: * * <pre> * A * / | \ * B C D * / \ |/´/|\`\ * E F G H I \ J * / \| * K L * </pre> * */ CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[1], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[0]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[2], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[0]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[3], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[0]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[4], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[1]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[5], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[1]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[6], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[2]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[6], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[3]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[7], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[3]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[8], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[3]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[9], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[3]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[10], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[8]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[11], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[3]); CLASS_MODEL.add(RESOURCES[11], RDFS.subClassOf, RESOURCES[8]); return SimpleSubClassInferencerFactory.createInferencer(CLASS_MODEL); }
Example #25
Source File: From IGUANA with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Model generateTripleStats(String taskID, String resource, String property) { QueryStatistics qs = new QueryStatistics(); String rdfs = ""; Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); for (File queryFile : queryFiles) { try { String query = FileUtils.readLineAt(0, queryFile); Query q = QueryFactory.create(query); qs.getStatistics(q); QueryStatistics qs2 = new QueryStatistics(); qs2.getStatistics(q); String subject = resource + hashcode + "/" + queryFile.getName(); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(rdfs + "ID"), queryFile.getName().replace("sparql", "")); model.add(model.createResource(subject), RDFS.label, query); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "aggregations"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.aggr)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "filter"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.filter)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "groupBy"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.groupBy)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "having"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.having)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "triples"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.triples)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "offset"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.offset)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "optional"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.optional)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "orderBy"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.orderBy)); model.add(model.createResource(subject), ResourceFactory.createProperty(property + "union"), model.createTypedLiteral(qs2.union)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("[QueryHandler: {{}}] Cannot read file {{}}", this.getClass().getName(), queryFile.getName()); } } return model; }
Example #26
Source File: From IGUANA with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void addMetaData(Properties p) { String suiteUrl = getUrlWithResourcePrefix(p, COMMON.SUITE_ID_KEY); String expUrl = getUrlWithResourcePrefix(p, COMMON.EXPERIMENT_ID_KEY); String taskUrl = getUrlWithResourcePrefix(p, COMMON.EXPERIMENT_TASK_ID_KEY); String datasetUrl = getUrlWithResourcePrefix(p, COMMON.DATASET_ID_KEY); String connUrl = getUrlWithResourcePrefix(p, COMMON.CONNECTION_ID_KEY); metricResults.add(createStatement(suiteUrl, getUrlWithPropertyPrefix("experiment"), expUrl, true)); metricResults.add(createStatement(suiteUrl, classUri, suiteClassUri, true)); metricResults.add(createStatement(expUrl, getUrlWithPropertyPrefix("task"), taskUrl, true)); metricResults.add(createStatement(expUrl, getUrlWithPropertyPrefix("dataset"), datasetUrl, true)); metricResults.add(createStatement(expUrl, classUri, expClassUri, true)); metricResults.add(createStatement(taskUrl, getUrlWithPropertyPrefix("connection"), connUrl, true)); metricResults.add(createStatement(taskUrl, classUri, taskClassUri, true)); addExtraMetadata(p, taskUrl); metricResults.add(metricResults.createResource(datasetUrl), RDFS.label, p.getProperty(COMMON.DATASET_ID_KEY)); metricResults.add(metricResults.createResource(connUrl), RDFS.label, p.getProperty(COMMON.CONNECTION_ID_KEY)); if(p.containsKey(COMMON.QUERY_STATS)) { Model queryStats = (Model) p.get(COMMON.QUERY_STATS); metricResults.add(queryStats); } Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); metricResults.add(metricResults.createResource(taskUrl), ResourceFactory.createProperty(rdfsUri + "startDate"), metricResults.createTypedLiteral(cal)); }
Example #27
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Model make() { String BASE = "http://example/" ; Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel() ; model.setNsPrefix("", BASE) ; Resource r1 = model.createResource(BASE+"r1") ; Resource r2 = model.createResource(BASE+"r2") ; r1.addProperty(RDFS.label, "abc") ; r2.addProperty(RDFS.label, "def") ; return model ; }
Example #28
Source File: From xcurator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Get the English-language label for a given resource. In general, a resource * may have zero, one or many labels. In this case, we happen to know that * the cheese resources have mutlilingual labels, so we pick out the English one * @param cheese * @return */ protected String getEnglishLabel( Resource cheese ) { StmtIterator i = cheese.listProperties( RDFS.label ); while (i.hasNext()) { Literal l =; if (l.getLanguage() != null && l.getLanguage().equals( "en")) { // found the English language label return l.getLexicalForm(); } } return "A Cheese with No Name!"; }
Example #29
Source File: From RDFUnit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private List<ShapeTarget> collectImplicitClassTarget(Resource resource) { if (resource.hasProperty(RDF.type, RDFS.Class) || resource.hasProperty(RDF.type, OWL.Class)) { return Collections.singletonList( ShapeTargetCore.create(ShapeTargetType.ClassTarget, resource )); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } }
Example #30
Source File: From RDFUnit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testGetAnnotations() { //add rdf:type rdfs:Class PropertyValuePairSet.PropertyValuePairSetBuilder an1 = PropertyValuePairSet.builder(); an1.annotation(PropertyValuePair.create(RDF.type, RDFS.Class)); assertThat( .isEqualTo(1); assertThat(; assertThat(; assertThat( .isNotEmpty() .hasSize(1); assertThat(; List<PropertyValuePair> annotations = new ArrayList<>(; assertThat(annotations.get(0).getProperty()) .isEqualTo(RDF.type); assertThat(annotations.get(0).getValues().size()) .isEqualTo(1); assertThat(((new ArrayList<>(annotations.get(0).getValues())).get(0))) .isEqualTo(RDFS.Class); //add rdf:type rdfs:Literal an1.annotation(PropertyValuePair.create(RDF.type, RDFS.Literal)); assertThat( .isEqualTo(1); annotations = new ArrayList<>(; assertThat(annotations.get(0).getProperty()) .isEqualTo(RDF.type); assertThat(annotations.get(0).getValues().size()) .isEqualTo(2); //add rdf:subject rdfs:Datatype an1.annotation(PropertyValuePair.create(RDF.subject, RDFS.Datatype)); assertThat( .isEqualTo(2); }