@mui/material/styles#StyledEngineProvider JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @mui/material/styles#StyledEngineProvider. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.js    From karto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
        <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
            <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
Example #2
Source File: index.js    From Django-REST-Framework-React-BoilerPlate with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export default function ThemeProvider({ children }) {
  const themeOptions = useMemo(
    () => ({
      shape: { borderRadius: 8 },

  const theme = createTheme(themeOptions);
  theme.components = componentsOverride(theme);

  return (
    <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
      <MUIThemeProvider theme={theme}>
        <CssBaseline />
Example #3
Source File: index.js    From FSE-Planner with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
    <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
      <ThemeProvider theme={Theme}>
          <App />
Example #4
Source File: index.js    From admin-web with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
//import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
//import { serviceWorkerNewContent } from './actions/common';

// Root function
function main() {
  const loader = async () => {
    return import('./App');

  // Async loading support.
  const LoadableApp = Loadable({
    loading: Loading,
    timeout: 20000,
    delay: 300,

    <Provider store={store}>
      <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
            <LoadableApp />

    onUpdate: () => {
      // A new service worker has been installed. Show update notification.
    onOffline: () => {
      // Service worker reported offline.
      console.info('serviceWorker onOffline'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
Example #5
Source File: App.js    From CRM with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
App = () => {
  const allPages = useRoutes(routes);

  const toasterOptions = {
    style: {
      fontWeight: 500,
      fontFamily: "'Poppins', sans-serif",

    // Global settings:
    disable: false, // accepts following values: 'phone', 'tablet', 'mobile', boolean, expression or function
    startEvent: "DOMContentLoaded", // name of the event dispatched on the document, that AOS should initialize on
    initClassName: "aos-init", // class applied after initialization
    animatedClassName: "aos-animate", // class applied on animation
    useClassNames: false, // if true, will add content of `data-aos` as classes on scroll
    disableMutationObserver: false, // disables automatic mutations' detections (advanced)
    debounceDelay: 50, // the delay on debounce used while resizing window (advanced)
    throttleDelay: 99, // the delay on throttle used while scrolling the page (advanced)

    // Settings that can be overridden on per-element basis, by `data-aos-*` attributes:
    offset: 120, // offset (in px) from the original trigger point
    delay: 0, // values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms
    duration: 400, // values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms
    easing: "ease", // default easing for AOS animations
    once: false, // whether animation should happen only once - while scrolling down
    mirror: false, // whether elements should animate out while scrolling past them
    anchorPlacement: "top-bottom", // defines which position of the element regarding to window should trigger the animation

  return (
      <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
        <ThemeProvider theme={darkTheme}>
          <CssBaseline />
          <Toaster toastOptions={toasterOptions} />
Example #6
Source File: app-wrapper.js    From neutron with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
AppWrapper = ({ children }) => {
  const isFullScreen = useSelector((state) => state.general.isFullScreen);
  const locked = useSelector((state) => window.mode !== 'about' && state.general.locked);
  const shouldUseDarkColors = useSelector((state) => state.general.shouldUseDarkColors);

  const themeObj = {
    typography: {
      fontFamily: '"Roboto",-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif',
      fontSize: 13.5,
    palette: {
      mode: shouldUseDarkColors ? 'dark' : 'light',
      primary: {
        light: blue[300],
        main: blue[600],
        dark: blue[800],
      secondary: {
        light: red[300],
        main: red[500],
        dark: red[700],
      // config taken from MUI V4
      background: shouldUseDarkColors ? {
        paper: '#424242',
        default: '#303030',
      } : {
        paper: '#fff',
        default: '#fafafa',

  if (!shouldUseDarkColors) {
    themeObj.background = {
      primary: grey[200],

  const theme = createTheme(themeObj);

  const showWindowsTitleBar = window.process.platform !== 'darwin' && !isFullScreen && !getStaticGlobal('useSystemTitleBar');

  return (
    <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
      <MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>
        <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns}>
          <CssBaseline />
              height: '100vh',
              width: '100vw',
              overflow: 'hidden',
            {showWindowsTitleBar && <WindowsTitleBar title={window.mode !== 'main' ? document.title : undefined} />}
            <div style={{ height: showWindowsTitleBar ? 'calc(100vh - 32px)' : '100vh' }}>
              {locked ? <AppLock /> : children}