@material-ui/core APIs
- Typography
- Button
- Grid
- TextField
- IconButton
- Paper
- Card
- MenuItem
- AppBar
- Container
- Toolbar
- makeStyles
- Divider
- ListItem
- Tooltip
- CardContent
- CircularProgress
- Box
- List
- Avatar
- FormControl
- ListItemText
- Dialog
- Select
- DialogContent
- Link
- DialogTitle
- CssBaseline
- FormControlLabel
- InputLabel
- DialogActions
- Checkbox
- TableBody
- Menu
- Table
- TableHead
- TableRow
- Drawer
- TableCell
- createMuiTheme
- Tabs
- Tab
- Hidden
- Switch
- InputAdornment
- ThemeProvider
- CardHeader
- Snackbar
- ListItemIcon
- CardActions
- Chip
- LinearProgress
- Input
- DialogContentText
- Collapse
- useMediaQuery
- CardMedia
- TableContainer
- Badge
- Fab
- withStyles
- ListItemAvatar
- ButtonGroup
- Modal
- CardActionArea
- FormGroup
- Radio
- InputBase
- useTheme
- FormHelperText
- ListSubheader
- RadioGroup
- SvgIcon
- ClickAwayListener
- TablePagination
- Slide
- Fade
- Stepper
- StepLabel
- Popover
- Slider
- Accordion
- AccordionSummary
- colors
- Step
- FormLabel
- AccordionDetails
- ExpansionPanel
- ExpansionPanelSummary
- ExpansionPanelDetails
- Backdrop
- Breadcrumbs
- Icon
- ListItemSecondaryAction
- createTheme
- Zoom
- TableSortLabel
- MuiThemeProvider
- TextareaAutosize
- ButtonBase
- StepContent
- createStyles
- NativeSelect
- Grow
- MenuList
- Popper
- useScrollTrigger
- OutlinedInput
- GridList
- GridListTile
- GridListTileBar
- TableFooter
- BottomNavigation
- BottomNavigationAction
- SnackbarContent
- withWidth
- responsiveFontSizes
- capitalize
- green
- lighten
- MobileStepper
- isWidthUp
- ImageList
- ImageListItem
- ImageListItemBar
- ServerStyleSheets
- SwipeableDrawer
- Stack
- Autocomplete
- Rating
- fade
- withMobileDialog
- RootRef
- createSvgIcon
- ExpansionPanelActions
- styled
- alpha
OtherRelated APIs
@material-ui/core#RootRef JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: CheckoutItem.jsx From resilience-app with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
![]() ![]() |
export default function CheckoutItem({ cost, description, name, onChange, quantity }) {
const classes = useStyles();
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const [width, setWidth] = useState(0);
const ref = useCallback((node) => node && setWidth(node.offsetWidth), []);
const crop = width / CHAR_WIDTH;
const formatedDescription =
description.length > crop ? description.slice(0, crop) + "..." : description;
return (
<Divider />
<ListItem className={classes.listItem}>
{onChange ? (
name: "quantity",
id: "quantity",
{[...Array(MAX_ORDER + 1)].map((e, i) => (
<option value={i} key={i}>
) : (
<Typography className={classes.quantity} variant="h4">
<RootRef rootRef={ref}>
<Box onClick={() => setOpen(!open)} flex={1} display="flex" flexDirection="column">
<Typography variant="h4" color="textPrimary">
{!open && formatedDescription}
<Collapse in={open} timeout={0}>
<Expand open={open} />
<ListItemText className={classes.cost}>
<Typography variant={onChange ? "h4" : "body1"} color="textPrimary">