@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons APIs
- faTimes
- faSearch
- faPlus
- faBars
- faCheck
- faEnvelope
- fas
- faTrash
- faArrowLeft
- faEdit
- faChevronDown
- faCheckCircle
- faHeart
- faExternalLinkAlt
- faHome
- faSpinner
- faArrowRight
- faEye
- faSignOutAlt
- faUsers
- faTrashAlt
- faTimesCircle
- faMapMarkerAlt
- faUser
- faChevronRight
- faAngleRight
- faCopy
- faExclamationTriangle
- faDownload
- faCog
- faAngleDown
- faUpload
- faLink
- faShoppingCart
- faCogs
- faInfoCircle
- faQuestionCircle
- faMoon
- faStar
- faGlobe
- faUserPlus
- faAngleUp
- faArrowDown
- faPhone
- faPlay
- faPencilAlt
- faCode
- faCalendar
- faSyncAlt
- faArrowUp
- faAngleLeft
- faEllipsisV
- faEyeSlash
- faChevronLeft
- faFile
- faChevronUp
- faClock
- faSun
- faCalendarAlt
- faSync
- faPaperPlane
- faQuestion
- faDollarSign
- faSignInAlt
- faList
- faFilter
- faComment
- faLock
- faUserCircle
- faShoppingBag
- faBell
- faFileAlt
- faBullhorn
- faMinus
- faPaperclip
- faCaretDown
- faHandHoldingUsd
- faHandshake
- faThumbsUp
- faChartPie
- faCodeBranch
- faTh
- faFolder
- faLaptop
- faTag
- faBook
- faCircleNotch
- faWrench
- faHistory
- faBan
- faExclamationCircle
- faPen
- faPause
- faMinusCircle
- faAlignLeft
- faAngleDoubleLeft
- faAngleDoubleRight
- faCalendarDay
- faLaptopCode
- faFire
- faPalette
- faMailBulk
- faRedoAlt
- faSave
- faEraser
- faBriefcase
- faFolderOpen
- faCompass
- faLightbulb
- faBox
- faVideo
- faLocationArrow
- faChartBar
- faExchangeAlt
- faTable
- faTachometerAlt
- faImages
- faShare
- faShareAlt
- faPlusSquare
- faShareSquare
- faVolumeMute
- faVolumeUp
- faFolderPlus
- faImage
- faCalculator
- faDatabase
- faRandom
- faMapPin
- faMapMarker
- faTabletAlt
- faUserFriends
- faAward
- faCalendarCheck
- faCoffee
- faGreaterThan
- faArrowCircleRight
- faFlask
- faStarHalfAlt
- faCompressAlt
- faExpandAlt
- faSortUp
- faSortDown
- faEllipsisH
- faMobileAlt
- faCross
- faShoppingBasket
- faCommentDots
- faBuilding
- faSearchDollar
- faMoneyCheck
- faExclamation
- faCloudDownloadAlt
- faChartLine
- faBookmark
- faMap
- faInbox
- faUnlink
- faUndo
- faPlusCircle
- faPlug
- faTools
- faClipboard
- faThLarge
- faComments
- faRedo
- faAddressBook
- faArrowsAlt
- faMicrochip
- faCubes
- faIdBadge
- faChartArea
- faBolt
- faMedal
- faTrophy
- faUserEdit
- faChalkboardTeacher
- faGraduationCap
- faUserGraduate
- faPercent
- faHandPointer
- faUndoAlt
- faFillDrip
- faFileUpload
- faVirus
- faGlobeAmericas
- faCalendarWeek
- faCalendarTimes
- faPhoneAlt
- faFilePdf
- faClipboardList
- faEnvelopeSquare
- faLessThan
- faGripLinesVertical
- faStepBackward
- faStepForward
- faCamera
- faBellSlash
- faArrowCircleDown
- faHeadSideCough
- faIndustry
- faLongArrowAltRight
- faDrawPolygon
- faMicrophone
- faMicrophoneSlash
- faWindowMinimize
- faWindowMaximize
- faCircle
- faVideoSlash
- faFileDownload
- faCheckSquare
- faServer
- faEquals
- faCreditCard
- faCartPlus
- faSearchPlus
- faPlaneDeparture
- faLanguage
- faInfo
- faRss
- faSnowflake
- faFan
- faThumbsDown
- faStop
- faGamepad
- faArrowAltCircleLeft
- faArrowAltCircleRight
- faAtom
- faCaretSquareLeft
- faCaretSquareRight
- faUserSlash
- faMoneyBill
- faCloudMoon
- faCar
- faHandPaper
- faMoneyBillWaveAlt
- faBorderAll
- faHotel
- faHatCowboySide
- faDog
- faCat
- faShip
- faFrog
- faTrain
- faFaucet
- faArrowAltCircleUp
- faStream
- faArrowsAltV
- faExternalLinkSquareAlt
- faLockOpen
- faClipboardCheck
- faFileSignature
- faMagnet
- faPencilRuler
- faRulerCombined
- faMusic
- faCommentAlt
- faFilm
- faCut
- faChevronCircleDown
- faRssSquare
- faTree
- faPrint
- faStamp
- faEllipsis
- faRefresh
- faForward
- faAdjust
- faScroll
- faRobot
- faCaretRight
- faFileImport
- faSatelliteDish
- faSlidersH
- faHourglassHalf
- faAsterisk
- faBlog
- faSignal
- faRoad
- faSuperscript
- faTags
- faFlagUsa
- faGlobeEurope
- faDesktop
- faArrowCircleLeft
- faPoll
- faFileInvoice
- faMagic
- faAt
- faNetworkWired
- faBookReader
- faDonate
- faInfinity
- faUserNinja
OtherRelated APIs
@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faMedal JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ParticipationRace.js From ponce-tournois-mario-kart with MIT License | 5 votes |
![]() ![]() |
function ParticipationRace({ race, canManage, nbRace }) {
const [showForm, setShowForm] = useState(false);
const openForm = () => {
if (!showForm && canManage) setShowForm(true);
const closeForm = () => {
return (
<Col xs={12} onClick={openForm}>
className={`participation__race ${
!showForm && canManage ? 'participation__addRace' : ''
<Row align="center">
{showForm ? (
<EditRaceForm closeForm={closeForm} race={race} />
) : (
{race.disconnected && (
<div className="participation__disconnectedRace">
<NoWifiIcon />
<Col xs={2}>{nbRace}</Col>
<Col xs={2}>
{race.position <= 3 ? (
) : (
<Col xs={2}>{race.nbPoints}</Col>
<Col xs={6}>{race.Track.name}</Col>