@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faFileAlt JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faFileAlt. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: relatedJobs.js    From open-jobboard with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
RelatedJobs = props => (
    props.jobs.map(job => {
      const name = job.name
      const location = job?.location?.text || ''
      const category = job?.tags?.filter(tag => tag.name === 'line_of_business')?.[0]?.value || ''
      const contract = job?.tags?.filter(tag => tag.name === 'contract')?.[0]?.value || ''
      const score = job.score || null

      return (
        <Link to={`/job/?job_key=${job.key}&board_key=${job.board.key}${score ? '&s='+score : ''}`} key={`${job.key}`} className="card mini">
          {contract && (
            <div className="job-tag">
                <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faFileAlt} /></div>{contract}
          {category && (
            <div className="job-tag">
                <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faIndustry} /></div>{category}
          {location && (
            <div className="job-tag">
                <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faMapMarkerAlt} /></div>{location}
Example #2
Source File: organization.js    From climatescape.org with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
function ContributionSection({ data, org, className }) {
  return (
    <SidebarSectionList title="Edit History" className={className}>
        href={getEditUrl({ data, org })}
        text="Suggest an Edit"

      {org.source && (
          text={`Source - ${org.source.name}`}
Example #3
Source File: organization.js    From goodhere with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
function ContributionSection({ data, org, className }) {
  return (
    <SidebarSectionList title="Edit History" className={className}>
        href={getEditUrl({ data, org })}
        text="Suggest an Edit"

      {org.source && (
          text={`Source - ${org.source.name}`}
Example #4
Source File: jobList.js    From open-jobboard with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
JobList = (props) => {
  return (
    <div className="jobs">
        props.jobs.map(job => {
          const name = job.name
          const location = job.location.text
          const company = job.tags.filter(tag => tag.name === 'company')?.[0]?.value
          const category = job.tags.filter(tag => tag.name === 'category')?.[0]?.value
          const type = job.tags.filter(tag => tag.name === 'type')?.[0]?.value
          const description = job.summary
          const profileJobTag = { name: 'application_board_job_key', value: `${process.env.SOURCE_KEY}-${job.key}` }
          const isInterested  = props.profile?.payload?.tags?.filter(tag => JSON.stringify(tag) === JSON.stringify(profileJobTag)).length > 0
          const score = job.score || null
          return (
            <Link to={`/job/?job_key=${job.key}&board_key=${job.board.key}${score ? '&s='+score : ''}`} className={[styles.card, "card"].join(' ')} key={job.key}>
              <div className={styles.job}>
              { (score || isInterested) && (
                    <div style={{display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: '1rem'}}>
                     {score && (
                       {isInterested && (
                           <div style={{ marginLeft: '1rem', color: '#0af' }}> <FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faStarHalfAlt} />Intéressé(e)</div>
                <div className={styles.job__info}>
                  <div className={styles.job__info_company}>
                  <div className={styles.job__info_title}>
                  <div className={styles.job__info_description}>
                  <div className={styles.job__info_details}>
                    {location && (
                      <span className={styles.details__item}>
                        <FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faMapMarkerAlt} /> {location}
                    <span className={styles.details__item}>
                    <FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faIndustry} />
                    <span className={styles.details__item}>
                      <FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faFileAlt} />
                  <div className={styles.more}>
                    <div className={styles.more__content}>
                      Voir l'offre
                  <div className={styles.date}>
                    {moment(job?.created_at).locale('fr').format('DD MMMM YYYY')}
Example #5
Source File: jobDetails.js    From open-jobboard with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
JobDetails = (props) => {
    const [firstLoad, setFirstLoad] = useState(true);
    const [job, setJob] = useState(null);
    useEffect(() => {
        props.fetchJob({jobKey: props.jobKey})

    useEffect(() => {
        if(props.job.s) {
        return () => {
    }, [props.job])
    useEffect(() => {
        if(!firstLoad) {
            if(props.profile?.s && props.profile?.put) {
                    title: "Merci d’avoir déposé votre candidature!",
                    text: "L’un de nos consultants va l’étudier et reviendra vers vous.",
                    icon: "success",
            if(props.profile?.f && props.profile?.put) {
                    type: 'error',
                    title: 'Oops...',
                    text: 'Un problème est survenu, veuillez essayer plus tard',
        return () => {
    const jobData = job?.payload || null
    let taggy = ""
    if(props.documentParsing.s) {
        const text = props.documentParsing.payload.text
        const documentParsing = props.documentParsing.payload.ents.filter(item => item.label !== 'JobTitle')
        const spans = documentParsing.map(ent => {
            switch (ent.label) {
                case "FirstName": 
                    return { type: "prénom", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "LastName": 
                    return { type: "nom", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Date": 
                    return { type: "date", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Duration": 
                    return { type: "durée", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Location": 
                    return { type: "localisation", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Company": 
                    return { type: "entreprise", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                // case "JobTitle": 
                //     return { type: "poste", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Task": 
                    return { type: "tâche", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "School": 
                    return { type: "école", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "EduTitle": 
                    return { type: "formation", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Course": 
                    return { type: "cours", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "HardSkill": 
                    return { type: "savoir-faire", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "SoftSkill": 
                    return { type: "savoir-être", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Certification": 
                    return { type: "certification", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Language": 
                    return { type: "langue", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Interest": 
                    return { type: "interêt", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Email": 
                    return { type: "email", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "Phone": 
                    return { type: "téléphone", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                case "URL": 
                    return { type: "site-web", start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
                    return { type: ent.label.toLowerCase(), start: ent.start, end: ent.end }
        const ents = [
            { type: 'prénom', color: {h: 303, s: 98.1, l: 42.2, a: 1}},
            { type: 'nom', color: {h: 191, s: 95, l: 23, a: 1}},
            { type: 'date', color: {h: 229, s: 51.9, l: 54.3, a: 1}},
            { type: 'durée', color: {h: 321, s: 70.9, l: 67.6, a: 1}},
            { type: 'localisation', color: {h: 94, s: 48.6, l: 50.4, a: 1}},
            { type: 'entreprise', color: {h: 71, s: 59.5, l: 51.6, a: 1}},
            // { type: 'poste', color: {h: 52, s: 62.5, l: 43.9, a: 1}},
            { type: 'tâche', color: {h: 80, s: 75.5, l: 53.1, a: 1}},
            { type: 'école', color: {h: 282, s: 98.6, l: 71, a: 1}},
            { type: 'formation', color: {h: 291, s: 98.9, l: 36.1, a: 1}},
            { type: 'cours', color: {h: 274, s: 64.9, l: 19, a: 1}},
            { type: 'savoir-faire', color: {h: 203, s: 79.9, l: 61, a: 1}},
            { type: 'savoir-être', color: {h: 200, s: 6, l: 80.4, a: 1}},
            { type: 'certification', color: {h: 285, s: 55.7, l: 53.9, a: 1}},
            { type: 'langue', color: {h: 168, s: 82, l: 52.2, a: 1}},
            { type: 'interêt', color: {h: 272, s: 32.7, l: 43.7, a: 1}},
            { type: 'email', color: {h: 351, s: 70.3, l: 61.8, a: 1}},
            { type: 'téléphone', color:  {h: 90, s: 23.7, l: 53.7, a: 1}},
            { type: 'site-web', color: {h: 204, s: 93.9, l: 44.9, a: 1}}

        taggy = (<Taggy text={text} spans={spans} ents={ents} />)


    if(jobData) {
        const name = jobData?.name;
        const descriptionContent = jobData?.sections?.filter(section => section.title === 'description')?.[0]?.description || ''
        const profileContent = jobData?.sections?.filter(section => section.title === 'profile')?.[0]?.description || ''
        const location = jobData?.location?.text || ''
        const company = jobData?.tags?.filter(tag => tag.name === 'company')?.[0]?.value || ''
        const category = jobData?.tags?.filter(tag => tag.name === 'category')?.[0]?.value || ''
        const contract = jobData?.tags?.filter(tag => tag.name === 'type')?.[0]?.value || ''
        // const activity = jobData?.tags?.filter(tag => tag.name === 'field_of_activity')?.[0]?.value || ''

        const creationDate =  moment(jobData?.created_at).format('DD MMM YYYY')
        const profileJobTag = { name: 'application_board_job_key', value: `${process.env.SOURCE_KEY}-${jobData.key}` }
        return (
                <div className="col-20 col-offer sticky col-33">
                    {/* <Link to="/jobs" className="button button--light large">
                        <FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faArrowLeft} /> Retour aux offres
                    </Link> */}
                    <div className="card jobDetails">
                        <div className="tags search-box">
                            {props.score && (
                                <div className="score-wrapper">
                            {company && (
                                <div className="job-tag">
                                    <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faBriefcase} /></div>{company}
                            <h3 style={{marginBottom: '1rem'}}>Le poste</h3>
                            {contract && (
                                <div className="job-tag">
                                    <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faFileAlt} /></div>{contract}
                            {category && (
                                <div className="job-tag">
                                    <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faIndustry} /></div>{category}
                            {creationDate && (
                                <div className="job-tag">
                                    <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faCalendar} /></div>{creationDate}

                            {location && (
                                <div className="job-tag">
                                    <div className="icon-fixed-width"><FontAwesomeIcon className="icon-left" icon={faMapMarkerAlt} /></div>{location}
                        <div className="details__drop">
                            {props.file?.fileName ? (
                                <div className="apply">
                                    {props.profile?.payload?.tags?.filter(tag => JSON.stringify(tag) === JSON.stringify(profileJobTag)).length > 0 ? (
                                        <h3 className="text-center">Vous avez candidaté à cette offre.</h3>
                                            className="button button-large drop-button"
                                            onClick={() => props.putProfile({profile: props.profile.payload, jobKey: jobData.key})}
                                            {props.profile?.r ? <span className="loader"></span> : 'POSTULER'}
                   {props.documentRevealing.s && (
                         <Revealing revealing={props.documentRevealing} />
                <div className="col-60 col-67">
                    {props.documentParsing.s && (
                        <div className="jobs details">
                            <h3>Description du poste</h3>
                            <div className="details__description">
                                twitterHandle: 'hrflowai',
                                config: {
                                    url: `https://demo.cvbox.com/?job_key=${jobData.key}&board_key=49348f504e997c501e45a3634dce5a865370ff90`,
                                    title: name,
                    {props.documentParsing.r && (
                        <div className="loader" style={{margin: 'auto'}}></div>
                <div className="col-20 col-33 col-offer">
                    {props.jobs?.payload?.jobs?.length ? (
                            <h3>{props.file?.fileName ? 'Offres recommandées' : 'Autres offres'}</h3>
                            <RelatedJobs jobs={props.jobs.payload.jobs.filter(job => job.key !== jobData.key).splice(0, 3)} />

    if(props.job.f) {
        return (
            <div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', width: '100%'}}>
                <ErrorMessage message="Aucun résultat trouvé" />

    return (
            <div className="loader" style={{margin: 'auto'}}></div>
