@ant-design/icons#NotificationOutlined JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @ant-design/icons#NotificationOutlined. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.js    From ant-simple-pro with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
NewCompent = memo(function NewCompent(props) {

  return (
    <div style={{fontSize:'16px',fontWeight:'bold'}}>
      <NotificationOutlined />
      <span style={{padding:"0 10px"}}>ant-simple-pro上线了!</span>
Example #2
Source File: dot.jsx    From virtuoso-design-system with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
storiesOf('antd/badge', module).add('dot', () => 
    <Badge dot>
      <NotificationOutlined />
    <Badge count={0} dot>
      <NotificationOutlined />
    <Badge dot>
      <a href="#">Link something</a>
  { docs: { page: () => (<><h1 id="enus">en-US</h1>
<p>This will simply display a red badge, without a specific count. If count equals 0, it won't display the dot.</p></>) } });
Example #3
Source File: AppLayout.jsx    From React-Nest-Admin with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
AppLayout = props => {
  let history = useHistory();

  // 结构赋值
  const { isCollapsed, username, toggle, signOut } = props;

  return (
    <Layout className={styles.wrapper}>
      <Sider trigger={null} collapsible collapsed={isCollapsed}>
        <Header className={styles.header}>
            type={isCollapsed ? "menu-unfold" : "menu-fold"}
            onClick={() => toggle(isCollapsed)}
          <span className={styles.home}>首页</span>
          <div className={styles["icon-group"]}>
                color: "#f56a00",
                backgroundColor: "#fde3cf",
                marginRight: "10px"
              {username ? username[0] : ""}
              <NotificationOutlined />
            <span className={styles["icon-box"]}>
                overlay={() => menu(signOut, history)}
                <MoreOutlined className={styles.icon} />
            margin: "24px 16px",
            padding: 24,
            background: "#fff",
            minHeight: 280,
            overflowY: "scroll"
      {/* <div
          position: "absolute",
          bottom: "0px",
          width: "100%",
          textAlign: "center",
          backgroundColor: "#2d3a4b",
          color: "#eee",
          padding: "5px 0",
          fontSize: "12px"
      </div> */}
Example #4
Source File: Event.js    From website with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
EventItem = ({
  city = 'Em todo o estado',
  status = 'F',
  hideAuthor = false
}) => {
  const { author } = event;
  const statusMessages = messages(status);

  return (
      <div className='city'>
        {event?.region?.initial && ` - ${event?.region?.initial}`}
        {author && !hideAuthor && author?.name && (
              <div style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
                Evento criado por {author?.name}. <br />
                <a>Clique aqui</a> para fazer parte de nossa equipe de
            <span className='info'>
              <NotificationOutlined />
      <div className='meta'>
        <Popover content={<span style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>{title}</span>}>
          <span className='label'>{title} - </span>
        <span className='status'>{statusMessages.message} - </span>
        {(event.from_date !== null || event.to_date !== null) && (
            content={<span>Período de vigência do evento em questão.</span>}
            <span className='info'>
              <ClockCircleOutlined />
                {event.undefined_ends_date && 'A partir de '}
                {event.from_date && formatDate(event.from_date)}
                {event.to_date && ` - ${formatDate(event.to_date)}`}

        {event?.source?.source && (
          <span className='info'>
            <LinkOutlined />
            <span>Fonte: {event.source.source}</span>
      {event.source?.link && (
        <a href={event.source.link} target='__blank' alt={event.source.source}>
          Ver mais
Example #5
Source File: top-side-2.jsx    From virtuoso-design-system with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
storiesOf('antd/layout', module).add('top-side-2', () => 
    <Header className="header">
      <div className="logo" />
      <Menu theme="dark" mode="horizontal" defaultSelectedKeys={['2']}>
        <Menu.Item key="1">nav 1</Menu.Item>
        <Menu.Item key="2">nav 2</Menu.Item>
        <Menu.Item key="3">nav 3</Menu.Item>
      <Sider width={200} className="site-layout-background">
          style={{ height: '100%', borderRight: 0 }}
          <SubMenu key="sub1" icon={<UserOutlined />} title="subnav 1">
            <Menu.Item key="1">option1</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="2">option2</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="3">option3</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="4">option4</Menu.Item>
          <SubMenu key="sub2" icon={<LaptopOutlined />} title="subnav 2">
            <Menu.Item key="5">option5</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="6">option6</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="7">option7</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="8">option8</Menu.Item>
          <SubMenu key="sub3" icon={<NotificationOutlined />} title="subnav 3">
            <Menu.Item key="9">option9</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="10">option10</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="11">option11</Menu.Item>
            <Menu.Item key="12">option12</Menu.Item>
      <Layout style={{ padding: '0 24px 24px' }}>
        <Breadcrumb style={{ margin: '16px 0' }}>
            padding: 24,
            margin: 0,
            minHeight: 280,
  { docs: { page: () => (<><h1 id="enus">en-US</h1>
<p>Both the top navigation and the sidebar, commonly used in application site.</p></>) } });
Example #6
Source File: top-side.jsx    From virtuoso-design-system with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
storiesOf('antd/layout', module).add('top-side', () => 
    <Header className="header">
      <div className="logo" />
      <Menu theme="dark" mode="horizontal" defaultSelectedKeys={['2']}>
        <Menu.Item key="1">nav 1</Menu.Item>
        <Menu.Item key="2">nav 2</Menu.Item>
        <Menu.Item key="3">nav 3</Menu.Item>
    <Content style={{ padding: '0 50px' }}>
      <Breadcrumb style={{ margin: '16px 0' }}>
      <Layout className="site-layout-background" style={{ padding: '24px 0' }}>
        <Sider className="site-layout-background" width={200}>
            style={{ height: '100%' }}
            <SubMenu key="sub1" icon={<UserOutlined />} title="subnav 1">
              <Menu.Item key="1">option1</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="2">option2</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="3">option3</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="4">option4</Menu.Item>
            <SubMenu key="sub2" icon={<LaptopOutlined />} title="subnav 2">
              <Menu.Item key="5">option5</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="6">option6</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="7">option7</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="8">option8</Menu.Item>
            <SubMenu key="sub3" icon={<NotificationOutlined />} title="subnav 3">
              <Menu.Item key="9">option9</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="10">option10</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="11">option11</Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="12">option12</Menu.Item>
        <Content style={{ padding: '0 24px', minHeight: 280 }}>Content</Content>
    <Footer style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>Ant Design ©2018 Created by Ant UED</Footer>
  { docs: { page: () => (<><h1 id="enus">en-US</h1>
<p>Both the top navigation and the sidebar, commonly used in documentation site.</p></>) } });
Example #7
Source File: admin.js    From ctf_platform with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
render() {
    return (

      <Layout className="layout-style">
        <Tabs activeKey={this.state.key} onTabClick={async (key) => {
          await this.props.history.push("/Admin/" + key)
          if (this.props.location.pathname === "/Admin/" + key) this.setState({ key: key })

        }} style={{ overflowY: "auto", overflowX: "auto" }}>
            tab={<span> Home </span>}
            <h1>Welcome to Sieberrsec CTF Platform's admin panel.</h1>
            <h1>Click on any of the tabs above to manage different parts of the portal.</h1>

            <div className="settings-responsive2" style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-around" }}>
              <Card className="settings-card">
                <Button type='primary' onClick={this.downloadBackup} loading={this.state.backupLoading}><DownloadOutlined /> Download Backup</Button>
                <p>Download all the data stored in the platform's database. Data can be uploaded onto a different platform/a later date to restore all the data</p>

              <Divider type="vertical" style={{ height: "inherit" }} />

              <Card className="settings-card">
                <div style={{width: "50%"}}>
                    onChange={(file) => {
                      if (file.fileList.length > 0) this.setState({ noFile: false })
                      else this.setState({ noFile: true })
                      this.setState({ fileList: file.fileList })
                    beforeUpload={(file) => {
                      return false
                    <h4>Drag and drop backup .json file to upload.</h4><br/>
                    <p>Then, click the Upload button</p>
                  <Button type="primary" icon={<UploadOutlined />} style={{ marginTop: "3ch" }} disabled={this.state.noFile} loading={this.state.loadingUpload} onClick={() => {
                      confirmLoading: this.state.loadingUpload,
                      title: 'Are you sure you want to restore all platform data to this JSON file? This action is irreversible.',
                      icon: <ExclamationCircleOutlined />,
                      onOk: (close) => { this.uploadBackup(close) },
                      onCancel: () => { },
                    }}>Upload Backup</Button>
                <p>Restore and upload data stored in a backup json file. <span style={{ color: "#d32029" }}><b>Warning: This <u>WILL OVERRIDE ALL EXISTING DATA</u> stored in this platform</b> (including the current account used to upload the backup). Please re-login after restoration is completed.</span></p>
            tab={<span><NotificationOutlined />Announcements</span>}
            <AdminManageAnnouncements />
            tab={<span><UserOutlined />Users</span>}
            tab={<span><AppstoreOutlined />Challenges</span>}
            <AdminChallenges history={this.props.history} location={this.props.location}></AdminChallenges>
            tab={<span><BarsOutlined />Transactions</span>}
            tab={<span><MailOutlined />Email Settings</span>}

Example #8
Source File: adminManageAnnouncements.js    From ctf_platform with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
render() {
        return (

            <Layout style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" }}>

                    title="Create New Announcement"
                    onCancel={() => { this.setState({ createAnnouncementsModal: false }) }}

                    <CreateAnnouncementsForm createAnnouncement={this.createAnnouncement.bind(this)} setState={this.setState.bind(this)} state={this.state} />

                    title="Edit Announcement"
                    onCancel={() => { this.setState({ editAnnouncementsModal: false }) }}

                    <EditAnnouncementsForm editAnnouncement={this.editAnnouncement.bind(this)} setState={this.setState.bind(this)} state={this.state} initialData={this.state.initialData} />

                <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center" }}>
                    <div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", height: "2ch" }}>
                        <Button type="primary" style={{ marginBottom: "2vh", marginRight: "1ch" }} icon={<NotificationOutlined />} onClick={() => { this.setState({ createAnnouncementsModal: true }) }}>Create New Announcement</Button>
                        {this.state.loading && (
                            <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }}>
                                <Ellipsis color="#177ddc" size={60} />
                                <h1>Loading Announcements</h1>
                    <Button loading={this.state.loading} type="primary" shape="circle" size="large" style={{ marginBottom: "2vh" }} icon={<RedoOutlined />} onClick={async () => { await this.fillTableData(); message.success("Announcements list refreshed.") }} />
                <div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
                    <Button disabled={this.state.disableEditButtons} style={{ marginBottom: "2vh", marginRight: "1ch", backgroundColor: "#a61d24" }} icon={<DeleteOutlined />} onClick={() => {
                            confirmLoading: this.state.disableEditButtons,
                            title: 'Are you sure you want to delete the announcement(s) [' + this.state.selectedTableKeys.join(", ") + ']? This action is irreversible.',
                            icon: <ExclamationCircleOutlined />,
                            onOk: (close) => { this.deleteAnnouncement(close.bind(this), this.state.selectedTableKeys) },
                            onCancel: () => { },
                    }}>Delete Announcements</Button>
                <Table rowSelection={{ selectedRowKeys: this.state.selectedTableKeys, onChange: this.handleTableSelect.bind(this) }} style={{ overflow: "auto" }} dataSource={this.state.dataSource} locale={{
                    emptyText: (
                        <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: "10vh" }}>
                            <FileUnknownTwoTone style={{ color: "#177ddc", fontSize: "400%", zIndex: 1 }} />
                            <h1 style={{ fontSize: "200%" }}>No announcements have been created.</h1>
                    <Column title="Announcement ID" dataIndex="_id" key="_id" />
                    <Column title="Title" dataIndex="title" key="title"
                        filterDropdown={({ setSelectedKeys, selectedKeys, confirm, clearFilters }) => (
                            <div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
                                    placeholder="Search Title"
                                    onChange={e => setSelectedKeys(e.target.value ? [e.target.value] : [])}
                                    onPressEnter={() => confirm()}
                                    style={{ marginBottom: 8, display: 'block' }}
                                        onClick={() => { confirm() }}
                                        icon={<SearchOutlined />}
                                    <Button onClick={() => clearFilters()}>
                        onFilter={(value, record) => record.title.includes(value.toLowerCase())}
                        filterIcon={filtered => <SearchOutlined style={{ color: filtered ? '#1890ff' : undefined }} />} />
                    <Column title="Content" dataIndex="content" key="content"
                        render={(text, row, index) => {
                            if (text.length > 25) return text.slice(0, 25) + "..."
                            else return text
                        filterDropdown={({ setSelectedKeys, selectedKeys, confirm, clearFilters }) => (
                            <div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
                                    placeholder="Search Content"
                                    onChange={e => setSelectedKeys(e.target.value ? [e.target.value] : [])}
                                    onPressEnter={() => confirm()}
                                    style={{ marginBottom: 8, display: 'block' }}
                                        onClick={() => { confirm() }}
                                        icon={<SearchOutlined />}
                                    <Button onClick={() => clearFilters()}>
                        onFilter={(value, record) => record.content.includes(value.toLowerCase())}
                        filterIcon={filtered => <SearchOutlined style={{ color: filtered ? '#1890ff' : undefined }} />}

                    <Column title="Time" dataIndex="timestamp" key="timestamp"
                        render={(text, row, index) => {
                            return new Date(text).toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: "Asia/Singapore" });
                        }} />
                        render={(text, record) => (
                            <Dropdown trigger={['click']} overlay={
                                    <Menu.Item onClick={() => {
                                            Edit Announcement <ClusterOutlined />
                            } placement="bottomCenter">

Example #9
Source File: index.js    From the-eye-knows-the-garbage with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
SettingDrawer = function SettingDrawer(props) {
  var _props$settings = props.settings,
      propsSettings = _props$settings === void 0 ? undefined : _props$settings,
      _props$hideLoading = props.hideLoading,
      hideLoading = _props$hideLoading === void 0 ? false : _props$hideLoading,
      hideColors = props.hideColors,
      hideHintAlert = props.hideHintAlert,
      hideCopyButton = props.hideCopyButton,
      getContainer = props.getContainer,
      onSettingChange = props.onSettingChange,
      _props$prefixCls = props.prefixCls,
      prefixCls = _props$prefixCls === void 0 ? 'ant-pro' : _props$prefixCls;
  var firstRender = useRef(true);

  var _useMergeValue = useMergeValue(false, {
    value: props.collapse,
    onChange: props.onCollapseChange
      _useMergeValue2 = _slicedToArray(_useMergeValue, 2),
      show = _useMergeValue2[0],
      setShow = _useMergeValue2[1];

  var _useState = useState(getLanguage()),
      _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2),
      language = _useState2[0],
      setLanguage = _useState2[1];

  var _useMergeValue3 = useMergeValue(function () {
    return getParamsFromUrl(propsSettings);
  }, {
    value: propsSettings,
    onChange: onSettingChange
      _useMergeValue4 = _slicedToArray(_useMergeValue3, 2),
      settingState = _useMergeValue4[0],
      setSettingState = _useMergeValue4[1];

  var preStateRef = useRef(settingState);

  var _ref3 = settingState || {},
      _ref3$navTheme = _ref3.navTheme,
      navTheme = _ref3$navTheme === void 0 ? 'dark' : _ref3$navTheme,
      _ref3$primaryColor = _ref3.primaryColor,
      primaryColor = _ref3$primaryColor === void 0 ? 'daybreak' : _ref3$primaryColor,
      _ref3$layout = _ref3.layout,
      layout = _ref3$layout === void 0 ? 'sidemenu' : _ref3$layout,
      colorWeak = _ref3.colorWeak;

  useEffect(function () {
    // 语言修改,这个是和 locale 是配置起来的
    var onLanguageChange = function onLanguageChange() {
      if (language !== getLanguage()) {
    }; // 记住默认的选择,方便做 diff,然后保存到 url 参数中

    oldSetting = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultSettings), propsSettings);
     * 如果不是浏览器 都没有必要做了

    if (!isBrowser()) {
      return function () {
        return null;

    initState(settingState, setSettingState, props.publicPath);
    window.addEventListener('languagechange', onLanguageChange, {
      passive: true
    return function () {
      return window.removeEventListener('languagechange', onLanguageChange);
  }, []);
   * 修改设置
   * @param key
   * @param value
   * @param hideMessageLoading

  var changeSetting = function changeSetting(key, value, hideMessageLoading) {
    var nextState = Object.assign({}, preStateRef.current);
    nextState[key] = value;

    if (key === 'navTheme') {
      updateTheme(value === 'realDark', undefined, hideMessageLoading, props.publicPath);
      nextState.primaryColor = 'daybreak';

    if (key === 'primaryColor') {
      updateTheme(nextState.navTheme === 'realDark', value === 'daybreak' ? '' : value, hideMessageLoading, props.publicPath);

    if (key === 'layout') {
      nextState.contentWidth = value === 'top' ? 'Fixed' : 'Fluid';

    if (key === 'layout' && value !== 'mix') {
      nextState.splitMenus = false;

    if (key === 'layout' && value === 'mix') {
      nextState.navTheme = 'light';

    if (key === 'colorWeak' && value === true) {
      var dom = document.querySelector('body div');

      if (!dom) {

      dom.dataset.prosettingdrawer = dom.style.filter;
      dom.style.filter = 'invert(80%)';

    if (key === 'colorWeak' && value === false) {
      var _dom = document.querySelector('body div');

      if (!_dom) {

      _dom.style.filter = _dom.dataset.prosettingdrawer || 'none';
      delete _dom.dataset.prosettingdrawer;

    preStateRef.current = nextState;

  var formatMessage = getFormatMessage();
  var themeList = getThemeList(settingState);
  useEffect(function () {
     * 如果不是浏览器 都没有必要做了
    if (!isBrowser()) {

    if (firstRender.current) {
      firstRender.current = false;

    var browserHistory = createBrowserHistory();
    var params = {};

    if (window.location.search) {
      params = parse(window.location.search.replace('?', ''));

    var diffParams = getDifferentSetting(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, params), settingState));

    if (Object.keys(settingState).length < 1) {

      search: stringify(diffParams)
  }, [JSON.stringify(settingState)]);
  var baseClassName = "".concat(prefixCls, "-setting");
  return React.createElement(_Drawer, {
    visible: show,
    width: 300,
    onClose: function onClose() {
      return setShow(false);
    placement: "right",
    getContainer: getContainer,
    handler: React.createElement("div", {
      className: "".concat(baseClassName, "-drawer-handle"),
      onClick: function onClick() {
        return setShow(!show);
    }, show ? React.createElement(CloseOutlined, {
      style: {
        color: '#fff',
        fontSize: 20
    }) : React.createElement(SettingOutlined, {
      style: {
        color: '#fff',
        fontSize: 20
    style: {
      zIndex: 999
  }, React.createElement("div", {
    className: "".concat(baseClassName, "-drawer-content")
  }, React.createElement(Body, {
    title: formatMessage({
      id: 'app.setting.pagestyle',
      defaultMessage: 'Page style setting'
    prefixCls: baseClassName
  }, React.createElement(BlockCheckbox, {
    prefixCls: baseClassName,
    list: themeList.themeList,
    value: navTheme,
    key: "navTheme",
    onChange: function onChange(value) {
      return changeSetting('navTheme', value, hideLoading);
  })), React.createElement(Body, {
    title: formatMessage({
      id: 'app.setting.themecolor',
      defaultMessage: 'Theme color'
    prefixCls: baseClassName
  }, React.createElement(ThemeColor, {
    value: primaryColor,
    colors: hideColors ? [] : themeList.colorList[navTheme === 'realDark' ? 'dark' : 'light'],
    formatMessage: formatMessage,
    onChange: function onChange(color) {
      return changeSetting('primaryColor', color, hideLoading);
  })), React.createElement(_Divider, null), React.createElement(Body, {
    prefixCls: baseClassName,
    title: formatMessage({
      id: 'app.setting.navigationmode'
  }, React.createElement(BlockCheckbox, {
    prefixCls: baseClassName,
    value: layout,
    key: "layout",
    list: [{
      key: 'side',
      url: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/XwFOFbLkSM/LCkqqYNmvBEbokSDscrm.svg',
      title: formatMessage({
        id: 'app.setting.sidemenu'
    }, {
      key: 'top',
      url: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/URETY8%24STp/KDNDBbriJhLwuqMoxcAr.svg',
      title: formatMessage({
        id: 'app.setting.topmenu'
    }, {
      key: 'mix',
      url: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/x8Ob%26B8cy8/LCkqqYNmvBEbokSDscrm.svg',
      title: formatMessage({
        id: 'app.setting.mixmenu'
    onChange: function onChange(value) {
      return changeSetting('layout', value, hideLoading);
  })), React.createElement(LayoutSetting, {
    settings: settingState,
    changeSetting: changeSetting
  }), React.createElement(_Divider, null), React.createElement(Body, {
    prefixCls: baseClassName,
    title: formatMessage({
      id: 'app.setting.regionalsettings'
  }, React.createElement(RegionalSetting, {
    settings: settingState,
    changeSetting: changeSetting
  })), React.createElement(_Divider, null), React.createElement(Body, {
    prefixCls: baseClassName,
    title: formatMessage({
      id: 'app.setting.othersettings'
  }, React.createElement(_List, {
    split: false,
    renderItem: renderLayoutSettingItem,
    dataSource: [{
      title: formatMessage({
        id: 'app.setting.weakmode'
      action: React.createElement(_Switch, {
        size: "small",
        checked: !!colorWeak,
        onChange: function onChange(checked) {
          return changeSetting('colorWeak', checked);
  })), hideHintAlert && hideCopyButton ? null : React.createElement(_Divider, null), hideHintAlert ? null : React.createElement(_Alert, {
    type: "warning",
    message: formatMessage({
      id: 'app.setting.production.hint'
    icon: React.createElement(NotificationOutlined, null),
    showIcon: true,
    style: {
      marginBottom: 16
  }), hideCopyButton ? null : React.createElement(CopyToClipboard, {
    text: genCopySettingJson(settingState),
    onCopy: function onCopy() {
      return _message.success(formatMessage({
        id: 'app.setting.copyinfo'
  }, React.createElement(_Button, {
    block: true
  }, React.createElement(CopyOutlined, null), " ", formatMessage({
    id: 'app.setting.copy'