Java Code Examples for org.w3c.dom.Element#removeAttribute()
The following examples show how to use
org.w3c.dom.Element#removeAttribute() .
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Example 1
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Encodes an mxCell and wraps the XML up inside the * XML of the user object (inversion). */ public Node afterEncode(mxCodec enc, Object obj, Node node) { if (obj instanceof mxCell) { mxCell cell = (mxCell)obj; if (cell.getValue() instanceof Node) { // Wraps the graphical annotation up in the // user object (inversion) by putting the // result of the default encoding into // a clone of the user object (node type 1) // and returning this cloned user object. Element tmp = (Element)node; node = enc.getDocument().importNode((Node)cell.getValue(), true); node.appendChild(tmp); // Moves the id attribute to the outermost // XML node, namely the node which denotes // the object boundaries in the file. String id = tmp.getAttribute("id"); ((Element)node).setAttribute("id", id); tmp.removeAttribute("id"); } } return node; }
Example 2
Source File: From XACML with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static boolean repair(Node nodeIdReference) throws DOMStructureException { Element elementIdReference = DOMUtil.getElement(nodeIdReference); boolean result = false; result = DOMUtil.repairIdentifierContent(elementIdReference, logger) || result; String versionString = DOMUtil.getStringAttribute(elementIdReference, XACML3.ATTRIBUTE_VERSION); if (versionString != null) { try { StdVersion.newInstance(versionString); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.warn("Deleting invalid Version string " + versionString , ex); elementIdReference.removeAttribute(XACML3.ATTRIBUTE_VERSION); result = true; } } return result; }
Example 3
Source File: From Logisim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private static void populateFill(Element elt, AbstractCanvasObject shape) { Object type = shape.getValue(DrawAttr.PAINT_TYPE); if (type == DrawAttr.PAINT_FILL) { elt.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); } else { populateStroke(elt, shape); } if (type == DrawAttr.PAINT_STROKE) { elt.setAttribute("fill", "none"); } else { Color fill = shape.getValue(DrawAttr.FILL_COLOR); if (colorMatches(fill, Color.BLACK)) { elt.removeAttribute("fill"); } else { elt.setAttribute("fill", getColorString(fill)); } if (showOpacity(fill)) { elt.setAttribute("fill-opacity", getOpacityString(fill)); } } }
Example 4
Source File: From XACML with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static boolean repairVersionMatchAttribute(Element element, String attributeName, Logger logger) { String versionString = getStringAttribute(element, attributeName); if (versionString == null) { return false; } try { StdVersionMatch.newInstance(versionString); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.warn("Deleting invalid " + attributeName + " string " + versionString, ex); element.removeAttribute(attributeName); return true; } return false; }
Example 5
Source File: From XPagesExtensionLibrary with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void setValue(Object instance, String value, DataChangeNotifier notifier) throws NodeException { Element e = (Element)instance; String v = DOMUtil.getAttributeValue(e, _attrName); v = setPart(v, value); if (null == v) e.removeAttribute(_attrName); else e.setAttribute(_attrName, v); }
Example 6
Source File: From OpenEstate-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Downgrade <haus> elements to OpenImmo 1.2.1. * <p> * The option "KEINE_ANGABE" for the "haustyp" attribute of <haus> * elements are not available in version 1.2.1. * <p> * Any occurence of these values is removed. * * @param doc OpenImmo document in version 1.2.2 * @throws JaxenException if xpath evaluation failed */ protected void downgradeHausElements(Document doc) throws JaxenException { List nodes = XmlUtils.newXPath( "/io:openimmo/io:anbieter/io:immobilie/io:objektkategorie/io:objektart/io:haus[@haustyp]", doc).selectNodes(doc); for (Object item : nodes) { Element node = (Element) item; String value = StringUtils.trimToNull(node.getAttribute("haustyp")); if ("KEINE_ANGABE".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) node.removeAttribute("haustyp"); } }
Example 7
Source File: From OpenEstate-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Downgrade <wohnung> elements to OpenImmo 1.2.1. * <p> * The option "KEINE_ANGABE" for the "wohnungtyp" attribute of <wohnung> * elements is not available in version 1.2.1. * <p> * Any occurence of these values is removed. * * @param doc OpenImmo document in version 1.2.2 * @throws JaxenException if xpath evaluation failed */ protected void downgradeWohnungElements(Document doc) throws JaxenException { List nodes = XmlUtils.newXPath( "/io:openimmo/io:anbieter/io:immobilie/io:objektkategorie/io:objektart/io:wohnung[@wohnungtyp]", doc).selectNodes(doc); for (Object item : nodes) { Element node = (Element) item; String value = StringUtils.trimToNull(node.getAttribute("wohnungtyp")); if ("KEINE_ANGABE".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) node.removeAttribute("wohnungtyp"); } }
Example 8
Source File: From docx4j-export-FO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected void rtlAwareAppendChildToCurrentP(Element spanEl) { // Arabic (and presumably Hebrew) fix // If we have inline direction="rtl" (created by TextDirection class) // wrap the inline with: // <bidi-override direction="rtl" unicode-bidi="embed"> /* See further: From: Glenn Adams <> Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM Subject: Re: right align arabic in table-cell To: FOP Users <> */ if (rPr!=null && rPr.getRtl()!=null && rPr.getRtl().isVal()) { spanEl.removeAttribute("direction"); Element bidiOverride = document.createElementNS("", "fo:bidi-override"); bidiOverride.setAttribute("unicode-bidi", "embed" ); bidiOverride.setAttribute("direction", "rtl" ); bidiOverride.appendChild(spanEl); currentP.appendChild( bidiOverride ); } else { // Usual case currentP.appendChild( spanEl ); } }
Example 9
Source File: From commons-configuration with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Removes all attributes of the given element. * * @param elem the element */ private static void clearAttributes(final Element elem) { final NamedNodeMap attributes = elem.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { elem.removeAttribute(attributes.item(i).getNodeName()); } }
Example 10
Source File: From scipio-erp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static boolean autoCorrect(Element element) { // Correct deprecated arg-list-name attribute String listAttr = element.getAttribute("arg-list-name"); if (listAttr.length() > 0) { element.setAttribute("arg-list", listAttr); element.removeAttribute("arg-list-name"); return true; } return false; }
Example 11
Source File: From scipio-erp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static boolean autoCorrect(Element element) { boolean elementModified = false; // Correct deprecated default-value attribute String defaultAttr = element.getAttribute("default-value"); if (defaultAttr.length() > 0) { element.setAttribute("default", defaultAttr); element.removeAttribute("default-value"); elementModified = true; } // Correct deprecated from-field attribute String fromAttr = element.getAttribute("from-field"); if (fromAttr.length() > 0) { element.setAttribute("from", fromAttr); element.removeAttribute("from-field"); elementModified = true; } // Correct value attribute expression that belongs in from attribute String valueAttr = element.getAttribute("value").trim(); if (valueAttr.startsWith("${") && valueAttr.endsWith("}")) { valueAttr = valueAttr.substring(2, valueAttr.length() - 1); if (!valueAttr.contains("${")) { element.setAttribute("from", valueAttr); element.removeAttribute("value"); elementModified = true; } } return elementModified; }
Example 12
Source File: From pdfxtk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void handle(ActionHandlerParam param) { Element e = param.getContext().elementTagger.getReferencedElement(param.getElement()); if (e.hasAttribute("state") && e.getAttribute("state").equals("suspect")) { e.removeAttribute("state"); } else { e.setAttribute("state", "suspect"); } param.getContext().retransform(); }
Example 13
Source File: From OpenEstate-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Downgrade <grundstueck> elements to OpenImmo 1.2.3. * <p> * The option "SEELIEGENSCHAFT" for the "grundst_typ" attribute of * <grundstueck> elements is not available in version 1.2.3. * <p> * Any occurence of these values is removed. * * @param doc OpenImmo document in version 1.2.4 * @throws JaxenException if xpath evaluation failed */ protected void downgradeGrundstueckElements(Document doc) throws JaxenException { List nodes = XmlUtils.newXPath( "/io:openimmo/io:anbieter/io:immobilie/io:objektkategorie/io:objektart/io:grundstueck[@grundst_typ]", doc).selectNodes(doc); for (Object item : nodes) { Element node = (Element) item; String value = StringUtils.trimToNull(node.getAttribute("grundst_typ")); if ("SEELIEGENSCHAFT".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) node.removeAttribute("grundst_typ"); } }
Example 14
Source File: From scipio-erp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static boolean autoCorrect(Element element) { boolean elementModified = false; for (int i = 0; i < DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES.length; i++) { if (!element.getAttribute(DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES[i]).isEmpty()) { element.removeAttribute(DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES[i]); elementModified = true; } } return elementModified; }
Example 15
Source File: From OpenEstate-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Downgrade <haus> elements to OpenImmo 1.2.0. * <p> * The option "BUNGALOW" for the "haustyp" attribute of <haus> * elements is not available in version 1.2.0. * <p> * Any occurence of these values is removed. * * @param doc OpenImmo document in version 1.2.1 * @throws JaxenException if xpath evaluation failed */ protected void downgradeHausElements(Document doc) throws JaxenException { List nodes = XmlUtils.newXPath( "/io:openimmo/io:anbieter/io:immobilie/io:objektkategorie/io:objektart/io:haus[@haustyp]", doc).selectNodes(doc); for (Object item : nodes) { Element node = (Element) item; String value = StringUtils.trimToNull(node.getAttribute("haustyp")); if ("BUNGALOW".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) node.removeAttribute("haustyp"); } }
Example 16
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void fixupAttrsSingle(Element e) throws DOMException { removeXmlBase(e); Map<String, String> replace = new HashMap<String, String>(); NamedNodeMap attrs = e.getAttributes(); for (int j = 0; j < attrs.getLength(); j++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(j); if (attr.getNamespaceURI() == null && !attr.getName().equals("xmlns")) { // NOI18N replace.put(attr.getName(), attr.getValue()); } } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : replace.entrySet()) { e.removeAttribute(entry.getKey()); e.setAttributeNS(null, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } }
Example 17
Source File: From OpenEstate-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Downgrade <boden> elements to OpenImmo 1.2.5. * <p> * The attribute "GRANIT" of <boden> elements are not available in * OpenImmo 1.2.5. * * @param doc OpenImmo document in version 1.2.6 * @throws JaxenException if xpath evaluation failed */ protected void downgradeBodenElements(Document doc) throws JaxenException { List nodes = XmlUtils.newXPath( "/io:openimmo/io:anbieter/io:immobilie/io:ausstattung/io:boden[@GRANIT]", doc).selectNodes(doc); for (Object item : nodes) { Element node = (Element) item; node.removeAttribute("GRANIT"); } }
Example 18
Source File: From sarl with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void getAsXML(Document document, Element element) throws IOException { if (isDirty()) { setDirty(false); resolveDirtyFields(true); } final IPath path = getJarFile(); element.setAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_LIBRARY_PATH, path.toPortableString()); final String name = Strings.nullToEmpty(getName()); if (!name.equals(this.manifestName)) { element.setAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_SRE_NAME, name); } final String mainClass = Strings.nullToEmpty(getMainClass()); if (!mainClass.equals(this.manifestMainClass)) { element.setAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_MAIN_CLASS, mainClass); } final String bootstrap = Strings.nullToEmpty(getBootstrap()); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(bootstrap)) { element.setAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_BOOTSTRAP, bootstrap); } else { element.removeAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_BOOTSTRAP); } final List<IRuntimeClasspathEntry> libraries = getClassPathEntries(); if (libraries.size() != 1 || !libraries.get(0).getClasspathEntry().getPath().equals(this.jarFile)) { final IPath rootPath = path.removeLastSegments(1); for (final IRuntimeClasspathEntry location : libraries) { final Element libraryNode = document.createElement(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_LIBRARY_LOCATION); libraryNode.setAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH, makeRelativePath(location.getPath(), path, rootPath)); libraryNode.setAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_PACKAGE_ROOT_PATH, makeRelativePath(location.getSourceAttachmentRootPath(), path, rootPath)); libraryNode.setAttribute(SREXmlPreferenceConstants.XML_SOURCE_PATH, makeRelativePath(location.getSourceAttachmentPath(), path, rootPath)); /* No javadoc path accessible from ClasspathEntry final URL javadoc = location.getJavadocLocation(); if (javadoc != null) { libraryNode.setAttribute(SREConstants.XML_JAVADOC_PATH, javadoc.toString()); } */ element.appendChild(libraryNode); } } }
Example 19
Source File: From docx4j-export-FO with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * This is invoked on every paragraph, whether it has a pPr or not. * * @param wmlPackage * @param pPrNodeIt * @param pStyleVal * @param childResults - the already transformed contents of the paragraph. * @return */ public static DocumentFragment createBlockForPPr( FOConversionContext context, NodeIterator pPrNodeIt, String pStyleVal, NodeIterator childResults) { DocumentFragment df = createBlock( context, pPrNodeIt, pStyleVal, childResults, false); // Arabic (and presumably Hebrew) fix // If we have inline direction="rtl" (created by TextDirection class) // wrap the inline with: // <bidi-override direction="rtl" unicode-bidi="embed"> /* See further: From: Glenn Adams <> Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM Subject: Re: right align arabic in table-cell To: FOP Users <> */ Element block = (Element)df.getFirstChild(); NodeList blockChildren = block.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0 ; i <blockChildren.getLength(); i++ ) { if (blockChildren.item(i) instanceof Element) { Element inline = (Element)blockChildren.item(i); if (inline !=null && inline.getAttribute("direction")!=null && inline.getAttribute("direction").equals("rtl")) { inline.removeAttribute("direction"); Element bidiOverride = df.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS("", "fo:bidi-override"); bidiOverride.setAttribute("unicode-bidi", "embed" ); bidiOverride.setAttribute("direction", "rtl" ); block.replaceChild(bidiOverride, inline); bidiOverride.appendChild(inline); } } } if (foContainsElement(block, "leader")) { // ptab to leader implementation: // for leader to work as expected in fop, we need text-align-last; see // this code adds that. // Note that it doesn't seem to be necessary for leader in TOC, but it doesn't hurt block.setAttribute("text-align-last", "justify"); } return df; }
Example 20
Source File: From OpenEstate-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Downgrade <kueche> elements to OpenImmo 1.2.2. * <p> * The attribute "PANTRY" for <kueche> elements is not available in * version 1.2.2. * <p> * Any occurences of these values are removed. * * @param doc OpenImmo document in version 1.2.3 * @throws JaxenException if xpath evaluation failed */ protected void downgradeKuecheElements(Document doc) throws JaxenException { List nodes = XmlUtils.newXPath( "/io:openimmo/io:anbieter/io:immobilie/io:ausstattung/io:kueche[@PANTRY]", doc).selectNodes(doc); for (Object item : nodes) { Element node = (Element) item; node.removeAttribute("PANTRY"); } }