react-icons/fa#FaRegSmileBeam JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: App.jsx From SimpleInstaBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
App = memo(() => {
const [advancedSettings, setAdvancedSettings] = useState({
maxFollowsPerDay: configStore.get('maxFollowsPerDay'),
maxFollowsPerHour: configStore.get('maxFollowsPerHour'),
maxLikesPerDay: configStore.get('maxLikesPerDay'),
maxLikesPerUser: configStore.get('maxLikesPerUser'),
enableFollowUnfollow: configStore.get('enableFollowUnfollow'),
followUserRatioMin: configStore.get('followUserRatioMin'),
followUserRatioMax: configStore.get('followUserRatioMax'),
followUserMaxFollowers: configStore.get('followUserMaxFollowers'),
followUserMaxFollowing: configStore.get('followUserMaxFollowing'),
followUserMinFollowers: configStore.get('followUserMinFollowers'),
followUserMinFollowing: configStore.get('followUserMinFollowing'),
dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed: configStore.get('dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed'),
runAtHour: configStore.get('runAtHour'),
function setAdvancedSetting(key, value) {
setAdvancedSettings(s => ({ ...s, [key]: value }));
useEffect(() => configStore.set('maxFollowsPerDay', advancedSettings.maxFollowsPerDay), [advancedSettings.maxFollowsPerDay]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('maxFollowsPerHour', advancedSettings.maxFollowsPerHour), [advancedSettings.maxFollowsPerHour]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('maxLikesPerDay', advancedSettings.maxLikesPerDay), [advancedSettings.maxLikesPerDay]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('maxLikesPerUser', advancedSettings.maxLikesPerUser), [advancedSettings.maxLikesPerUser]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('enableFollowUnfollow', advancedSettings.enableFollowUnfollow), [advancedSettings.enableFollowUnfollow]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('followUserRatioMin', advancedSettings.followUserRatioMin), [advancedSettings.followUserRatioMin]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('followUserRatioMax', advancedSettings.followUserRatioMax), [advancedSettings.followUserRatioMax]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('followUserMaxFollowers', advancedSettings.followUserMaxFollowers), [advancedSettings.followUserMaxFollowers]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('followUserMaxFollowing', advancedSettings.followUserMaxFollowing), [advancedSettings.followUserMaxFollowing]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('followUserMinFollowers', advancedSettings.followUserMinFollowers), [advancedSettings.followUserMinFollowers]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('followUserMinFollowing', advancedSettings.followUserMinFollowing), [advancedSettings.followUserMinFollowing]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed', advancedSettings.dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed), [advancedSettings.dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('runAtHour', advancedSettings.runAtHour), [advancedSettings.runAtHour]);
const [haveCookies, setHaveCookies] = useState(false);
const [dryRun, setDryRun] = useState(isDev);
const [running, setRunning] = useState(false);
const [advancedVisible, setAdvancedVisible] = useState(false);
const [logsVisible, setLogsVisible] = useState(false);
const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
const [skipPrivate, setSkipPrivate] = useState(configStore.get('skipPrivate'));
const [usersToFollowFollowersOf, setUsersToFollowFollowersOf] = useState(configStore.get('usersToFollowFollowersOf'));
const [currentUsername, setCurrentUsername] = useState(configStore.get('currentUsername'));
useEffect(() => (currentUsername ? configStore.set('currentUsername', currentUsername) : configStore.delete('currentUsername')), [currentUsername]);
const [instantStart, setInstantStart] = useState(true);
// Testing
// useEffect(() => isDev && setRunning(true), []);
const [shouldPlayAnimations, setSouldPlayAnimations] = useState(true);
const [unfollowUserListDialogShown, setUnfollowUserListDialogShown] = useState(false);
const [followUserListDialogShown, setFollowUserListDialogShown] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (running) {
const t = setTimeout(() => {
}, isDev ? 5000 : 60000);
return () => clearTimeout(t);
return undefined;
}, [running]);
const [logs, setLogs] = useState([]);
const [instautoData, setInstautoData] = useState();
useEffect(() => configStore.set('skipPrivate', skipPrivate), [skipPrivate]);
useEffect(() => configStore.set('usersToFollowFollowersOf', usersToFollowFollowersOf), [usersToFollowFollowersOf]);
const fewUsersToFollowFollowersOf = usersToFollowFollowersOf.length < 5;
async function updateCookiesState() {
setHaveCookies(await checkHaveCookies());
const refreshInstautoData = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
const isLoggedIn = !!(currentUsername && haveCookies);
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
if (!isLoggedIn) return;
await initInstautoDb(currentUsername);
}, [currentUsername, isLoggedIn, refreshInstautoData]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
async function onLogoutClick() {
await deleteCookies();
await updateCookiesState();
async function startInstautoAction(instautoAction) {
if (running) {
const result = await{
title: 'Are you sure?',
text: 'This will terminate the bot and you will lose any log text. Note that the bot will still remember which users it has followed, and will unfollow them in the future.',
icon: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: 'Stop the bot',
cancelButtonText: 'Leave it running',
if (result.value);
if (usersToFollowFollowersOf.length < 1) {
await{ icon: 'error', text: 'Please add at least 1 username to the list!' });
if (!isLoggedIn && (username.length < 1 || password.length < 1)) {
await{ icon: 'error', text: 'Please enter your username and password' });
if (fewUsersToFollowFollowersOf) {
const { value } = await{ icon: 'warning', text: 'We recommended to provide at least 5 users', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Run anyway' });
if (!value) return;
const powerSaveBlockerId = powerSaveBlocker.start('prevent-display-sleep');
function log(level, ...args) {
setLogs((l) => [...l, { time: new Date(), level, args }]);
const logger = {
log: (...args) => log('log', ...args),
error: (...args) => log('error', ...args),
warn: (...args) => log('warn', ...args),
info: (...args) => log('info', ...args),
debug: (...args) => log('debug', ...args),
try {
if (isLoggedIn) {
await initInstautoDb(currentUsername);
} else {
await deleteCookies(); // Maybe they had cookies but not yet any currentUsername (old version)
await initInstautoDb(username);
await initInstauto({
excludeUsers: [],
await instautoAction();
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Failed to run', err);
icon: 'error',
title: 'Failed to run',
html: (
<div style={{ textAlign: 'left' }}>
Try the troubleshooting button. Error:
<div style={{ color: '#aa0000' }}>{err.message}</div>
if (!isDev) await onLogoutClick();
} finally {
async function onStartPress() {
await startInstautoAction(async () => {
await runBotNormalMode({
usernames: cleanupAccounts(usersToFollowFollowersOf),
ageInDays: advancedSettings.dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed,
runAtHour: advancedSettings.runAtHour,
enableFollowUnfollow: advancedSettings.enableFollowUnfollow,
maxLikesPerUser: advancedSettings.maxLikesPerUser,
maxFollowsTotal: advancedSettings.maxFollowsPerDay, // This could be improved in the future
async function onUnfollowNonMutualFollowersPress() {
await startInstautoAction(async () => runBotUnfollowNonMutualFollowers());
async function onUnfollowAllUnknownPress() {
await startInstautoAction(async () => runBotUnfollowAllUnknown());
async function onUnfollowOldFollowedPress() {
await startInstautoAction(async () => runBotUnfollowOldFollowed({ ageInDays: advancedSettings.dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed }));
async function onUnfollowUserList(accounts) {
const accountsCleaned = cleanupAccounts(accounts);
if (accountsCleaned.length === 0) return;
await startInstautoAction(async () => runBotUnfollowUserList({ usersToUnfollow: accountsCleaned }));
async function onFollowUserList(accounts) {
const accountsCleaned = cleanupAccounts(accounts);
if (accountsCleaned.length === 0) return;
await startInstautoAction(async () => runBotFollowUserList({ users: accountsCleaned, skipPrivate }));
async function onRunTestCode() {
await startInstautoAction(async () => runTestCode());
function onTroubleshootingClick() {{
title: 'Troubleshooting',
html: `
<ul style="text-align: left">
<li>Check that all usernames are correct.</li>
<li>Check logs for any error</li>
<li>Try to log out and then log back in</li>
<li>Check that your firewall allows the app (listen to port)</li>
<li>Restart the app</li>
const onDonateClick = () =>'');
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
{running ? (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', maxWidth: 500 }}>
style={{ maxWidth: 150, width: '100%' }}
<div style={{ fontSize: 27, marginBottom: 20 }}>Your bot is running</div>
<p>Leave the app running on your computer and keep it connected to power and prevent it from sleeping and the bot will work for you while you are doing more useful things.</p>
<p>Please don't close/minimize the other window <span role="img" aria-label="Robot">?</span></p>
<div style={{ marginBottom: 20, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<FaRegSmileBeam size={70} style={{ color: '#e9896a', marginRight: 15, cursor: 'pointer' }} role="button" onClick={onDonateClick} />
Is SimpleInstaBot useful to you?<br />
I built this for free for everyone to enjoy.<br />
No ads. No tracking. Just coding ❤️
<div role="button" tabIndex="0" style={{ cursor: 'pointer', color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)', fontWeight: 'bold' }} onClick={onDonateClick}>Please consider supporting my continued work</div>
<LogView fontSize={10} logs={logs} />
) : (
<div style={{ maxWidth: 800 }}>
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
<div style={{ width: '50%', margin: '10px 10px' }}>
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
style={{ width: 150, height: 150 }}
{isLoggedIn ? (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<div style={{ marginBottom: 20 }}>Your bot is logged in and ready to go!</div>
<Button iconBefore="log-out" type="button" intent="danger" onClick={onLogoutClick}>Log out</Button>
) : (
isInvalid={username.length < 1}
onChange={e => setUsername(}
label="Instagram username"
isInvalid={password.length < 4}
onChange={e => setPassword(}
description="We do not store your password"
<div style={{ width: '50%', margin: '0px 10px' }}>
<div style={{ marginBottom: 10, marginTop: 20 }}>
<AccountsList accounts={usersToFollowFollowersOf} setAccounts={setUsersToFollowFollowersOf} hasWarning={fewUsersToFollowFollowersOf} label="List of accounts followers to follow" placeholder="Influencers, celebrities, etc." tooltip={`List of accounts whose followers the bot should follow. Choose accounts with a lot of followers (e.g influencers above 100k). The bot will then visit each of these and follow their most recent followers, in hope that they will follow you back. ${advancedSettings.dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed} days later, it will unfollow them. For best results, choose accounts from a niche market that you want to target.`} />
<div style={{ margin: '20px 0' }}>
label="Follow private accounts?"
onChange={e => setSkipPrivate(!}
<div style={{ margin: '20px 0' }}>
label="Like a few photos after following users?"
checked={advancedSettings.maxLikesPerUser > 0}
onChange={e => setAdvancedSetting('maxLikesPerUser', ? 2 : 0)}
<div style={{ maxWidth: 600, margin: 'auto', color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }}>
When you press the <b>Start</b> button the bot will start immediately, then repeat every day at {advancedSettings.runAtHour}:00 until the app is stopped.<br />
To avoid temporary blocks, please run the bot on the same internet/WiFi as you normally use your Instagram app. <b>Do not use a VPN.</b><br />
<div style={{ margin: '20px 0', textAlign: 'center' }}>
{running ? (
<Button iconBefore="stop" height={40} type="button" intent="danger" onClick={onStartPress}>Stop bot</Button>
) : (
<Tooltip content="Start the bot in the primary mode of operation (follow/unfollow/like etc)">
<Button iconBefore="play" height={40} type="button" intent="success" onClick={onStartPress}>Start bot</Button>
<br />
<Tooltip content={`Special mode of operation: Unfollow all accounts that were followed by bot more than ${advancedSettings.dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed} days ago`}>
<Button height={30} type="button" onClick={onUnfollowOldFollowedPress}>Unfollow only</Button>
<Tooltip content={`Special mode of operation: Unfollow all accounts that are not following you back (except accounts that were followed by bot in the last ${advancedSettings.dontUnfollowUntilDaysElapsed} days)`}>
<Button height={30} type="button" onClick={onUnfollowNonMutualFollowersPress}>Unfollow non-mutual</Button>
<Tooltip content="Special mode of operation: Unfollow all unknown accounts (meaning unfollow all accounts that you are following, except any accounts that have been previously followed by the bot)">
<Button height={30} type="button" onClick={onUnfollowAllUnknownPress}>Unfollow unknown</Button>
<Tooltip content="Special mode of operation: Unfollow a comma separated list of accounts that you specify">
<Button height={30} type="button" onClick={() => setUnfollowUserListDialogShown(true)}>Unfollow list...</Button>
<Tooltip content="Special mode of operation: Follow a comma separated list of accounts that you specify">
<Button height={30} type="button" onClick={() => setFollowUserListDialogShown(true)}>Follow list...</Button>
{isDev && (
<Button height={30} type="button" onClick={() => onRunTestCode()}>Run test code</Button>
<div style={{ margin: '20px 0', textAlign: 'center' }}>
<Button iconBefore="settings" type="button" onClick={() => setAdvancedVisible(true)}>Show advanced settings</Button>
{logs.length > 0 && <Button iconBefore="list" type="button" onClick={() => setLogsVisible(true)}>Logs</Button>}
<Button iconBefore="issue" type="button" onClick={onTroubleshootingClick}>Troubleshooting</Button>
{instautoData && !running && <StatisticsBanner data={instautoData} />}
<div style={{ position: 'fixed', right: 5, bottom: 5, background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<Button appearance="minimal" onClick={() =>'')}>More apps by</Button>
goTo={running ? 50 : undefined}
style={{ width: 50, height: 50, margin: -10 }}
<SideSheet containerProps={{ style: { maxWidth: '100%' } }} isShown={advancedVisible} onCloseComplete={() => setAdvancedVisible(false)}>
<div style={{ margin: 20 }}>
<h3>Advanced settings</h3>
<AdvancedSettings dryRun={dryRun} setDryRun={setDryRun} advancedSettings={advancedSettings} onChange={setAdvancedSettings} instantStart={instantStart} setInstantStart={setInstantStart} />
<Button iconBefore="tick" type="button" onClick={() => setAdvancedVisible(false)}>Save & Close</Button>
<SideSheet isShown={logsVisible} onCloseComplete={() => setLogsVisible(false)}>
<div style={{ margin: 20 }}>
<h3>Logs from last run</h3>
<LogView logs={logs} fontSize={13} style={{ height: '100%' }} />
<AccountsListDialog label="Unfollow accounts" isShown={unfollowUserListDialogShown} onCloseComplete={() => setUnfollowUserListDialogShown(false)} onConfirm={onUnfollowUserList} />
<AccountsListDialog label="Follow accounts" isShown={followUserListDialogShown} onCloseComplete={() => setFollowUserListDialogShown(false)} onConfirm={onFollowUserList} />