@airtable/blocks/ui#useWatchable JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: UpdateRecordsApp.js From apps-update-records with MIT License | 6 votes |
function UpdateRecordsApp() {
const base = useBase();
const cursor = useCursor();
const tableToUpdate = base.getTableByName(TABLE_NAME);
const numberField = tableToUpdate.getFieldByName(FIELD_NAME);
// cursor.selectedRecordIds isn't loaded by default, so we need to load it
// explicitly with the useLoadable hook. The rest of the code in the
// component will not run until it has loaded.
// Re-render the app whenever the selected records change.
useWatchable(cursor, ['selectedRecordIds']);
if (cursor.activeTableId !== tableToUpdate.id) {
return (
<Text>Switch to the “{tableToUpdate.name}” table to use this app.</Text>
return (
Example #2
Source File: settings.js From apps-base-schema with MIT License | 4 votes |
* Reads values from GlobalConfig and calculates relevant positioning information for the nodes
* and links.
* A node represents either a "row" in the visualization - either a table header or a field. A link
* represents a relationship between two nodes. We persist two types of information in globalConfig:
* (1) whether a certain link type should be shown; and (2) the x,y position for each table, where
* position indicates the top-left corner of the table.
* Positioning calculation takes place as follows:
* (1) Parse the schema of the base (ie, what tables exist, what fields exist on those tables,
* and what are the relationships/links between fields & tables).
* (2) Lookup the persisted position for each table, and check for any recently-created tables that
* are not accounted for in these persisted settings. Assign positions for any new tables.
* (3) Using the table & link configurations from step 1 and table coordinates from step 2,
* calculate the paths (ie, the `d` attribute for SVG element) for the links. Because the row widths
* & heights are constant, we can infer coordinates by adding offsets to the table coordinates.
* When dragging a table and updating positions on `mousemove`, it is inefficient to go through this
* calculation process / rely on React state updates to propagate down to the child components.
* Instead, we only calculate required changes and directly manipulate the DOM (@see DragWrapper).
* The new table coordinates are persisted to globalConfig when dragging is finished, but positions
* and paths for nodes and links are only recalculated from scratch when the base schema changes.
* Otherwise, we just rely on the current DOM position.
* @returns {{
* enabledLinksByType: { ['multipleRecordLinks' | 'formula' | 'multipleLookupValues' | 'rollup' | 'count']: boolean },
* tableCoordsByTableId: { TableId: { x: number, y: number }},
* tableConfigsByTableId: { TableId: { tableNode: Node, fieldNodes: Node[] }},
* nodesById: { NodeId: Node },
* linksById: { LinkId: Link },
* linkPathsByLinkId: { LinkId: string },
* dependentLinksByNodeId: { NodeId: Link[] }
* }}
export default function useSettings() {
const [baseSchema, setBaseSchema] = useState(() => parseSchema(base));
const {nodesById, linksById, tableConfigsByTableId, dependentLinksByNodeId} = baseSchema;
const globalConfig = useGlobalConfig();
let tableCoordsByTableId;
if (!globalConfig.get(ConfigKeys.TABLE_COORDS_BY_TABLE_ID)) {
// First time run, determine initial table coords
tableCoordsByTableId = getInitialTableCoords(tableConfigsByTableId);
path: [ConfigKeys.TABLE_COORDS_BY_TABLE_ID],
value: tableCoordsByTableId,
path: [ConfigKeys.ENABLED_LINKS_BY_TYPE],
value: {
[FieldType.FORMULA]: true,
[FieldType.ROLLUP]: true,
[FieldType.COUNT]: true,
} else {
// Non-first time run, check for any new tables missing from the old saved coords
tableCoordsByTableId = globalConfig.get(ConfigKeys.TABLE_COORDS_BY_TABLE_ID);
if (
_.difference(Object.keys(tableConfigsByTableId), Object.keys(tableCoordsByTableId))
.length > 0
) {
tableCoordsByTableId = getUpdatedTableCoords(
if (globalConfig.hasPermissionToSet()) {
globalConfig.setAsync(ConfigKeys.TABLE_COORDS_BY_TABLE_ID, tableCoordsByTableId);
const [linkPathsByLinkId, setLinkPathsByLinkId] = useState(() =>
calculateLinkPaths(linksById, tableConfigsByTableId, tableCoordsByTableId),
// Only re-perform these potentially expensive calclulations when required, when the base
// schema changes (ie, table added/removed/renamed, field added/removed/renamed).
useWatchable(base, ['schema'], () => {
const newSchema = parseSchema(base);
const newTableCoords = getUpdatedTableCoords(
const newLinkPaths = calculateLinkPaths(
if (globalConfig.hasPermissionToSet()) {
globalConfig.setAsync(ConfigKeys.TABLE_COORDS_BY_TABLE_ID, newTableCoords);
const enabledLinksByType = {
[FieldType.MULTIPLE_RECORD_LINKS]: globalConfig.get([
[FieldType.FORMULA]: globalConfig.get([
[FieldType.ROLLUP]: globalConfig.get([ConfigKeys.ENABLED_LINKS_BY_TYPE, FieldType.ROLLUP]),
[FieldType.MULTIPLE_LOOKUP_VALUES]: globalConfig.get([
[FieldType.COUNT]: globalConfig.get([ConfigKeys.ENABLED_LINKS_BY_TYPE, FieldType.COUNT]),
return {
Example #3
Source File: index.js From apps-url-preview with MIT License | 4 votes |
// How this app chooses a preview to show:
// Without a specified Table & Field:
// - When the user selects a cell in grid view and the field's content is
// a supported preview URL, the app uses this URL to construct an embed
// URL and inserts this URL into an iframe.
// To Specify a Table & Field:
// - The user may use "Settings" to toggle a specified table and specified
// field constraint. If the constraint switch is set to "Yes",he user must
// set a specified table and specified field for URL previews.
// With a specified table & specified field:
// - When the user selects a cell in grid view and the active table matches
// the specified table or when the user opens a record from a button field
// in the specified table:
// The app looks in the selected record for the
// specified field containing a supported URL (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYz2wyBy3kc),
// and uses this URL to construct an embed URL and inserts this URL into
// an iframe.
function UrlPreviewApp() {
const [isSettingsOpen, setIsSettingsOpen] = useState(false);
useSettingsButton(() => setIsSettingsOpen(!isSettingsOpen));
const {
settings: {isEnforced, urlTable},
} = useSettings();
// Caches the currently selected record and field in state. If the user
// selects a record and a preview appears, and then the user de-selects the
// record (but does not select another), the preview will remain. This is
// useful when, for example, the user resizes the apps pane.
const [selectedRecordId, setSelectedRecordId] = useState(null);
const [selectedFieldId, setSelectedFieldId] = useState(null);
const [recordActionErrorMessage, setRecordActionErrorMessage] = useState('');
// cursor.selectedRecordIds and selectedFieldIds aren't loaded by default,
// so we need to load them explicitly with the useLoadable hook. The rest of
// the code in the component will not run until they are loaded.
// Update the selectedRecordId and selectedFieldId state when the selected
// record or field change.
useWatchable(cursor, ['selectedRecordIds', 'selectedFieldIds'], () => {
// If the update was triggered by a record being de-selected,
// the current selectedRecordId will be retained. This is
// what enables the caching described above.
if (cursor.selectedRecordIds.length > 0) {
// There might be multiple selected records. We'll use the first
// one.
if (cursor.selectedFieldIds.length > 0) {
// There might be multiple selected fields. We'll use the first
// one.
// Close the record action error dialog whenever settings are opened or the selected record
// is updated. (This means you don't have to close the modal to see the settings, or when
// you've opened a different record.)
useEffect(() => {
}, [isSettingsOpen, selectedRecordId]);
// Register a callback to be called whenever a record action occurs (via button field)
// useCallback is used to memoize the callback, to avoid having to register/unregister
// it unnecessarily.
const onRecordAction = useCallback(
data => {
// Ignore the event if settings are already open.
// This means we can assume settings are valid (since we force settings to be open if
// they are invalid).
if (!isSettingsOpen) {
if (isEnforced) {
if (data.tableId === urlTable.id) {
} else {
// Record is from a mismatching table.
`This app is set up to preview URLs using records from the "${urlTable.name}" table, but was opened from a different table.`,
} else {
// Preview is not supported in this case, as we wouldn't know what field to preview.
// Show a dialog to the user instead.
'You must enable "Use a specific field for previews" to preview URLs with a button field.',
[isSettingsOpen, isEnforced, urlTable],
useEffect(() => {
// Return the unsubscribe function to ensure we clean up the handler.
return registerRecordActionDataCallback(onRecordAction);
}, [onRecordAction]);
// This watch deletes the cached selectedRecordId and selectedFieldId when
// the user moves to a new table or view. This prevents the following
// scenario: User selects a record that contains a preview url. The preview appears.
// User switches to a different table. The preview disappears. The user
// switches back to the original table. Weirdly, the previously viewed preview
// reappears, even though no record is selected.
useWatchable(cursor, ['activeTableId', 'activeViewId'], () => {
const base = useBase();
const activeTable = base.getTableByIdIfExists(cursor.activeTableId);
useEffect(() => {
// Display the settings form if the settings aren't valid.
if (!isValid && !isSettingsOpen) {
}, [isValid, isSettingsOpen]);
// activeTable is briefly null when switching to a newly created table.
if (!activeTable) {
return null;
return (
{isSettingsOpen ? (
<SettingsForm setIsSettingsOpen={setIsSettingsOpen} />
) : (
{recordActionErrorMessage && (
<Dialog onClose={() => setRecordActionErrorMessage('')} maxWidth={400}>
<Dialog.CloseButton />
<Heading size="small">Can't preview URL</Heading>
<Text variant="paragraph" marginBottom={0}>
Example #4
Source File: index.js From apps-url-preview with MIT License | 4 votes |
// Shows a preview, or a message about what the user should do to see a preview.
function RecordPreview({
}) {
const {
settings: {isEnforced, urlField, urlTable},
} = useSettings();
const table = (isEnforced && urlTable) || activeTable;
// We use getFieldByIdIfExists because the field might be deleted.
const selectedField = selectedFieldId ? table.getFieldByIdIfExists(selectedFieldId) : null;
// When using a specific field for previews is enabled and that field exists,
// use the selectedField
const previewField = (isEnforced && urlField) || selectedField;
// Triggers a re-render if the record changes. Preview URL cell value
// might have changed, or record might have been deleted.
const selectedRecord = useRecordById(table, selectedRecordId ? selectedRecordId : '', {
fields: [previewField],
// Triggers a re-render if the user switches table or view.
// RecordPreview may now need to render a preview, or render nothing at all.
useWatchable(cursor, ['activeTableId', 'activeViewId']);
// This button is re-used in two states so it's pulled out in a constant here.
const viewSupportedURLsButton = (
<TextButton size="small" marginTop={3} onClick={() => setIsDialogOpen(true)}>
View supported URLs
if (
// If there is/was a specified table enforced, but the cursor
// is not presently in the specified table, display a message to the user.
// Exception: selected record is from the specified table (has been opened
// via button field or other means while cursor is on a different table.)
isEnforced &&
cursor.activeTableId !== table.id &&
!(selectedRecord && selectedRecord.parentTable.id === table.id)
) {
return (
<Text paddingX={3}>Switch to the “{table.name}” table to see previews.</Text>
<TextButton size="small" marginTop={3} onClick={() => setIsSettingsOpen(true)}>
} else if (
// activeViewId is briefly null when switching views
selectedRecord === null &&
(cursor.activeViewId === null ||
table.getViewById(cursor.activeViewId).type !== ViewType.GRID)
) {
return <Text>Switch to a grid view to see previews</Text>;
} else if (
// selectedRecord will be null on app initialization, after
// the user switches table or view, or if it was deleted.
selectedRecord === null ||
// The preview field may have been deleted.
previewField === null
) {
return (
<Text>Select a cell to see a preview</Text>
} else {
// Using getCellValueAsString guarantees we get a string back. If
// we use getCellValue, we might get back numbers, booleans, or
// arrays depending on the field type.
const cellValue = selectedRecord.getCellValueAsString(previewField);
if (!cellValue) {
return (
<Text>The “{previewField.name}” field is empty</Text>
} else {
const previewUrl = getPreviewUrlForCellValue(cellValue);
// In this case, the FIELD_NAME field of the currently selected
// record either contains no URL, or contains a that cannot be
// resolved to a supported preview.
if (!previewUrl) {
return (
<Text>No preview</Text>
} else {
return (
// Using `key=previewUrl` will immediately unmount the
// old iframe when we're switching to a new
// preview. Otherwise, the old iframe would be reused,
// and the old preview would stay onscreen while the new
// one was loading, which would be a confusing user
// experience.
style={{flex: 'auto', width: '100%'}}
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"