@storybook/addon-knobs#number JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: CounterBadge.stories.js From pollen with MIT License | 6 votes |
Gallery = () => ({
components: { CounterBadge, TypeOverline },
props: {
value: {
default: number('Value', 8),
data() {
return { sizes, variants };
template: `
<div v-for="variant in variants" :key="variant" class="mb-8">
<TypeOverline tag="h1" variant="large" class="mb-2">{{ variant }}</TypeOverline>
<div class="flex">
<div v-for="size in sizes" class="mr-4">
<TypeOverline tag="h2" class="mb-2">{{ size }}</TypeOverline>
<CounterBadge :value="value" :size="size" :variant="variant" />
Example #2
Source File: EmissionsPie.stories.js From project-s0-t2-env with MIT License | 6 votes |
SimpleEmissionsPie = () => {
const transport = number("Transport", 12);
const housing = number("Housing", 16);
const food = number("Good", 3);
const goods = number("Goods", 20);
const services = number("Services", 29);
const total = number("Total", transport + housing + food + goods + services);
const energyShare = { transport, housing, food, goods, services, total };
const data = { energyShare };
return <EmissionsPie data={data} />;
Example #3
Source File: CityWaterAir.stories.js From project-s0-t2-env with MIT License | 6 votes |
HasMissingDataCityWaterAir = () => {
const waterpH = number("WaterPH");
const totalDissolvedSolids = number("TotalDissolvedSolids");
const specificConductance = number("SpecificConductance");
const url = text("URL", "/");
const aqi = number("AQI", 54);
const data = {
return <CityWaterAir data={data} />;
Example #4
Source File: CityWaterAir.stories.js From project-s0-t2-env with MIT License | 6 votes |
HasAllDataCityWaterAir = () => {
const waterpH = number("WaterPH", 6.8);
const totalDissolvedSolids = number("TotalDissolvedSolids", 124);
const specificConductance = number("SpecificConductance", 1030);
const url = text("URL", "/");
const aqi = number("AQI", 60);
const data = {
return <CityWaterAir data={data} />;
Example #5
Source File: progressbar.stories.js From aem with MIT License | 6 votes |
ProgressBar = () => {
return {
content: {
completed: number('completed', 75, {
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
resourceType: 'core/wcm/components/progressbar/v1/progressbar', // todo: derive from path
Example #6
Source File: breadcrumb.stories.js From aem with MIT License | 6 votes |
Breadcrumb = () => {
// this is kind of a hack, since in AEM the breadcrumb is included in the header w/o a backing content
// and/or it is styled with the designer: todo: verify how this is usually done
content.startLevel = number('startLevel', 1, {
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 10,
step: 1,
content.showHidden = boolean('showHidden');
content.hideCurrent = boolean('hideCurrent');
return {
resourceLoaderPath: '/content/en/products/outdoor/hiking',
resourceType: 'core/wcm/components/breadcrumb/v2/breadcrumb', // todo: derive from path
Example #7
Source File: Snackbar.stories.js From blade with MIT License | 6 votes |
storiesOf('Snackbar', module)
component: SnackbarProvider,
.add('default', () => (
<Flex flex={1}>
variant={select('Variant', variantOptions, undefined)}
title={text('Title', 'Snackbar text here')}
maxLines={number('maxLines', undefined)}
label: text('Action Label', 'Retry'),
onClick: () => {},
onClose={() => {}}
autoHide={boolean('autoHide', true)}
bottom: 1,
Example #8
Source File: Text.stories.js From blade with MIT License | 6 votes |
storiesOf('Text', module)
component: Text,
.add('default', () => (
size={select('Size', sizeOptions, 'large')}
weight={select('Weight', weightOptions, 'regular')}
as={select('as', htmlTagOptions, 'div')}
{text('Display Text', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ')}
.add('maxLines', () => (
size={select('Size', sizeOptions, 'large')}
weight={select('Weight', weightOptions, 'regular')}
as={select('as', htmlTagOptions, 'div')}
maxLines={number('maxLines', 3)}
'Display Text',
'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
Example #9
Source File: Producer.stories.js From kafka-java-vertx-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
renderHelper = () => () => {
const count = number('Count', 5);
return (
Example #10
Source File: Consumer.stories.js From kafka-java-vertx-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
renderHelper = () => () => {
const count = number('Count', 30);
return (
Example #11
Source File: Counter.stories.js From kafka-java-vertx-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
renderHelper = (
defaultTitle = 'Test title',
defaultSubtitle = 'Test Subtitle',
defaultCount = 123,
) => () => {
const title = text('Title text', defaultTitle);
const subtitle = text('Subtitle text', defaultSubtitle);
const count = number('Count', defaultCount);
const countLimit = number('Count limit', defaultCountLimit);
const className = text('Custom CSS classname', defaultClassName);
let props = {
return <Component {...props} />;
Example #12
Source File: Message.stories.js From kafka-java-vertx-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
renderHelper = (
defaultIsFirst = false,
defaultIsSelected = false,
defaultMessagePartition = 0,
defaultMessageOffset = 100,
defaultMessageValue = 'Hello World!',
defaultMessageTimestamp = new Date().getTime()
) => () => {
const isFirst = boolean('First message', defaultIsFirst);
const isSelected = boolean('Selected message', defaultIsSelected);
const message = {
topic: 'demo',
message.partition = number('Message partition', defaultMessagePartition);
message.offset = number('Message offset', defaultMessageOffset);
message.value = text('Message value', defaultMessageValue);
message.timestamp = number('Message timestamp', defaultMessageTimestamp);
const className = text('Custom CSS classname', undefined);
const props = {
onInteraction: action('handleClick'),
const errorMessage = text('Error message', defaultErrorMessage);
if (errorMessage) {
props.error = {
message: errorMessage,
return <Component {...props} />;
Example #13
Source File: progress.stories.js From denali-ember with MIT License | 6 votes |
Playground = () => ({
template: hbs`
context: {
value: number('value', 33),
color: select('color', COLORS, COLORS[0], argument),
shade: select('shade', SHADES, '500', argument),
size: select('size', SIZES, SIZES[0], argument),
isLoading: boolean('isLoading', false, argument),
class: text('class', '', attribute),
Example #14
Source File: progress.stories.js From denali-ember with MIT License | 6 votes |
BlockFormPlayground = () => ({
template: hbs`
as |Progress|
<Progress.Bar @color={{color1}} @value={{value1}} @shade={{shade1}} />
<Progress.Bar @color={{color2}} @value={{value2}} @shade={{shade2}} />
<Progress.Bar @color={{color3}} @value={{value3}} @shade={{shade3}} />
context: {
value1: number('value1', 10),
value2: number('value2', 20),
value3: number('value3', 30),
color1: select('color1', COLORS, COLORS[0], argument),
color2: select('color2', COLORS, COLORS[3], argument),
color3: select('color3', COLORS, COLORS[5], argument),
shade1: select('shade1', SHADES, '100', argument),
shade2: select('shade2', SHADES, '200', argument),
shade3: select('shade3', SHADES, '300', argument),
size: select('size', SIZES, SIZES[0], argument),
isLoading: boolean('isLoading', false, argument),
class: text('class', '', attribute),
Example #15
Source File: FancyIcon.stories.js From pollen with MIT License | 6 votes |
Gallery = () => ({
components: { FancyIcon },
props: {
size: {
default: number('Size', 72),
data() {
return {
icons: Object.values(Icons),
template: `
<div class="flex flex-wrap">
<div v-for="icon in icons" :key="icon" class="text-center m-3">
<div :style="{ fontSize: size + 'px' }"><FancyIcon :icon="icon" /></div>
<div class="font-body-small mt-2">{{ icon }}</div>
Example #16
Source File: CountersignIcon.stories.js From pollen with MIT License | 6 votes |
WithKnobs = () => ({
components: { CountersignIcon },
props: {
signed: {
default: boolean('signed', false),
countersigned: {
default: boolean('countersigned', false),
size: {
default: number('size', 24),
template: `
Example #17
Source File: AvatarImage.stories.js From pollen with MIT License | 6 votes |
WithKnobs = () => {
return {
components: { AvatarImage },
props: {
border: {
default: boolean('Border', false),
image: {
default: text('Image', image),
initials: {
default: text('Initials', 'XO'),
name: {
default: text('Name', ''),
size: {
default: number('Size', 40),
square: {
default: boolean('Square', false),
template: `
Example #18
Source File: Heading.stories.js From blade with MIT License | 5 votes |
storiesOf('Heading', module)
component: Heading,
.add('default', () => (
<Space margin={[4, 0, 0, 0]}>
<Heading size="medium">{'Heading (medium)'}</Heading>
<Space margin={[4, 0, 0, 0]}>
<Heading size="large">{'Heading (large)'}</Heading>
<Space margin={[4, 0, 0, 0]}>
<Heading size="xlarge">{'Heading (xlarge)'}</Heading>
<Space margin={[4, 0, 0, 0]}>
<Heading size="xxlarge">{'Heading (xxlarge)'}</Heading>
<Space margin={[4, 0, 0, 0]}>
<Heading size="xxxlarge">{'Heading (xxxlarge)'}</Heading>
.add('with weight', () => (
<Space margin={[4, 0, 0, 0]}>
<Heading size="medium" weight={select('Weight', weightOptions, 'bold')}>
{'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'}
.add('with maxLines', () => (
<Space margin={[4, 0, 0, 0]}>
<Heading size="medium" maxLines={number('maxLines', 1)}>
{text('Text', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.')}
Example #19
Source File: table.stories.js From denali-ember with MIT License | 5 votes |
Playground = () => ({
template: hbs`
as |Table|
<Table.Header as |Head|>
<Head.Row as |Row|>
{{#each (range 1 this.numCols true) as |colNum|}}
<Table.Body as |Body|>
{{#each (range 1 this.numRows true) as |rowNum|}}
<Body.Row as |Row|>
{{#each (range 1 this.numCols true) as |colNum|}}
{{#if (eq colNum 1)}}
<Row.HeaderCell @position={{this.position}}>{{rowNum}}:{{colNum}}</Row.HeaderCell>
<Row.Cell @position={{this.position}}>{{rowNum}}:{{colNum}}</Row.Cell>
<Table.Footer as |Foot|>
<Foot.Row as |Row|>
{{#each (range 1 this.numCols true) as |colNum|}}
{{#if (eq colNum 1)}}
<Row.HeaderCell @position={{this.position}}>F{{colNum}}</Row.HeaderCell>
<Row.Cell @position={{this.position}}>F{{colNum}}</Row.Cell>
context: {
isFrozen: boolean('isFrozen', false, argument),
isStriped: boolean('isStriped', false, argument),
isCards: boolean('isCards', false, argument),
class: text('class', '', attribute),
position: select('position', POSITIONS, POSITIONS[0], argument),
isSorted: boolean('isSorted', false, argument),
sortDirection: select('sortDirection', SORT_DIRECTIONS, SORT_DIRECTIONS[0], argument),
isMono: boolean('isMono', false, argument),
numRows: number('numRows', 5, { min: 1, max: 99 }, example),
numCols: number('numCols', 3, { min: 1, max: 20 }, example),
Example #20
Source File: PaginationNavigation.stories.js From pollen with MIT License | 5 votes |
WithKnobs = () => {
return {
components: { PaginationNavigation },
props: {
flat: {
default: boolean('Flat', false),
maxPages: {
default: number('Max Pages', 6),
pageSize: {
default: number('Page Size', 1),
size: {
default: select('Size', Object.values(Sizes), Sizes.MEDIUM),
totalItems: {
default: number('Total Items', 12),
variant: {
default: select('Variant', Object.values(Variants), Variants.PRIMARY),
data() {
return {
currentPage: 1,
template: `
Example #21
Source File: Carousel.stories.js From react-grid-carousel with MIT License | 5 votes |
CustomProps = () => {
const cols = number('cols', 1, {
min: 1,
max: 10,
step: 1,
range: true
const rows = number('rows', 1, {
min: 1,
max: 5,
step: 1,
range: true
const gap = number('gap (px)', 10, {
min: 0,
max: 20,
step: 1,
range: true
const pages = number('pages', 2, {
min: 1,
max: 5,
step: 1,
range: true
const loop = boolean('loop', false)
const scrollSnap = boolean('scrollSnap', true)
return (
{[...Array(cols * rows * pages)].map((_, i) => (
<Carousel.Item key={i}>
<Item img={randomImageUrl + i} />