@material-ui/icons APIs
- ExpandMore
- Delete
- Close
- Visibility
- VisibilityOff
- Check
- Add
- Edit
- Search
- ExpandLess
- Settings
- Person
- Info
- Clear
- ExitToApp
- ArrowDropDown
- Home
- GitHub
- Warning
- ArrowBack
- SearchOutlined
- Done
- LocationOn
- PlayArrow
- Apps
- Brightness4
- Brightness7
- Description
- KeyboardArrowDown
- KeyboardArrowLeft
- KeyboardArrowRight
- MoreVert
- LocationCity
- Map
- Image
- AccountCircle
- InfoOutlined
- Create
- Block
- Replay
- AddCircle
- HomeRounded
- GetApp
- ChevronLeft
- ChevronRight
- CloudDownload
- CheckCircleOutline
- Send
- LockOpen
- Cancel
- NavigateNext
- AccountBox
- DragIndicator
- FavoriteBorderOutlined
- AccessTime
- DoneAll
- CheckCircle
- CropFree
- LockOutlined
- Undo
- Dashboard
- People
- PhotoLibrary
- HomeOutlined
- Group
- ArrowDropUp
- Remove
- ArrowUpward
- Save
- ArrowForward
- AttachFile
- Headset
- SignalCellularAlt
- ArrowForwardIos
- PlayCircleFilled
- AccessAlarm
- Adjust
- BarChart
- CloseRounded
- PlayArrowOutlined
- ImageRounded
- MenuBookRounded
- RefreshRounded
- HourglassEmptyOutlined
- Announcement
- Ballot
- QuestionAnswerOutlined
- CloudUpload
- SkipNext
- ArrowRightAlt
- MoreHoriz
- FileCopy
- MenuBook
- Language
- AlternateEmail
- FolderOpen
- Lock
- Pets
- AddCircleRounded
- ExploreRounded
- WbSunnyRounded
- Brightness2Rounded
- DonutLargeRounded
- AssistantRounded
- AccountCircleRounded
- ExitToAppRounded
- VpnKey
- MailOutline
- Smartphone
- DeleteForever
- LanguageOutlined
- Colorize
- SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet2Bar
- SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet0Bar
- SignalCellular4Bar
- DeleteOutline
- NewReleases
- LocalOffer
- Assessment
- Place
- TrendingDown
- ShoppingCart
- Stop
- RotateLeft
- Menu
- Flag
- Forum
- GroupSharp
- InsertEmoticon
- NotificationsActive
- PhoneIphone
- AllInbox
- Comment
- Photo
- PlaylistAddCheck
- CloudUploadRounded
- ExpandMoreOutlined
- History
- PersonOutlineOutlined
- ArrowForwardIosRounded
- ArrowBackIosRounded
- AssignmentOutlined
- VerticalAlignCenterOutlined
- CalendarTodayOutlined
- Error
- PlaylistPlay
- MusicNoteTwoTone
- Portrait
- ExploreOutlined
- DeleteRounded
- EditRounded
- SaveRounded
- CreateNewFolder
- MeetingRoom
- MenuOpenRounded
- MenuRounded
- DateRange
- CallEnd
- Assignment
- KeyboardBackspace
- BluetoothSearching
- CameraAlt
- PlaylistAdd
- Favorite
- Bluetooth
- OpenInBrowser
- Loop
- FileCopyOutlined
- NavigateBefore
- MergeType
- Dvr
- PersonOutline
- PlayCircleFilledWhiteOutlined
- StoreMallDirectoryOutlined
- SupervisedUserCircleOutlined
- MonetizationOn
- OpenInNew
- ArrowDownward
- AddBox
- FilterList
- FirstPage
- LastPage
- ViewColumn
- Notifications
- DriveEta
- LocalTaxi
- Redo
- AccountTree
- TextFields
- SaveAlt
- ThumbDown
- ThumbUp
- LocalPhone
- VolumeUp
- VolumeDown
- Translate
- AddCircleOutlined
- RemoveCircleOutlined
- Router
- RemoveRedEye
- Chat
- Mood
- Mic
OtherRelated APIs
@material-ui/icons#Facebook JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Developer.jsx From soundly with MIT License | 5 votes |
![]() ![]() |
Developer = () => {
return (
<div className={"Developer"}>
<h3 className={"Developer-head"}>Meet the developer</h3>
<div className="Developer-profile">
<div className="Developer-profileCard">
<img src={AvatarImage} alt="Profile" />
<div className={"Card-details"}>
<h3>Vishal Singh</h3>
<p>Full Stack developer</p>
<p>Competitive Coder</p>
<div className="Developer-profileDetails">
<p>A Computer Science and Engineering Student at Lovely Professional University, Punjab.</p>
<p>Graduating in 2022 and looking for a responsible position to gain practical knowledge</p>
<p>A full-stack web developer and a Competitive coder.</p>
<p>I love designing fully responsive websites.</p>
<p>I have a keen interest in developing projects, whenever I want to learn something new.</p>
<p>And a blogger.</p>
<div className="Card-btn">
<IconButton target={"_blank"} href={"https://www.facebook.com/vishal.kld"} title={"vishal.kld"}>
<Facebook />
<IconButton target={"_blank"} href={"https://twitter.com/Vishal_kld"} title={"Vishal_kld"}>
<Twitter />
<IconButton target={"_blank"} href={"https://www.linkedin.com/in/vishalsingh-/"} title={"vishalsingh-"}>
<LinkedIn />
<IconButton target={"_blank"} href={"https://www.instagram.com/vishalsingh023/"} title={"vishalsingh023"}>
<Instagram />
<IconButton target={"_blank"} href={"https://vishal.thetechnician.in/"} title={"Web Portfolio"}>
<Portrait />