Java Code Examples for
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Example 1
Source File: From java-course-ee with MIT License | 6 votes |
public Test1() throws Exception { //init Velocity.init("Velocity/GS_Velocity_1/src/main/java/"); // get Template Template template = Velocity.getTemplate("Test1.vm"); // getContext Context context = new VelocityContext(); // get Writer Writer writer = new StringWriter(); // merge template.merge(context, writer); System.out.println(writer.toString()); }
Example 2
Source File: From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void parseObj( final File base, final boolean append, final String pkg, final String name, final String out, final Map<String, Object> objs) throws MojoExecutionException { final VelocityContext ctx = newContext(); ctx.put("package", pkg); if (objs != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> obj : objs.entrySet()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(obj.getKey()) && obj.getValue() != null) { ctx.put(obj.getKey(), obj.getValue()); } } } final Template template = Velocity.getTemplate(name + ".vm"); writeFile(out, base, ctx, template, append); }
Example 3
Source File: From ueboot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
private String getTemplateString(String templateName, VelocityContext context) { Properties p = new Properties(); String path = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("velocity").getFile(); p.setProperty(Velocity.RESOURCE_LOADER, "class"); p.setProperty(Velocity.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, path); p.setProperty("class.resource.loader.path", path); p.setProperty("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader"); p.setProperty(Velocity.INPUT_ENCODING, "UTF-8"); p.setProperty(Velocity.OUTPUT_ENCODING, "UTF-8"); Velocity.init(p); Template template = Velocity.getTemplate("velocity" + separator + "uebootv2" + separator + templateName, "UTF-8"); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); template.merge(context, writer); return writer.toString(); }
Example 4
Source File: From titan1withtp3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void parseTemplateAndRunExpect(String expectTemplateName, Map<String, String> contextVars) throws IOException, InterruptedException { VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> ent : contextVars.entrySet()) { context.put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); } Template template = Velocity.getTemplate(expectTemplateName); String inputPath = EXPECT_DIR + File.separator + expectTemplateName; String outputPath = inputPath.substring(0, inputPath.length() - 3); Writer output = new FileWriter(outputPath); template.merge(context, output); output.close(); expect(ZIPFILE_EXTRACTED, outputPath); }
Example 5
Source File: From RuoYi-Vue with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * 预览代码 * * @param tableId 表编号 * @return 预览数据列表 */ @Override public Map<String, String> previewCode(Long tableId) { Map<String, String> dataMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // 查询表信息 GenTable table = genTableMapper.selectGenTableById(tableId); // 查询列信息 List<GenTableColumn> columns = table.getColumns(); setPkColumn(table, columns); VelocityInitializer.initVelocity(); VelocityContext context = VelocityUtils.prepareContext(table); // 获取模板列表 List<String> templates = VelocityUtils.getTemplateList(table.getTplCategory()); for (String template : templates) { // 渲染模板 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Template tpl = Velocity.getTemplate(template, Constants.UTF8); tpl.merge(context, sw); dataMap.put(template, sw.toString()); } return dataMap; }
Example 6
Source File: From zheng with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * 根据模板生成文件 * @param inputVmFilePath 模板路径 * @param outputFilePath 输出文件路径 * @param context * @throws Exception */ public static void generate(String inputVmFilePath, String outputFilePath, VelocityContext context) throws Exception { try { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(VelocityEngine.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, getPath(inputVmFilePath)); Velocity.init(properties); //VelocityEngine engine = new VelocityEngine(); Template template = Velocity.getTemplate(getFile(inputVmFilePath), "utf-8"); File outputFile = new File(outputFilePath); FileWriterWithEncoding writer = new FileWriterWithEncoding(outputFile, "utf-8"); template.merge(context, writer); writer.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
Example 7
Source File: From java-course-ee with MIT License | 6 votes |
private static void sendUpdatesEmail() { Category news = new Category("News"); news.getContent().add(new Content("News number 1", "Text blah-blah-blah", new Date())); news.getContent().add(new Content("News number 2", "Text2 blah-blah-blah", new Date())); news.getContent().add(new Content("News number 3", "Text3 blah-blah-blah", new Date())); Category events = new Category("Events"); events.getContent().add(new Content("Event number 1", "Text blah-blah-blah", new Date())); events.getContent().add(new Content("Event number 2", "Text2 blah-blah-blah", new Date())); events.getContent().add(new Content("Event number 3", "Text3 blah-blah-blah", new Date())); Template template = Velocity.getTemplate("updates.vm"); Context context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("currentDate", new Date()); context.put("categories", Arrays.asList(news, events)); Writer writer = new StringWriter(); template.merge(context, writer); EmailUtil.send("", "News updates", writer.toString(), EmailUtil.EmailType.HTML); }
Example 8
Source File: From oodt with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public File generateFile(String filePath, Metadata metadata, Logger logger, Object... args) throws IOException { File configFile = new File(filePath); VelocityMetadata velocityMetadata = new VelocityMetadata(metadata); // Velocity requires you to set a path of where to look for // templates. This path defaults to . if not set. int slashIndex = ((String) args[0]).lastIndexOf('/'); String templatePath = ((String) args[0]).substring(0, slashIndex); Velocity.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path", templatePath); // Initialize Velocity and set context up Velocity.init(); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("metadata", velocityMetadata); context.put("env", System.getenv()); // Load template from templatePath String templateName = ((String) args[0]).substring(slashIndex); Template template = Velocity.getTemplate(templateName); // Fill out template and write to file StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); template.merge(context, sw); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(configFile, sw.toString()); return configFile; }
Example 9
Source File: From RuoYi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 根据表信息生成代码 * @param zip 生成后的压缩包 * @param tableName 表名 */ private void generatorCode(ZipOutputStream zip, String tableName) { // 查询表信息 TableInfo table = genMapper.selectTableByName(tableName); // 查询列信息 List<ColumnInfo> columns = genMapper.selectTableColumnsByName(tableName); // 表名转换成Java属性名 String className = GenUtils.tableToJava(table.getTableName()); table.setClassName(className); table.setClassname(StrUtil.lowerFirst(className)); // 列信息 table.setColumns(GenUtils.transColums(columns)); // 设置主键 table.setPrimaryKey(table.getColumnsLast()); VelocityInitializer.initVelocity(); String packageName = Global.getPackageName(); String moduleName = GenUtils.getModuleName(packageName); VelocityContext context = GenUtils.getVelocityContext(table); // 获取模板列表 List<String> templates = GenUtils.getTemplates(); for (String template : templates) { // 渲染模板 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Template tpl = Velocity.getTemplate(template, CharsetKit.UTF8); tpl.merge(context, sw); try { // 添加到zip zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Objects.requireNonNull(GenUtils.getFileName(template, table, moduleName)))); IOUtils.write(sw.toString(), zip, CharsetKit.UTF8); IOUtils.closeQuietly(sw); zip.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("渲染模板失败,表名:" + table.getTableName(), e); } } }
Example 10
Source File: From code-generator with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void generatorCode(TemplateContext context, ZipOutputStream zos) { VelocityContext velocityContext = new VelocityContext(context.toMap()); Map<String, String> outputPathMap = parseTemplateOutputPaths(context); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : outputPathMap.entrySet()) { Template template = Velocity.getTemplate(entry.getKey(), "UTF-8"); try (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) { template.merge(velocityContext, writer); zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(entry.getValue())); IOUtils.write(writer.toString(), zos, "UTF-8"); zos.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Example 11
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testHighByteChinese2() throws Exception { VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); assureResultsDirectoryExists(RESULT_DIR); /* * a 'high-byte' chinese from Ilkka */ Template template = Velocity.getTemplate( getFileName( null, "encodingtest3", TMPL_FILE_EXT), "GBK"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( getFileName(RESULT_DIR, "encodingtest3", RESULT_FILE_EXT)); Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "GBK")); template.merge(context, writer); writer.flush(); writer.close(); if (!isMatch(RESULT_DIR,COMPARE_DIR,"encodingtest3", RESULT_FILE_EXT,CMP_FILE_EXT) ) { fail("Output 3 incorrect."); } }
Example 12
Source File: From NutzSite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 生成代码预览 * @param tableName * @param templates * @return */ @Override public Map<String, String> previewCode(String tableName, List<String> templates){ Map<String, String> dataMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // 查询表信息 TableInfo table = this.selectTableByName(tableName); // 查询列信息 List<ColumnInfo> columns = this.selectTableColumnsByName(tableName); if (Lang.isNotEmpty(table) && Lang.isNotEmpty(columns)) { // 生成代码 // 表名转换成Java属性名 String className = GenUtils.tableToJava(table.getTableName()); table.setClassName(className); table.setClassname(StringUtils.uncapitalize(className)); // 列信息 table.setColumns(GenUtils.transColums(columns)); // 设置主键 table.setPrimaryKey(table.getColumnsLast()); VelocityInitializer.initVelocity(); String packageName = GenConfig.getPackageName(); String moduleName = GenUtils.getModuleName(packageName); VelocityContext context = GenUtils.getVelocityContext(table); for (String template : templates) { // 渲染模板 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Template tpl = Velocity.getTemplate(template, Globals.UTF8); tpl.merge(context, sw); dataMap.put(template, sw.toString()); } return dataMap; } return null; }
Example 13
Source File: From java-course-ee with MIT License | 5 votes |
public Test4() throws Exception { Velocity.init("src/main/java/"); // get Template Template template = Velocity.getTemplate("Test4.vm"); // getContext Context context = new VelocityContext(); int a = 3; int b = 5; String s1 = "Hello"; String s2 = "World"; context.put("a", a); context.put("b", b); context.put("s1", s1); context.put("s2", s2); // get Writer Writer writer = new StringWriter(); // merge template.merge(context, writer); System.out.println(writer.toString()); }
Example 14
Source File: From LicenseScout with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Obtains the velocity template to use in the export method. * * @param reportConfiguration * @return the velocity template to use */ protected Template getTemplate(final ReportConfiguration reportConfiguration) { if (reportConfiguration.getTemplateFile() != null) { final String templateEncoding = ExporterUtil.getTemplateCharset(reportConfiguration).name(); return Velocity.getTemplate(reportConfiguration.getTemplateFile().getAbsolutePath(), templateEncoding); } else { return getDefaultTemplate(); } }
Example 15
Source File: From vaadinator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void runVelocity(BeanDescription desc, Map<String, Object> commonMap, String pckg, String modelPckg, String presenterPckg, String viewPckg, String profileName, String templateName, File outFile, boolean mandatory, String templatePackage, Log log) throws IOException { Velocity.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath"); Velocity.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.class", ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName()); Template template; // Issue #6: for optional templates check whether it's there boolean runTemplate; if (mandatory) { runTemplate = true; } else { runTemplate = isTemplateExisting(templateName, templatePackage); } if (!runTemplate) { return; } template = Velocity.getTemplate(templatePackage + templateName); String className = desc != null ? desc.getClassName() : "no description found "; log.debug("Create file with template: "+ template.getName() + " for bean " + className + " in profile: " + profileName); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("bean", desc); context.put("common", commonMap); context.put("package", pckg); context.put("modelPackage", modelPckg); context.put("presenterPackage", presenterPckg); context.put("viewPackage", viewPckg); context.put("profileName", profileName); context.put("unicodeUtil", UnicodeUtil.SINGLETON); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile), "UTF-8"); template.merge(context, writer); writer.close();"Written file: " + outFile); }
Example 16
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testHighByteChinese() throws Exception { VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); assureResultsDirectoryExists(RESULT_DIR); /* * a 'high-byte' chinese example from Michael Zhou */ Template template = Velocity.getTemplate( getFileName( null, "encodingtest2", TMPL_FILE_EXT), "UTF-8"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ( getFileName(RESULT_DIR, "encodingtest2", RESULT_FILE_EXT)); Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); template.merge(context, writer); writer.flush(); writer.close(); if (!isMatch(RESULT_DIR,COMPARE_DIR,"encodingtest2", RESULT_FILE_EXT,CMP_FILE_EXT) ) { fail("Output 2 incorrect."); } }
Example 17
Source File: From supplierShop with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * 查询表信息并生成代码 */ private void generatorCode(String tableName, ZipOutputStream zip) { // 查询表信息 GenTable table = genTableMapper.selectGenTableByName(tableName); // 查询列信息 List<GenTableColumn> columns = table.getColumns(); setPkColumn(table, columns); VelocityInitializer.initVelocity(); VelocityContext context = VelocityUtils.prepareContext(table); // 获取模板列表 List<String> templates = VelocityUtils.getTemplateList(table.getTplCategory()); for (String template : templates) { // 渲染模板 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Template tpl = Velocity.getTemplate(template, Constants.UTF8); tpl.merge(context, sw); try { // 添加到zip zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(VelocityUtils.getFileName(template, table))); IOUtils.write(sw.toString(), zip, Constants.UTF8); IOUtils.closeQuietly(sw); zip.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("渲染模板失败,表名:" + table.getTableName(), e); } } }
Example 18
Source File: From LicenseScout with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Template getDefaultTemplate() { return Velocity.getTemplate(DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_LICENSE_REPORT_VM, DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_ENCODING); }
Example 19
Source File: From orcas with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static void _writeHTML( String pHtmlOutDir, GraphRef pGraphRef, Schema pSchema, String pTableSourcefileFolder ) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> lSubGraphLinks = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> lSubTableLinks = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> lParentGraphLinks = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Table> lContainedTables = new ArrayList<Table>(); _createSubgraphListRecursive( lSubGraphLinks, pGraphRef, 0 ); for( Table lTable : pSchema.getTables() ) { if( pGraphRef.getGraph().containsTableRecursive( lTable ) ) { lContainedTables.add( lTable ); lSubTableLinks.add( _getHtmlLinkForGraph( pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( new GraphForSingleTable( lTable, Collections.singletonList( pGraphRef.getGraph() ), null ) ) ) ); } } // Wurzelgraphnamen in Link umwandeln String lParentGraphLink; if( pGraphRef.getGraph().isRoot() || pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() ) { lParentGraphLink = null; if( pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() ) { _getHtmlLinksForDiagramsContainingTables( lParentGraphLinks, pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( pGraphRef.getGraph().getParentGraph() ), lContainedTables.get( 0 ) ); lSubTableLinks.clear(); } } else { lParentGraphLink = ""; Graph lParent = pGraphRef.getGraph().getParentGraph(); do { lParentGraphLink = _getHtmlLinkForGraph( pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( lParent ) ) + (lParentGraphLink.length() == 0 ? "" : " -> " + lParentGraphLink); if( lParent.isRoot() ) { break; } lParent = lParent.getParentGraph(); } while( true ); } String lGraphChangeLink = ""; for( GraphRef lGraphRef : pGraphRef.getOtherLinkedGraphRefs() ) { lGraphChangeLink += " " + _getHtmlLinkForGraph( lGraphRef ); } lGraphChangeLink = lGraphChangeLink.trim(); if( lGraphChangeLink.length() == 0 ) { lGraphChangeLink = null; } String lTableSource = null; if( pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() && pTableSourcefileFolder != null && pTableSourcefileFolder.length() > 0 ) { File lFile = new File( pTableSourcefileFolder + "/" + pGraphRef.getGraph().getLabel().toLowerCase() + ".sql" ); if( lFile.exists() ) { lTableSource = readFile( lFile ); } } VelocityEngine lVelocityEngine = new VelocityEngine(); lVelocityEngine.init(); Template lTemplate = Velocity.getTemplate( "graphtemplate.vm" ); VelocityContext lVelocityContext = new VelocityContext(); lVelocityContext.put( "pImageName", _getImgFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef ) ); lVelocityContext.put( "pSvgName", getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, "svg" ) ); lVelocityContext.put( "pGraphChangeLink", lGraphChangeLink ); lVelocityContext.put( "pTitle", pGraphRef.getGraph().getLabel() ); lVelocityContext.put( "pParentGraphLink", lParentGraphLink ); lVelocityContext.put( "pParentGraphLinks", lParentGraphLinks.isEmpty() ? null : lParentGraphLinks ); lVelocityContext.put( "pSubGraphLinks", lSubGraphLinks.isEmpty() ? null : lSubGraphLinks ); lVelocityContext.put( "pSubTableLinks", lSubTableLinks.isEmpty() ? null : lSubTableLinks ); lVelocityContext.put( "pTableSource", lTableSource ); FileWriter lFileWriter = new FileWriter( pHtmlOutDir + "/" + getHtmlFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef ) ); lTemplate.merge( lVelocityContext, lFileWriter ); lFileWriter.close(); }
Example 20
Source File: From JavaWeb with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** public static void generateZipFile(String tableNames[]) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream); for(String tableName : tableNames){ TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(); tableInfo.setTableName("sys_user"); tableInfo.setTableComment("系统用户表"); tableInfo.setEngine("InnoDB"); tableInfo.setCreateTime(DateUtil.getDefaultDate()); List<ColumnInfo> tableColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>(); ColumnInfo columnInfo1 = new ColumnInfo();ColumnInfo columnInfo2 = new ColumnInfo(); columnInfo1.setColumnName("id");columnInfo2.setColumnName("address"); columnInfo1.setDataType("int");columnInfo2.setDataType("varchar"); columnInfo1.setColumnComment("主键ID");columnInfo2.setColumnComment("地址"); columnInfo1.setColumnKey("PRI");columnInfo2.setColumnKey(""); columnInfo1.setExtra("额外");columnInfo2.setExtra(""); tableColumns.add(columnInfo1);tableColumns.add(columnInfo2); GenerateConfigInfo generateConfigInfo = new GenerateConfigInfo(); generateConfigInfo.setAuthor("张三"); generateConfigInfo.setEmail(""); generateConfigInfo.setPackageName("com.javaweb"); generatorCode(tableInfo, tableColumns, generateConfigInfo, zip); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(zip); byte[] bytes = outputStream.toByteArray(); OutputStream zipOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File("F:/")); zipOutputStream.write(bytes); zipOutputStream.close(); } */ public static void generatorCode(TableInfo tableInfo, List<ColumnInfo> tableColumns, GenerateConfigInfo generateConfigInfo, ZipOutputStream zip) {>{ String dataType = each.getDataType(); if("decimal".equals(dataType)){ tableInfo.setHasBigDecimal(true); } if("date".equals(dataType)||"datetime".equals(dataType)||"timestamp".equals(dataType)){ tableInfo.setHasDate(true); } each.setAttrType(Constant.MYSQL_COLUMN_TYPE_MAPPER.get(dataType)); each.setAttrName(getAttrName(each.getColumnName())); each.setAttrNameForTitleCase(getAttrNameForTitleCase(each.getAttrName())); }); tableInfo.setClassName(getAttrNameForTitleCase(getAttrName(tableInfo.getTableName()))); tableInfo.setClassNameForLowerCase(getClassNameForLowerCase(getAttrName(tableInfo.getTableName()))); //设置velocity资源加载器 Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("file.resource.loader.class","org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader"); Velocity.init(properties); //封装模板数据 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("hasBigDecimal",tableInfo.isHasBigDecimal()); map.put("hasDate",tableInfo.isHasDate()); map.put("tableComment",tableInfo.getTableComment()); map.put("packageName",generateConfigInfo.getPackageName()); map.put("author",generateConfigInfo.getAuthor()); map.put("email",generateConfigInfo.getEmail()); map.put("dateTime",DateUtil.getDefaultDate()); map.put("className",tableInfo.getClassName()); map.put("classNameForLowerCase",tableInfo.getClassNameForLowerCase()); map.put("columns", tableColumns); VelocityContext velocityContext = new VelocityContext(map); //获取模板列表 List<String> templates = getTemplates(); for(String template:templates){ //渲染模板 StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); Template tpl = Velocity.getTemplate(template,"UTF-8"); tpl.merge(velocityContext,stringWriter); try { //添加到zip zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(getFileName(template,tableInfo.getClassName(),generateConfigInfo.getPackageName()))); IOUtils.write(stringWriter.toString(),zip,"UTF-8"); IOUtils.closeQuietly(stringWriter); zip.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("渲染模板失败,表名:["+tableInfo.getTableName()+"],异常信息为:"+e.getMessage()); } } }