@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons#faShare JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: FilePath.jsx From UniDrive with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
render() {
const {
email, folder, oId, pIndex, updatePath, userId, shareFile, moveWithin,
} = this.props;
const deleteFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.delete);
const renameFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.rename);
const starFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.star);
const findPermissionFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.findPermission);
const findFilePermissionFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.findFilePermission);
const deletePermissionFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.deletePermission);
return (
<span className="file-path">
{' '}
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronRight} />
<ContextMenuTrigger id={folder.id + userId.toString() + oId.toString()}>
<button type="button" className="path-btn" onClick={() => updatePath(userId, oId, pIndex)}>{folder.name}</button>
<ContextMenu className="context-menu" id={folder.id + userId.toString() + oId.toString()}>
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => window.open(folder.webViewLink, 'blank')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faGoogle menu-icon" icon={faGoogleDrive} />
View on Google Drive
<hr className="divider" />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => shareFile(folder.id, window.prompt('Email Address of sharee: '))}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faShare menu-icon" icon={faShare} />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => moveWithin(userId, folder, 'root')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faArrowRight menu-icon" icon={faArrowRight} />
Move to Root
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => renameFunc()}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faPencil menu-icon" icon={faPencilAlt} />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => starFunc()}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faStar menu-icon" icon={faStar} />
{ (folder.starred) ? 'Remove From Starred' : 'Add to Starred' }
<hr className="divider" />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => { if (window.confirm('This item and all its contents will be placed in the trash. Proceed?')) { deleteFunc(findPermissionFunc, findFilePermissionFunc, deletePermissionFunc); } }}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="menu-icon" icon={faTrash} />
Example #2
Source File: File.jsx From UniDrive with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
// export default function File(props) {
render() {
const {
data, email, moveWithin, oId, openFolder, shareFile, userId,
} = this.props;
const {
id, webViewLink, iconLink, name, mimeType, starred,
} = data;
const copyFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.copy);
const deleteFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.delete);
const renameFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.rename);
const starFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.star);
const findPermissionFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.findPermission);
const findFilePermissionFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.findFilePermission);
const deletePermissionFunc = loadAuthParam(email, this.deletePermission);
if (mimeType !== 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder') {
// if file
return (
<ContextMenuTrigger id={id + userId.toString() + oId.toString()}>
<a href={webViewLink} target="blank">
<div className="file-container">
<div className="file-image-container">
<img className="file-img" src={iconLink} alt="File icon" />
<div className="file-name">
<ContextMenu className="context-menu" id={id + userId.toString() + oId.toString()}>
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => window.open(webViewLink, 'blank')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faOpen menu-icon" icon={faFolderOpen} />
<hr className="divider" />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => shareFile(id, window.prompt('Email Address of sharee: '))}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faShare menu-icon" icon={faShare} />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => moveWithin(userId, data, 'root')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faArrowRight menu-icon" icon={faArrowRight} />
Move to Root
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => renameFunc()}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faPencil menu-icon" icon={faPencilAlt} />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => copyFunc()}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faCopy menu-icon" icon={faCopy} />
Make a copy
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => starFunc()}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faStar menu-icon" icon={faStar} />
{ (starred) ? 'Remove From Starred' : 'Add to Starred' }
<hr className="divider" />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => { if (window.confirm('This item will be placed in the trash. Proceed?')) { deleteFunc(findPermissionFunc, findFilePermissionFunc, deletePermissionFunc); } }}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="menu-icon" icon={faTrash} />
// if folder
return (
<ContextMenuTrigger id={id + userId.toString() + oId.toString()}>
<div className="folder-container" onClick={() => openFolder(userId, oId, data)}>
<div className="folder-content-container">
<img className="folder-img" src={iconLink} alt="File icon" />
<p className="folder-name">{name}</p>
<ContextMenu className="context-menu" id={id + userId.toString() + oId.toString()}>
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => window.open(webViewLink, 'blank')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faGoogle menu-icon" icon={faGoogleDrive} />
View on Google Drive
<hr className="divider" />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => shareFile(id, window.prompt('Email Address of sharee: '))}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faShare menu-icon" icon={faShare} />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => moveWithin(userId, data, 'root')}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faArrowRight menu-icon" icon={faArrowRight} />
Move to Root
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => renameFunc(userId, id)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faPencil menu-icon" icon={faPencilAlt} />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => starFunc()}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="faStar menu-icon" icon={faStar} />
{ (starred) ? 'Remove From Starred' : 'Add to Starred' }
<hr className="divider" />
<MenuItem className="menu-item" onClick={() => { if (window.confirm('This item will become unrecoverable. Proceed?')) { deleteFunc(findPermissionFunc, findFilePermissionFunc, deletePermissionFunc); } }}>
<FontAwesomeIcon className="menu-icon" icon={faTrash} />