@testing-library/dom#getByText JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: unit.spec.js From js-test-basic with MIT License | 6 votes |
it('생성시 counter의 상태에 버튼과 초기값을 렌더링한다.', () => {
createCounter.mockImplementation(() => ({
val: () => 10,
isMin: () => false,
isMax: () => false
expect(getByText(container, '+')).toBeVisible();
expect(getByText(container, '-')).toBeVisible();
expect(getByText(container, '10')).toBeVisible();
Example #2
Source File: unit.spec.js From js-test-basic with MIT License | 6 votes |
it('isMin/isMax 값이 true이면 -/+ 버튼은 disabled 상태가 된다.', () => {
createCounter.mockImplementation(() => ({
val: () => 10,
isMin: () => true,
isMax: () => true
expect(getByText(container, '-')).toBeDisabled();
expect(getByText(container, '+')).toBeDisabled();
Example #3
Source File: unit.spec.js From js-test-basic with MIT License | 6 votes |
it('+ 버튼 클릭시 counter의 inc()를 호출한 후 다시 렌더링한다.', () => {
let value = 10;
const counterInc = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
value = 11;
createCounter.mockImplementation(() => ({
val: () => value,
isMin: () => false,
isMax: () => false,
inc: counterInc
fireEvent.click(getByText(container, '+'));
expect(getByText(container, '11')).toBeVisible();
Example #4
Source File: unit.spec.js From js-test-basic with MIT License | 6 votes |
it('- 버튼 클릭시 counter의 dec()를 호출한 후 다시 렌더링한다.', () => {
let value = 10;
const counterDec = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
value = 9;
createCounter.mockImplementation(() => ({
val: () => value,
isMin: () => false,
isMax: () => false,
dec: counterDec
fireEvent.click(getByText(container, '-'));
expect(getByText(container, '9')).toBeVisible();
Example #5
Source File: LibraryAccessForm.spec.jsx From frontend-app-library-authoring with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
testSuite('<LibraryAccessForm />', () => {
it('Renders an error for the email field', async () => {
const library = libraryFactory();
const props = { library, errorFields: { email: 'Too difficult to remember.' }, ...commonMocks() };
const { container } = await ctxRender(<LibraryAccessFormContainer {...props} />);
expect(getByText(container, /Too difficult/)).toBeTruthy();
it('Submits and adds a new user.', async () => {
const library = libraryFactory();
const props = { library, ...commonMocks() };
const { addUser } = props;
const user = userFactory();
addUser.mockImplementation(() => immediate(user));
const { container } = await ctxRender(<LibraryAccessFormContainer {...props} />);
const emailField = getByLabelText(container, 'Email');
fireEvent.change(emailField, { target: { value: '[email protected]' } });
const submitButton = getByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Submit/ });
await waitFor(() => expect(addUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
libraryId: library.id, data: { email: '[email protected]', access_level: LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ },
it('Closes out', async () => {
const library = libraryFactory();
const props = { library, ...commonMocks() };
const { setShowAdd } = props;
const { container } = await ctxRender(
const button = getByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Cancel/ });
Example #6
Source File: UserAccessContainer.spec.jsx From frontend-app-library-authoring with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
testSuite('<UserAccessWidgetContainer />', () => {
].forEach(([accessLevel, text]) => {
it(`Should render a badge labeled ${text} when the target user's access level is ${accessLevel}.`, async () => {
const [library] = libraryFactoryLine();
// userId doesn't exist on users pulled from the team listings, but it does exist on authenticated users.
const [user, currentUser] = userFactoryLine([{ access_level: accessLevel }, { userId: 3 }]);
const props = {
library, user, multipleAdmins: false, ...commonMocks(),
await ctxRender(
{ context: { authenticatedUser: currentUser } },
const badge = screen.getByText(text);
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, false, false],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, true, true],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.AUTHOR, true, false],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.AUTHOR, false, false],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, true, false],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, false, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, true, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, false, false],
].forEach(async ([isAdmin, accessLevel, multipleAdmins, buttonsShown]) => {
let testName = 'The admin privilege management buttons are ';
if (!buttonsShown) {
testName += 'not ';
testName += 'shown when the viewer is ';
if (!isAdmin) {
testName += 'not ';
testName += `an admin and the subject's access level is ${accessLevel} and there are `;
if (!multipleAdmins) {
testName += 'multiple admins.';
it(testName, async () => {
const [library] = libraryFactoryLine();
const [currentUser, targetUser] = userFactoryLine([{}, { access_level: accessLevel }]);
const props = {
library, user: targetUser, multipleAdmins, isAdmin, ...commonMocks(),
const { container } = await ctxRender(
{ context: { authenticatedUser: currentUser } },
if (buttonsShown) {
const removeButton = getByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Remove Admin/ });
} else {
const buttonList = queryAllByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Remove Admin/ });
if (isAdmin && targetUser.access_level === LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN) {
expect(getByText(container, /Promote another member/)).toBeTruthy();
} else {
expect(queryAllByText(container, /Promote another member/).length).toBe(0);
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, false],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.AUTHOR, false],
].forEach(async ([isAdmin, accessLevel, buttonsShown]) => {
let testName = 'The staff management buttons are ';
if (!buttonsShown) {
testName += 'not ';
testName += 'visible when the viewer is ';
if (!isAdmin) {
testName += 'not ';
testName += `an admin and the subject's current access_level is ${accessLevel}.`;
it(testName, async () => {
const [library] = libraryFactoryLine();
const [currentUser, targetUser] = userFactoryLine([{}, { access_level: accessLevel }]);
const props = {
library, user: targetUser, multipleAdmins: false, isAdmin, ...commonMocks(),
const { container } = await ctxRender(
{ context: { authenticatedUser: currentUser } },
if (buttonsShown) {
const removeButton = getByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Remove Author/ });
const addButton = getByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Add Admin/ });
} else {
const buttonList = queryAllByRole(container, 'button', { name: /(Remove Author|Add Admin)/ });
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, false],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, true],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, false],
].forEach(async ([isAdmin, accessLevel, buttonShown]) => {
let testName = 'The add author privileges button is ';
if (!buttonShown) {
testName += 'not ';
testName += 'visible if the viewer is ';
if (!isAdmin) {
testName += 'not ';
testName += `an admin and the subject's access level is ${accessLevel}.`;
it(testName, async () => {
const [library] = libraryFactoryLine();
const [currentUser, targetUser] = userFactoryLine([{}, { access_level: accessLevel }]);
const props = {
library, user: targetUser, multipleAdmins: false, isAdmin, ...commonMocks(),
const { container } = await ctxRender(
{ context: { authenticatedUser: currentUser } },
const buttonList = queryAllByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Add Author/ });
if (buttonShown) {
} else {
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, false, false],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, true, true],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.AUTHOR, true, true],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.AUTHOR, false, true],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, true, true],
[true, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, false, true],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, true, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.ADMIN, false, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.AUTHOR, true, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.AUTHOR, false, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, true, false],
[false, LIBRARY_ACCESS.READ, false, false],
].forEach(([isAdmin, accessLevel, multipleAdmins, buttonShown]) => {
let testName = 'The button for removing a user is ';
if (buttonShown) {
testName += 'present';
} else {
testName += 'not present';
testName += ' when the viewer is ';
if (!isAdmin) {
testName += 'not ';
testName += 'an admin and there are ';
if (!multipleAdmins) {
testName += ' not ';
testName += 'multiple admins in a library.';
it(testName, async () => {
const [library] = libraryFactoryLine();
const [currentUser, targetUser] = userFactoryLine([{}, { access_level: accessLevel }]);
const props = {
library, user: targetUser, multipleAdmins, isAdmin, ...commonMocks(),
const { container } = await ctxRender(
{ context: { authenticatedUser: currentUser } },
const buttonList = queryAllByRole(container, 'button', { name: /Remove user/ });
if (buttonShown) {
} else {