@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons APIs
- faTimes
- faSearch
- faPlus
- faBars
- faCheck
- faEnvelope
- fas
- faTrash
- faArrowLeft
- faEdit
- faChevronDown
- faCheckCircle
- faHeart
- faExternalLinkAlt
- faHome
- faSpinner
- faArrowRight
- faEye
- faSignOutAlt
- faUsers
- faTrashAlt
- faTimesCircle
- faMapMarkerAlt
- faUser
- faChevronRight
- faAngleRight
- faCopy
- faExclamationTriangle
- faDownload
- faCog
- faAngleDown
- faUpload
- faLink
- faShoppingCart
- faCogs
- faInfoCircle
- faQuestionCircle
- faMoon
- faStar
- faGlobe
- faUserPlus
- faAngleUp
- faArrowDown
- faPhone
- faPlay
- faPencilAlt
- faCode
- faCalendar
- faSyncAlt
- faArrowUp
- faAngleLeft
- faEllipsisV
- faEyeSlash
- faChevronLeft
- faFile
- faChevronUp
- faClock
- faSun
- faCalendarAlt
- faSync
- faPaperPlane
- faQuestion
- faDollarSign
- faSignInAlt
- faList
- faFilter
- faComment
- faLock
- faUserCircle
- faShoppingBag
- faBell
- faFileAlt
- faBullhorn
- faMinus
- faPaperclip
- faCaretDown
- faHandHoldingUsd
- faHandshake
- faThumbsUp
- faChartPie
- faCodeBranch
- faTh
- faFolder
- faLaptop
- faTag
- faBook
- faCircleNotch
- faWrench
- faHistory
- faBan
- faExclamationCircle
- faPen
- faPause
- faMinusCircle
- faAlignLeft
- faAngleDoubleLeft
- faAngleDoubleRight
- faCalendarDay
- faLaptopCode
- faFire
- faPalette
- faMailBulk
- faRedoAlt
- faSave
- faEraser
- faBriefcase
- faFolderOpen
- faCompass
- faLightbulb
- faBox
- faVideo
- faLocationArrow
- faChartBar
- faExchangeAlt
- faTable
- faTachometerAlt
- faImages
- faShare
- faShareAlt
- faPlusSquare
- faShareSquare
- faVolumeMute
- faVolumeUp
- faFolderPlus
- faImage
- faCalculator
- faDatabase
- faRandom
- faMapPin
- faMapMarker
- faTabletAlt
- faUserFriends
- faAward
- faCalendarCheck
- faCoffee
- faGreaterThan
- faArrowCircleRight
- faFlask
- faStarHalfAlt
- faCompressAlt
- faExpandAlt
- faSortUp
- faSortDown
- faEllipsisH
- faMobileAlt
- faCross
- faShoppingBasket
- faCommentDots
- faBuilding
- faSearchDollar
- faMoneyCheck
- faExclamation
- faCloudDownloadAlt
- faChartLine
- faBookmark
- faMap
- faInbox
- faUnlink
- faUndo
- faPlusCircle
- faPlug
- faTools
- faClipboard
- faThLarge
- faComments
- faRedo
- faAddressBook
- faArrowsAlt
- faMicrochip
- faCubes
- faIdBadge
- faChartArea
- faBolt
- faMedal
- faTrophy
- faUserEdit
- faChalkboardTeacher
- faGraduationCap
- faUserGraduate
- faPercent
- faHandPointer
- faUndoAlt
- faFillDrip
- faFileUpload
- faVirus
- faGlobeAmericas
- faCalendarWeek
- faCalendarTimes
- faPhoneAlt
- faFilePdf
- faClipboardList
- faEnvelopeSquare
- faLessThan
- faGripLinesVertical
- faStepBackward
- faStepForward
- faCamera
- faBellSlash
- faArrowCircleDown
- faHeadSideCough
- faIndustry
- faLongArrowAltRight
- faDrawPolygon
- faMicrophone
- faMicrophoneSlash
- faWindowMinimize
- faWindowMaximize
- faCircle
- faVideoSlash
- faFileDownload
- faCheckSquare
- faServer
- faEquals
- faCreditCard
- faCartPlus
- faSearchPlus
- faPlaneDeparture
- faLanguage
- faInfo
- faRss
- faSnowflake
- faFan
- faThumbsDown
- faStop
- faGamepad
- faArrowAltCircleLeft
- faArrowAltCircleRight
- faAtom
- faCaretSquareLeft
- faCaretSquareRight
- faUserSlash
- faMoneyBill
- faCloudMoon
- faCar
- faHandPaper
- faMoneyBillWaveAlt
- faBorderAll
- faHotel
- faHatCowboySide
- faDog
- faCat
- faShip
- faFrog
- faTrain
- faFaucet
- faArrowAltCircleUp
- faStream
- faArrowsAltV
- faExternalLinkSquareAlt
- faLockOpen
- faClipboardCheck
- faFileSignature
- faMagnet
- faPencilRuler
- faRulerCombined
- faMusic
- faCommentAlt
- faFilm
- faCut
- faChevronCircleDown
- faRssSquare
- faTree
- faPrint
- faStamp
- faEllipsis
- faRefresh
- faForward
- faAdjust
- faScroll
- faRobot
- faCaretRight
- faFileImport
- faSatelliteDish
- faSlidersH
- faHourglassHalf
- faAsterisk
- faBlog
- faSignal
- faRoad
- faSuperscript
- faTags
- faFlagUsa
- faGlobeEurope
- faDesktop
- faArrowCircleLeft
- faPoll
- faFileInvoice
- faMagic
- faAt
- faNetworkWired
- faBookReader
- faDonate
- faInfinity
- faUserNinja
OtherRelated APIs
- react#useState
- react#useEffect
- react#Component
- @fortawesome/react-fontawesome#FontAwesomeIcon
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faCheckCircle
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faPlus
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faTrash
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faPencilAlt
- react-bootstrap#Card
- react-bootstrap#Table
- reactstrap#NavbarBrand
- reactstrap#Nav
- reactstrap#Collapse
- reactstrap#Form
- reactstrap#Label
- reactstrap#FormGroup
- reactstrap#Modal
- reactstrap#ModalBody
- reactstrap#ModalHeader
- reactstrap#NavbarToggler
- reactstrap#Jumbotron
@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faMinusCircle JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Alert.jsx From frontend-app-support-tools with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
function getAlertIcon(type) {
if (type === 'error') {
return faExclamationTriangle;
if (type === 'danger') {
return faMinusCircle;
if (type === 'success') {
return faCheckCircle;
return faInfoCircle;
Example #2
Source File: Pods.jsx From ThermaKube with MIT License | 4 votes |
Pods = ({ data }) => {
// console.log('pods data', data);
// console.log('props', props);
// using hooks to set state
const [table, setTable] = useState([]); //pod data in table
let children = [];
data[0].children.map(child => children.push(...child.children));
// console.log('children', children);
useEffect(() => {
const podList = children.map((p, i) => {
// check status - if "Running" then render green check circle
if (p.status === 'Running') {
return (
<tbody key={`tbody${i}`}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCheckCircle} color='#00df00' />
} else {
// if not "Running", invoke the addAlert func to add to database and render red circle
return (
<tbody key={`tbody${i}`}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faMinusCircle} color='orange' />
// use Effect will trigger every time data is changed
}, data);
// function that adds a new Alert - gets called in ^useEffect when pod status is not "Running"
const addAlert = async p => {
const token = Cookies.get('token');
const header = {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer' + token,
// console.log('header', header);
const postAlert = await axios.post(
name: p.name,
namespace: p.namespace,
status: p.status,
podIP: p.podIP,
time: Date(Date.now()).toString(),
return (
<div className='podContainer'>
<h4 className='podsTitle'>Pods List</h4>
<Table striped bordered hover>
<th>Pod Name</th>
<th>Pod IP</th>
<th>Created At</th>
Example #3
Source File: Alerts_Container.jsx From ThermaKube with MIT License | 4 votes |
Alerts = () => {
let [alerts, setAlerts] = useState([]);
const [table, setTable] = useState([]); //alert data in table
let [subHeader, setSubHeader] = useState('');
// useEffect = Hook version of componentDidMount
useEffect(() => {
// console.log('cookies', Cookies.get('token'));
const token = Cookies.get('token');
const header = {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer' + token,
const fetchPods = async () => {
// axios request to server side
const result = await axios.get('/api/alerts', header);
if (result.data) {
alerts = []; //empty the alerts before updating with fetched data
} else {
alerts = [[]];
// console.log('alerts', alerts);
let alertList;
if (!alerts[0][0]) {
setSubHeader('(No alerts currently detected)');
alertList = [];
<tbody key={'alertRow'}>
// console.log(alertList);
} else {
// console.log('alerts found!');
alertList = alerts[0].map((p, i) => {
return (
<tbody key={`tbody${i}`}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faMinusCircle} color='orange' />
//update every 5 seconds
const fetchOnLoad = () => {
if (!alerts[0]) {
// console.log('First fetch called');
// setInterval(() => {
// console.log('setInterval called');
// fetchPods();
// }, 5000);
}, []);
return (
<div className='alertsContainer'>
{table[0] && (
<h4 className='alertsTitle'>Alerts {subHeader}</h4>
<Table striped bordered hover>
<th>Pod Name</th>
<th>Pod IP</th>