@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faQuestion JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faQuestion. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ui.js    From duolingo-solution-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// Register the FontAwesome icons.
Example #2
Source File: Icon.js    From mailmask with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
  bars: faBars,
  'check-circle': faCheckCircle,
  'chevron-down': faChevronDown,
  'chevron-right': faChevronRight,
  'exchange-alt': faExchangeAlt,
  exclamation: faExclamation,
  'exclamation-triangle': faExclamationTriangle,
  info: faInfo,
  moon: faMoon,
  question: faQuestion,
  rss: faRss,
  'sign-in-alt': faSignInAlt,
  sun: faSun,
  snowflake: faSnowflake,
  star: faStar,
  'times-circle': faTimesCircle,
  user: faUser,
Example #3
Source File: Sidebar.jsx    From MyHome-Web with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getLinks() {
    return [
        link: '/',
        icon: faHome,
        text: 'Home',
        link: '/notifications',
        icon: faBell,
        text: 'Notifications',
        link: '/bookamenity',
        icon: faCalendar,
        text: 'Book Amenity',
        link: '/payments',
        icon: faMoneyBill,
        text: 'Payments',
        link: '/settings',
        icon: faCogs,
        text: 'Settings',
        normal: true,
        link: 'https://example.org',
        icon: faQuestion,
        text: 'Help',
        normal: true,
        icon: faComment,
        link: 'https://github.com/',
        text: 'Feedback',
Example #4
Source File: Board.jsx    From monopoly with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
render() {
        if (this.props.game) {
            const game = this.props.game;
            const players = this.props.game.players.filter(p => p.id !== 1);
            return (<div className="board-container">
                {players.map(p => {
                        const x = dragging && p.id === draggedPlayer ? dragging.style.top : p.x + 'px';
                        const y = dragging && p.id === draggedPlayer ? dragging.style.left : p.y + 'px';
                        return <div key={p.id} className="board-token"
                                    onMouseDown={(e) => this.dragStart(e, p)}
                                    style={{top: x, left: y}}>
                            <Token selected={p.id === gameService.currentPlayer} token={p.token}/>
                <div className="dice-set" onClick={this.rollDice}>
                    <Dice diceValue={this.props.game.dice[0]} rolling={this.props.game.rollingDice}/>
                    <Dice diceValue={this.props.game.dice[1]} rolling={this.props.game.rollingDice}/>
                <div className="community-stack card-stack" onClick={() => gameService.drawCard('community')}>
                    <span>Community Chest</span>
                    <div className="icon">
                        <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faInbox}/>
                <div className="chance-stack card-stack" onClick={() => gameService.drawCard('chance')}>
                    <div className="icon">
                        <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faQuestion}/>
                <div className="board">
                    <Street position="1" boardPos="bottom" game={game}/>
                    <Community position="2" boardPos="bottom"/>
                    <Street position="3" boardPos="bottom" game={game}/>
                    <IncomeTax position="4" boardPos="bottom"/>
                    <TrainStation position="5" boardPos="bottom" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="6" boardPos="bottom" game={game}/>
                    <Chance position="7" boardPos="bottom"/>
                    <Street position="8" boardPos="bottom" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="9" boardPos="bottom" game={game}/>
                    <Jail boardPos="bottom"/>
                    <Street position="11" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <Utility position="12" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="13" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="14" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <TrainStation position="15" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="16" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <Community position="17" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="18" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="19" boardPos="left" game={game}/>
                    <FreeParking boardPos="top"/>
                    <Street position="21" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <Chance position="22" boardPos="top"/>
                    <Street position="23" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="24" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <TrainStation position="25" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="26" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="27" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <Utility position="28" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="29" boardPos="top" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="31" boardPos="right" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="32" boardPos="right" game={game}/>
                    <Community position="33" boardPos="right" game={game}/>
                    <Street position="34" boardPos="right" game={game}/>
                    <TrainStation position="35" boardPos="right" game={game}/>
                    <Chance position="36" boardPos="right"/>
                    <Street position="37" boardPos="right" game={game}/>
                    <SuperTax position="38" boardPos="right"/>
                    <Street position="39" boardPos="right" game={game}/>
                    <div style={{gridArea: 'e'}}></div>
        } else {
            return (<div>Waiting for game...</div>);

Example #5
Source File: Chance.jsx    From monopoly with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
render() {
        return (<div className={"chance board-card grid-area-"+this.props.position+" " + this.props.boardPos}>
            <div className="title">Chance</div>
            <div className="icon body">
                <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faQuestion} />