Java Code Examples for java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread#setName()
The following examples show how to use
java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread#setName() .
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Example 1
Source File: From grpc-nebula-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
ExecutorService getExecutor(int asyncThreads) { // TODO(carl-mastrangelo): This should not be necessary. I don't know where this should be // put. Move it somewhere else, or remove it if no longer necessary. // See: return new ForkJoinPool(asyncThreads, new ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory() { final AtomicInteger num = new AtomicInteger(); @Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { ForkJoinWorkerThread thread = defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.setName("server-worker-" + "-" + num.getAndIncrement()); return thread; } }, UncaughtExceptionHandlers.systemExit(), true /* async */); }
Example 2
Source File: From grpc-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
ExecutorService getExecutor(int asyncThreads) { // TODO(carl-mastrangelo): This should not be necessary. I don't know where this should be // put. Move it somewhere else, or remove it if no longer necessary. // See: return new ForkJoinPool(asyncThreads, new ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory() { final AtomicInteger num = new AtomicInteger(); @Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { ForkJoinWorkerThread thread = defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.setName("server-worker-" + "-" + num.getAndIncrement()); return thread; } }, UncaughtExceptionHandlers.systemExit(), true /* async */); }
Example 3
Source File: From airsonic-advanced with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { final ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool); worker.setName("MediaLibraryScanner-" + worker.getPoolIndex()); worker.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); return worker; }
Example 4
Source File: From kylin-on-parquet-v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Build all the cuboids and wait for all the tasks finished. * * @param input * @param listener * @return * @throws IOException */ private <T> NavigableMap<Long, CuboidResult> buildAndCollect(final RecordConsumeBlockingQueueController<T> input, final ICuboidResultListener listener) throws IOException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"In Mem Cube Build2 start, {}", cubeDesc.getName()); // build base cuboid buildBaseCuboid(input, listener); ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory = new ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory() { @Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { final ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool); worker.setName("inmem-cubing-cuboid-worker-" + worker.getPoolIndex()); return worker; } }; ForkJoinPool builderPool = new ForkJoinPool(taskThreadCount, factory, null, true); ForkJoinTask rootTask = builderPool.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startBuildFromBaseCuboid(); } }); rootTask.join(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"In Mem Cube Build2 end, {}, takes {} ms", cubeDesc.getName(), (endTime - startTime));"total CuboidResult count: {}", resultCollector.getAllResult().size()); return resultCollector.getAllResult(); }
Example 5
Source File: From botbuilder-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool); worker.setName("Bot-" + worker.getPoolIndex()); return worker; }
Example 6
Source File: From Jupiter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { // Note: The ForkJoinPool will create these threads as daemon threads. ForkJoinWorkerThread thread = new InternalForkJoinWorkerThread(pool); thread.setName(namePrefix + '-' + idx.getAndIncrement()); return thread; }
Example 7
Source File: From kylin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Build all the cuboids and wait for all the tasks finished. * * @param input * @param listener * @return * @throws IOException */ private <T> NavigableMap<Long, CuboidResult> buildAndCollect(final RecordConsumeBlockingQueueController<T> input, final ICuboidResultListener listener) throws IOException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"In Mem Cube Build2 start, {}", cubeDesc.getName()); // build base cuboid buildBaseCuboid(input, listener); ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory = new ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory() { @Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { final ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool); worker.setName("inmem-cubing-cuboid-worker-" + worker.getPoolIndex()); return worker; } }; ForkJoinPool builderPool = new ForkJoinPool(taskThreadCount, factory, null, true); ForkJoinTask rootTask = builderPool.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startBuildFromBaseCuboid(); } }); rootTask.join(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"In Mem Cube Build2 end, {}, takes {} ms", cubeDesc.getName(), (endTime - startTime));"total CuboidResult count: {}", resultCollector.getAllResult().size()); return resultCollector.getAllResult(); }
Example 8
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { final int n = setNextBit(); ForkJoinWorkerThread thread = new ForkJoinWorkerThread(pool) { @Override protected void onTermination(Throwable exception) { clearBit(n); super.onTermination(exception); } }; thread.setName("JobScheduler FJ pool " + n + "/" + PARALLELISM); thread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); return thread; }
Example 9
Source File: From kylin-on-parquet-v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public <T> void build(BlockingQueue<T> input, InputConverterUnit<T> inputConverterUnit, ICuboidWriter output) throws IOException { final RecordConsumeBlockingQueueController<T> inputController = RecordConsumeBlockingQueueController .getQueueController(inputConverterUnit, input); final List<InMemCubeBuilder2> builderList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory = new ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory() { @Override public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) { final ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool); worker.setName("dogged-cubing-cuboid-worker-" + worker.getPoolIndex()); return worker; } }; ForkJoinPool builderPool = new ForkJoinPool(taskThreadCount, factory, null, true); CuboidResultWatcher resultWatcher = new CuboidResultWatcher(builderList, output); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start();"Dogged Cube Build2 start"); try { BaseCuboidTask<T> task = new BaseCuboidTask<>(inputController, 1, resultWatcher); builderPool.execute(task); do { builderList.add(task.getInternalBuilder()); //Exception will be thrown here if cube building failure task.join(); task = task.nextTask(); } while (task != null);"Has finished feeding data, and base cuboid built, start to build child cuboids"); for (final InMemCubeBuilder2 builder : builderList) { builderPool.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { builder.startBuildFromBaseCuboid(); } }); } resultWatcher.start();"Dogged Cube Build2 splits complete, took " + sw.elapsedMillis() + " ms"); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Dogged Cube Build2 error", e); if (e instanceof Error) throw (Error) e; else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; else throw new IOException(e); } finally { output.close(); closeGirdTables(builderList); sw.stop(); builderPool.shutdownNow();"Dogged Cube Build2 end, totally took " + sw.elapsedMillis() + " ms");"Dogged Cube Build2 return"); } }
Example 10
Source File: From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) {
ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = new SecurityManagerWorkerThread(pool);
worker.setName("solr-hdfs-threadpool-" + worker.getPoolIndex());
return worker;
Example 11
Source File: From sparql-generate with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testPlanExecution() throws Exception {
String query = IOUtils.toString( LookUpRequest(request.query, SPARQLExt.MEDIA_TYPE)), "UTF-8");
long start0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long start = start0;
SPARQLExtQuery q = (SPARQLExtQuery) QueryFactory.create(query, SPARQLExt.SYNTAX);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();"needed " + (now - start) + " to parse query");
start = now;
// create generation plan
RootPlan plan = PlanFactory.create(q);
Dataset ds = request.loadDataset(exampleDir);
now = System.currentTimeMillis();"needed " + (now - start) + " to get ready");
start = now;
// execute plan
ExecutorService executor = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(),
(ForkJoinPool pool) -> {
final ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool);
worker.setName("test-" + name + "-" + worker.getPoolIndex());
return worker;
null, true);
ScheduledExecutorService guard = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
guard.schedule(()->{executor.shutdownNow();}, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Model output;
Context context =
output = plan.execGenerate(context);
now = System.currentTimeMillis();"executed plan in " + (now - start));
start = now;"total needed " + (now - start0));
// write output
String fileName = exampleDir.toString() + "/output.ttl";
FileWriter out = new FileWriter(fileName);
try {
output.write(out, "TTL");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
output.write(sw, "TTL");
LOG.debug("output is \n" + sw.toString());
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException closeException) {
log.error("Error while writing to file");
URI expectedOutputUri = exampleDir.toURI().resolve("expected_output.ttl");
Model expectedOutput = RDFDataMgr.loadModel(expectedOutputUri.toString(), Lang.TTL);
// StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
// expectedOutput.write(System.out, "TTL");
System.out.println("Is isomorphic: " + output.isIsomorphicWith(expectedOutput));
if (!output.isIsomorphicWith(expectedOutput)) {
output.listStatements().forEachRemaining((s) -> {
if (!expectedOutput.contains(s)) {
LOG.debug("expectedOutput does not contain " + s);
expectedOutput.listStatements().forEachRemaining((s) -> {
LOG.debug("output does not contain " + s);
assertTrue("Error with test " + exampleDir.getName(), output.isIsomorphicWith(expectedOutput));
Example 12
Source File: From nexus-public with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(final ForkJoinPool pool) {
final ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool);
worker.setName(jobPrefix + worker.getPoolIndex());
return worker;
Example 13
Source File: From kylin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public <T> void build(BlockingQueue<T> input, InputConverterUnit<T> inputConverterUnit, ICuboidWriter output)
throws IOException {
final RecordConsumeBlockingQueueController<T> inputController = RecordConsumeBlockingQueueController
.getQueueController(inputConverterUnit, input);
final List<InMemCubeBuilder2> builderList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory = new ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory() {
public ForkJoinWorkerThread newThread(ForkJoinPool pool) {
final ForkJoinWorkerThread worker = ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread(pool);
worker.setName("dogged-cubing-cuboid-worker-" + worker.getPoolIndex());
return worker;
ForkJoinPool builderPool = new ForkJoinPool(taskThreadCount, factory, null, true);
CuboidResultWatcher resultWatcher = new CuboidResultWatcher(builderList, output);
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
sw.start();"Dogged Cube Build2 start");
try {
BaseCuboidTask<T> task = new BaseCuboidTask<>(inputController, 1, resultWatcher);
do {
//Exception will be thrown here if cube building failure
task = task.nextTask();
} while (task != null);"Has finished feeding data, and base cuboid built, start to build child cuboids");
for (final InMemCubeBuilder2 builder : builderList) {
builderPool.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
resultWatcher.start();"Dogged Cube Build2 splits complete, took " + sw.elapsed(MILLISECONDS) + " ms");
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.error("Dogged Cube Build2 error", e);
if (e instanceof Error)
throw (Error) e;
else if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) e;
throw new IOException(e);
} finally {
builderPool.shutdownNow();"Dogged Cube Build2 end, totally took " + sw.elapsed(MILLISECONDS) + " ms");"Dogged Cube Build2 return");