@ant-design/icons#ProfileOutlined JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: adminChallengeCreate.js From ctf_platform with MIT License | 5 votes |
render() {
return (
<Layout className="form-style">
bodyStyle={{ textAlign: "center" }}
onCancel={() => { this.setState({ previewModal: false }) }}
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="challenge">
tab={<span><ProfileOutlined /> Challenge</span>}
{this.state.challengeWriteup !== "" && (
<Tooltip title="View writeups for this challenge">
<Button shape="circle" size="large" style={{ position: "absolute", right: "2ch" }} type="primary" icon={<SolutionOutlined />} onClick={() => { window.open(this.state.challengeWriteup) }} />
{this.state.challengeWriteup === "" && (
<Tooltip title="Writeups are not available for this challenge">
<Button disabled shape="circle" size="large" style={{ position: "absolute", right: "2ch" }} type="primary" icon={<SolutionOutlined />} />
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "150%" }}>{this.state.previewChallenge.name}</h1>
<h2 style={{ color: "#1765ad", marginTop: "2vh", marginBottom: "6vh", fontSize: "200%" }}>{this.state.previewChallenge.points}</h2>
<div className="challengeModal">
<div style={{ marginTop: "6vh", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
<div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}>
<Input style={{ width: "45ch" }} defaultValue="" placeholder={"Enter a flag"} />
<Button type="primary" icon={<FlagOutlined />}>Submit</Button>
<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", marginTop: "2vh" }}>
<p>Challenge Author: <em>You</em></p>
<p style={{ color: "#d87a16", fontWeight: 500 }}>Attempts Remaining: {this.state.previewChallenge.max_attempts}</p>
<div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", alignContent: "center" }}>
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.props.handleBack} icon={<LeftOutlined />} style={{ maxWidth: "20ch", marginBottom: "3vh", marginRight: "2vw" }}>Back</Button>
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "180%" }}> <FlagTwoTone /> Create New Challenge</h1>
<CreateChallengeForm allCat={this.props.allCat} challenges={this.props.challenges} handleCreateBack={this.props.handleCreateBack.bind(this)} previewChallenge={this.previewChallenge.bind(this)} state={this.state} loadingStatus={this.state.loading} setState={this.setState.bind(this)}></CreateChallengeForm>
Example #2
Source File: adminChallengeEdit.js From ctf_platform with MIT License | 5 votes |
render() {
return (
<Layout className="form-style">
bodyStyle={{ textAlign: "center" }}
onCancel={() => { this.setState({ previewModal: false }) }}
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="challenge">
tab={<span><ProfileOutlined /> Challenge</span>}
{this.state.challengeWriteup !== "" && (
<Tooltip title="View writeups for this challenge">
<Button shape="circle" size="large" style={{ position: "absolute", right: "2ch" }} type="primary" icon={<SolutionOutlined />} onClick={() => { window.open(this.state.challengeWriteup) }} />
{this.state.challengeWriteup === "" && (
<Tooltip title="Writeups are not available for this challenge">
<Button disabled shape="circle" size="large" style={{ position: "absolute", right: "2ch" }} type="primary" icon={<SolutionOutlined />} />
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "150%" }}>{this.state.previewData.name}</h1>
<h2 style={{ color: "#1765ad", marginTop: "2vh", marginBottom: "2vh", fontSize: "200%" }}>{this.state.previewData.points}</h2>
<div className="challengeModal">
<div style={{ marginTop: "6vh", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
<div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}>
<Input style={{ width: "45ch" }} defaultValue="" placeholder={"Enter a flag"} />
<Button type="primary" icon={<FlagOutlined />}>Submit</Button>
<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", marginTop: "2vh" }}>
<p>Challenge Author: {this.state.challengeData.author}</p>
<p style={{ color: "#d87a16", fontWeight: 500 }}>Attempts Remaining: {this.state.previewData.max_attempts}</p>
<div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", alignContent: "center" }}>
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.props.handleEditBack} icon={<LeftOutlined />} style={{ maxWidth: "20ch", marginBottom: "3vh", marginRight: "2vw" }}>Back</Button>
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "180%" }}> <EditTwoTone /> Edit Challenge</h1>
{!this.state.loading && (
<CreateChallengeForm IDNameMapping={this.props.IDNameMapping} allCat={this.props.allCat} challenges={this.props.challenges} state={this.state} editLoading={this.state.editLoading} setState={this.setState.bind(this)} previewChallenge={this.previewChallenge.bind(this)} initialData={this.state.challengeData} handleEditChallBack={this.props.handleEditChallBack}></CreateChallengeForm>
{this.state.loading && (
<div className="demo-loading-container" style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: "10vh" }}>
<Ellipsis color="#177ddc" size={120} ></Ellipsis>
Example #3
Source File: userChallengeCreate.js From ctf_platform with MIT License | 5 votes |
render() {
return (
<Layout style={{ margin: "20px", backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" }}>
<div style={{ padding: "10px", backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", border: "5px solid transparent", borderRadius: "20px" }}>
bodyStyle={{ textAlign: "center" }}
onCancel={() => { this.setState({ previewModal: false }) }}
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="challenge">
tab={<span><ProfileOutlined /> Challenge</span>}
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "150%" }}>{this.state.previewChallenge.name}</h1>
<h2 style={{ color: "#1765ad", marginTop: "2vh", marginBottom: "6vh", fontSize: "200%" }}>{this.state.previewChallenge.points}</h2>
<div className="challengeModal">
<div style={{ marginTop: "6vh", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
<div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}>
<Input style={{ width: "45ch" }} defaultValue="" placeholder={"Enter a flag"} />
<Button type="primary" icon={<FlagOutlined />}>Submit</Button>
<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", marginTop: "2vh" }}>
<p>Challenge Author: <em>You</em></p>
<p style={{ color: "#d87a16", fontWeight: 500 }}>Attempts Remaining: {this.state.previewChallenge.max_attempts}</p>
<div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", alignContent: "center" }}>
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "180%" }}> <FlagTwoTone /> Create New Challenge</h1>
{!this.state.mainLoading && this.state.allCat !== [] && (
<CreateChallengeForm allCat={this.state.allCat} state={this.state} setState={this.setState.bind(this)} previewChallenge={this.previewChallenge.bind(this)} loadingStatus={this.state.loading}></CreateChallengeForm>
{this.state.mainLoading && (
<div className="demo-loading-container" style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: "10vh" }}>
<Ellipsis color="#177ddc" size={120} ></Ellipsis>
Example #4
Source File: challengesTagSort.js From ctf_platform with MIT License | 4 votes |
render() {
return (
<Layout className="pageTransition" style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" }}>
onCancel={() => { this.setState({ hintModal: false }) }}
bodyStyle={{ textAlign: "center" }}
onCancel={() => { this.setState({ challengeModal: false }); this.props.history.push("/Challenges/" + this.props.category); }}
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="challenge">
tab={<span><ProfileOutlined /> Challenge</span>}
{this.state.challengeWriteup !== "" && this.state.challengeWriteup !== "CompleteFirst" && (
<Tooltip title="View writeups for this challenge">
<Button shape="circle" size="large" style={{ position: "absolute", right: "2ch" }} type="primary" icon={<SolutionOutlined />} onClick={() => { window.open(this.state.challengeWriteup) }} />
{this.state.challengeWriteup === "" && (
<Tooltip title="Writeups are not available for this challenge">
<Button disabled shape="circle" size="large" style={{ position: "absolute", right: "2ch" }} type="primary" icon={<SolutionOutlined />} />
{this.state.challengeWriteup === "CompleteFirst" && (
<Tooltip title="Writeups are available for this challenge but you must complete the challenge first to view it.">
<Button shape="circle" size="large" style={{ position: "absolute", right: "2ch", color: "#13a8a8" }} icon={<SolutionOutlined />} />
<Suspense fallback={<div style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%", display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", zIndex: 15 }}>
<Ellipsis color="#177ddc" size={120} ></Ellipsis>
<div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}>
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "150%", maxWidth: "35ch", whiteSpace: "initial" }}>{this.state.viewingChallengeDetails.name}
<Tooltip title="Copy challenge link to clipboard.">
<LinkOutlined style={{ color: "#1890ff", marginLeft: "0.5ch" }} onClick={
async () => {
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(window.location.href);
message.success("Challenge link copied to clipboard.")
}} /></Tooltip>
<h2 style={{ color: "#1765ad", marginTop: "2vh", marginBottom: "6vh", fontSize: "200%" }}>{this.state.viewingChallengeDetails.points}</h2>
<div className="challengeModal">
<MarkdownRender >{this.state.viewingChallengeDetails.description}</MarkdownRender>
<div style={{ marginTop: "6vh", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
<div style={{ display: "flex" }}>
<SubmitFlagForm submitFlag={this.submitFlag.bind(this)} currentChallengeStatus={this.state.currentChallengeStatus} currentChallengeSolved={this.state.currentChallengeSolved}></SubmitFlagForm>
<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", marginTop: "-1vh" }}>
<p>Challenge Author: <em>{this.state.viewingChallengeDetails.author}</em></p>
<p style={{ color: "#d87a16", fontWeight: 500 }}>Attempts Remaining: {this.state.viewingChallengeDetails.max_attempts}</p>
tab={<span><UnlockOutlined /> Solves ({this.state.viewingChallengeDetails.solves.length}) </span>}
emptyText: (
<SmileOutlined style={{ fontSize: "500%" }} />
<br />
<br />
<p style={{ fontSize: "150%" }}>No solves yet. Maybe you can be the first!</p>
renderItem={item => {
return (
<List.Item key={item}>
avatar={<Avatar src={"/static/profile/" + item + ".webp"} />}
title={<Link to={"/Profile/" + item}><a style={{ fontSize: "110%", fontWeight: 700 }} onClick={() => { this.setState({ challengeModal: false }) }}>{item}</a></Link>}
} />
<Divider style={{ marginTop: "0px" }}>Select Tags</Divider>
<span className="tag-holder" >
{Object.keys(this.state.tag).map((tag) => {
return (
<CheckableTag className="tag-select-style" key={tag} checked={this.state.selectedTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1}
onChange={(checked) => {
let selectedTags = this.state.selectedTags
if (!checked) selectedTags.splice(selectedTags.indexOf(tag), 1)
else selectedTags.push(tag)
if (selectedTags.length === 0) this.sortCats(this.state.sortType, true)
this.setState({ selectedTags: selectedTags })
}}>{tag} <span style={{ color: "#d89614" }}>({this.state.tag[tag].length})</span></CheckableTag>
<Divider />
{this.state.tag && this.state.selectedTags.length > 0 ? (
<ChallengesTagSortList tag={this.state.tag} selectedTags={this.state.selectedTags} permissions={this.props.permissions} loadChallengeDetails={this.loadChallengeDetails.bind(this)} loadingChallenge={this.state.loadingChallenge} currentChallenge={this.state.currentChallenge} />
) : (
xs: 1,
sm: 2,
md: 2,
lg: 3,
xl: 4,
xxl: 5,
gutter: 20
emptyText: (
<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: "10vh" }}>
<FileUnknownTwoTone style={{ color: "#177ddc", fontSize: "400%", zIndex: 1 }} />
<h1 style={{ fontSize: "200%" }}>No challenges have been released yet</h1>
renderItem={item => {
if (item.solves.length === 0) item.firstBlood = "No First Blood Yet!"
else {
if (this.props.disableNonCatFB) {
item.firstBlood = "No First blood Yet"
for (let i = 0; i < item.solves.length; i++) {
if (this.props.userCategories[item.solves[i]] !== "none") {
item.firstBlood = item.solves[i]
else item.firstBlood = item.solves[0]
if (item.requires && !item.requiresSolved && this.props.permissions < 2) {
return (
<List.Item key={item._id}>
<Tooltip title={<span>Please solve "<b><u>{item.requiresName}</u></b>" to unlock this challenge.</span>}>
<div id={item._id}>
<div className="card-design-body" >
<LockOutlined className="disabled-style" />
<h1 className="card-design-name" >{item.name}</h1>
<h1 className="card-design-points">{item.points}</h1>
<h1 className="card-design-firstblood"><img alt="First Blood" src={require("./../assets/blood.svg").default} /> {item.firstBlood}</h1>
{this.state.loadingChallenge && this.state.currentChallenge === item._id && (
<div style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", backgroundColor: "red", zIndex: 1 }}>
<LoadingOutlined style={{ color: "#177ddc", fontSize: "500%", position: "absolute", zIndex: 1, left: "40%", top: "30%" }} />
{item.visibility === false && (
<h1 style={{ color: "#d9d9d9" }}>Hidden Challenge <EyeInvisibleOutlined /></h1>
</Card> {/*Pass entire datasource as prop*/}
else if (!item.solved) {
return (
<List.Item key={item._id}>
<div id={item._id} onClick={() => { this.loadChallengeDetails(item._id, item.solved, item.firstBlood) }}>
className="card-design hover"
<div className="card-design-body">
<h1 className="card-design-name">{item.name}</h1>
<h1 className="card-design-points">{item.points}</h1>
<h1 className="card-design-firstblood"><img alt="First Blood" src={require("./../assets/blood.svg").default} /> {item.firstBlood}</h1>
{this.state.loadingChallenge && this.state.currentChallenge === item._id && (
<div style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", backgroundColor: "red", zIndex: 1 }}>
<LoadingOutlined style={{ color: "#177ddc", fontSize: "500%", position: "absolute", zIndex: 1, left: "40%", top: "30%" }} />
{item.visibility === false && (
<h1 style={{ color: "#d9d9d9" }}>Hidden Challenge <EyeInvisibleOutlined /></h1>
</Card> {/*Pass entire datasource as prop*/}
else {
return (
<List.Item key={item._id}>
<div id={item._id} onClick={() => { this.loadChallengeDetails(item._id, item.solved) }}>
className="card-design solved hover"
<div className="card-design-body">
<CheckOutlined className="correct-style" />
<h1 className="card-design-name">{item.name}</h1>
<h1 className="card-design-points">{item.points}</h1>
<h1 className="card-design-firstblood"><img alt="First Blood" src={require("./../assets/blood.svg").default} /> {item.firstBlood}</h1>
{this.state.loadingChallenge && this.state.currentChallenge === item._id && (
<div style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", backgroundColor: "red", zIndex: 1 }}>
<LoadingOutlined style={{ color: "#177ddc", fontSize: "500%", position: "absolute", zIndex: 1, left: "40%", top: "30%" }} />
{item.visibility === false && (
<h1 style={{ color: "#d9d9d9" }}>Hidden Challenge <EyeInvisibleOutlined /></h1>
</Card> {/*Pass entire datasource as prop*/}