Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void initGeneration_hasGenerationId() throws IOException { StorageObject storageObject = newStorageObject(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME); MockHttpTransport transport = mockTransport(jsonDataResponse(storageObject)); List<HttpRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>(); Storage storage = new Storage(transport, JSON_FACTORY, requests::add); GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions options = GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions.builder().setFastFailOnNotFound(false).build(); GoogleCloudStorageReadChannel readChannel = createReadChannel(storage, options); // initialize metadata readChannel.size(); assertThat(readChannel.generation()).isEqualTo(storageObject.getGeneration()); }
Example #2
Source File: From cyberduck with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void setMetadata(final Path file, final TransferStatus status) throws BackgroundException { if(file.isFile() || file.isPlaceholder()) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format("Write metadata %s for file %s", status, file)); } try { session.getClient().objects().patch(containerService.getContainer(file).getName(), containerService.getKey(file), new StorageObject().setMetadata(status.getMetadata())).execute(); } catch(IOException e) { final BackgroundException failure = new GoogleStorageExceptionMappingService().map("Failure to write attributes of {0}", e, file); if(file.isPlaceholder()) { if(failure instanceof NotfoundException) { // No placeholder file may exist but we just have a common prefix return; } } throw failure; } } }
Example #3
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void setUpGetFilesPage(List<String> objectNames) { // these are final classes, so use fakes instead of mocks. List<StorageObject> fakeItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < objectNames.size(); ++i) { StorageObject fakeObject = new StorageObject().setName(objectNames.get(i)); fakeItems.add(fakeObject); } Objects listObjects = new Objects().setItems(fakeItems); try { when(this.objectList.execute()).thenReturn(listObjects); } catch (IOException e) { fail("Failed to setup getFilesPage"); } }
Example #4
Source File: From cyberduck with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void setPermission(final Path file, final Acl acl) throws BackgroundException { try { if(containerService.isContainer(file)) { final List<BucketAccessControl> bucketAccessControls = this.toBucketAccessControl(acl); session.getClient().buckets().update(containerService.getContainer(file).getName(), new Bucket().setAcl(bucketAccessControls)).execute(); } else { final List<ObjectAccessControl> objectAccessControls = this.toObjectAccessControl(acl); session.getClient().objects().update(containerService.getContainer(file).getName(), containerService.getKey(file), new StorageObject().setAcl(objectAccessControls)).execute(); } } catch(IOException e) { final BackgroundException failure = new GoogleStorageExceptionMappingService().map("Cannot change permissions of {0}", e, file); if(file.isPlaceholder()) { if(failure instanceof NotfoundException) { // No placeholder file may exist but we just have a common prefix return; } } // 400 Bad Request response for buckets with uniform bucket-level access enabled throw failure; } }
Example #5
Source File: From incubator-heron with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void verifyObjectBackedUpIfExists() throws IOException { // return an object to simulate that the topology has been uploaded before final StorageObject currentStorageObject = createStorageObject(topologyObjectName); Mockito.when(mockGcsController .getStorageObject(Mockito.matches(topologyObjectName))) .thenReturn(currentStorageObject); // return an object when we try to create one Mockito.when(mockGcsController .createStorageObject(Mockito.matches(topologyObjectName), Mockito.any(File.class))) .thenReturn(createStorageObject(topologyObjectName)); uploader.initialize(createDefaultBuilder().build()); uploader.uploadPackage(); // verify that we copied the old topology before uploading the new one Mockito.verify(mockGcsController) .copyStorageObject(topologyObjectName, previousTopologyObjectName, currentStorageObject); }
Example #6
Source File: From tech-gallery with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Method to insert a image into the bucket of the cloud storage. * * @author <a href=""> João Felipe de Medeiros Moreira </a> * @since 15/10/2015 * * @param name of the image. * @param contentStream to be converted. * * @return the media link of the image. * * @throws IOException in case a IO problem. * @throws GeneralSecurityException in case a security problem. */ public static String saveImage(String name, InputStreamContent contentStream) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { logger.finest("###### Saving a image"); StorageObject objectMetadata = new StorageObject() // Set the destination object name .setName(name) // Set the access control list to publicly read-only .setAcl(Arrays.asList(new ObjectAccessControl().setEntity(ALL_USERS).setRole(READER))); Storage client = getService(); String bucketName = getBucket().getName(); Storage.Objects.Insert insertRequest = client.objects().insert(bucketName, objectMetadata, contentStream); return insertRequest.execute().getMediaLink(); }
Example #7
Source File: From java-docs-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Uploads data to an object in a bucket. * * @param name the name of the destination object. * @param contentType the MIME type of the data. * @param file the file to upload. * @param bucketName the name of the bucket to create the object in. */ public static void uploadFile(String name, String contentType, File file, String bucketName) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { InputStreamContent contentStream = new InputStreamContent(contentType, new FileInputStream(file)); // Setting the length improves upload performance contentStream.setLength(file.length()); StorageObject objectMetadata = new StorageObject() // Set the destination object name .setName(name) // Set the access control list to publicly read-only .setAcl( Arrays.asList(new ObjectAccessControl().setEntity("allUsers").setRole("READER"))); // Do the insert Storage client = StorageFactory.getService(); Storage.Objects.Insert insertRequest = client.objects().insert(bucketName, objectMetadata, contentStream); insertRequest.execute(); }
Example #8
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test GoogleCloudStorage.getItemInfo(StorageResourceId) when arguments represent an object in a * bucket. */ @Test public void testGetItemInfoObject() throws IOException { StorageObject storageObject = newStorageObject(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME); MockHttpTransport transport = mockTransport(jsonDataResponse(storageObject)); GoogleCloudStorage gcs = mockedGcs(transport); GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo info = gcs.getItemInfo(new StorageResourceId(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME)); GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo expected = GoogleCloudStorageImpl.createItemInfoForStorageObject( new StorageResourceId(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME), storageObject); assertThat(info).isEqualTo(expected); assertThat(trackingHttpRequestInitializer.getAllRequestStrings()) .containsExactly(getRequestString(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME)) .inOrder(); }
Example #9
Source File: From dataflow-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static StorageObject uriToStorageObject(String uri) throws IOException { StorageObject object = new StorageObject(); if (uri.startsWith(GCS_PREFIX)) { uri = uri.substring(GCS_PREFIX.length()); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid GCS path (does not start with gs://): " + uri); } int slashPos = uri.indexOf("/"); if (slashPos > 0) { object.setBucket(uri.substring(0, slashPos)); object.setName(uri.substring(slashPos + 1));"uriToStorageObject " + uri + "=" + object.getBucket() + ":" + object.getName()); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid GCS path (does not have bucket/name form): " + uri); } return object; }
Example #10
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testComposeSuccess() throws Exception { trackingHttpRequestInitializer = new TrackingHttpRequestInitializer(); List<String> sources = ImmutableList.of("object1", "object2"); StorageObject storageObject = newStorageObject(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME); MockHttpTransport transport = mockTransport(jsonDataResponse(storageObject), jsonDataResponse(storageObject)); GoogleCloudStorage gcs = mockedGcs(transport); gcs.compose(BUCKET_NAME, sources, OBJECT_NAME, CreateFileOptions.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE); assertThat(trackingHttpRequestInitializer.getAllRequestStrings()) .containsExactly( getRequestString(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME), composeRequestString(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, 1)) .inOrder(); }
Example #11
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void updateMetadata(GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo itemInfo, Map<String, byte[]> metadata) throws IOException { StorageResourceId resourceId = itemInfo.getResourceId(); Preconditions.checkArgument( resourceId.isStorageObject(), "Expected full StorageObject ID, got %s", resourceId); StorageObject storageObject = new StorageObject().setMetadata(encodeMetadata(metadata)); Storage.Objects.Patch patchObject = configureRequest( gcs.objects() .patch(resourceId.getBucketName(), resourceId.getObjectName(), storageObject), resourceId.getBucketName()) .setIfMetagenerationMatch(itemInfo.getMetaGeneration()); patchObject.execute(); }
Example #12
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Helper for the shared boilerplate of setting up the low-level "API objects" like * mockStorage.objects(), etc., that is common between test cases targeting {@code *}. * * @param size {@link StorageObject} size * @param encoding {@link StorageObject} encoding */ private void setUpBasicMockBehaviorForOpeningReadChannel(long size, String encoding) throws IOException { when(mockStorage.objects()).thenReturn(mockStorageObjects); when(mockStorageObjects.get(eq(BUCKET_NAME), eq(OBJECT_NAME))) .thenReturn(mockStorageObjectsGet); when(mockClientRequestHelper.getRequestHeaders(eq(mockStorageObjectsGet))) .thenReturn(mockHeaders); when(mockStorageObjectsGet.execute()) .thenReturn( new StorageObject() .setBucket(BUCKET_NAME) .setName(OBJECT_NAME) .setTimeCreated(new DateTime(11L)) .setUpdated(new DateTime(12L)) .setSize(BigInteger.valueOf(size)) .setContentEncoding(encoding) .setGeneration(1L) .setMetageneration(1L)); }
Example #13
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Constructs an instance of GoogleCloudStorageReadChannel. * * @param gcs storage object instance * @param resourceId contains information about a specific resource * @param requestHelper a ClientRequestHelper used to set any extra headers * @param readOptions fine-grained options specifying things like retry settings, buffering, etc. * Could not be null. * @throws IOException on IO error */ public GoogleCloudStorageReadChannel( Storage gcs, StorageResourceId resourceId, ApiErrorExtractor errorExtractor, ClientRequestHelper<StorageObject> requestHelper, @Nonnull GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions readOptions) throws IOException { this.gcs = gcs; this.clientRequestHelper = requestHelper; this.errorExtractor = errorExtractor; this.readOptions = readOptions; this.resourceId = resourceId; // Initialize metadata if available. GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo info = getInitialMetadata(); if (info != null) { initMetadata(info); } }
Example #14
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Constructs an instance of GoogleCloudStorageWriteChannel. * * @param uploadThreadPool thread pool to use for running the upload operation * @param gcs storage object instance * @param requestHelper a ClientRequestHelper to set extra headers * @param bucketName name of the bucket to create object in * @param objectName name of the object to create * @param contentType content type * @param contentEncoding content encoding * @param kmsKeyName Name of Cloud KMS key to use to encrypt the newly created object * @param writeConditions conditions on which write should be allowed to continue * @param objectMetadata metadata to apply to the newly created object */ public GoogleCloudStorageWriteChannel( ExecutorService uploadThreadPool, Storage gcs, ClientRequestHelper<StorageObject> requestHelper, String bucketName, String objectName, String contentType, String contentEncoding, String kmsKeyName, AsyncWriteChannelOptions options, ObjectWriteConditions writeConditions, Map<String, String> objectMetadata) { super(uploadThreadPool, options); this.gcs = gcs; this.setClientRequestHelper(requestHelper); this.bucketName = bucketName; this.objectName = objectName; if (contentType != null) { setContentType(contentType); } this.contentEncoding = contentEncoding; this.kmsKeyName = kmsKeyName; this.writeConditions = writeConditions; this.metadata = objectMetadata; }
Example #15
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Insert createRequest(InputStreamContent inputStream) throws IOException { // Create object with the given name and metadata. StorageObject object = new StorageObject() .setContentEncoding(contentEncoding) .setMetadata(metadata) .setName(objectName); Insert insert = gcs.objects().insert(bucketName, object, inputStream); writeConditions.apply(insert); if (insert.getMediaHttpUploader() != null) { insert.getMediaHttpUploader().setDirectUploadEnabled(isDirectUploadEnabled()); insert.getMediaHttpUploader().setProgressListener( new LoggingMediaHttpUploaderProgressListener(this.objectName, MIN_LOGGING_INTERVAL_MS)); } insert.setName(objectName); if (kmsKeyName != null) { insert.setKmsKeyName(kmsKeyName); } return insert; }
Example #16
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void metadataInitialization_eager() throws IOException { StorageObject object = newStorageObject(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME); MockHttpTransport transport = mockTransport(jsonDataResponse(object)); List<HttpRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>(); Storage storage = new Storage(transport, JSON_FACTORY, requests::add); GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions options = GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions.builder().setFastFailOnNotFound(true).build(); GoogleCloudStorageReadChannel readChannel = createReadChannel(storage, options); assertThat(requests).hasSize(1); assertThat(readChannel.size()).isEqualTo(object.getSize().longValue()); assertThat(requests).hasSize(1); }
Example #17
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void metadataInitialization_lazy() throws IOException { StorageObject object = newStorageObject(BUCKET_NAME, OBJECT_NAME); MockHttpTransport transport = mockTransport(jsonDataResponse(object)); List<HttpRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>(); Storage storage = new Storage(transport, JSON_FACTORY, requests::add); GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions options = GoogleCloudStorageReadOptions.builder().setFastFailOnNotFound(false).build(); GoogleCloudStorageReadChannel readChannel = createReadChannel(storage, options); assertThat(requests).isEmpty(); assertThat(readChannel.size()).isEqualTo(object.getSize().longValue()); assertThat(requests).hasSize(1); }
Example #18
Source File: From dataflow-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @param name of the file we're interested in * @return size of the file, in bytes * @throws IOException */ public long getFileSize(String bucket, String name) throws IOException { Storage.Objects.Get getObject = storage.objects().get(bucket, name); StorageObject object = getObject.execute(); BigInteger size = object.getSize(); if (size.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)) > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("File size is too big for a long!"); } return size.longValue(); }
Example #19
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void setUpGetFilesPage(List<String> objectNames) { // these are final classes, so use fakes instead of mocks. List<StorageObject> fakeItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (String anObjectName : objectNames) { fakeItems.add(new StorageObject().setName(anObjectName)); } Objects listObjects = new Objects().setItems(fakeItems); try { when(this.objectList.execute()).thenReturn(listObjects); } catch (IOException e) { fail("Failed to setup getFilesPage"); } }
Example #20
Source File: From policyscanner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void setUpGetFilesPage(List<String> objectNames) { // these are final classes, so use fakes instead of mocks. List<StorageObject> fakeItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (String anObjectName : objectNames) { fakeItems.add(new StorageObject().setName(anObjectName)); } Objects listObjects = new Objects().setItems(fakeItems); try { when(this.objectList.execute()).thenReturn(listObjects); } catch (IOException e) { fail("Failed to setup getFilesPage"); } }
Example #21
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static StorageObject newStorageObject(String bucketName, String objectName) { Random r = new Random(); return new StorageObject() .setBucket(bucketName) .setName(objectName) .setSize(BigInteger.valueOf(r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE))) .setStorageClass("standard") .setGeneration((long) r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) .setMetageneration((long) r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) .setTimeCreated(new DateTime(new Date())) .setUpdated(new DateTime(new Date())); }
Example #22
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Helper for creating a Storage.Objects.Copy object ready for dispatch given a bucket and object * for an empty object to be created. Caller must already verify that {@code resourceId} * represents a StorageObject and not a bucket. */ private Storage.Objects.Insert prepareEmptyInsert( StorageResourceId resourceId, CreateObjectOptions createObjectOptions) throws IOException { Map<String, String> rewrittenMetadata = encodeMetadata(createObjectOptions.getMetadata()); StorageObject object = new StorageObject() .setName(resourceId.getObjectName()) .setMetadata(rewrittenMetadata) .setContentEncoding(createObjectOptions.getContentEncoding()); // Ideally we'd use EmptyContent, but Storage requires an AbstractInputStreamContent and not // just an HttpContent, so we'll just use the next easiest thing. ByteArrayContent emptyContent = new ByteArrayContent(createObjectOptions.getContentType(), new byte[0]); Storage.Objects.Insert insertObject = configureRequest( gcs.objects().insert(resourceId.getBucketName(), object, emptyContent), resourceId.getBucketName()); insertObject.setDisableGZipContent(true); clientRequestHelper.setDirectUploadEnabled(insertObject, true); if (resourceId.hasGenerationId()) { insertObject.setIfGenerationMatch(resourceId.getGenerationId()); } else if (!createObjectOptions.overwriteExisting()) { insertObject.setIfGenerationMatch(0L); } return insertObject; }
Example #23
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * See {@link GoogleCloudStorage#listObjectInfo(String, String, String, long)} for details about * expected behavior. */ @Override public List<GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo> listObjectInfo( String bucketName, String objectNamePrefix, String delimiter, long maxResults) throws IOException { logger.atFine().log( "listObjectInfo(%s, %s, %s, %s)", bucketName, objectNamePrefix, delimiter, maxResults); // Helper will handle going through pages of list results and accumulating them. List<StorageObject> listedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> listedPrefixes = new ArrayList<>(); listStorageObjectsAndPrefixes( bucketName, objectNamePrefix, delimiter, /* includeTrailingDelimiter= */ true, maxResults, listedObjects, listedPrefixes); // For the listedObjects, we simply parse each item into a GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo without // further work. List<GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo> objectInfos = new ArrayList<>(listedObjects.size()); for (StorageObject obj : listedObjects) { objectInfos.add( createItemInfoForStorageObject(new StorageResourceId(bucketName, obj.getName()), obj)); } if (listedPrefixes.isEmpty()) { return objectInfos; } handlePrefixes(bucketName, listedPrefixes, objectInfos); return objectInfos; }
Example #24
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public ListPage<GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo> listObjectInfoPage( String bucketName, String objectNamePrefix, String delimiter, String pageToken) throws IOException { logger.atFine().log( "listObjectInfoPage(%s, %s, %s, %s)", bucketName, objectNamePrefix, delimiter, pageToken); Storage.Objects.List listObject = createListRequest( bucketName, objectNamePrefix, delimiter, /* includeTrailingDelimiter= */ true, MAX_RESULTS_UNLIMITED); if (pageToken != null) { logger.atFine().log("listObjectInfoPage: next page %s", pageToken); listObject.setPageToken(pageToken); } // Helper will handle going through pages of list results and accumulating them. List<StorageObject> listedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> listedPrefixes = new ArrayList<>(); String nextPageToken = listStorageObjectsAndPrefixesPage( listObject, MAX_RESULTS_UNLIMITED, listedObjects, listedPrefixes); // For the listedObjects, we simply parse each item into a GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo without // further work. List<GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo> objectInfos = new ArrayList<>(listedObjects.size()); for (StorageObject obj : listedObjects) { objectInfos.add( createItemInfoForStorageObject(new StorageResourceId(bucketName, obj.getName()), obj)); } if (!listedPrefixes.isEmpty()) { handlePrefixes(bucketName, listedPrefixes, objectInfos); } return new ListPage<>(objectInfos, nextPageToken); }
Example #25
Source File: From front50 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void purgeOldVersions(String path) throws Exception { Storage.Objects.List listObjects = obj_api.list(bucketName).setPrefix(path).setVersions(true); objects; // Keep the 0th object on the first page (which is current). List<Long> generations = new ArrayList(32); do { objects = timeExecute(listTimer, listObjects); List<StorageObject> items = objects.getItems(); if (items != null) { int n = items.size(); while (--n >= 0) { generations.add(items.get(n).getGeneration()); } } listObjects.setPageToken(objects.getNextPageToken()); } while (objects.getNextPageToken() != null); for (long generation : generations) { if (generation == generations.get(0)) { continue; } log.debug("Remove {} generation {}", value("path", path), value("generation", generation)); timeExecute(purgeTimer, obj_api.delete(bucketName, path).setGeneration(generation)); } }
Example #26
Source File: From incubator-heron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void doNotRestorePreviousVersionIfItDoesNotExist() throws IOException { Mockito.when(mockGcsController .getStorageObject(Mockito.matches(previousTopologyObjectName))) .thenReturn(null); uploader.initialize(createDefaultBuilder().build()); uploader.undo(); Mockito.verify(mockGcsController, Mockito.never()) .copyStorageObject(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.any(StorageObject.class)); }
Example #27
Source File: From incubator-heron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void restorePreviousVersionOnUndo() throws IOException { final StorageObject previousObject = createStorageObject(previousTopologyObjectName); Mockito.when(mockGcsController .getStorageObject(Mockito.matches(previousTopologyObjectName))) .thenReturn(previousObject); uploader.initialize(createDefaultBuilder().build()); uploader.undo(); // verify that we restored the previous topology Mockito.verify(mockGcsController) .copyStorageObject(previousTopologyObjectName, topologyObjectName, previousObject); }
Example #28
Source File: From hadoop-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * See {@link GoogleCloudStorage#getItemInfo(StorageResourceId)} for details about expected * behavior. */ @Override public GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo getItemInfo(StorageResourceId resourceId) throws IOException { logger.atFine().log("getItemInfo(%s)", resourceId); // Handle ROOT case first. if (resourceId.isRoot()) { return GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo.ROOT_INFO; } GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo itemInfo = null; // Determine object size. // // For buckets, size is 0. // For objects not found, size is -1. // For objects that exist, size is in number of bytes. if (resourceId.isBucket()) { Bucket bucket = getBucket(resourceId.getBucketName()); if (bucket != null) { itemInfo = createItemInfoForBucket(resourceId, bucket); } } else { StorageObject object = getObject(resourceId); if (object != null) { itemInfo = createItemInfoForStorageObject(resourceId, object); } } if (itemInfo == null) { itemInfo = GoogleCloudStorageItemInfo.createNotFound(resourceId); } logger.atFine().log("getItemInfo: %s", itemInfo); return itemInfo; }
Example #29
Source File: From incubator-heron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
StorageObject getStorageObject(String storageObjectName) { try { return storage.objects().get(bucket, storageObjectName).execute(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignored } return null; }
Example #30
Source File: From Abelana-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { try { InputStreamContent mediaContent = new InputStreamContent( "application/octet-stream", file_to_copy); // Not strictly necessary, but allows optimization in the cloud. // mediaContent.setLength(OBJECT_SIZE); StorageObject objectMetadata = null; Storage.Objects.Insert insertObject =, objectMetadata, mediaContent); // If you don't provide metadata, you will have specify the object // name by parameter. You will probably also want to ensure that your // default object ACLs (a bucket property) are set appropriately: // insertObject.setName( fileName ); insertObject.getMediaHttpUploader().setDisableGZipContent(true); // For small files, you may wish to call setDirectUploadEnabled(true), to // reduce the number of HTTP requests made to the server. if (mediaContent.getLength() > 0 && mediaContent.getLength() <= 2 * 1000 * 1000 /* 2MB */) { insertObject.getMediaHttpUploader().setDirectUploadEnabled(true); } insertObject.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }