@airtable/blocks/ui#useSettingsButton JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: index.js From apps-base-schema with MIT License | 6 votes |
function SchemaMapApp() {
const [shouldShowSettings, setShouldShowSettings] = useState(false);
useSettingsButton(() => {
// Enter fullscreen when settings is opened (but not when closed).
if (!shouldShowSettings) {
return (
<FullscreenBox id="index">
<SchemaVisualizer />
{shouldShowSettings && <SettingsForm setShouldShowSettings={setShouldShowSettings} />}
Example #2
Source File: index.js From neighbor-express with MIT License | 6 votes |
function ComponentWithSettings() {
const [isShowingSettings, setIsShowingSettings] = useState(false);
useSettingsButton(function () {
if (isShowingSettings) {
return <SettingsComponent exit={() => setIsShowingSettings(false)} />;
return <MainUIComponent />;
Example #3
Source File: index.js From neighbor-express with MIT License | 6 votes |
function ComponentWithSettings() {
const [showSettings, setShowSettings] = useState(false);
useSettingsButton(function () {
return (
{showSettings && (
<SettingsComponent exit={() => setShowSettings(false)} />
{!showSettings && (
<Box padding={3}>
<SyncData />
Example #4
Source File: index.js From apps-flashcard with MIT License | 5 votes |
* A simple flashcard app that displays records from a chosen view.
* Supports choosing a question field which is displayed by default and an optional answer field that
* is hidden until shown by the user.
function FlashcardApp() {
const {isValid, message, settings} = useSettings();
const [isSettingsVisible, setIsSettingsVisible] = useState(false);
useSettingsButton(() => {
if (!isSettingsVisible) {
// Open the SettingsForm whenever the settings are not valid
useEffect(() => {
if (!isValid) {
}, [isValid]);
const records = useRecords(settings.view);
return (
<Box position="absolute" top="0" left="0" bottom="0" right="0" display="flex">
<Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" flex="auto">
{isValid ? (
<FlashcardContainer records={records} settings={settings} />
) : (
<Box display="flex" flex="auto" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center">
<Text textColor="light">{message}</Text>
{isSettingsVisible && (
<SettingsForm setIsSettingsVisible={setIsSettingsVisible} settings={settings} />
Example #5
Source File: index.js From apps-url-preview with MIT License | 4 votes |
// How this app chooses a preview to show:
// Without a specified Table & Field:
// - When the user selects a cell in grid view and the field's content is
// a supported preview URL, the app uses this URL to construct an embed
// URL and inserts this URL into an iframe.
// To Specify a Table & Field:
// - The user may use "Settings" to toggle a specified table and specified
// field constraint. If the constraint switch is set to "Yes",he user must
// set a specified table and specified field for URL previews.
// With a specified table & specified field:
// - When the user selects a cell in grid view and the active table matches
// the specified table or when the user opens a record from a button field
// in the specified table:
// The app looks in the selected record for the
// specified field containing a supported URL (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYz2wyBy3kc),
// and uses this URL to construct an embed URL and inserts this URL into
// an iframe.
function UrlPreviewApp() {
const [isSettingsOpen, setIsSettingsOpen] = useState(false);
useSettingsButton(() => setIsSettingsOpen(!isSettingsOpen));
const {
settings: {isEnforced, urlTable},
} = useSettings();
// Caches the currently selected record and field in state. If the user
// selects a record and a preview appears, and then the user de-selects the
// record (but does not select another), the preview will remain. This is
// useful when, for example, the user resizes the apps pane.
const [selectedRecordId, setSelectedRecordId] = useState(null);
const [selectedFieldId, setSelectedFieldId] = useState(null);
const [recordActionErrorMessage, setRecordActionErrorMessage] = useState('');
// cursor.selectedRecordIds and selectedFieldIds aren't loaded by default,
// so we need to load them explicitly with the useLoadable hook. The rest of
// the code in the component will not run until they are loaded.
// Update the selectedRecordId and selectedFieldId state when the selected
// record or field change.
useWatchable(cursor, ['selectedRecordIds', 'selectedFieldIds'], () => {
// If the update was triggered by a record being de-selected,
// the current selectedRecordId will be retained. This is
// what enables the caching described above.
if (cursor.selectedRecordIds.length > 0) {
// There might be multiple selected records. We'll use the first
// one.
if (cursor.selectedFieldIds.length > 0) {
// There might be multiple selected fields. We'll use the first
// one.
// Close the record action error dialog whenever settings are opened or the selected record
// is updated. (This means you don't have to close the modal to see the settings, or when
// you've opened a different record.)
useEffect(() => {
}, [isSettingsOpen, selectedRecordId]);
// Register a callback to be called whenever a record action occurs (via button field)
// useCallback is used to memoize the callback, to avoid having to register/unregister
// it unnecessarily.
const onRecordAction = useCallback(
data => {
// Ignore the event if settings are already open.
// This means we can assume settings are valid (since we force settings to be open if
// they are invalid).
if (!isSettingsOpen) {
if (isEnforced) {
if (data.tableId === urlTable.id) {
} else {
// Record is from a mismatching table.
`This app is set up to preview URLs using records from the "${urlTable.name}" table, but was opened from a different table.`,
} else {
// Preview is not supported in this case, as we wouldn't know what field to preview.
// Show a dialog to the user instead.
'You must enable "Use a specific field for previews" to preview URLs with a button field.',
[isSettingsOpen, isEnforced, urlTable],
useEffect(() => {
// Return the unsubscribe function to ensure we clean up the handler.
return registerRecordActionDataCallback(onRecordAction);
}, [onRecordAction]);
// This watch deletes the cached selectedRecordId and selectedFieldId when
// the user moves to a new table or view. This prevents the following
// scenario: User selects a record that contains a preview url. The preview appears.
// User switches to a different table. The preview disappears. The user
// switches back to the original table. Weirdly, the previously viewed preview
// reappears, even though no record is selected.
useWatchable(cursor, ['activeTableId', 'activeViewId'], () => {
const base = useBase();
const activeTable = base.getTableByIdIfExists(cursor.activeTableId);
useEffect(() => {
// Display the settings form if the settings aren't valid.
if (!isValid && !isSettingsOpen) {
}, [isValid, isSettingsOpen]);
// activeTable is briefly null when switching to a newly created table.
if (!activeTable) {
return null;
return (
{isSettingsOpen ? (
<SettingsForm setIsSettingsOpen={setIsSettingsOpen} />
) : (
{recordActionErrorMessage && (
<Dialog onClose={() => setRecordActionErrorMessage('')} maxWidth={400}>
<Dialog.CloseButton />
<Heading size="small">Can't preview URL</Heading>
<Text variant="paragraph" marginBottom={0}>
Example #6
Source File: index.js From blocks-usa-map with MIT License | 4 votes |
function USAMapBlock() {
const [isShowingSettings, setIsShowingSettings] = useState(false);
const [selectedState, setSelectedState] = useState(null);
useSettingsButton(function() {
const viewport = useViewport();
const base = useBase();
const globalConfig = useGlobalConfig();
const tableId = globalConfig.get('selectedTableId');
const stateFieldId = globalConfig.get('selectedStateFieldId');
const colorFieldId = globalConfig.get('selectedColorFieldId');
const table = base.getTableByIdIfExists(tableId);
const stateField = table ? table.getFieldByIdIfExists(stateFieldId) : null;
const colorField = table ? table.getFieldByIdIfExists(colorFieldId) : null;
// if (table == null || stateField == null || colorField == null) {
// setIsShowingSettings(true);
// }
const records = useRecords(stateField ? table : null);
let mapData = null;
if (stateField !== null && colorField !== null) {
mapData = getMapData(records, stateField, colorField);
const mapHandler = (event) => {
// If settings is showing, draw settings only
if (isShowingSettings) {
return (
<Box padding={3} display="flex">
description="Choose the table you want to your State data to come from."
<TablePickerSynced globalConfigKey="selectedTableId" />
label="State Field"
description='The State field will select a state by either abbreviation ("NJ") or name ("New Jersey")'
placeholder="Pick a 'state' field..."
label="Color Field"
description="Choose the state color using either a text field which describes the color name, or a single select."
placeholder="Pick a 'color' field..."
{colorField != null && colorField.type === FieldType.NUMBER &&
<text>You have selected a numeric type; state colors will be normalized to the maximum value in your field.</text>
// otherwise draw the map.
return (
<Box border="default"
// padding={}
{/* TODO Allow selected state to show a column of data. */}
{/* {selectedState
? <SelectedState selected={selectedState}/>
: <div>Click to select a state</div>
} */}
title="USA USA USA"
height={viewport.size.height - 5}