Java Code Examples for org.omg.CORBA.TCKind#_tk_null
The following examples show how to use
org.omg.CORBA.TCKind#_tk_null .
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Example 1
Source File: From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * sets the type of the element to be contained in the Any. * * @param tc the TypeCode for the element in the Any */ public void type(TypeCode tc) { //debug.log ("type2"); // set the typecode typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc); stream = null; value = 0; object = null; // null is the only legal value this Any can have after resetting the type code isInitialized = (tc.kind().value() == TCKind._tk_null); }
Example 2
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * sets the type of the element to be contained in the Any. * * @param tc the TypeCode for the element in the Any */ public void type(TypeCode tc) { //debug.log ("type2"); // set the typecode typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc); stream = null; value = 0; object = null; // null is the only legal value this Any can have after resetting the type code isInitialized = (tc.kind().value() == TCKind._tk_null); }
Example 3
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * sets the type of the element to be contained in the Any. * * @param tc the TypeCode for the element in the Any */ public void type(TypeCode tc) { //debug.log ("type2"); // set the typecode typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc); stream = null; value = 0; object = null; // null is the only legal value this Any can have after resetting the type code isInitialized = (tc.kind().value() == TCKind._tk_null); }
Example 4
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * sets the type of the element to be contained in the Any. * * @param tc the TypeCode for the element in the Any */ public void type(TypeCode tc) { //debug.log ("type2"); // set the typecode typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc); stream = null; value = 0; object = null; // null is the only legal value this Any can have after resetting the type code isInitialized = (tc.kind().value() == TCKind._tk_null); }
Example 5
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * sets the type of the element to be contained in the Any. * * @param tc the TypeCode for the element in the Any */ public void type(TypeCode tc) { //debug.log ("type2"); // set the typecode typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc); stream = null; value = 0; object = null; // null is the only legal value this Any can have after resetting the type code isInitialized = (tc.kind().value() == TCKind._tk_null); }
Example 6
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * sets the type of the element to be contained in the Any. * * @param tc the TypeCode for the element in the Any */ public void type(TypeCode tc) { //debug.log ("type2"); // set the typecode typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc); stream = null; value = 0; object = null; // null is the only legal value this Any can have after resetting the type code isInitialized = (tc.kind().value() == TCKind._tk_null); }
Example 7
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 8
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 9
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
protected ORB() { // Initialize logging first, since it is needed nearly // everywhere (for example, in TypeCodeImpl). wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; typeCodeMap = new HashMap(); primitiveTypeCodeConstants = new TypeCodeImpl[] { new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_null), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_void), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_short), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_long), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ushort), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_float), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_double), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_boolean), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_char), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_octet), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_any), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_TypeCode), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_Principal), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_objref), null, // tk_struct null, // tk_union null, // tk_enum new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_string), null, // tk_sequence null, // tk_array null, // tk_alias null, // tk_except new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longlong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulonglong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longdouble), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wchar), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wstring), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_fixed), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value_box), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_native), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_abstract_interface) } ; monitoringManager = MonitoringFactories.getMonitoringManagerFactory( ). createMonitoringManager( MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT, MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT_DESCRIPTION); }
Example 10
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 11
Source File: From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License | 4 votes |
protected ORB() { // Initialize logging first, since it is needed nearly // everywhere (for example, in TypeCodeImpl). wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; typeCodeMap = new HashMap(); primitiveTypeCodeConstants = new TypeCodeImpl[] { new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_null), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_void), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_short), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_long), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ushort), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_float), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_double), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_boolean), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_char), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_octet), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_any), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_TypeCode), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_Principal), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_objref), null, // tk_struct null, // tk_union null, // tk_enum new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_string), null, // tk_sequence null, // tk_array null, // tk_alias null, // tk_except new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longlong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulonglong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longdouble), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wchar), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wstring), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_fixed), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value_box), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_native), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_abstract_interface) } ; monitoringManager = MonitoringFactories.getMonitoringManagerFactory( ). createMonitoringManager( MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT, MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT_DESCRIPTION); }
Example 12
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 13
Source File: From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 14
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
protected ORB() { // Initialize logging first, since it is needed nearly // everywhere (for example, in TypeCodeImpl). wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; typeCodeMap = new HashMap(); primitiveTypeCodeConstants = new TypeCodeImpl[] { new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_null), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_void), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_short), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_long), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ushort), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_float), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_double), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_boolean), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_char), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_octet), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_any), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_TypeCode), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_Principal), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_objref), null, // tk_struct null, // tk_union null, // tk_enum new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_string), null, // tk_sequence null, // tk_array null, // tk_alias null, // tk_except new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longlong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulonglong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longdouble), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wchar), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wstring), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_fixed), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value_box), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_native), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_abstract_interface) } ; monitoringManager = MonitoringFactories.getMonitoringManagerFactory( ). createMonitoringManager( MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT, MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT_DESCRIPTION); }
Example 15
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
protected ORB() { // Initialize logging first, since it is needed nearly // everywhere (for example, in TypeCodeImpl). wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; typeCodeMap = new HashMap(); primitiveTypeCodeConstants = new TypeCodeImpl[] { new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_null), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_void), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_short), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_long), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ushort), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_float), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_double), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_boolean), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_char), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_octet), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_any), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_TypeCode), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_Principal), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_objref), null, // tk_struct null, // tk_union null, // tk_enum new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_string), null, // tk_sequence null, // tk_array null, // tk_alias null, // tk_except new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longlong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulonglong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longdouble), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wchar), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wstring), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_fixed), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value_box), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_native), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_abstract_interface) } ; monitoringManager = MonitoringFactories.getMonitoringManagerFactory( ). createMonitoringManager( MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT, MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT_DESCRIPTION); }
Example 16
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 17
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
protected ORB() { // Initialize logging first, since it is needed nearly // everywhere (for example, in TypeCodeImpl). wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( this, CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ; typeCodeMap = new HashMap(); primitiveTypeCodeConstants = new TypeCodeImpl[] { new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_null), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_void), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_short), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_long), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ushort), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_float), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_double), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_boolean), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_char), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_octet), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_any), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_TypeCode), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_Principal), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_objref), null, // tk_struct null, // tk_union null, // tk_enum new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_string), null, // tk_sequence null, // tk_array null, // tk_alias null, // tk_except new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longlong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulonglong), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longdouble), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wchar), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wstring), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_fixed), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value_box), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_native), new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_abstract_interface) } ; monitoringManager = MonitoringFactories.getMonitoringManagerFactory( ). createMonitoringManager( MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT, MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT_DESCRIPTION); }
Example 18
Source File: From jdk1.8-source-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 19
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private void printStream(PrintStream s, int level) { if (_kind == tk_indirect) { s.print("indirect " + _id); return; } switch (_kind) { case TCKind._tk_null: case TCKind._tk_void: case TCKind._tk_short: case TCKind._tk_long: case TCKind._tk_ushort: case TCKind._tk_ulong: case TCKind._tk_float: case TCKind._tk_double: case TCKind._tk_boolean: case TCKind._tk_char: case TCKind._tk_octet: case TCKind._tk_any: case TCKind._tk_TypeCode: case TCKind._tk_Principal: case TCKind._tk_objref: case TCKind._tk_longlong: case TCKind._tk_ulonglong: case TCKind._tk_longdouble: case TCKind._tk_wchar: case TCKind._tk_native: s.print(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_struct: case TCKind._tk_except: case TCKind._tk_value: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + " " + _name + " = {"); for(int i=0; i<_memberCount; i++) { // memberName might differ from the name of the member. s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (_memberTypes[i] != null) _memberTypes[i].printStream(s, level + 1); else s.print("<unknown type>"); s.println(" " + _memberNames[i] + ";"); } s.print(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_union: s.print("union " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_enum: s.print("enum " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_string: if (_length == 0) s.print("unbounded string " + _name); else s.print("bounded string(" + _length + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_sequence: case TCKind._tk_array: s.println(kindNames[_kind] + "[" + _length + "] " + _name + " = {"); s.print(indent(level + 1)); if (lazy_content_type() != null) { lazy_content_type().printStream(s, level + 1); } s.println(indent(level) + "}"); break; case TCKind._tk_alias: s.print("alias " + _name + " = " + (_contentType != null ? _contentType._name : "<unresolved>")); break; case TCKind._tk_wstring: s.print("wstring[" + _length + "] " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_fixed: s.print("fixed(" + _digits + ", " + _scale + ") " + _name); break; case TCKind._tk_value_box: s.print("valueBox " + _name + "..."); break; case TCKind._tk_abstract_interface: s.print("abstractInterface " + _name + "..."); break; default: s.print("<unknown type>"); break; } }
Example 20
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
protected ORB()
// Initialize logging first, since it is needed nearly
// everywhere (for example, in TypeCodeImpl).
wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( this,
omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( this,
typeCodeMap = new HashMap<>();
primitiveTypeCodeConstants = new TypeCodeImpl[] {
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_null),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_void),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_short),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_long),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ushort),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulong),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_float),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_double),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_boolean),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_char),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_octet),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_any),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_TypeCode),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_Principal),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_objref),
null, // tk_struct
null, // tk_union
null, // tk_enum
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_string),
null, // tk_sequence
null, // tk_array
null, // tk_alias
null, // tk_except
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longlong),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_ulonglong),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_longdouble),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wchar),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_wstring),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_fixed),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_value_box),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_native),
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_abstract_interface)
} ;
monitoringManager =
MonitoringFactories.getMonitoringManagerFactory( ).