Java Code Examples for redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline#sync()
The following examples show how to use
redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline#sync() .
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Example 1
Source File: From quartz-redis-jobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Get the current state of the identified <code>{@link org.quartz.Trigger}</code>. * @param triggerKey the key of the desired trigger * @param jedis a thread-safe Redis connection * @return the state of the trigger */ @Override public Trigger.TriggerState getTriggerState(TriggerKey triggerKey, Jedis jedis){ final String triggerHashKey = redisSchema.triggerHashKey(triggerKey); Pipeline pipe = jedis.pipelined(); Map<RedisTriggerState, Response<Double>> scores = new HashMap<>(RedisTriggerState.values().length); for (RedisTriggerState redisTriggerState : RedisTriggerState.values()) { scores.put(redisTriggerState, pipe.zscore(redisSchema.triggerStateKey(redisTriggerState), triggerHashKey)); } pipe.sync(); for (Map.Entry<RedisTriggerState, Response<Double>> entry : scores.entrySet()) { if(entry.getValue().get() != null){ return entry.getKey().getTriggerState(); } } return Trigger.TriggerState.NONE; }
Example 2
Source File: From concursus with MIT License | 6 votes |
private Collection<Event> writeMultipleEvents(Collection<Event> events) { Map<AggregateId, List<Event>> eventsById = .map(event -> event.processed(TimeUUID.timeBased())) .collect(groupingBy(Event::getAggregateId)); if (eventsById.size() == 1) { eventsById.forEach(this::writeEventsForId); } else { final Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); eventsById.forEach((id, eventsForId) -> writeEventsForId(pipeline, id, eventsForId)); pipeline.sync(); } return eventsById.values().stream().flatMap(List::stream).collect(toList()); }
Example 3
Source File: From RedisDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void saveFile(String fileLengthKey, String fileDataKey, String fileName, List<byte[]> values, long fileLength) { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); Pipeline pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); pipelined.hset(fileLengthKey.getBytes(), fileName.getBytes(), Longs.toByteArray(fileLength)); Long blockSize = getBlockSize(fileLength); for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { pipelined.hset(fileDataKey.getBytes(), getBlockName(fileName, i), compressFilter(values.get(i))); if (i % Constants.SYNC_COUNT == 0) { pipelined.sync(); pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); } } values.clear(); pipelined.sync(); } finally { jedis.close(); } }
Example 4
Source File: From RedisDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void rename(String fileLengthKey, String fileDataKey, String oldField, String newField, List<byte[]> values, long fileLength) { long blockSize = 0; Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); Pipeline pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); //add new file length pipelined.hset(fileLengthKey.getBytes(), newField.getBytes(), Longs.toByteArray(fileLength)); //add new file content blockSize = getBlockSize(fileLength); for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { pipelined.hset(fileDataKey.getBytes(), getBlockName(newField, i), compressFilter(values.get(i))); } values.clear(); pipelined.sync(); } finally { jedis.close(); deleteFile(fileLengthKey, fileDataKey, oldField, blockSize); } }
Example 5
Source File: From RedisDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void saveFile(String fileLengthKey, String fileDataKey, String fileName, List<byte[]> values, long fileLength) { Jedis jedis = openJedis(); Pipeline pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); pipelined.hset(fileLengthKey.getBytes(), fileName.getBytes(), Longs.toByteArray(fileLength)); Long blockSize = getBlockSize(fileLength); for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { pipelined.hset(fileDataKey.getBytes(), getBlockName(fileName, i), compressFilter(values.get(i))); if (i % Constants.SYNC_COUNT == 0) { pipelined.sync(); pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); } } pipelined.sync(); jedis.close(); values.clear(); }
Example 6
Source File: From cachecloud with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testEvalshaKeyAndArg() { String key = "test"; String arg = "3"; String script = "'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"; String sha1 = jedis.scriptLoad(script); assertTrue(jedis.scriptExists(sha1)); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.set(key, "0"); Response<Object> result0 = p.evalsha(sha1, Arrays.asList(key), Arrays.asList(arg)); p.incr(key); Response<Object> result1 = p.evalsha(sha1, Arrays.asList(key), Arrays.asList(arg)); Response<String> result2 = p.get(key); p.sync(); assertNull(result0.get()); assertNull(result1.get()); assertEquals("13", result2.get()); }
Example 7
Source File: From RedisDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void saveFile(String fileLengthKey, String fileDataKey, String fileName, List<byte[]> values, long fileLength) { Jedis jedis = openJedis(); Pipeline pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); pipelined.hset(fileLengthKey.getBytes(), fileName.getBytes(), Longs.toByteArray(fileLength)); Long blockSize = getBlockSize(fileLength); for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { pipelined.hset(fileDataKey.getBytes(), getBlockName(fileName, i), compressFilter(values.get(i))); if (i % Constants.SYNC_COUNT == 0) { pipelined.sync(); pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); } } pipelined.sync(); jedis.close(); values.clear(); }
Example 8
Source File: From spring-redis-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Redis public void incr(String key, int times) { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.set(key, "1"); for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { pipeline.incr(key + i); } Response<String> response = pipeline.get(key + 1); pipeline.sync();; jedis.del(key); }
Example 9
Source File: From cachecloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testEvalWithBinary() { String script = "return 'success!'"; Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Object> result = p.eval(SafeEncoder.encode(script)); p.sync(); assertArrayEquals(SafeEncoder.encode("success!"), (byte[]) result.get()); }
Example 10
Source File: From javabase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void main(String[] args) { jedis.auth("gaoguangjin");; // Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); // for(int i=0;i<3000;i++){ // p.set("a"+i,i+""); // } // p.sync(); long beginTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); // Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); // Response<Map<String, String>> dd = p.hgetAll("tieba_content_image_黄河科技å¦é™¢"); // p.sync(); // Map<String, String> map=dd.get(); Set<String> key = jedis.hkeys("tieba_content_image_黄河科技å¦é™¢"); System.out.println("耗时:"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-beginTime)+"s"); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); List<Response<String>> lis=new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : key) { beginTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); lis.add( p.hget("tieba_content_image_黄河科技å¦é™¢", s)); System.out.println("耗时:"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-beginTime)+"s"); } p.sync(); // List<Response<String>> lis=new ArrayList<>(); // Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); // for(int i=0;i<3000;i++){ // lis.add( p.get("a" + i)); // } // p.sync(); System.out.println(lis.size()+"耗时:"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-beginTime)+"s"); }
Example 11
Source File: From cachecloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void canRetrieveUnsetKey() { Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<String> shouldNotExist = p.get(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); p.sync(); assertNull(shouldNotExist.get()); }
Example 12
Source File: From gameserver with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testLongSetPerformance1_2() { JedisAdapter jedis = new JedisAdapter(host, port, config); //Store a long list int count = 500000; Set<byte[]> userList = jedis.keys("key_*".getBytes()); for ( byte[] key : userList ) { jedis.del(key); } byte[][] longList = createLongList(count); Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); for ( int i=0; i<longList.length; i++ ) { pipeline.set(("key_"+r.nextInt()).getBytes(), longList[i]); } pipeline.sync(); userList = jedis.keys("key_*".getBytes()); assertTrue(userList.size()>0); //Getting the list. long startM = 0l, endM = 0l; startM = System.currentTimeMillis(); int max=10; for ( int i=0; i<max; i++ ) { userList = jedis.keys("key_*".getBytes()); } endM = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Redis keypattern:"+ userList.size() + " loop " + max + " perform: " + (endM-startM)/max); }
Example 13
Source File: From commafeed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void invalidateUnreadCount(FeedSubscription... subs) { try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) { Pipeline pipe = jedis.pipelined(); if (subs != null) { for (FeedSubscription sub : subs) { String key = buildRedisUnreadCountKey(sub); pipe.del(key); } } pipe.sync(); } }
Example 14
Source File: From cachecloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testDiscardInPipeline() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.multi(); pipeline.set("foo", "bar"); Response<String> discard = pipeline.discard(); Response<String> get = pipeline.get("foo"); pipeline.sync(); discard.get(); get.get(); }
Example 15
Source File: From cachecloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testReuseJedisWhenPipelineIsEmpty() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.set("foo", "3"); pipeline.sync(); String result = jedis.get("foo"); assertEquals(result, "3"); }
Example 16
Source File: From gameserver with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testLongSetPerformance1_1() { JedisAdapter jedis = new JedisAdapter(host, port, config); //Store a long list int count = 500000; byte[] key = "longlist".getBytes(); jedis.del(key); byte[][] longList = createLongList(count); Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); for ( int i=0; i<longList.length; i++ ) { pipeline.sadd(key, longList[i]); } pipeline.sync(); Set<byte[]> userList = jedis.smembers(key); assertTrue(userList.size()>0); //Getting the list. long startM = 0l, endM = 0l; startM = System.currentTimeMillis(); int max = 10; for ( int i=0; i<max; i++ ) { userList = jedis.smembers(key); } endM = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Redis longset:"+userList.size()+" loop " + max + " perform: " + (endM-startM)/max); }
Example 17
Source File: From FATE-Serving with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void putIntoRedisCache(String cacheKey, CacheValueConfig cacheValueConfig, Object returnResult) { try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) { Pipeline redisPipeline = jedis.pipelined();; redisPipeline.set(cacheKey, JSON.toJSONString(returnResult)); redisPipeline.expire(cacheKey, cacheValueConfig.getTtl()); redisPipeline.sync(); } }
Example 18
Source File: From quartz-redis-jobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Remove (delete) the <code>{@link org.quartz.Trigger}</code> with the given key. * @param triggerKey the key of the trigger to be removed * @param removeNonDurableJob if true, the job associated with the given trigger will be removed if it is non-durable * and has no other triggers * @param jedis a thread-safe Redis connection * @return true if the trigger was found and removed */ @Override protected boolean removeTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey, boolean removeNonDurableJob, Jedis jedis) throws JobPersistenceException, ClassNotFoundException { final String triggerHashKey = redisSchema.triggerHashKey(triggerKey); final String triggerGroupSetKey = redisSchema.triggerGroupSetKey(triggerKey); if(!jedis.exists(triggerHashKey)){ return false; } OperableTrigger trigger = retrieveTrigger(triggerKey, jedis); final String jobHashKey = redisSchema.jobHashKey(trigger.getJobKey()); final String jobTriggerSetKey = redisSchema.jobTriggersSetKey(trigger.getJobKey()); Pipeline pipe = jedis.pipelined(); // remove the trigger from the set of all triggers pipe.srem(redisSchema.triggersSet(), triggerHashKey); // remove the trigger from its trigger group set pipe.srem(triggerGroupSetKey, triggerHashKey); // remove the trigger from the associated job's trigger set pipe.srem(jobTriggerSetKey, triggerHashKey); pipe.sync(); if(jedis.scard(triggerGroupSetKey) == 0){ // The trigger group set is empty. Remove the trigger group from the set of trigger groups. jedis.srem(redisSchema.triggerGroupsSet(), triggerGroupSetKey); } if(removeNonDurableJob){ pipe = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Long> jobTriggerSetKeySizeResponse = pipe.scard(jobTriggerSetKey); Response<Boolean> jobExistsResponse = pipe.exists(jobHashKey); pipe.sync(); if(jobTriggerSetKeySizeResponse.get() == 0 && jobExistsResponse.get()){ JobDetail job = retrieveJob(trigger.getJobKey(), jedis); if(!job.isDurable()){ // Job is not durable and has no remaining triggers. Delete it. removeJob(job.getKey(), jedis); signaler.notifySchedulerListenersJobDeleted(job.getKey()); } } } if(isNullOrEmpty(trigger.getCalendarName())){ jedis.srem(redisSchema.calendarTriggersSetKey(trigger.getCalendarName()), triggerHashKey); } unsetTriggerState(triggerHashKey, jedis); jedis.del(triggerHashKey); jedis.del(redisSchema.triggerDataMapHashKey(triggerKey)); return true; }
Example 19
Source File: From quartz-redis-jobstore with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Remove the given job from Redis * @param jobKey the job to be removed * @param jedis a thread-safe Redis connection * @return true if the job was removed; false if it did not exist */ @Override public boolean removeJob(JobKey jobKey, Jedis jedis) throws JobPersistenceException { final String jobHashKey = redisSchema.jobHashKey(jobKey); final String jobBlockedKey = redisSchema.jobBlockedKey(jobKey); final String jobDataMapHashKey = redisSchema.jobDataMapHashKey(jobKey); final String jobGroupSetKey = redisSchema.jobGroupSetKey(jobKey); final String jobTriggerSetKey = redisSchema.jobTriggersSetKey(jobKey); Pipeline pipe = jedis.pipelined(); // remove the job and any associated data Response<Long> delJobHashKeyResponse = pipe.del(jobHashKey); // remove the blocked job key pipe.del(jobBlockedKey); // remove the job's data map pipe.del(jobDataMapHashKey); // remove the job from the set of all jobs pipe.srem(redisSchema.jobsSet(), jobHashKey); // remove the job from the set of blocked jobs pipe.srem(redisSchema.blockedJobsSet(), jobHashKey); // remove the job from its group pipe.srem(jobGroupSetKey, jobHashKey); // retrieve the keys for all triggers associated with this job, then delete that set Response<Set<String>> jobTriggerSetResponse = pipe.smembers(jobTriggerSetKey); pipe.del(jobTriggerSetKey); Response<Long> jobGroupSetSizeResponse = pipe.scard(jobGroupSetKey); pipe.sync(); if(jobGroupSetSizeResponse.get() == 0){ // The group now contains no jobs. Remove it from the set of all job groups. jedis.srem(redisSchema.jobGroupsSet(), jobGroupSetKey); } // remove all triggers associated with this job pipe = jedis.pipelined(); for (String triggerHashKey : jobTriggerSetResponse.get()) { // get this trigger's TriggerKey final TriggerKey triggerKey = redisSchema.triggerKey(triggerHashKey); final String triggerGroupSetKey = redisSchema.triggerGroupSetKey(triggerKey); unsetTriggerState(triggerHashKey, jedis); // remove the trigger from the set of all triggers pipe.srem(redisSchema.triggersSet(), triggerHashKey); // remove the trigger's group from the set of all trigger groups pipe.srem(redisSchema.triggerGroupsSet(), triggerGroupSetKey); // remove this trigger from its group pipe.srem(triggerGroupSetKey, triggerHashKey); // delete the trigger pipe.del(triggerHashKey); } pipe.sync(); return delJobHashKeyResponse.get() == 1; }
Example 20
Source File: From gameserver with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * An user finish a task. The task id will be removed from todo set * and added to finished set. * * @param user * @param taskId * @return */ public boolean finishTask(User user, String taskId) { //Get the persistent Jedis instance boolean result = true; Jedis jedisDB = JedisFactory.getJedisDB(); String todoSet = getTodoSetName(user); String finishedSet = getFinishedSetName(user); //Delete it from todo list and add it to finish list Pipeline pipeline = jedisDB.pipelined(); pipeline.srem(todoSet, taskId); pipeline.sadd(finishedSet, taskId); pipeline.sync(); //Delete all data related to the task deleteTaskData(user, taskId); //Remove from user's tasklist if exist TaskPojo task = this.getTaskById(taskId); user.removeTask(task); user.addTaskFinished(task); if ( task.getType() == TaskType.TASK_ACHIVEMENT ) { this.takeTaskReward(user, taskId, 0); if ( task.isBroadcast() ) { String roleName = UserManager.getDisplayRoleName(user.getRoleName()); String content = Text.text("notice.achievement", roleName, task.getName()); ChatManager.getInstance().processChatToWorldAsyn(null, content); } } else { boolean success = false; if ( task.getType() == TaskType.TASK_ACTIVITY && StringUtil.checkNotEmpty(task.getGiftDesc()) ) { success = this.takeTaskReward(user, taskId, 0); } // if ( success && task.isBroadcast() ) { // String roleName = UserManager.getDisplayRoleName(user.getRoleName()); // String content = Text.text("notice.task", roleName, task.getName()); // ChatManager.getInstance().processChatToWorldAsyn(null, content); // } } // boolean alreadyFinished = jedisDB.sismember(finishedSet, taskId); // if ( alreadyFinished ) { // logger.debug("#finishTask: The task(id:{}) is already finished.", taskId); // return false; // } else { // // } //Send the BseModiTask to client //Move this block of code the script.task.Step#step() method //wangqi 2012-02-09 /* BseModiTask.Builder modiBuilder = BseModiTask.newBuilder(); modiBuilder.setTaskID(StringUtil.toInt(taskId, 0)); modiBuilder.setStep(task.getStep()); XinqiMessage xinqiMsg = new XinqiMessage(); xinqiMsg.payload =; GameContext.getInstance().writeResponse(user.getSession(), xinqiMsg); */ logger.debug("User {} finish the task(id:{}).", user.getRoleName(), taskId); return result; }