@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faLightbulb JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: ImageCard.js From Rover-Mission-Control with MIT License | 6 votes |
render() {
let icon;
if (this.state.flashOn === true) {
icon = (<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faLightbulb} style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: '1em'}} />);
} else {
icon = (<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faLightbulb} style={{ color: 'black', fontSize: '1em'}} />);
return (
<Grid style={ styles.container }>
<ButtonGroup >
<Button style={styles.button} bsSize="small" bsStyle="success" onClick={this.startStream}>Start</Button>
<Button style={styles.button} bsSize="small" bsStyle="danger" onClick={this.stopStream}>Stop</Button>
<Button style={styles.button} bsSize="small" bsStyle="primary" onClick={this.captureStill}>Screenshot</Button>
<Button style={{...styles.button, ...{ paddingLeft: 10, paddingRight: 10}}} bsSize="small" bsStyle="danger" onClick={this.toggleLed}>{icon}</Button>
<img style = {styles.image} src={this.state.imgSrc} alt="" />
Example #2
Source File: Utility.jsx From monopoly with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
render() {
const utility = this.props.utility || gameService.getUtility(this.props.position, this.props.game);
const opened = this.state.opened;
let canSend = false;
let owner = false;
if (opened) {
const permissions = gameService.allowedToSendDeed(utility, this.props.game);
canSend = permissions.canSend;
owner = permissions.owner;
const mortgageClass = utility.mortgaged ? " mortgaged":"";
return (
<div className={"utility grid-area-"+this.props.position+" board-card " + this.props.boardPos + " " + (opened ? "opened" : "")+mortgageClass}
onClick={() => this.setState({opened: true})}>
{opened && <a className="close" onClick={(e) => {
this.setState({opened: false});
}}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faTimesCircle}/></a>}
<div className="title">{utility.title}</div>
<div className="icon body">
{utility.type === 'water' && <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faFaucet}/>}
{utility.type === 'electricity' && <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faLightbulb}/>}
{opened && <div className="body">
<Mortgage property={utility} isOwner={owner} game={this.props.game} type="utilities"/>
Owned by: {gameService.getPlayerFromId(utility.owner).name}
{opened && canSend && <div className='send-street'>
Send to:
<select value={this.state.sendTo} onChange={(e) => this.setState({sendTo: e.target.value})}>
<option value="">Select</option>
{this.props.game.players.map(p => <option key={p.id} value={p.id}>{p.name}</option>)}
<button onClick={this.sendUtility}>Send !</button>
<div className="price">${utility.price}</div>
Example #3
Source File: VideoEditor.js From Reactive with MIT License | 4 votes |
// https://fontawesome.com/v5/docs/web/use-with/react
function VideoEditor() {
//Boolean state handling whether upload has occured or not
const [isUpload, setIsUpload] = useState(true)
//State handling storing of the video
const [videoUrl, setVideoUrl] = useState('')
const [videoBlob, setVideoBlob] = useState('')
//Boolean state handling whether light or dark mode has been chosen
const [isDarkMode, setIsDarkMode] = useState(false)
//Stateful array handling storage of the start and end times of videos
const [timings, setTimings] = useState([])
//Lifecycle handling light and dark themes
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener('drop', function(e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [])
//Function handling file input as well as file drop library and rendering of those elements
const renderUploader = () => {
return (
<div className={'wrapper'}>
onChange={(e) => uploadFile(e.target.files)}
onDrop={(e) => uploadFile(e)}
onTargetClick={() => document.getElementById('up_file').click()}
Click or drop your video here to edit!
//Function handling rendering the Editor component and passing props to that child component
const renderEditor = () => {
return (
// videoUrl --> URL of uploaded video
//Function handling the light and dark themes logic
const toggleThemes = () => {
if(isDarkMode) {
document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#1f242a'
document.body.style.color = '#fff'
document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'
document.body.style.color = '#1f242a'
//Function handling the file upload file logic
const uploadFile = async (fileInput) => {
let fileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(fileInput[0])
return (
{/* Boolean to handle whether to render the file uploader or the video editor */}
{isUpload ? renderUploader() : renderEditor()}
<div className={'theme_toggler'} onClick={toggleThemes}>
{isDarkMode ?
(<i className='toggle' aria-hidden='true'>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faLightbulb} /></i>)
<i className='toggle'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faMoon} /></i>}